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File: 149 KB, 750x558, 21E1BC69-A5D5-45EE-9A60-116BD3DD9007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3752807 No.3752807 [Reply] [Original]

It gets fudded so hard by people that want in so badly but feel like they missed the low buying opportunity. These are the same people calling bitcoin a bubble at $15 because they didn’t get in at $1. Or calling Ethereum a bubble at $50 because they didn’t get in at $10. So to summarize: they are wrong and you don’t have to let them shake you into selling your coins for cheap. If they really didn’t care about OMG they wouldn’t waste time talking about it period.

>> No.3752871

Yeah it's been pretty obvious for a while
whatever, they can stay poor if they like

>> No.3752887

Although it's gonna be absolutely fucking hilarious when these same faggots miss the moon ride not once, not twice, but three fucking times

>> No.3752914

I don't think OMG will go higher than 16-18, tho. Some people hype way too much this token.

>> No.3752965


What is so wrong about hyping a product your excited about?

>> No.3752974

Lmao nobody wants in on this pos. People are dumping it in drives to buy more Link. I will consider buying back in at $2.

>> No.3752992

Nothing. Don't get me wrong, I'm balls deep on OMG and looking forward for the final product, but I cringe a little when some people say that will moon to 100 usd.
I hope next year I end up eating my words, tho.

>> No.3753051

It ain't ever gonna go that low. Will break ATH by end of November. Screencap this.

>> No.3753057
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>> No.3753823

It's going to go higher than that. Don't be a tard. If you genuinely think that's it's ceiling then why hold it? Is it such an insignificant amount?

>> No.3754624

People FUDing this coin are have an IQ >80

If they think it's a scamcoin they are stupid

If they think they can drive the price much lower by FUDing on /biz they have no sense of the market and are detached from reality.

If they think this coin touched by the golden child Vitalik, blessed by the government and banks, entering into a 17 Trillion dollar market by undercutting the majors by at least 70% wont moon in due time, they should just kill themselves now as they surely will when it reaches $100 effortlessly, and continues to rise another 700% on top of that.

Maybe if these brainlets spent more than five minutes looking at the val prop of the things they were investing in, they would see the ridiculous upside potential in this coin.

But fuck them. They will be lucky to be waiting on me while I sip champagne and flick ash from my cigars on their shoes.

>> No.3754637

>Vitalik project meme

>Drives artificial hype by taking pictures with the Statue of Liberty to drive up speculation that OmiseGo will have exclusive partnership with democracy


>> No.3754642

Like, I get the sentiment, but Jesus Christ that was worded poorly.

>> No.3754654

It mooned with no working product.
Is this good or bad?

>> No.3754681

>People FUDing this coin are have an IQ GreaterThan>80
I personally think your IQ is LessThan<80

>> No.3754693

$1 to $10 is not a moon in this market.

If you don't think Poon, Vitalik, Dr. Gav Wood and the team at Omise can deliver a working product you have no clue.

This coin is currently undervalued if you look at the tech, team, market and 'dividend' payouts.

Anyone that has significant holdings in this will be able to live off the income without ever selling a single OMG.

>> No.3754753

The same "Confidential" group that called OMG (as well as ANS and GAS) before their trips to the moon sent out an email today to those who subscribe to their $3000 a year newsletter. It was a buy alert for XLM. Really.

>> No.3754792

Correct, but only for a short term trade.

>> No.3754794

What are the dividents payouts? I'm holding 5k

>> No.3754811

Been all-in for a while now. All other altcoins sound like complete garbage in comparison.

>> No.3754820

Yes, short term but no specified timeline for the "short term". Since it was only earlier today, I would consider now included in the short term.

>> No.3754822

>It gets fudded so hard by people that want in so badly but feel like they missed the low buying opportunity.
its dog shit for a day trade
look at the charts
you cant deny that

>> No.3754824

The dividends will be all fees paid to the network by the 50,000+ merchants already on board (I'm certain more will follow).

Current estimates put the fees at ~1% which would give about $2.60USD p.a. per token staked at current estimated adoption.

This is assuming about 37 Billion flowing through the network in a 17+ Trillion dollar market.

Once people are using the DEX and more merchants come on board this will continue to grow.

>> No.3754837

The thing is your idea seems impossible, like an inconsistent future.

>if OMG is worth being balls deep in, why wouldn't it reach $100
>a mainstream payments dApp is obviously within $100 potential and honestly you might be able to add a zero

>> No.3754855
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make that 6k

>> No.3754859


>> No.3754872

Almost every alt looks like a shitcoin compared to this.

>> No.3754896

Do you have a copy of the email? I got the alert but don't have the full article.

>> No.3754909

Another question. What do I say when people ask me how I made money that's vague enough so that I seem like I knew what I was doing all along.

>> No.3754915

They cause the bumps they predict.

>> No.3754920

Tech stock.

>> No.3754934
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I rode the omise train from 200k to the ath and sold at 270k when I saw the downtrend

I believe on the coin as well, but let's be honest

there is going to be a pullback to at least 160k, and this btc fork may even sink it harder, to almost 130k

when it breaks the 170k I'll start buying

holding now is just plain stupid because it's obvious going lower than what it is now

>> No.3754938

>But fuck them. They will be lucky to be waiting on me while I sip champagne and flick ash from my cigars on their shoes


>> No.3754964


If you think you can time it then good for you. But majority of people can't and get it wrong.

There is a reason HODL is a meme and HODLing this coin is the smart thing to do for the majority of Crypto peeps.

>> No.3754970

And it mooned today

>> No.3754976

It was an email alert to subscribers to buy XLM as a short term trade. There isn't an article.

>> No.3754982

OMG is such a meme

>> No.3755000

You don't even need to know TA for that

it's obvious

coin goes up 5x in a month, enters a correction phase and continues a consistent downtrend during a red month

sell now, buy back in at 160k, thank me later

>> No.3755006

The name turned me off for a while until I took the time to look at it properly. I wish I had looked closer earlier.

>> No.3755016

Still mooning. XLM little rocket ship is pushing through the Van Allen belt before landing. Get in now before we return home.

>> No.3755032

What happens if they release their SDK for the white label wallet due in Q4 (AKA any time from now).

What happens if they release information about the decentralised Cash In/Out point

What happens if they announce formally the "deeper partnership discussion" with Google Thailand

I cant stay awake 24/7 watching for news but I sleep tight holding my OMG

>> No.3755054

Do you think x2 in a couple of months is insignificant amount? I cant think of another coin with that mid-term warranty

>> No.3755114
File: 116 KB, 402x398, 1504899082448.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What happens if they release their SDK for the white label wallet due in Q4 (AKA any time from now).
They won't. They're aware of the hype they created themselves and actually are liking the healthy correction phase OMG is undergoing.
>What happens if they release information about the decentralised Cash In/Out point
There will be no news this month to open terrain for the btc fork. Releasing anything now would be like swimming at max speed in a mud pool.
>What happens if they announce formally the "deeper partnership discussion" with Google Thailand
same as previous

>I cant stay awake 24/7 watching for news but I sleep tight holding my OMG

then sell now and set a bid offer at 160k sats. 170k if you're insecure. pretty easy

but yea, you can hold now, you'll only be missing easy 30% gains

>> No.3755177

I can live with the potential loss of ~30% gains when I'm staring down the barrel of 1100%-8000x gains.

I couldnt live with myself losing any of my precious OMG.

I wish you all the best in your trades.

>> No.3755221

How do i get this?
I only have 2200

>> No.3755222


you are seriously not going to miss anything for the next 30 days

if you're not selling, at least grab some btc and bcg to buy omg when it gets to 160k

All the best to you too bro

>> No.3755272

Once Plasma goes live you will be able to stake your tokens and earn these fees. Hold your OMG until then at least.

Thanks for the tip and you could well be right. I will be waiting on the sidelines with fresh fiat to purchase more if it goes down significantly relative to the $

>> No.3755338
File: 60 KB, 736x562, e8b22472313740cdb2078463ec6e2ab2--patrick-ster-patrick-obrian.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OMG is going to crash before the end of this month.

>> No.3755406

Maybe, but I'll be buying if that happens.

>> No.3755451

200k is the floor, give or take a few percent
Anything under that would be a flash sale

People waiting out for $6 better hope btc shits the bed and goes back to 3k

>> No.3755493

Yup, lots of people on the sidelines waiting to buy, like we saw with NEO...next wave of new money coming in late Oct is my guess

>> No.3755569

NEO was a bit different as people were spooked from the China FUD.

There is no real bad news about OMG so I think people waiting for a low entry point might be left behind.

Time will tell though.

>> No.3756073


>> No.3756162

When I look at the OMG chart I feel like a disappointed father

>> No.3756313

Maybe instead of being a psycho parent who's kid is never good enough, zoom out and have a look at how much your child has grown in the last few months. He's saying DaDa now but all you care about is he's not playing quarterback in the grandfinal of the NFL when he's 3 months old.

Get some fucking perspective.

>> No.3756332

just pls dont hit below 6.2

>> No.3756340

I think I'm going to sell half my OMG and put into BAT. Sell half BAT and put into OMG later.

>> No.3756374

u mean <, dumbass

>> No.3756641
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>People are dumping it in drives to buy more Link.

Mmmm, not exactly.

Maybe in some places

Like ur mom's basement

>> No.3756699
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>> No.3756740


>> No.3756966

$omg had an airdrop you retard.