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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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3765666 No.3765666 [Reply] [Original]

So...are you selling all of your alts for Bitcoin to take advantage of fork gains?

Why not?

>> No.3765698

Can't sleep on these LINK gainz. Why settle for a dogshit fork that'll be worth $300 when LINK is trippling within the next week

>> No.3765711

Those are not gains until you sell your shitcoin

> Why settle for a dogshit fork that'll be worth $300 when LINK is trippling within the next week

Everyone is expecting that from unwarranted hype so it is already priced in boyo

>> No.3765715

no 2x faggot

>> No.3765736


>> No.3765766

When is this going to happen?

>> No.3765789
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The fork isn't for another 2 months and we're due for a correction. Even my fucking car mechanic bought BTC.

>> No.3765860

forks for fucking faggots

>> No.3765871

lol. are you dense? we just had a correction last month. we are full on fucking bull from here on out.

>> No.3765894

Something like October 25 you get free bitcoin gold coins and in Novemeber you get segwit2x coins.

>The fork isn't for another 2 months and we're due for a correction.

If that is true your altcoin shitcoins will crash even harder mate, but with BTC you at least get free coins like Bitcoin Gold and 2X.

Also, if you did not notice we recently crashed from 180 billion to 95 billion.

>> No.3765923

>future marketing event
>already priced in

That's not how this works, sir bucko.

>> No.3765951

Because Alt gains are going to be far greater than gaining 1xnumber of BTC held which will immediately be worth 1/10 of a BTC at best.

>> No.3765988

Buy the rumour, sell the news is how it works. The price will fall after your "event"

>alt gains will be higher
How can you be so sure about that?

if BTC gets sick, the alts will perish. BTC leads the market. How can you be so confident your precious alts will gain more in these few months?

>> No.3766034


no one cares about bitcoin gold. the hype is all about segwit2x. and we're double topped. the correction hasn't even begun... that was just the start of the bull trap.

i'm not even going to argue, this is literally just a wait and see thing. the buyers have dried up though, that's damn clear to see.

>> No.3766124

>Buy the rumour, sell the news is how it works.

So what's the rumor here?
And what's the news?

Please respond, you would literally be the first to do so in all the dozens of times I've asked people this.

>> No.3766143

>no one cares about bitcoin gold.

If you get it for free it is literally free money just go and sell it immediately.

>So what's the rumor here?

information that there will be a conference

>And what's the news?

The actual conference.

You sell before the news (before the conference), because it will tank after that.

>> No.3766161

>double topped

Lol are you really applying technical analysis to magic internet beans?

>> No.3766171

>we're double topped. the correction hasn't even begun

Not saying you're right or wrong - but I've been seeing things like this being typed on /biz every 2-3 weeks. Why?

Eventually those predictions will be true...but...ya know

>> No.3766181

>information that there will be a conference
The conference has been confirmed for months.
Not a rumor.

>The actual conference.
The conference has been confirmed for months.
Not news.

Honestly, you probably never should've responded.
Holy fuck.
You better be drunk or something.

>> No.3766262

because of fractal patterns. you can have double tops on a low level and high level.

this is the big one. not going to argue though, you're right that ta is mostly tea leaf bullshit but the fractal patterns are there are the trends do reflect market psychology.

look around you. the amount of btc hype has died down a lot.

>> No.3766293

>there will be a conference

the absolute retardation...

>> No.3766312

>the buyers have dried up though, that's damn clear to see.

Definitely evident from the past month.

>> No.3766314

The first crash had an actual reason behind it other than TA though, so unless something else big happens i cant see it dropping all that much

>> No.3766331

>this is the big one. not going to argue though, you're right that ta is mostly tea leaf bullshit but the fractal patterns are there are the trends do reflect market psychology.

Is there some resource to read up on these "fractal patterns" in terms of crypto?

>look around you. the amount of btc hype has died down a lot.

Has it? Doesn't seem so, Mark Cuban just bought some.

>> No.3766346

>the amount of btc hype has died down a lot.

It could be bias, "we" are into this crypto meme all day and all we see it that shit...and when the bullrun was on we were excited as fuck and now that it retraced a bit we're kickin the can...

You could be right...but then again I'm seeing normiest of normies wandering and being curious about crypto.

>> No.3766393
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The Real Question you should be asking, now that Ethereum mining has turned into Shit Tier, do we put our GPU's on this instead of speculative shitcoins?

>> No.3766416
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normies buying is what drives up the price. we ran out of norimes. none are coming in because the btc graph looks like the classic meme bubble.

every single person under 40 has head of bitcoin and has decided to get it or not. there are a lot of people waiting on the sidelines for the bubble to pop, and yes there will be another wave, but right now is not the time to buy in.

the fork is like the second coming of jesus for people buying right now. their rational is "the fork will make it rise and i'll sell after the fork" but the second it starts down turning BEFORE the fork reality is going to hit and they'll rush to sell, especially when every time they mention BTC to their friends their friends respond with the meme bubble graph and mentions how beanie babies were capped too

>> No.3766706

>Also, if you did not notice we recently crashed from 180 billion to 95 billion.

Kinda new, why did we crash so much in total market cap? what happened?

>> No.3766778

btc routinely crashes over 50%. these are the small dips and happen every few months. it has crashed 80 to 95% at least 3 times and is ripe for another big one.

>> No.3766781

wont the next fork correct the mining issue ?

>> No.3766797

actually, btc crashes over 50% so often we often call it "shit coin roulette" because it's basically gambling if you try to day trade it

long term you're basically guaranteed profit, but now REALLY isn't the time to buy

>> No.3766802

>Everyone is expecting that from unwarranted hype so it is already priced in boyo
what an absolute moron

>> No.3766852

it is so priced in that, in fact, btc futures for post fork are going for 0.75 btc.

>> No.3766862

the rumor is that there will be partnerships announced at the event
the news is that there will be no partnerships

>> No.3766874

china banned butts so the total crypto market cap went from 180 to 95 and then rebounced.

Should have bought the dip

>> No.3766882

>the rumor is that there will be partnerships announced at the event
Literally fake news. Nobody but fuders say this shit.

There mere act of doing the demo alone is what's huge.
The exposure from this alone will be MASSIVE.

>> No.3766883

sorry, misread that. thought you were saying the BTC fork wasn't priced in. my bad.

>> No.3766922

okay....i'll revise it
the rumor is that the demo will be huge
the news will be it turns out to be a dud

>> No.3766984

It doesn't matter what the news is. It's a mob-driven self-fulfilling prophecy. People buy up the rumour, driving the price up, and then sell off en masse when it looks like the hypecoaster has peaked, triggering a massive price drop. They could announce that Bill Gates and Jesus Christ both personally endorsed bitcoin and that every coin promised eternal salvation and free microsoft products for life and it wouldn't make a difference. People are trading the chart and trying to time the market, that's all.

>> No.3766991

>the rumor is that the demo will be huge
Huge how?
They're doing two specific demos for SWIFT.
It's going to be pretty boring and technical, but so is literally everything in finance.
Ever sat through a presentation on derivatives? Mind-numbingly boring, but derivatives are one of the single greatest money-making machines in existence.

The demo will happen, and it will go as planned.

The implications will not go unnoticed.

Read the OP here: >>3600793

Basically SWIFT's blockchain project consists of two main parts:
1) Hyperledger (already being rolled out)
2) smart contracts

Guess who just pretty much finished the first decentralized smart contract solution for mainstream transactions? And in a plug&play package too?
Hint: they're the only ones doing a smart contract demo at SIBOS.

>> No.3767014

>Huge how?
you tell me. that's the word you used.

>> No.3767032

and can we get back on topic? i'm sick of talking about link. we all know there will be a massive sell off before/during sibos. the price will stagnate for weeks afterwards.

>> No.3767034

The exposure will be huge, that's not a rumor.

>> No.3767059
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>unironically not seeing the value in Sibos networking and exposure during when one of the hottest topics in finance right now is DLTs and arguably how to bridge DLTs, external data, and apis, by being the shown off like SWIFT's tech golden boy whiz kids in this space

>> No.3767117

These people only think in the most basic finance memes.
Not surprising when their entire financial expertise comes from /biz/.

>> No.3767591

Yes, you will now be able to mine bitcoin gold with GPU as the algo is different, hence the whole point of the fork.