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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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3753939 No.3753939 [Reply] [Original]

Why are Ethereum transaction so needlessly complicated? Gas price, gas limit, how the fuck I'm supposed to figure out the right values to input there

>> No.3754016
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they're simplifying that in January. its a known problem so they aren't making the gas automatically calculated.

dont enter a value there without knowing what youre doing. enter 1 and its like a million dollars cost so be careful

>> No.3754029

sorry, i meant in January they are making gas automatically calculated but atm you have to enter it

>> No.3754038

Why is driving a car so needlessly complicated? Gas prices, gas limit, how the fuck I'm supposed to figure out the right way to do tihs?

>> No.3754052

myetherwallet will gen a transaction for you, by the way. use their suggested values

>> No.3754068
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>> No.3754073

inb4 u need certification to trade crypto

>> No.3754074

Just put 4 and wait 2 days for it to go through.

>> No.3754093

I put a price of 10 gwei and a limit of 30k, is that correct? I've been waiting for like half a hour now for the transaction to be confirmed

>> No.3754149

you could start by not being a fucking normie

>> No.3754188


I think 30k is too low, I always go with 250k.

>> No.3754775


This. It truly is like pushing your wealth out into the ether knowing that 24 hours+ later it will magically appear.

>> No.3754785

that's NEO

>> No.3754827

I need the name of that girl!

>> No.3754829

fucking normies