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File: 147 KB, 720x898, COSS2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3744629 No.3744629 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone else feel fucking comfy about COSS?
Predictions for Sunday?

>> No.3744638

Yes I do;)

>> No.3745299
File: 271 KB, 900x600, blanket.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Comfy af my anon. Could touch 5000 sat next few days. Very interested to see what the dividends end up being.

>> No.3745320

easy 16000 sats

if anyones looking for an entry point right now get some cheap orders in on hitbtc

>> No.3745415
File: 20 KB, 329x357, Feels_good_man.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3745466

great OC anon.

>> No.3745499
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COSS is a one you can all get on early. It will at least be $3 by ETY.

Don't believe me? Check their website, use the exchange, learn what are the dividends, kickstarter with crypto. +120m market cap before ETY I think is very reasonable.

Even poorfags can make it with this.

>> No.3745544

There are two kinds of people hyped for coss right now: retards and bagholders.
Google rune evensen scam. This man has made a living out of mlm. This year his scam is coss.

>> No.3745563
File: 83 KB, 1157x612, cosspartnership.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice try fud retard pajeet. A millionare shark-tank investor would sure partner with a scammer.

>> No.3745566

you telling me to sell my LINK and get coss?

>> No.3745573
File: 2 KB, 140x50, coss.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally every altcoin may as well be a scam, that doesn't stop them from mooning

>> No.3745611
File: 32 KB, 706x706, 1504581064618.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Prediction: Run up to 15 cents a share Saturday night.

Fall to 02 cents a share Sunday night when each person only receives .002 ARK

I've had a nice stack of COSS since ICO but ya'll are setting yourselves up for disappointment if you think this shit is gonna make you rich by the end of the year.

>> No.3745639

Do it.. you won't regret it. COSS is not a pump and dump.
Working products, also paying Dividends weekly as of this sunday.
Big things coming, once the market cap grows, everyone including the normies will take notice.

>> No.3745665

okay so what is the timeframe i have?
i could sell all my LINK right now with 50 buck profit.
but then when i have my ETH on binance how long does it take to transfer that to coss ?

>> No.3745680

The weak-handed pajeets with their puny COSS stacks will dump after getting fuck all for dividends, but us large holders will hodl

>> No.3745756

for people that only looked at this coin because of this thread. the whitelist is already over so we cant buy any right now right?

>> No.3745769

You can buy as much as you want on Etherdelta, HitBTC, or the main COSS website.

>> No.3745793

okay so i have 3150 link right now. and you guys are saying coss will profit as soon this sunday.

what are you guys speculating on LINK ? will the link price stay around 40 cent until sibos? so i could buy coss now and then sell to get link after a week from now.

interested in opinions

>> No.3745809

link will either trade sideways or dump. i think it will dump due to being a small presentation.
There will be much bigger things coming out of SIBOS.

COSS is a sure thing. no need to gamble.

>> No.3745850

thats also what chainfags are saying. iam still not sure on any of this.

if i want to play it safe and exchange my LINK for coss right now. at how much profit hsould i sell coss. 30% ?

>> No.3745855

I would really caution against dumping all of your LINK. It's a good product that will only grow with time. If you don't have anything else to throw at it, split your stack. You never want to go all in on something based on advice from /biz/. All it takes is one dump and you've lost 90% of your cash. (Looking at plummeting ICOs like Bancor, Avalon, etc.)

>> No.3745870

welp its just starting.
lets hope to get to atleast 600-700sat on this first initial run

>> No.3745881
File: 105 KB, 640x640, 5974736+_82f08ba4da469dd56c8799d6d5a9e580.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw already up 2x

>> No.3745910

30% is ultra conservative... it will pump until saturday at least, if not up until sunday night.
keep in mind this is not a pump and dump, this is a coin that genuinely has value.

>> No.3745935

okay il put 1k link into coss. is it better to convert link to ETH or BTC to buy COSS with ?

>> No.3745941

ETH. BTC will take forever and price is already going up.

>> No.3745946

usually takes about 5-10 minutes for ETH transfers

>> No.3745962
File: 360 KB, 900x900, Snuggawoo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ETH, less transfer waste and faster. Always ETH if you possibly can.

Huh, didn't think it had gained that much but you're right, +203% from ICO. Feeling comfy AF.

>> No.3746057

okay i want totransfer my eth to coss and i generally know what to do. but why is binance asking for a label? whats should i put there? i know that the adres is the long code coss gave me. but i never seen the label

>> No.3746087
File: 268 KB, 564x750, lambo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Put a random letter or a number as the label. Doesn't matter whatsoever

>> No.3746090

should i wait for it to go .10 or should i buy in at .13 ?

>> No.3746114

even to coss? i thought they took things super slow

>> No.3746130
File: 748 KB, 1280x853, IMG-20151007-WA0001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice project. What happens sunday? DEX are the future though.. kyber and eidoo will dominate the scene soon.

>> No.3746152

i find this so annoying. why do we talk in sat when the trade is done in ETH?

>> No.3746284

You can buy Coss with BTC on their exchange as well

>> No.3746314

well y, but we all buy with ETH because its faster.

whats a good way to see for how many sat i bought my stuff when i bought it in ETH ?

>> No.3746361

135 Eth sell wall at 0.000400000 on ED right now LOL

>> No.3746386

you mean thats good or bad ?


>> No.3746410

Under 30ETH@same on HitBTC.

>> No.3746415

Lol... You better have those stop loss' set kiddos. I made 5x on $BNB then watched the pink wojacks come out like midnight coons due to hodling just a tad too long. Don't get greedy ... Nothing wrong with 3x gains

>> No.3746417

You're in for a lot of pain and dissappintment

>> No.3746420

Not same, @42 rather.

>> No.3746487

back to 0.06$, like every shitty overhyped coin overbought by biztards when dumping commences. then people could thing about buying.

>> No.3746490


It means a whale is trying to keep the price down and accumulate

>> No.3746496

nice psyop

>> No.3746553


This tactic doesn't work on Etherdelta because it takes too long for the creator to cancel challanged order walls. That's 100% a cashout. In the off chance that it's a whale trying that tactic, then it's a stupid whale because it'll crash the market.

>> No.3746590

so your saying to wait and see if the price gos down to .08% again?

>> No.3746679

i meant 0.08 cent obviously

anyway my ETH has arrived. but i am now not so sure if i want to step in right now

>> No.3746754

okay wtf. binance has processed my order completely and it was send to the right adres on coss. but i still dont see my ETH on coss .

does coss itself also need time for it to process?

>> No.3746788

The COSS site has been getting swarmed ahead of the Sunday payout. Might take a bit for it to pop up.

>> No.3746871

from now till Sunday, should get a lot more gain.

>> No.3746994

Its already starting, strap on COSSbros

>> No.3747122

okay okay. my eth is finally come through.
i set a buy order of 3k coss for 41003 eth each

my only question is why i cant fucking just click on max to max out on the amount i want to buy. i had to adjust my total buy by hand to match the amount of eth i had

>> No.3748111

.0041003? thats not a bad price, its 45000 on hitbtc.
i can see you are new.. the best advice i can give is: you'll never buy at the bottom, you'll never sell right at the top.
no one ever went broke taking a profit.

>> No.3748445

i have the highest buy order price on coin.iso at 44120 but its been there for like 2 hours already.