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3758392 No.3758392 [Reply] [Original]

>according to freud you can never become a self actualized person if your wealth is unearned or based on factors out of your control ie crypto

>> No.3758407
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> define self by what some dead nigger thinks
neck yourself you beta faggot

>> No.3758413

That's just something the boomers were taught so they could be wagecucked more easily.

>> No.3758430

It's okay anon, Jung > Freud

>> No.3758457


also, it's quite the opposite

>> No.3758775
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>according to freud

freud is literally the meme pnd psych, put your coins into jung and maybe if you wanna moon go for lacan or dabrowski

>> No.3758786

psychology isn't a real science. sage

>> No.3759035

Wtf is a self actualized person anyways

>> No.3759133
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>Sigmund (((schlomo))) freud
Be a good goy work hard goy lol

>> No.3759293

crypto is in our control, we are /biz/.
pnd nation

>> No.3759319

Man Hitler looks completely demonic in that picture. Maybe he was the bad guy after all.

>> No.3759336

I have had a similar thought..
>You have earned 100 mio, because you invented some batteri technology and sold the patent
>You have earned 200 mio trying to buy cocaine online and then 8 years later recall that you still had a lot of the bitcoins left, from your failed attempt to be a degenerate.

>> No.3759506

according to anyone sane you can never become not a total faggot as long as you subscribe to authority

>> No.3759519
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>> No.3759559

>there will come the day when neurology finally replaces the voodoo meme psychology and it becomes a real science topic

>> No.3759575


Big 5 > Jung > Freud

Jung is popular, but not very well-regarded by psychologists.

Go for the Big 5 Personality Test if you want the most widely accepted and accurate personality test.

>> No.3759604

Freud thought asthma was a symptom of the trauma of children hearing their parents having sex and replicating it

>> No.3759619

>The lower animal instincts and the forces of peer groups and socialization are inferior to the autonomous self (personality) constructed by the conscious person.

maximum perfection

>> No.3759635
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>tfw everything will burn soon

>> No.3759642


Just looked him up, very relatable quotes thanks anon I'll read up on him once assignments are due

>> No.3759649

Freud was mostly a sperg who gets talked about because he has become an incest meme.

>> No.3759699
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its the phrenology of our age. in one hundred years they will look back and think how silly it was