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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 332 KB, 1450x998, Screen Shot 2017-10-04 at 2.25.52 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3737963 No.3737963 [Reply] [Original]

Its not too late anon get in here before we hit a high volume exchange. 100 million market cap incoming.

>> No.3737972

bought at 87 cents

alredy losing my btc


>> No.3737977


It is too late for me, can't sell my bags, no one wants em.

>> No.3738011
File: 63 KB, 395x269, Marines.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Upvote this post for normies if you...
Support privacy. Support the ODN Marines. Support /ourcoin/.

>> No.3738192
File: 852 KB, 1122x1262, Screen Shot 2017-10-03 at 4.51.26 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vote for ODN on Polo: https://poloniex.com/coinRequest

What is the name of the coin?

What is the coin's symbol?

Please link to the announcement page.

If the coin has a website, please link it here.

If the coin has a block explorer, please link it here.

Please explain why you would like to see this coin added to the exchange.
>This project holds to why Satoshi Nakamoto (who ever he/they were, remained anonymous). Anonymity and the inalienable right to privacy is a legal tradition found in more than 150 national constitutions. I honor that fact and will do my part to uphold that. Buying ODN supports these principles.

If this coin has any significant innovations over other coins, please elaborate on them here.
>Encrypted end to end bcrypt sha512 encryption. 2 - Anonymous end to end encryption ensures that your messages, files, pictures, videos and more, are never seen by anyone you didn't intend to. With timed auto deletion of messenger transfers, rest assured your past interaction will never be accessible to anyone.3 - Decentralised Integration in the new Obsidian blockchain automatically means that the entire system is completely decentralized. This is something that Threema and Signal do not have.
Optional: What is your name in the Poloniex exchange chatbox?
Are you the developer of this coin or otherwise affiliated with it?
This is just how I did my vote.

>> No.3738198

shill shill shill.
make redditfags buy our bags

>> No.3738731


Upvote this post for normies if you...
Support privacy. Support the ODN Marines. Support /ourcoin/.

>> No.3738748

Did you think it would hit 2$ tonight? hold or margin trade it you fucking moron, we're going to the moon in a week or two

>> No.3738856

If shithouse Walton can moon, this coin can at least triple.