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3752720 No.3752720 [Reply] [Original]

What are you guys up to? It's kind of boring right now, isn't it? I'm just waiting for ICOs to begin/end, and LINK to moon.

>> No.3752731

Can finally sleep for once.

>> No.3752743
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I'm selling a lot of my bags

>> No.3752763

waiting for bitcoin drama to commence, ethereum to rise from it, so i can sell a little more of it.

comparatively little money in shitcoins which i will liquidate first for cash if i need it, but my risk-profile/allocation is probably quite different from most here.

>> No.3752773


>> No.3752808

We're kind of spoiled by crypto, like only sharp rises or falls excites us. Slow or sideways movement and we get completely disinterested.

>> No.3752837

Sleep tight.

What bags are you selling?

I never know what to do with my BTC (35%) so I just hold.

>> No.3752867

its only about 20% for me, but theres really no obvious play for bitcoin right now. people have been liquidating alts for it like they did before to get free bcash, but i dont see it playing out the same this time around.

all i know is i have way too much money in ethereum right now and bitcoin is the only other coin that i would trust with those kind of numbers, at least once the chinese drama blows over.

>> No.3753235

How did you guys even get into cryptocurrency?
This shit is so complicated for me.

Did you all have experience investing beforehand?

>> No.3753257

Nope. I didnt. Just a good understanding of how to use a computer and a want to make money.
Which is all you really need.

>> No.3753281

I use a computer for 6+ hours a day and I was confused on how buying and selling altcoins worked.

Are you a genius

>> No.3753306

I only really believe in Monero 2bh. I also regret diversifying into too many shitcoins. If everything works out, I'll dump them into airswap and request.network, then flip them into XMR, BTC and ETH.

I got into Bitcoin back in 2013, trading ingame items in TF2 (Team Fortress 2). Bitcoin was the only real crypto back then and actually quite easy to understand (I'm a math nerd).

>> No.3753311

I do have an inflated ego about my technological know how- so some may say I am, but no. Many others think i'm just wasting my time being anti-social and not making enough money the normal way (although i do that too) Plus i'm in school studying computer engineering, So I've kind of had it out for this stuff since I was young.

Genius? No
Autistic? Most likely

>> No.3753353

I'm super scared of the wagecuck life. That's why I'm putting a fuck ton of effort and time researching cryptos which I truly believe are the future. This must be the way to go, r-right?

Okay but I wasn't really talking about anything technical, I mean when you jump into this place you're faced with a fuckton of slang, weird systems, wait times, verifications, so many different options, I surprised so many people got into this

I feel like a brainlet for not noticing sooner. I hope I'm still relatively early.