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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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3762734 No.3762734 [Reply] [Original]

How has autism gotten in the way of you being successful in the business world?
investing in crypto doesn't count.

>> No.3762841
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>yfw being successful is 90% about networking

>> No.3762906


Honestly? Not at all. I learned to interact based on expected norms and trailed responses and behaviors in my youth to learn how to react in appropriate ways.

Still really hard to read some people and react appropriately, I'm still socialy awkward with new situations, but I'm intelligent and confident enough to pull it off.

Obviously very high functioning.

>> No.3762926

I don't have autism so it hasn't gotten in the way at all.

>> No.3762930

Being able to bro it out at key times and kiss ass all the time is extremely important if not essential

>> No.3762931

They say networking matters and I have no friends nor any desire to have any.
I'm skeptical of the benefits of networking though, I think the huge amount of time I have to study and think outweighs any potential loss

>> No.3763068

I went to business school.
One of the first things they said regarding jobs was:
>nobody cares how smart you are, they care if you'll show up and do the work--in fact they'd rather you not be smart--that way they can tell you exactly what to do.

Networking is everything.

>> No.3763084

Well of course they say that in fucking business school, all they exist for is networking hives

>> No.3763096

I've heard horror stories from autistic kids who go get a CS degree, Engineering, etc.
They think they'll magically get a job, and graduation comes around and they're still anti-social and can't get work.

>> No.3763160

I'm a CS student myself. The thing is I have very social skills, I just don't care for people.
I see some fucking dipshit autists in my classes I wouldn't hire in a billion years though. I think in cases like that its less about lack of networking and more about them being ugly child beings no one wants to share a room with

>> No.3763210

>don't care for people
But that's normal.

>> No.3763253

I'm pretty much the same. Met the CEO of a startup company in the gym and managed to get an internship. Still no gf though

>> No.3763271

cs degrees are guaranteed unemployment. creating a shitty website is guaranteed employment.

> spending 4 years to get less than throwing a few bucks at amazon aws and following an angularjs tutorial


>> No.3763458
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Yes. I tell those business men that they produce nothing of value. They don't seem to like it when I say that.

>> No.3763480

Idk if I'm autistic but I do hate networking, interviewing, and talking to coworkers.

I just want to be given a job with creative freedom, get paid, and party with friends and fuck bad bitches

>> No.3764016

>I just want to be given a job with creative freedom, get paid, and party with friends and fuck bad bitches
Isn't that the American dream?

>> No.3765042

i dont like speaking with people the connections between my brain and vocal chords is kinda awful

>> No.3765069

Networking is very important. But truly talented I people will always find a job. But if you are the average Joe Bloe you better be good with social shit.

>> No.3765111

I have been diagnosed with autism and I can tell you right now you are not autistic. People with Autism despise places with a lot of noise, do not like to talk with people in general and are not very good/found of intimacy.

Keep in mind every August is different and not all qualities might apply but most do. The most known characteristic of autistic individuals is oversensitivity to sound.

>> No.3765331


I hate noisy environments but have learned to tolerate them. For me, it was learning how to navigate a really weird world and a lot of trial and error. Mild hearing loss hasn't been bad for me, either.