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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 79 KB, 718x460, csm_Grosse_Galerie_c__Schloss_Schoenbrunn_Kultur-_und_Betriebsges.m.b.H__Fotograf_AgenturZolles_11eb39ba47.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3750263 No.3750263 [Reply] [Original]


>Price raising naturally since ICO, no dumps, green candles everywhere.
>Only available on two exchanges right now, the rest will start wanting to earn commission on it too.
>Passes the Howey test. Will definitely be available on Bittrex.
>Upcoming SIBOS conference next to gold-plated toilets (invited there to demonstrate their product to international banking companies)
>No huge team to trick you into their ICO, before they even have a working product.
>Ran by serial entrepreneurs who have a working product and previous experience in the industry (no pajeets),
>$1 by SIBOS, $3 by end of Q1 2018.
>Partnered with fucking SWIFT
>Will revolutionise the banking industry, because
>It solves the Oracle problem.
>Skeleton key. Does what all your coins *aim* to do already, with one ALREADY WORKING product.

r u fucking nuts

>> No.3750288
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I'm so happy I get to retire in the first half of 2018 at aged 29

>> No.3750318


>> No.3750365
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>be poorfag
>put all my cash into LINK
>literally 4 months of wagecuck shitty job

Is this enough to stop being poor shit?

>> No.3750389

Hold, you'll be a millionaire in less than a year.

>> No.3750456


>> No.3750511

I believe chainlink without adoption could go to 2 to 3 dollar. Because the technology is useful (unlike some other altcoins), it has some interesting names attached to it giving it credibility and it has yet to spread to other exchanges.

>> No.3750516
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I am holding 6k... should be enough for maybe an older model Lambo right?

>> No.3750567

If the conspiracy theories are right then Chainlink is the technology that most banks are currently and quietly integrating and we will find out about it during Sibos and the following months. If that is the case the cap will hit 20B before EOY.

If not then its probably going to stagnate around .60 to .70 cents.

>> No.3750590

I can't see that far into the future but realistically it'll hit past a dollar.

>> No.3750601

How many LINK do you hold, anon?

>> No.3750605
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>tfw 11106 LINK

will I make it?

>> No.3750648

I've got 60k LINK -- I'm hopeful for where this could go, but also nervous as the USD value of the holding now exceeds that of my BTC

>> No.3750682

I know exactly what you mean.

>> No.3750688

Who else here is building a tiny house with their millions they make from LINK?

>> No.3750710

That's exactly my plan.

>> No.3750722

I'm currently juggling a business, work and a second master degree.
If I make it I will focus fulltime on my business.

>> No.3751012
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Lmaoooo hahahahahahahha please do you recognize this ?

>> No.3751046

It's not the sibos conference room though.

>> No.3751100

No I have never seen this... Turd Links? Flush my dreams? Or.... I am brainlet (slaps forehead)

>> No.3751144

Hahahahhaah sorry. Its the presentation room where they announce that they vanished with the ico money and 4chan retards try to save their bags

>> No.3751634

Working here and studying a second master as well. We high iq /biz/ students are going to make it!

>> No.3751784

Hey guys. Poorfag here. I just bought 90 LINK on binance. WILL I MAKE IT?

>> No.3751795

what business do you have, I'm curious.

>> No.3751979

Do you guys think link will drop more today? I am not sure whether to buy now or wait a bit

>> No.3751994

sorry, Sergey

>thinking quality memes like this do anything but help LINK
Do you even meme magic?

>> No.3752020
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3k Linklet here. To all the other Linklets out there, were gonna make it bros. This will at least get our foot in the door for future moon missions- and at the most give us lambos if we HODL. Were gonna have to weather a lot more than the 50k linkfags.

>> No.3752079

3.5k linklet from /o/ reporting, the anxiety is killing me

Maybe not a lambo but a 800hp civic might be cool....

>> No.3752101

20k hodling

>> No.3752174
File: 30 KB, 268x268, REMOVE FUD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If this gets adopdet by swift what price per LINK are we looking at, should I be able to make it with 27k LINK?

>> No.3752198

People figure itll go at least $1 with SIBOS, if swift adpots it, it could go $5 or more

>> No.3752220

>>3752198I need 10-20$ senpai

>> No.3752253
File: 57 KB, 392x293, 1305833782737.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In my own business I organize day trips for tourists. Which actually means I sell them transport, food, activities and so on all at the same time.

Why sell one thing when you can sell ten right?

>> No.3752267

holding 100k, will sell half at 1$ and keep the other half.
it has some real world value, but so do a lot of things and people are just blind for stuff. So I will keep buying at the dips and wait for the right moment to sell.

>> No.3752331

$1 really isn't that far away. Set your sights higher friend
T. 100k linker

>> No.3752444

U sir speak words of wisdom.... I take we can overtake ripple marketcap, then our bags shall be golden

>> No.3752491

Anyone else feel kind of sad watching all these other coins go up but you cant do anything since you all-in link? I know it willl pay off eventually but still a bit unsettling

>> No.3752497

sure. but will it dip below 50 cents again if you dont sell on time?

>> No.3752531

Yes, but then whales will buy it all back because they know it will inevitably moon again even harder.

>> No.3752541

so your saying hodl indefinitely?

>> No.3752561

When it moons hard in the upcoming weeks, we'll never see this market cap again.

>> No.3752607
File: 486 KB, 1106x610, 1507191800058.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, unless you're good enough at trading to dump and buy the dip successfully; this is *the* cryptotoken, the *only* one needed, and it's the one SWIFT has already chosen (thereby bringing 10,000 banks into it regardless of their perceptions because they are all married to SWIFT).

We're talking a full-on, new frontier, revolutionary and far-reaching, built on a paradigm shift which shall for the next several lifetimes control the flow of trillions.

If you haven't planned on putting a few LINK aside with which to stake your NODE (which will essentially pay you good residuals forever), then you have the attention span of a crack fiend.

You have... ten days to choose between next-level wealth or continued poverty.

>> No.3752688

i only have 1k euro man :<

>> No.3752765

We can only dream, id be up 34300 at $10

>> No.3752791
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>> No.3752803

How much link do you have? 2500 isnt enough ahhh

>> No.3752816

my only question regarding link is the need for the ico if they are in bed with swift already. can anyone explain this?

>> No.3752841

Is it wise to go into Link with my Kyber profits? Since Kyber should be "silent" until January...could Link provide some flip in the upcoming days before the conference? Or is it already hyped up and bought?

>> No.3752847

"Sorry, Sergey"

>> No.3752862

The decentralized node network will use the tokens as incentives.
Can't have a decentralized network without incentives.

>> No.3752941

After SIBOS or just before?

>> No.3753093
File: 41 KB, 400x711, 1507184871818.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In the weeks following SIBOS, as all the techies present read up on it and then tell their friends...
...their friends will read up on it for the following month, some telling their friends & familes over Thanksgiving...
...it gets to the point where ChainLink is mentioned on Good Morning America...
...savvy techies stuff their loved ones' fireplace-mantle-hung Christmas stockings with ETH paper wallets loaded with LINK...
...you'll see someone in Times Square on New Year's Eve holding a big placard with "CHAINLINK" or "LINK" written on it and a donation smartcode...
...the months leading up to Tax Season see awareness exceed the population of New York City...
...April 16th sees interest grow even more with some major article really convincing more of the average tax-weary Americans that their money is best protected from taxes in cryptocurrency in general and LINK in particular...
...May sees the first major rollout of what's essentially an "early beta test" of ChainLink SWIFT integration for real-world interbank financial transactions...
...something bad like a terrorist attack or natural disaster happens which somehow pushes chainlink further into public awareness...
...Thanksgiving 2018 conversation involves ChainLink's insane gains since last year...
...LINK is now the #3 crypto worldwide right after BTC & ETH...

>> No.3753116

Looks extremely bullish

>> No.3753159

I have more Link than 80% of the board and that makes me cringe.

>> No.3753161

It's not about today's Ripple's marketcap, but about where the marketcap for a similar product would be in one or two years time. Do you believe crypto will continue to grow exponentially? If it does, a $9 billion market will seem as moderate as it seems high today.

>> No.3753167

100 linklet here

Please spare a poorfag some linkies

>> No.3753236
File: 10 KB, 332x231, linklet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Newlinker reporting - will I make it and when?

>> No.3753258

I attest to the accuracy of my predictions.

>> No.3753399

Never go full retard

>> No.3753546

1150 linklet here, MOMMY won't give me any more money

>> No.3753924

tiny impenetrable fortress with an escape route and a Batman

>> No.3753941

If the memes are right then it will be worth more in a year

keep in mind that they were right about trump

>> No.3754044

I mean, there's a fucking reason that the United States military *actually* has units specifically trained & equipped for -- *cough* -- "memetic warfare" (their term).

>whomever controls the memes controls the world

>> No.3754051

hell ye, got 100 linkies as well
we'll make it, we don't have to beg

>> No.3754085
File: 615 KB, 1440x2267, 20171005_064237.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All you racist Linkies are managing to do Is hold even. Normies will never invest now that your racism has been exposed on reddit.

>> No.3754101

sent ;)

>> No.3754102

Ben Bernanke is black. Fyi.

>> No.3754108


170 linkies. Will i make it boys?

>> No.3754956
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How soon y'all niggas think this will hit 1$?

I don't get paid till two weeks from now and can't buy more link.

>> No.3755093

>$1 monday when the market wakes up