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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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3754991 No.3754991 [Reply] [Original]

... Am i gonna make it or am I fucked

>> No.3755004

You won't be rich but you'll have enough money to avoid the labor camps in the future

>> No.3755013

Give Blackmoon until Q1 2018.

>> No.3755021

only thing worth keeping on there is ETH

>> No.3755028

All I see are shitcoins

>> No.3755060


>> No.3755075

>Investing that much in shit coin roulette

>> No.3755081

Shhh, there is a reason there are no threads. We are all increasing our stack for the mean time while everyone disregards below ICO price. Already upped 20%. Wishing to get around 5000 before the year ends.

>> No.3755105

I only invested 4.5k

>> No.3755107

actually it's the only thing he should sell

>holding maxed out coins

>> No.3755254
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why are your holdings spread so thinly?

>not all in chainlink

I don't know if your going to make it anon, this looks like a bag holders blockfolio to me

>> No.3755303

Thinly? I'm mainly in 3 coins.

>> No.3755394

sorry anon, its too late

>> No.3755417


>> No.3755430

Hey fuck you it's gonna moon!!!

>> No.3755477

If you think ETH is maxed out you are a brainlet and belong in idiocracy.

It is the predominant platform that most tokens are being built on.

You don't want to own a piece of the new internet?

Go kill yourself.


This list is ok but too many high risk shitcoins for me. I don't want the stress of watching the latest fad crash and never recover which has happened time and time again.

I'd split some of that profit in some coins with staying power that won't be going anywhere short-mid term and will continue to rise as new money pours in from institutions.

Add more ETH
Add a small % of Ripple (I fucking hate it though) to hedge against Chainlink+SWIFT
Add the silent sleeper FACTOM who will be the digital fingerprint of the future once it gets approved from DHS.

I don't know enough bout BLOCK, BMC, EBET, DOM or YC to comment although the last two you have such small amounts that its probably worth a gamble anyway if you like them.

Thank me in a year.

>> No.3755519

What is DOM????

>> No.3755560

I don't want to sell the ODN (Staking masternodes) or the LINK (I seriously think it will spike).

I'm not married to anything block and under.

I don't want OMG. I thought the way they baited hype was really distasteful and I don't trust it as much. I made enough money on it. Might go into ripple but I'm not convinced it's not a meme against LINK+SWIFT...

Redpill me on FACTOM?

YC is Yoshicoin. It's the original /biz/ ICO.

>> No.3755670

I really think you should reconsider OMG. I understand some poeple didn't like the 'marketing tactics' but I really think it was just a couple of guys (the founders) getting excited about the developments and continuing their tweet spree as they did pre ICO. They recently made a post about it on Reddit saying they are now considering how these kinds of things impacts peoples perceptions as they have a larger audience after the ICO.

The potential upside of OMG is too big to ignore for something so silly as a couple of tweets and morons touting the Apple meme.

The staking rewards will be worth it alone.

Factom are flying well under the radar but are set to pop. They have the potential to secure all kinds of digital assets as wide ranging as drones (they are working with the department of homeland security in the US), tracking documents and IoT with their 'digital fingerprint' tech.

If they prove to be successful in winning over the DHS they will become the gold standard in this field and could be the worldwide standard that drives trust through every device maker, corporation, institution and government.

Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation gave them $500,000 to safely secure medial records.

The team are the real deal. The problem they are trying to solve (and are very close to proving themselves) is massive.

The price/token mechanism is genius. Each 'Factoid' is divisible into US Fiat, so the more adoption drives the price of the token up, without driving the price of using the entries gained on your product. Each entry credit is always 1/10 of a US Cent so cost of business will remain the same, but as demand grows and they want to put this in billions of devices, cost per FCT will explode.

They are in the fourth and final phase of testing with DHS to secure their drones.

Anything under $50 is a steal.

>> No.3755685

wtf am i looking at?? All in on one coin?

>> No.3755694

Also, if you don't like the marketing of OMG, you will love FCT as they say nothing. They are all tied up in non disclosure agreements so couldn't tweet if they wanted to.

>> No.3755703

>one coin
Oh sweetheart

>> No.3755734

Fuck you sold me. Trading 2 btc and putting it into factom

>> No.3755745

why do people keep suggesting that BMC just needs time? isn't it essentially just an investment company like a sort of hedgefund coin or some shit? what happens in Q1 '18?

>> No.3755748

its like u bought all the meme posts on /biz/ but not the serious ones

>> No.3755761

Check out Metal as well, they are flying under the radar and already have a solid alpha

>> No.3755776
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>> No.3755783
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>> No.3755795

Good man. Just don't get impatient as shit with government can take ages.

But once they get that tick of approval there is no stopping them.

Globally businesses spend 1.2 Trilly in compliance costs per year so something that solves this problem with the US government tick will be likely to take over.

>> No.3755803

Yes, yes you are

>> No.3755836

I don't have that much to spare anon i gotta pick one

>> No.3756038
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thanks based anon. Have sexy butt pic as my thanks

>> No.3756072

Roguelikedev is a cock sucker

>> No.3756172


Look, we don't know. Someshit is about to launch in q1... what we know for a fact is that there never was an ICO that had a better platfrom than Blackmoon. Not just some random address where yous end eth, the whole thing was done in a way that normie with no idea would have figured it out. We know that their team is active on the channels. We know that the CEO is traveling around the world giving talks. We know that the buy back way put in place. We know that people in this project are among the best from the russian internet sphere. Watch the videos on their site, a lot of very serious people put their face out there for BMC.

Now I don't care if you buy or not, although I told everyone around here to buy under the buyback price... it went up 25% the next day.

All I'm saying right now is: you're still 20% under ICO price and there's a 10M$ buy wall (buyback) at current price... you really don't risk anything buy grabbing some BMC right now. It's a low market cap low supply coin. Whenever it gets listed on a major exchange or receives major news, it'll give you gains. Was mentioned in Forbes piece today too.

>> No.3756195

is that a bulge in the third pic

>> No.3756449

>What is DOM????

Domain token, airdropped on MBRS holders

>> No.3756937

wtf man i like that game

>> No.3757001
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Am I destined for dem labor camps? This is my net worth kek

>> No.3757020
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R8 me boys

>> No.3757236

You're fucked, nothing but meme coins that have only been around a few weeks, they'll be gone and forgotten about in a few months