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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 9 KB, 334x151, LINK1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3766622 No.3766622 [Reply] [Original]

Link is hitting a shitty sell ceiling. Whats going to happen in a couple of hours? Is it going down midnight EU time? or will it eat its way through those terrible sell walls?

No shills or fud. Just reasonable predictions pls

>> No.3766704

not gonna break that ceiling until maybe after sibos
and stop making link threads

>> No.3766841

>or will it eat its way through those terrible sell walls?

it hit ATH and it's the weekend, you figure it out.

>> No.3766889

>le ceiling
>le cell walls
>le whales

>> No.3766950

>retard gets mad at common investors lingo

did you buy high again?

>> No.3766971

tell me senpai

>> No.3766994
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>some normans got paid today

>> No.3767075

Money Skelly said its not worth 32mil but it's currently at 5 times that.
All hype has been confirmed as overindulgent speculation, unconfirmed partnerships and wishful misunderstandings of official sources.
4chan is firmly linked to pumping it including being caught several times using bots on Reddit to shill it and also on youtube.
Price manipulation has been accused and predictions rising from those accusations have come true.
4chan has a large stake in it.
Even if they announced a partnership with any major banking system now (which will not happen for 6 months+) they will not have it up and running anytime soon with only 2 team members.
It's potential to go down in the coming months with no developments is far greater than it going up.

Basically put, unless you are in the pump and dump discord discussions and have a reliable source of information on how it's being manipulated and when, you will have even less of a chance of predicting dumps and are just setting yourself up to get fucked.

>> No.3767091

>taking financial advice from an autistic programming savant instead ignoring his ramblings and making money off his creations

>> No.3767104


Why even bother fudding anymore? You are just wrong. The product has been finished for a year and they are already deploying with SWIFT.

>> No.3767155
File: 24 KB, 400x400, ab1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just sold buying back at $0.35

>> No.3767272

it broke through a ceiling like 12 hours ago and it'll break through this one probably in a few days

>> No.3767434

It mooned like crazy all last weekend you idiot.

>> No.3767549

where is the sauce that they dont have a product

>> No.3767557

Go ahead and buy that sell wall then, no one is stopping you.

>> No.3767614

>b-but muh money skelly said
Is this the most pathetic group of people on all of /biz/?

You can thank autist skelly for robbing you of easy 5x gains.

>> No.3767632

Basically nothing he said is true.


>> No.3767661

Yep, these ceilings are made of GLASS!

>> No.3767679

basically once these sell walls start to get nibbled at I'm going to market buy a few BTC worth of LINK. I know I'm not the only one who does this. When the walls come down the price increase is like a taut rubber band being released.

>> No.3767707
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>> No.3767710


>they literally alreadyvhave a product up and running

>Town Crier
>ETH-USD Smart Oracle


>> No.3767712

> son never hold Link.

Your dad would have told you that if you weren't a nigger.

>> No.3767731
File: 154 KB, 800x450, 1317868782560.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The palm beach report was released today and let's just say it was NOT kind to Chainlink
Today’s pick is Stellar Lumens (XLM). Jed McCaleb founded it in 2014. He also founded Ripple in 2011.
Stellar is a banking and payments platform. It’s similar to Ripple.
Stellar is building a global network to facilitate cross-border payments. Its goal is to reduce the transaction costs and times of traditional payment systems.
But that’s not all…
Stellar is also making advancements in the initial coin offering (ICO) space. Right now, when it comes to ICOs, the focus is on Ethereum. But you can perform ICOs on Stellar as well.
The Stellar team has been increasingly writing about regulatory-compliant ICOs. And behind the scenes, Stellar has created a SaaS (software-as-a-service) platform for easy token launches.
Here’s why we’re buying it…
Stellar is actively engaged with potential partners in Japan, Southeast Asia, and the Middle East. We expect Stellar to make major new partnership announcements later this year.
We think these partnerships will ignite massive buying in Stellar Lumens tokens. We’re looking for at least a double before the end of the year.
Action to Take: Buy Stellar Lumens (XLM) Buy-up-to Price: $0.04. ...

ChainLink is significantly overbought and we are predicting a correction back to .32 by Oct 22nd 2017"

>> No.3767767
File: 54 KB, 595x335, TrumpKissPepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit, when will /biz/ ever learn? It seems like everyone around here waits until after a coin has significant growth to buy in and then whines when they lose money.

If you tards like fast money, I suggest joining our growing pump group on Telegram.



>> No.3767788

this dumb nigger coin is for dumb niggers

>> No.3767801

>Today’s pick is Stellar Lumens (XLM).

>> No.3767817


Someone explain me one thing.

Why are sells in red and buys in green? I mean if someone sells someone else just bought it, so what makes a sell/buy order be green or red?

Please I have been trading for months and havent learnt that yet, please enlighten me.

The order on the top for instance, it is green, 507LINK were bought at 0,00010960BTC ALRIGHT I get it, but he bought someone who ordered a sell, so why isnt the very same sell order in there as well? why is it green? I don't understand.

>> No.3767825

get ready for the pump tonight we're breaking $0.50

>> No.3767856

You got the pdf of it?

>> No.3767868
File: 14 KB, 257x276, fukkenyess.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sold a small potion at 10910,
went wage-chucking and put a buy order in at 9900 (slightly larger potion ofc)
>mfw I actually made a good call (got lucky).

>> No.3767888

>total supply: 100 billion

yeah...no, thanks.

>> No.3767900


please respond.

>> No.3767998

It's like dis:
Green are go, red are no go, like you have to stop for a while and really think.
Then there is blue, it works in a distance.
The mountain is green when you stand close to it, cuz of all the fukken trees, but if you fuck off into the distance they're all blue in the horizon. But then if you link the blue to the red, n then the green, then you can sell it all, cuz its all on the spectra, (Goethe you know) kind of like your autism. Red can get green, and green can get the blues.

That about wraps it up. Now move along

>> No.3768000


Is nobody answering me because you don't know the answer either?

>> No.3768016


Wtf did I just read bro. I legit am asking that question, I just don't get it.

>> No.3768027

Buy = green because the order moved the price up
Sell = red because the order moved the price down

It's not fucking rocket appliances

>> No.3768052


Oh, that makes sense anon, thank you.

>> No.3768558


Fake, this is nowhere to be found

>> No.3768565

I believed this when it hit 0.40 and sold...

>> No.3768578

It depends on who propositioned the deal first, the buyer or the seller.

>> No.3768607

Link will not go up because there's nothing solid for it to stand on. I said this hours ago and stand by my statement. Link is part of a group of new shitcoins like ODN, LRC, ELIX etc being shilled with millions of niggerscammer money waiting to scrape idiots dumb enough to walk in.

>> No.3768635

Just curious, what coins do you have?

>> No.3768661

Same thing was happening a day or two ago. Look where it is now. Walls don't matter. They're all artificially placed by whales.

>> No.3769156

1. Eth and smartcontracts. We all know smartcontracts are revolutoinary, but their use cases are limited. Smartcontracts are awesome, but they are confined within the blockchain and data on the blockchain. In otherwords, right now smartcontracts are "you send 1 eth and I'll send back 1000 McTokens", and this contract is verifiable/trustless/amazing but its stuck within the universe of Ethereum and the data Ethereum understands

2. It is possible to use external data to inform these contracts, but right now that process is centralized. This is a problem. Lets say the external data is a transaction of Dollars for ETH. So you send 300$ to bank account X, and then I send one Eth to your address. Right now you either do that through a third party (CoinBase), OTC (LocalBitcoins) or whatever else centrlized system you want to use.

Knocking out that centralization, where you have to trust someone, is THE key to SmartContracts having a real world use case. But how do you get that information -- the fact that the $300 has been sent -- onto the blockchain using data that the smartcontract understands?

3. Oracles. Right now the answer is "hey we can hire Oracle X to do the translation to represent this bank dollar transaction on the blockchain." The "oracle problem" with this is that you are 100% TRUSTING that oracle to act prudently. That they don't tamper with the data. So we can kill coinbase but now we have to trust the oracle instead of coinbase .This is a HUGE problem for Banks who want to get into blockchain but have to trust a centralized oracle to translate data. This Oracle can be hacked, falsified or defrauded.


>> No.3769167


4. ChainLink - this service DECENTRALIZES that translation process of the Oracle. Now, the translation is trustless, and you have a trustless data feed that informs the trustless smart contract.

Multibillion dollar institutions can rely on distributed blockchain technology and know the data that informs their smart contracts is tamperproof.

So Thats what ChainLink does. ChainLink is the first decentralized Oracle that allows anyone to securely provide smart contracts with access to external data, off-chain payments, and really literally any other API you can dream up. Confirmation of delivery of an items (RFID, like Walton), confirmation of a wire being sent or received, interest rates from any central bank, sports scores, product/machine uptime, price of Eth/BTC in real time, weather patterns etc. Right now smart contracts are simple if/then functions where you go and manually do the if so the then comes back. Now with Oracles smartcontracts can automatically confirm or deny if then statements without any human interaction. Transactional automation for agreed upon terms on steroids.


>> No.3769212

>pretending to be retarded
Nice trolling.