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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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3765717 No.3765717 [Reply] [Original]


/biz/ is under attack of chainlink shills. how is this not advertisement and spam? they are ruining the board. make a fucking general thread for your shitcoin you god damn faggot. report all chainlink shit threads and email hiroshima about this. they literall y ruined this board.

>> No.3765734

Damn, you didn't buy chainlink bro?

>> No.3765752

biz is always under attack by shills, and it will only get worse since it works

>> No.3765760

We've all been on chainlink since before the fucking ICO. How new are you? get the fuck out.

>> No.3765764


this time its different. they literally recruited paid shills over discord chats. look at the catalog its all chainlink threads. this is fucking ridiculous. they killed the fucking board.

>> No.3765775

really, crypto currency needs its own board. make /biz/ great again

>> No.3765780

Actually it's a community movement you tinfoil hat wearing faglord
The entire board has been in since ICO

>> No.3765785

Yeah this time is different for a lot of reasons.

Also this

A lot of people were hyped pre-ico because a lot of spreadsheets were floating around ranking it as a highly anticipated ICO which just means more chance of hype around so more chance of gains.

>> No.3765792


I'm sending emails to hiroshima now you fags should all get banned

>> No.3765794

Biz veteran here. Smart people that actually make money dont buy ICOs or use etherfdelta. You are all clearly organized shills

>> No.3765796
File: 14 KB, 239x258, 1507055534913.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you dense motherfucker
link is the coin everyone SHOULD have here
you are the problem

>> No.3765801
File: 134 KB, 456x352, 1507136228881.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mad bro?

>> No.3765806


yeah that shithole got hacked just 5 days ago

>> No.3765918

Daily reminder it's still not to late to jump on

This is like buying NEO for $0.47, you will be rich if you get few thousands links, have patience and hodl

>> No.3765948

OP is the biggest faggot in the universe. Enjoy being poor and watching us linkies get obscenely wealthy, I'll be sure to rub it in your face

>> No.3765952

you are right OP. I actually was part of a unit as it is part of the business culture within chainlink. did you never wonder about the chaos before and during the ICO? sergey is well aware of the power of meme magic. just investigate his twitter account and you will find many clues. remember how chaotic the pre-phase of the ICO was? they want to make huge money without seriously delivering a product that will work. remember the requirements at the beginning to enter the ICO? and how they changed it? and how the whitepaper issue played out? and how everything was delayed? and the lack of communication and so on? did nobody questioned the amount of money raised for this small group of people? much of the cash is spent on shilling and the production of memes. I personally exited the crew as it got very „cult“ like. and I did not want to be part of this. in other words:

>OP is right

>> No.3766016

show us some sauce on your claims

>> No.3766031
File: 138 KB, 885x402, 1507071839643.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I once felt the way you do now, OP. But then I DMOR. Join us, nolinker. Join us... Join uss... Don't you you know that Sergey Nazarov is Satoshi Nakamoto? Jooooin ussssss. Hisssssss

>> No.3766070


I know people in russia. How can we sure this piece of shit of a scammer?

>> No.3766080


I meant SUE. How can we sue this mother fucker? He is scamming people

>> No.3766315


>OP was literally blind less than a week ago when ODN was being shilled even harder than LINK.