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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 404 KB, 2300x1012, Screen Shot 2017-10-05 at 2.35.33 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3752064 No.3752064 [Reply] [Original]

Fuck Link right now! I made 500 Link daytrading, otherwise bought in at 0.38 which the whales keep manipulating at .40 hence that's where I'm stuck. New P&D today as usual at 1k Sats so I'm going to make 500 more Link.


>> No.3752139

Why are you using $?
Your first week?

>> No.3752163

wow nice you day traded pennies to make pennies that was really worth the risk of having one of those trades go against you instead of researching and understanding what makes a coin a good coin and what makes a shitcoin a shitcoin instead buying coins randomly and dumping them for miniscule gains is how you make REAL money kekeke

>> No.3752183
File: 55 KB, 736x552, 1799e31167498fe7c3eb4c577874873f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he sold the next btc/eth before it even broke a dollar

How old are you to be so impatient, young one? Why would you not go all in on LINK for the guaranteed moon ride to lamboland? You only have to hodl for TWO FUCKING WEEKS, brah...

>but wut about muh sibos dump

...well, what about it? If (when) the whales dump on the hype of SIBOS, it just becomes that much more affordable.

Have you read the whitepaper for ChainLink?

>have you read the whitepaper for coss?

Do you not recognize "the next big thing" when you see it? Sad!

Ride COSS for a week, but dump half and put it into LINK a day or two before SIBOS with an eye on dumping, then dump all your LINK & COSS into ETH/BTC for a few hours to buy the dip and go all in on LINK.


>hodl link until april

>> No.3752190

Prefer $ amounts over Sats. Preferences cuckboy!

>> No.3752209

>prefers us federal reserve fiat dollar denomination
>calls others cucks

Enjoy losing all your money to one bad trade child. Maybe after you've suffered enough of them you'll actually learn what makes a good coin a good coin and what long term investment in the market can get you instead of flipping.

>> No.3752230

Because you use BTC to value all of your little shitcoins, and you ultimately use $ to value BTC. What are you, retarded?

>> No.3752255

>he doesn't measure his cryptoportfolio in south african rand

>> No.3752278

Yeah I think I'll accept the kike fiat before I accept the nignog fiat. At least kikes know how to turn a profit

>> No.3752298

If I cared about your opinion, I'd be a poorf... actually I am :( however, I've made pennies instead of sitting there HODLING. I can see the patterns and I've fucked up many times, however, you don't have to be a dadfag.

Don't care about your opinion.

Bruh, that is the plan!

>> No.3752305

>Based Zuma

He's overseen so many niggers being burned to death and mutilated in the streets of south african cities that he's an honorary aryan

You should genuinely take the nearest object with sharpness and ram it into your throat.

>> No.3752310

Didn't notice btc on the pic.
Could you show it to me?

>> No.3752341

You look like you may have had some experience shoving things down your throat.

>> No.3752359

Look how the subhuman-tier IQ having cuckold attempts to emulate the speech of his superiors.

Suicide. Attempt it. I know you won't succeed, but I'd atleast like to see you try to do one good thing for humanity in your worthless time on this planet.