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3761973 No.3761973 [Reply] [Original]

How much do you think the upcoming referendum by Catalonia will affect BTC? Or is the price increase already factored in?


>> No.3761991


Why do we care again?

>> No.3762001

This has literally nothing to do with bitcoin

>> No.3762004

Because large portions of the population of Spain and Catalonia are buying up bitcoin because the stock markets of Europe will tank.

>> No.3762069

what? the referendum already happened
and it won't affect the price of BTC at all.
Also, catalonia is not getting separated from the Spain no matter how much they want it.

>> No.3762080


lmao who told you such a thing?

>> No.3762136

You, Sir, are what people in Spain used to call a genuine CACHONDO MENTAL.

>> No.3762198

>No matter how much they want it
Retard detected, if Catelonia say they are independent they are independent. The EU and Spain can be as mad as they want.

They have their own language, culture, government, ... it's not Spain no matter how you look it.

Spain is trying to force the issue with "lawful" violence which is making matters worse.

I doubt it will have any effect on the price of BTC though

>> No.3762231
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No one is going to buy BTC at a double topped $4400 during a scaling crisis to protect their money. They're more likely to buy something tether.

Outside of the r/bitcoin circle jerk BTC isn't even that popular. I post BTC threads here all the time hyping the fork and literally no one cares.

The entire market is running on fumes, honestly. I'm out after the fork.

>> No.3762237

catalonia is not independent if nobody recognizes it.
I can call myself independent from the world, it won't matter, I live in a country with laws.
Not to mention it's ridiculously stupid for catalonia to try and become independent. Already a lot of businesses are leaving it.
This will just be bad for them in the end.

>> No.3762244

Look at the euro/usd chart.
It will just tank the euro.
if one European country can't keep together, the Eu surely can't.
This is just the second domino after Brexit.
I'm German and i see a lot of this shit starting in Germany too.
Bavaria, eastern Germany and western Germany are basically 3 countries and will probably balkanize in the coming ~5 years.
Prepare your asses for some super crazy shit.

Should be good for BTC tho, a lot of Euros will be buying.

>> No.3762257

*something like tether, I meant.

>> No.3762261
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>> No.3762302

european normies dont invest in stocks, they do not trust stocks, so they largely dont care if it tanks or not.

>> No.3762336

>Bavaria, eastern Germany and western Germany are basically 3 countries and will probably balkanize in the coming ~5 years.
not in this century
t. franconian

>> No.3762375

You have no idea what the Jewish media is capable of.
And you are probably a deluded Gutmensch.

>> No.3762418
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>> No.3762590

schnauze judenschweine

>> No.3762748

Yea just like Russia did no layed claim on Crimea right? Nobody recognizes it so it not happening right? Oh wait...

Or like the Jews are making their own country, nobody recognizes that righ-

Exactly. If a large amount of people as a group make a decision it will be respected because they have the ability to expert mass violence.

Denying it is like putting your hands on you ears and saying "I do not want to hear it"

The reason why you, as an individual cannot do such a thing is because you can not organize mass violence.

Also laws are just a means to justify violence they mean nothing if you can exert enough violence yourself.

Without force/violence there is no law.

It is not stupid at all, they pay billions each year to Spain. And Catalonia was married into Spain they never had a choice. So yes it makes a lot sense.

>> No.3762810

>It is not stupid at all, they pay billions each year to Spain. And Catalonia was married into Spain they never had a choice. So yes it makes a lot sense.
68% of exports go to europe, and most of them actually go to the rest of Spain itself.
They won't be in the euro zone now.
Tell me how they are going to be keeping all those "billions" when they have to still pay taxes to Spain for selling their products in Spain and europe?

>> No.3762834

Catalonia will be independent and they will use NEO in their new economic system.


>> No.3763086


>> No.3763144

fuck off back to pol you low IQ inbred