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3736948 No.3736948 [Reply] [Original]

This is a post detailing what Elixir is using only information that can be verified from currently available sources. This post will attempt not to speculate, only to inform.

Elixir is an erc20 token built on the Ethereum blockchain, the smart contract can be read here: https://etherscan.io/token/0xc8c6a31a4a806d3710a7b38b7b296d2fabccdba8

http://elixirtoken.io/stats.html the stats page was released on Sunday after there was an issue with Coin Market Cap having listed the wrong supply information and not changing it after repeated request. Please note CMC is a third party and as always you should do your own research to verify things such as coin supply, max supply etc

What is Elixir though? What does it intend to do?

"Elix is a base token for a lending service that will analyze financial transactions and reward borrowers for paying off loan installments on time. In addition, the lending service will eliminate the need to pay for brokers. These incentives and automatic recourse will give the lending system an advantage over both fiat currencies and other virtual currencies. In the long term, this financial service will form the backbone of an artificial intelligence engine capable of motivating consumers to make sound financial decisions. Elixir is mined through transfers between pairs of addresses. In the lending service, these pairs of addresses will correspond to parties completing financial agreements." - from http://elixirtoken.io/

Elixir seeks to do a few things (medium can be found here: https://medium.com/@elixirtoken/ and some comments on the first phase of the app here:https://medium.com/@elixirtoken/at-the-moment-our-upcoming-mobile-social-lending-application-will-not-include-the-usage-of-bd4ea152bd01

Elixir can also generate passive income via loaning to yourself, you can see details of how this will work in the How Elix Works section of the website.

You can also check out the roadmap, a demo, and other information here: http://elixirtoken.io/

>> No.3737015


>> No.3737034
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>tfw still up 500%

>> No.3737041

Patience. Stack up.

>> No.3737069

Whales will be accumulating tonight, get ready to sell at 2x

>> No.3737081

there is a character limit i just learned, some language may be a little stilted or awkward due to that, sorry. I will be here if anyone has questions Ill do my best to answer.

full disclosure I invested in Elix at 899 sats and believe it has long term potential to disrupt the lending industry significantly, effectively allowing crypto holders to "make their money work for them" via interest earned from loaning said money out.

>> No.3737082

Steady all day at $0.20. bretty gud

>> No.3737095
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great post anon.

hopefully people will get educated.

just to put it into further perspective. at absolute maximum 10 year supply 150mil. the mcap will be 30 mil at todays prices.

look at the mcap of SALT and Everex ICO. there is still room here to grow.

all that was said about the project yesterday and in the days leading up to it is still true. its solid technology. devs deliver and communicate.

dont get spooked by FUD and weak hands. look at the top holding adresses. they are still there. no one dumped on you from the top dogs. we are in it for the long run.

likely 4chan dumped on itself and suppoman followers dumped on you.

>> No.3737207

Someone explain the passive income part

>> No.3737218


elixir is mined through lending elix/eth to other people. both sides of the transaction get rewarded for paying back in full and on time.

>> No.3737257

is correct, basically means if you are already holding elix you can generate passive income ie:more elix through utilizing the elix app lending service. It also serves to give the token a purpose and use case

>> No.3737312

Prettay prettay prettay prettaaaay good

>> No.3737356

more like pretty BORING

where my FUCKING volume

>> No.3737367

Need news

>> No.3737496


look at the market depth. sell walls are non existant. and theres a lot of people buying. we are primed for take off when some positive news pops up. next positive dev update is all it takes.

>> No.3737506


agreed, hopefully this time round we will have more sane growth.

>> No.3737587

where to go for news? when do you expect news? January 2018?

>> No.3737634
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devs update us on a regular basis. like once a week at least.

alpha of the product is Q1 2018. but the product is gaining traction and exposure more money is pouring in because its dirt cheap for what it can be. look at the steady price growth over the past three weeks. the trend is bullish. what happened yesterday was fomo mania at its most autistic. but things are stable now and its safe to get in relatively early in the game.

>> No.3737645


ohh and join the telegram and discord.
we are already 1000 strong. we were at 300 last friday. just shows you how much interest there is in this project.

FUNFAIR for fucks sake has 1100 telegram.

>> No.3737681

Elix available for sale dropping, and more btc buying power. what does that mean?
Was something like 1.1m to 34btc, and now it is 600k to 56

>> No.3737692

It's almost sad watching you faggots try to convince yourselves you didn't throw all your money down the drain .

Almost. But you were warned and you deserve it.

>> No.3737703

when supply drops only one direction for the price to go, assuming demand stays constant or increases

>> No.3737764

Stfu with your pnd, reported

>> No.3737794
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im in this since 500 sats. IDAF. i took out my initial investment and then some.

people that went in close to ATH, sucks for them, and i do empathize. i took a huge loss on SIGT way back when. that was a legitimate scam at the time.

but this has as much potential today as it had yesterday and the day before. nothing changed in the fundamentals.
it has non of the red flags other shitcoins have.

>> No.3737802

volume is retarded high in relation to the market cap

>> No.3737861


>> No.3737863

Good for you dude epic trade. Personally I think you should have sold it all yesterday but I could be proven wrong. When you get in that early it gives you the luxury to wait and see.

>> No.3737914


i was this close. honestly. but the order book wouldnt support my dump. the price was manipulated with small orders.

yeah my portfolio took a hit of 15k, but i will live with it. i have other non-shitcoins. and some hidden gems. im ok :)

i really liked the sense of community that sprang up here yesterday. i still believe in the project and think that this can be our coin. if a guy with 70k coin is in the top10 and considered a whale because he went in with .5 btc at the right time. this can hardly be called a pnd.

>> No.3737940

150m is the max supply from genesis batches alone. When the whole incentivised lending thing kicks in, who knows how much more it'll inflate. It doesn't seem to be mentioned anywhere.

>> No.3738016


by then the ecosystem will be fully baked.

the MVP is a friends and family lending platform.
second stage is credit check reputation backed system.
stage three is indiegogo and gofundme type set up where you lend people money based on their project.

stage 1 will be completed (public availability end of next year). thats a lot of time to worry about what will happen at 150m coin supply. unless you plan to hold it till then its not an immediate concern.

>> No.3738030

but the 150m is only possible in 10 years and with a lot of genesis pairs already mined max supply from genesis mining would be about 90million IN 10 Years! Nobody is that patient

>> No.3738057

Pretty much what I am thinking.
The devs just need to show their face, plus we need some time.
There was no ICO, and the project is still a baby.

>> No.3738207

You should fuck off with this shilling of your shitcoin.

Since you've been posting this bullshit over the last few hours the coin has done nothing.

This means you are wasting your time, now fuck off and good luck unloading those bags.

>> No.3738216

>stable price

>> No.3738222

But mu...muh...muh lambo?!

>> No.3738226

you should fuck off if you're too stupid to notice that this is not a pump and dump attempt you imbecile

>> No.3738230

thats the point of this post, for people to make their own decisions. so good job on that at least

>> No.3738233

Everyone knows that a not shitcoin adds 10% per 45 minutes

>> No.3738255
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>> No.3738282


join the discord we were providing new people with entry point advice the other night. nobody was trying to get anyone to buy in at ath, extreme growth is bad for us long time holders as well cause it means inevitable dips rather than steady growth.

>> No.3738294

Sell Orders Total: 479810.9103435 ELIX

its 50% down from about 3 hours ago.

>> No.3738309

and buys are up 100% from last night/this morning

>> No.3738338

Fuck off Larry David

>> No.3738413

and price about the same, I am confused.

>> No.3738448

have to wait for buyers to become impatient, it will make a steady climb from here back to 5550 where the first sell wall is

>> No.3738468

but when

>> No.3738481

when the market dictates, within an hour or 12 hours from now no idea.

>> No.3738588

needs a little spark, some news, a huge buy order. Something like that.

>> No.3738666



you wont see a quick pump anytime soon. market confidence is low.
if you can, get in and hold.