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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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3750090 No.3750090 [Reply] [Original]

I hope you are cash ready to rebuy in once bitcoin goes back below 2000.

>> No.3750124

Buy the dip? What? You do remember you are talking to /biz/, right?

>> No.3750183
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core cucks are going to need some fundamentals. they don't believe in technicals even though btc routinely corrects 80% to 95% downwards like clockwork.

segwit2x isn't for almost 2 months and even then the "alt coin" btc1 currently has 98% of the hash rate. that means btc will not only have to eat a 98% hash rate loss but continue to experience network outages on the remaining 1% hash due to bch's death spiral attack that never stopped.

no matter what we say though these faggots are going to eat a 95% loss because they think beanie babies will rise forever due to having a limited supply (even though btc's inflation is 4% a year and don't slow down until the 2030s).

there's no saving them. you're wasting your time.

>> No.3750200

screencap your margin short position or no balls

>> No.3750233

Are you all in in crypto?
If not, why bother trying to time the market, if it dips just buy more

>> No.3750235
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I didnt shot. I sold or will sell up to 50% of my bitcoin to have cash ready.
Just trying to have mote bitcoin at years end without putting more money in it.

>> No.3750303

Goddamn you're stupid

>> No.3750333
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Why? Do you just sit all crashes out?

>> No.3750421
File: 32 KB, 439x290, dayswithoutjewishtricks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>btc routinely corrects 80% to 95% downwards like clockwork.

Wow, 95% really? Couldn't make up a more believable number? That's some terribad shilling right there. Anyone that didn't just find out about bitcoin yesterday will instantly know you're fucking retarded dude.

>Inb4 hurfsnu I'm fucking retarded oh god jsjsjskaaghhhsh

Yea yea I know, post source or Kys.

This board is completely dead. Now most everything is either unashamedly lying shills or/and 2017 newfags that know squat about math, CS and can't even understand or explain how bitcoin actually works without using some stupid marketing-tier analogy.

>> No.3750425
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>> No.3750451

nigga you realise there is a fork coming up? btc only going up while alts eat dick

>> No.3750464

bitcoin will raise to 10k, but keep dreming of 2k peasants

>> No.3750475
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So you are implying volatility is over?
There will never again be a correction that goes down 40% ore more?
I want so see the mumbo jumbo math behind that reasoning.

>> No.3750489

>Wow, 95% really?
Actually the low after every bubble popped was a 85 % retrace

>> No.3750529
File: 413 KB, 960x589, helpme.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The last hype was 2015 where it increased to approx $1000 and it crashed to 250. So you are correct.

>> No.3750560

markets are never predictable, if you find a pattern it will probably not happen again

>> No.3750658
File: 144 KB, 480x390, neat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But bitcoin moved cyclical since inception.
What makes you think this stopped?

>> No.3750686

we are literally "here" for about 2 months now, it's sort of boring

>> No.3750758

The ethereum "here" was some time ago. Bitcoin just now.

>> No.3750762

that's the last crash. there have been 95% crashes before that.

>> No.3750766

because chaos governs the universe, and assuming the universe is deterministic we're all just products of the seed at the beginning at the universe.
our psychology is the universe therefore out psychology is chaos, therefore the market is chaos

>> No.3750791

then the choice of seed is non-deterministic. determinism is just non-determinism + layers of abstraction

>> No.3750844

dont you wish you rode it up?
lol @ 2k

>> No.3750861
File: 202 KB, 1280x720, hq720.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you sound like a fucking idiot.

Markets in general have always been cyclical.
The idea that is gonna change RIGHT THIS SECOND is silly.
I can understand the argument that the dip is not here yet and it will go to 5000 before or something like this.
But the correction is comming. If not tomorrow than some day later.

>> No.3750869

>look mom! i posted it again!

>> No.3751133

if all is just cause and effect then there is no beginning.
unless there is some kind of recursive structure to the universe or some kind of multiverse.
the idea that you can predict the market is stupid, unless you believe you're smarter than all the trading bots and other investors in on bitcoin

>> No.3751337

I unironically think corecucks will kill Bitcoin at the profit of Ethereum before 2020.
I used to laugh at the flippening idea but I believe more and more in it, especially with the real Dapps that will come dring 2018 and 2019 it will be increasingly hard to justify "why" bitcoins since segwit doesn't work and Ethereum forks much more efficiently than Bitcoin.

The irony is that it would have been so easy to prevent that, they just had to agree on doubling the blocksize every two years beginning in 2015, would have easily been compensated by the Moore's law, it's not like we weren't on the verge to a revolution in storage: http://money.cnn.com/2016/02/17/technology/5d-data-storage-memory-crystals/index.html

There will be no correction anytime soon, everyone call it a bubble but the crypto that represents half the marketshare has less than 20 millions wallets ever used, I let you meditate on how ridiculous it is in term of penetration.
Normies have awareness of cryptos (especially the youth) but 99% of them never used one, the cryptos right now are basically internet in 1996, the expansion will give you a vertigo when you will see the growth, the blockchain/token/crypto market (whatever you call it) will worth between 1 and 10 trillions in 15 years, maybe more depending on the geopolitical context (the accelerating decline of the USA and the massive demographic growth will probably help it).

>> No.3751407

Mods close this fucking shit.

>> No.3751466
File: 127 KB, 300x300, 1506992066074.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

everything isnt cause and effect. those are causal relations, a small subset of all relationships. also, entropy sources are a thing, you know.

why does the color red exist? why is the universe turing complete? these are not caused things but rather they have temporal symmetry.

but i digress. point is, btc is about to crash 80% to 95% because beanie babies had a limited supply too.

>> No.3751517
File: 408 KB, 1200x612, 1507027193976.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

since btc cant scale its basically just a collectable with no utility. like a vanilla erc20 token but worse because even those scale better than btc. so btc = beanie babies

>> No.3751551

I must have slept through the part were the general public accepts it as a 'New Paradigm!'. We're only half way through Awareness phase.

>> No.3751564

Ya, imma take the advice of some random fuck on /biz/ about "we are here" on a cycle that cant even be proven to exist. Seems legit tho

(white power hand emoji)(middle finger emoji)