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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 8 KB, 209x244, Voise.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3754806 No.3754806 [Reply] [Original]

Listen to me good and hard fucking wojak's. Voise is releasing their app in 13 days, they are going to be listed by Bittrex in the very near future.

"in addition, VOISE has contacted Bittrex and it expects the VSM tokens to be listed during this quarter."

go to prnewswire d.o.t com and search Voise, the quote I posted is from the most recent article on Voise about it being added to bigger exchanges.

They are currently listed in CoinExchange, Livecoin and Etherdelta.

The coin just came out 2 days ago, it is sitting at 300 sats. The release is gonna moon it, the bittrex listing is gonna send it out of the solar system. If ever there was a chance to make an obscene amount of money in a short period of time it is now. For the love of God do yourself a favor and get in now, just hold for the app release because I suspect it is going to be rising over the next 2 weeks. I unironically bought 100k and will buy another 300k tonight. Your choice to make money or not, I've done my part.

>> No.3754844

Source on it being listed on Bittrex?

>> No.3754874

I can't post the link because the stupid system keeps flagging it for spam. But like I said in the original post, prnewswire d.o.t. com. It has a search function, search for Voise. The very first article that comes up talking about Voise being added to bigger exchanges. The quote I posted originally says it all. It's in there.

>> No.3754894

It has jump from 297 sats to 330 sats in the last 15 minutes.

>> No.3754951

Bought 10k just in case

>> No.3755036

Honestly mate you should be buying a lot more.

>> No.3755103


come on guys you can see everything I am telling you for yourself, I am not being vague here. You can visit the website and see for yourself that their app comes out in 13 days and that a bittrex ad is coming. DYOR and I think you'll see the same opportunity I am seeing. I am not trying to shill, this is friggin legit.

>> No.3755149

alright i'm in for a bit

>> No.3755155

Smart freakin move anon, smart freakin move!

>> No.3755171

When is it going to be released on bittrex?

>> No.3755187

Sometime in October, it doesn't say a for sure date in October.

>> No.3755195

where does it say the exact date of the app? I just see the general roadmap of "within 3 months"

>> No.3755224

Go to Voise d.o.t. com, on the home page it has a timer right above the red button Alpha 0.1 counting down the release. 13 days, 12 hours, 15 minutes ect.

>> No.3755291


>> No.3755297

...a bit much now with the shilling

>> No.3755318

Look I'm not shilling. You remember when you were a kid and you found 20 bucks in the street and you were so excited you didn't know what to do with it? That's this. I swear to God I am not shilling, I am literally dizzy with the prospect of what is going to happen. I am honestly trying to bring as many people as I can into the fold.

>> No.3755372

okay, shill me on it.

whats the alpha app going to actually do

>> No.3755391

>tfw you know this could make you rich but you only got 200 bucks

>> No.3755395

deluded voisefag

>> No.3755419
File: 227 KB, 626x488, lanuis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pls shill this coin harder to me with more facts about it or I will secure your dam.

>> No.3755433

The alpha app is a platform that allows independent musicians to sell their work with 100 percent profit. It uses non-proprietary software that allows the average joe to find and play any music and pay for it with cash or crypto. The white page is pretty enlightening. This is a real product, not some abstract concept that makes "transfer speeds faster" or some other such nonsense. It will be a cell phone app and a website. The product itself seems decent and may do well in the long run. My point is that app releases tend to moon, and being listed on larger exchanges also cause mooning. The entire point here is that the coin is currently selling for 360 sats, in 13 days when the app releases you're probably going to see an Elix style pump. If you put a lot of money in now while it is low and wait for the pump..... well you can obviously start to see what I am seeing.

>> No.3755454

I don't know how to price this coin is my problem. They could be worth even a billion if they take market share from Spotify which is valued at 8ish Billion or maybe even just 100M where people are speculating they will gain market share or take a bit. Not sure how to price this one.

>> No.3755474

I'm just accumulating now and waiting for that app release, I'll let it get as high as I think it is going to go and then I'm out.

>> No.3755591

this shit is just BAT flipped upside down

wait a damned minute.... that means... PROFITS!!!

>> No.3755594

He makes sense

>> No.3755649


that's a good enough meme for me to bet my money on

>> No.3755724


>the quote I posted is from the most recent article on Voise about to be added to bigger exchanges

You're a shill. That article is this http://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/voise-tokens-now-listed-on-leading-exchanges-gets-a-new-roadmap-300490850.html

And it's talking about VSM https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/voise/

NOT VOISE https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/voisecom/


>> No.3755742


There was a coinswap

>> No.3755765

Scared me for a minute

>> No.3755772

Yeah same team, they decided to change the supply amount to make it look better for the platform or something like that, was just a coinswap.

>> No.3755822


Sorry, yes... I still can't seem to find any mention of bittrex though.

>> No.3755837

Bittrex was mentioned in this press release: http://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/voise-tokens-now-listed-on-leading-exchanges-gets-a-new-roadmap-300490850.html

The platform was delayed which is probably why getting listed there will be delayed if ever, but here's the quote in the pr release: "In addition, VOISE has contacted Bittrex and it expects the VSM tokens to be listed during this quarter. "

>> No.3755920

I suspect when the app is released in 13 days that things are gonna change with the Bittrex add.

>> No.3755953

Volume is going nuts right now, price is rocketing

>> No.3755973


It's going waaaaaay up.

>> No.3755975


No, it's not.

>> No.3755992

It's gone from 280 to 420 in an hour, not bad for a 2 day old coin.

>> No.3756025

Needs to drop back to 330 so my buy can get filled.

>> No.3756047

mfw new coins are on shit Exchanges

>> No.3756052

I hear ya, but honestly, when the app drops it's still gonna make you a metric fuck ton even if you bought in now.

>> No.3756065

if it doesnt fall back by midnight ill probably just do it.

>> No.3756068

Smart move.

>> No.3756080

Have a bid at 280 should I cancel and move up not sure it will get back to that low.

>> No.3756104

This thing is starting to moon???!!!!

>> No.3756109

Bittrex is dead, regulated by sec now. If you want to make money on moon missions you gotta move at least some funds to shit exchanges.

>> No.3756115

HOLY SHIT!!! It is mooning!!

>> No.3756118

Wow so much delusion here

>> No.3756137

It has gone from 280 to 550 in an hour, that is not delusional.

>> No.3756206

Almost doubled my money already. I'm a believer now.

>> No.3756238

It's going way up, thank you dr. shill

>> No.3756296

lol it's like I said earlier brother, I am not trying to shill anyone. This is honestly going to moon like crazy as the release date gets closer. Once the release happens, we're gonna be on our way to Mars.

>> No.3756307

Strap in boys, it's going to be a long interesting night... Let's ride it!

>> No.3756327
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>> No.3756366

Am I too late?

>> No.3756370

just bought 1k
>only 1 cent
>only 7 million market cap
>FOMO will begin for app release

Too easy.

>> No.3756387

App release in 13 days before then probably stay steady or rise slow. Explode around app release.

>> No.3756400

probably a week before

>> No.3756405

only if you waste time asking a dumb question like that anon

>> No.3756434

Still around 280 sats?

>> No.3756456


>> No.3756464
File: 202 KB, 751x364, Screen Shot 2017-10-06 at 12.01.59 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Moon mission confirmed, kek wills it

>> No.3756573

Hell no, get in here man, once we get close to the app release we're gonna see an Elix style pump, once the app is release we're gonna be standing on Martian soil.

>> No.3756625

gaaah why do ED deposits take so fucking long imma be late for the rocket

>> No.3756656

No man you're not, what is happening right now is just child's play. The next 2 weeks is going to be the build to the app release, and the price is gonna climb and climb until then. Just get in as soon as you can and hold, you'll be ok.

>> No.3756689

yeah the volume is just picking up, still early

the shilling will be at an all time high right before the release in two week

>> No.3756720

Bruh I'm telling you, buying now is getting in on the ground floor. When the pump happens, we're gonna be able to retire. I have 200k at 1.2 cents. This is gonna be a slaughter, anyone who doesn't buy now is a damn fool.

>> No.3756725

Keep on fudding at least until the weekend. Then when the weekend dip happens I will put up a a buy wall between in the 300-400 range. Gotta get my funds on time. Please don't tell /biz/ we shill the fuck out once we get past 1000 sats.

>> No.3756745

the price seems to be broken on coinmarketcap, it isnt displaying the coinexchange value properly

trying to get some on ED atm, no one is keen to sell at a discount apparently

>> No.3756750

Can you sell me 2760. I'm at the top of the buyers

>> No.3756754

Bro we're gonna make so much goddamn cash, I'm over here dancing and shit, I'm already up 2 grand and we haven't even done shit yet, just wait until release day.

>> No.3756760


>> No.3756768

Bro, you are still in at ground floor right now. This is gonna Elix style pump. Just get in!!!

>> No.3756791

$90k volume lol. the tiniest pnd ever. looks like school kids with lunch money are running their first pnd ever.

even this shilling is so obviously worded in a 14 year olds lexicon.

>> No.3756806

lol dude protip: don't mention elix when trying to pnd your little shitcoin. the elix pnd group scammed money biztards of their money.

>> No.3756816

I'm simply making people aware of publically available facts. Voise will be releasing their app in 13 days, and with that they are going to be added to Bittrex. This is going to cause their price to skyrocket. Make of that what you will, but over the next 2 weeks you're going to see the price of this thing go up.

>> No.3756823

Did Elix moon like crazy? Yes. That is all I am trying to get people to understand. A full moon is coming. Get in while it is at 500 sats.

>> No.3756824

>d group scammed money biztards of their money

speak for yourself I made money on that shitcoin

>> No.3756849

lol i made money on elix tho, dont be a bag holder.

voise is the same thing but faster. its still only 2 cents lmao

>> No.3756854

Me too, I made 1,200 bucks. I was a happy camper.

>> No.3756855

their website says they will lunch alpha0.1 in 13 days. not even a beta, let alone a fully functional app. an alpha (especially 0.1) means something that doesn't work at all and is not supposed to work.

also bittrex is delisting coins, not listing, in case you didn't know.

but congrats on being a smart 14 yo. when I was your age I didn't have opportunities like this.

also, scams ruin your soul and it will eat you when you grow up. trust me.

>> No.3756875


>> No.3756877

and it just came out 2 days ago so what's your point? If they had a working product they'd be 100x ICO price by now.

>> No.3756886

is this shit over? should i stay away now?

>> No.3756890

Jesus Christ, do we already have pajeets FUD'ing? Every program and platform goes through an Alpha. It has to go through an Alpha before a Beta. Bittrex is delisting non-Sec safe coins jackass. Voise is SEC safe, the only reason they haven't listed them is because there was a release delay on the app, that has been corrected. Try harder next time pajeet.

>> No.3756900

No get in here man, still a metric fuck ton of room for profit. Release isn't for 13 days, plenty of time to accumulate.

>> No.3756913

>is it over
It barely started its gonna go up all night.

>> No.3756916

someone sell me their bags on ED!


>> No.3756920

holy fuck i'm up .86 USD already I'm trembling

>> No.3756951
File: 30 KB, 452x301, just.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3756961


>> No.3756969

lol you don't even know the meaning of this meme kek

>> No.3756970


Welcome to the show son.

>> No.3756976


>> No.3757079


>> No.3757186

wew lads, this is just the begininng. 2 weeks until app launch.

>> No.3757212

So what's this going to do? Will it reach $1? How hard to hodl?

>> No.3757220

Anyone else have a feeling its gonna dump before the app release?

>> No.3757228


im dumping soon ones i made 100% lmao

>> No.3757234

Not likely to hit $1, I mean it might, we don't know the circulating amount yet. I think 30 - 40 cents is definitely reasonable. It's like 2 cents right now, you do the math.

It might, but the 2 days before app release, this thing is going to skyrocket. And if the confirmation finally comes through that it is being listed by Bittrex, which it is supposed to do this month, we're talking Mars territory come app release day assuming you buy now.

>> No.3757239
File: 25 KB, 200x200, AAEAAQAAAAAAAAryAAAAJGM2YmU0ODFjLTg5ZDQtNDUxNi05YzhiLTQ2NDk1Y2Q1ZGZjYQ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you will get dumped on again.
this is the true music coin.

>> No.3757252

Who honestly gives a fuck about the quality of what is being pushed. App releases always moon, and being added to bittrex, that's a Mars mission. It's about the short term, not the long term.

>> No.3757264


sure, make your own decision as to what your strategy is.
this is the shit. "chainlink" for music.

>> No.3757271

of course it's reach $1.

at $1 it'll be at num 14 in market cap just below QTUM and OMG.


>> No.3757278

Oh really? I've read the white paper, please tell me what exactly is shit about it? I actually think the idea behind this coin has merit. Please tell me Mr. Pajeet, what is wrong with it?

>> No.3757317

Is there any proof of this bittrex shit?

>> No.3757318

If it does then I'm on my way to lambo land.

>> No.3757325



>> No.3757328

If you read the original post, yes. It has the link and tells you how to find the article.

>> No.3757335

Ok pajeet, thanks for the input. You obviously hate money.

>> No.3757338


fck it im out , made my profit got a feeling this shit is gonna implode soon

>> No.3757345

rofl guys check the white paper https://voise.com/whitepaper-voise.pdf

a VERY SOLID piece of shit kek. 8 pages of random bs

>> No.3757354

This is a 2 week long game until the app release, you'd be wise to stick around.

>> No.3757382
File: 34 KB, 490x190, pprvoise.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but there is no app release even stated in their piece of shit white paper. pic related.

also kek at "?" on the road map.

you babies are just too funny

>> No.3757386

This. I'm not investing in a product, I'm investing in squiggly lines pointing up. I'm just gonna swing on this for a little profit to drop into my holds.

>> No.3757388


for what? i made my profit up to the next train choo choo

>> No.3757402

>640 mil circulating


>> No.3757423

All that matters is the app release moon mission, who the hell cares about anything else. This thing is going to start mooning the closer we get to it, that is all you need to concentrate on.

>> No.3757456

This is a man's coin. Not for fuckin' babies. If you're weak, beat it!

>> No.3757500

>finally get in early for once

>> No.3757514

proof that they're going to be listed by Bittrex? I heard bittred is isnt adding new coins this year

>> No.3757516

Feels good as fuck doesn't it? This is going to be my second moon mission, learned a lot from the first one, ended up only taking half of what I should have gotten. Not gonna happen again.

>> No.3757526

What are you selling at?

>> No.3757530

Look up the article I posted in the original post, it will tell you. There was a delay because of the platform release. But now that it is sorted, the two should coincide.

>> No.3757532

Where you even buy this shitcoin?

>> No.3757546

Their website is offline lol

>> No.3757556

I'm gonna watch the trend, last time I held despite the evidence that a crash was imminent, if we get to 8k sat I will probably go ahead and sell. A 70k profit is ok with me, but if signs of a crash appear before hand I'll cash in before it falls. I feel victim to denial last time, letting my emotions get the best of me.

>> No.3757561

the website is up for me, which one are you going to?

>> No.3757585

Confirmed moon mission!

>> No.3757587

their github https://github.com/voisecom/SmartContract

all my keks lol

two commits:

1) an empty readme file
2) a smart contract in solidity at 87 lines for an erc20 tokens

this is just too funny

>> No.3757616




>> No.3757633

it's not crashing yet, don't fud lol.

it will though.

>> No.3757637

Jesus Christ, do you people not think outside the box ever? We don't care about the longevity of the product. We care about the fact that there is going to be a moon mission with the app release. That is all, getting in on the moon mission by buying low sats is all that matters. Do you people have no sense of investment strategy at all?

>> No.3757644


I love how this probably gave a few people a heartattack until they actually looked at the price.

>> No.3757655

but there is no app release and there is nothing in github.

even their whitepaper says no app release in q4 2017.

>> No.3757661


>Empty git
>Impending app

Can't be both, chief.

>> No.3757662

Did you bother going to their website which has a countdown for the release of their app in 13 days?....

>> No.3757668
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>> No.3757675

go to Voise d.o.t. com and look for yourself, Jesus Christ.

>> No.3757695

Sell orders trying to drag the price down lol.

>> No.3757705

>only 1 way to release an app
>throw up on a public git

yeah when you're competing with other cryptos you of course want to put your alpha on git so that everyone can steal your shit before it's even ready

>> No.3757706

People trying to get back in cheap. Either way, over the next 2 weeks this thing is going to be going up as we get closer to the release date.

>> No.3757734

but their whitepaper says this is exactly what they intend to do lol. put code in public.

>> No.3757858

How much do you think we can expect to gain over the weekend?

I got in at 530. I wish I took your advice in the morning but I'm not too fused. Should we expect it to break 1k sat tonight?

>> No.3757871

Im depositing now, expecting to enter @ 530 too. About 0.5 BTC
Lets pump this thing.

>> No.3757891

I'm buying soon too, this can EASILY 2x and probably 5x

>> No.3757895


Dont worry friends, we will get to lamboland.

>> No.3757915

This is a 2 week long game, I expect it to climb slowly over the next few days and then as we approach the app release date in 13 days it should sky rocket like pretty much all app releases do. Buying now is going to net you a profit if you sit on it for a few days, I suspect the long you hold the better your profits will be. Now there may be a dip or two, don't get weak handed. Just wait it out and you'll be fine. I do not know what we're gonna be at in the next day or so, but I will set my sell mark around 8k. You guys do what you are comfortable with.

>> No.3757973

but there is no app release in 13 days

>> No.3757993

Jesus fucking Christ, yes there is! Go to the goddamn website, Voise d.o.t. com, it says it right there on the damn home screen. It has a bloody count down.

>> No.3758016

8k sats is some mad gains for me with my small principle so I'm in. I have been juggling my figures around and the potential gains here are comparative if I stayed with link. I only have 250usd so I can't really get a lot. I will monitor this like you but will probably exit around 7k.

Thankyou so much for posting here and helping explain things :)

>> No.3758030

Jesus volume is still increasing.

>> No.3758038

Hey brother good luck to you and all of us, I'm just trying to help us all get rich.

>> No.3758066

ive been fucking waiting 2 hours for pending deposits, im so sad

>> No.3758073

We're bouncing between 600 and 500 sats for now, you got time man don't worry.

>> No.3758081

Set your gas limit higher, like 50-80, mine take about a minute.

>> No.3758082

Fkn slow! Now I will enter probably @ 600 Damn

>> No.3758083

ive got 250 usd on voise already but my limit is maxed out on coinbase and i got another 550 usd i want to convert to btc then to voise, any suggestions?

>> No.3758096

Gonna have to have your bank wire the money to coinbase, can take up to a day :(

>> No.3758190

amazing, great job anon on finding the coin!

>> No.3758206

Yeah man, Congratulations for finding it. Getting in, but its too fkn slowwww.

>> No.3758208

nooooope, I'm out of this at a small loss. Doesn't smell right, market cap is already way too high to sustain a much bigger pump beyond this point.

>> No.3758238

Kek it just went up 15 percent after you posted

>> No.3758259

I'm sure it'll go even higher, I'm just not in the mood to try to time the vicious dump .

>> No.3758267
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They have an amazing reddit page

>> No.3758286


This is a pure pump and dump, there's money to be made if you time it right but everyone needs to be aware.

>> No.3758316

Holy shit volume is still increasing!

>> No.3758330

There will be several PnD's I suspect over the next 2 weeks, but the trend is going to take it higher each time until the final mission in 2 weeks when the app is released. That's why I got in under 300 sats and I'm holding.


Thanks, as soon as I put all the pieces together I knew it was time to get the word out.

>> No.3758337

im a noobie. should i buy voise or link? maybe buy voise sell after a few days and buy link?

>> No.3758358

Buy neither. Link is close to it's ATH and if you're a noobie you'll probably fuck this pnd up.

>> No.3758365

I'd say buy Voise and hold for the next 2 weeks, sell when the app is about to be released.

>> No.3758396
File: 151 KB, 798x221, voisepnd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there is no app release in 2 weeks.

the countdown is for alpha0.1 (which is an indication of scam anyway). why even put a countdown for alpha and even version 0.1?

their github is empty. not even a readme file lol,

even their whitepaper says no app in 2017, let alone in 2 weeks.

>> No.3758447


>> No.3758458

Got in @650
0.5 BTC

>> No.3758475

just hit @700

lucky boy ;)

>> No.3758646

How's the pnd going, boys?

>> No.3758656

spoken like a true no coiner
Meanwhile we're constantly breaking ath.

>> No.3758667

1k moon soon. Who's waiting

>> No.3758685

Pretty well man. All barriers being broken... reaching ATHs.
Fkn nice!

Thank you again OP!

>> No.3758709

>6btc 1k wall is gone

>> No.3758747

Will we hit 2k tonight?

>> No.3758758

I wish that asshole didn't out up that giant sell wall at 0001.

>> No.3758796

EtherDelta taking so long to take my monies! Don't leave without me boys! This will be my first moon mission. I'm ready to hodl for a couple weeks until this hits $1

>> No.3758813

The ebtc effect.

>> No.3758852

Im watching my BTC value go up, I've literally made 1k in the last hour

We're actually going to lambo land

>> No.3758892

I legit have made 200.00 in the past two hours. Holy shit.

>> No.3758908

Welcome to /biz/

>> No.3759023

Hmmm, call me craze but it seems kinda bad that there is now 579k offers and only 393k bids... No lambo?

>> No.3759115


>> No.3759126

so sell all my voise?

>> No.3759363

Just hit 5 cents. 10 cents soon.

>> No.3759389

nice just made 100k

>> No.3759399

Someone needs to start making memes for this coin asap.

>> No.3759457

Its over guys? Price going down.

>> No.3759474

I doubt it. These usually go a little longer

>> No.3759492

Price isn't going down. Probably going to coast upwards with some dumps on occasion through tomorrow.