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3735066 No.3735066 [Reply] [Original]

okay now that LINK ELIX AND ODN FLOPPED ... what's next?

>> No.3735083
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>thinking LINK and ODN "flopped"
really wish you retards would get off this board

>> No.3735088

I'm not selling my ODN or LINK until at least two weeks from now, they will rise again

>> No.3735091
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>> No.3735168

ODN is a pump and dump coin... they said december huge things will happen that way by then they can dump on your asses HAVE FUN WITH YOUR FUCKING BAGS FAGGGGOTS HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

>> No.3735227
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oooook buddy.

>> No.3735243

You sound like a dumb pajeet.

>> No.3735258
File: 111 KB, 1280x899, photo_2017-10-04_10-55-42.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


ELIX is just starting.

now that its not being pumped and dumped by suppoman lackeys it can grow in peace.

>> No.3735268

ODN and LINK have actual futures ahead of them. ELIX is a shit coin PND.

Hold ODN and LINK for 1+ year and you won't lose money.

>> No.3735272


you're welcome

>> No.3735284

Kek. First the shilling from the fake op redditor to pump and now fud to get price down. Hello illuminati, try harder to accumulate

>> No.3735311
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>biz begins to shill some coin massively
>introduces massive amounts of weak handed normies
>slight sell off
>normiefag panic sells
>coin forever in downtrend

ODN could have been a nice coin, but its stuck in a downtrend now, and is headed for its ico price and below

sold half my stash at 95 cents, going to sell another 50% if i see more shilling on reddit and biz about it

just look at what happened to dnt and 0x

>muh early retirement club

yeah your early retirement is a bullet to the head or a noose, faggot

>> No.3735319
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Upvote this post for normies if you...
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>> No.3735327

It's a good thing the ODN pump and dump was BLINDLY OBVIOUS. I happened to get out safe and sound.

>> No.3735329

>that much fudding over a 21mil cap baby coin

>> No.3735330

don't believe you have a single ODN

you certainly don't know how to read a chart

>> No.3735341

>86 cents
>ico price was 10-15cents

Lol. Odn shows slow linear growth, this is how small market cap coins grows. If you think this'll ever get to ico price you're delusional.

>> No.3735371

How did ODN flop exactly? It's still in an uptrend....

>> No.3735381

Fud from illuminati. Those dolphins are being made fun of in the slack.

>> No.3735396

i'm waiting for ODN to hit binance before buying

>> No.3735399


Upvote this post for normies if you...
Support privacy. Support the ODN Marines. Support /ourcoin/.

>> No.3735400

who is making this retarded threads. whats wrong with your brains.

it's 86 cents in green and few days on cmc.

make this thread in 1 year from now.

>> No.3735427

i only have 6k odn you think 10 dollars is a pipe dream. if the dark net starts incorporating odn for their money transfers adn messaging/file transfer cant this shit reach 5 dollars at the highest?

>> No.3735446
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5$ would put it at a 100m marketcap

would still put it below DOGE

>> No.3735476


DNT is real interesting. How did this shit token get over 150 mil market cap?

>> No.3735479

Dummy, when it hits binance it'll take off. Buy now at 19000sats cheap

>> No.3735496

dude how fuckin stupid do you have to be to say obsidian has flopped.

>> No.3735523

This is 100% accurate. Best flop of my life i guess. I wish more coins “flopped” 700+% since ico in 4 days on market. Rofl. What a fucking idiot.

>> No.3735530

It hit bittrex and opened at 20 cents and was taken down. Anime chan came here to shill and it started off suppressed at 2 cents and rose to 32 in prep for the binance kiss of death.

>> No.3735546

IOC, COSS and SHIFT for sure.

>> No.3735575

seems a good thread to ask a shit question.

why the fuck is the percentage of increased value of a coin defined by the past 24 hours and not on a daily bases?

you can see how much more its worth since 24 hours ago but you cant see how much it upped that day.

like in regular stocks when they open and close and you can see how much was lost/gained.

that seems a way better metric then the past 24 hours that dont even mean anything. you can look at somethign and see a 50% increase. then check again 1 hour later and it will only be 20% increase while the coin actually never changed in value. yet the 30% is gone

>> No.3735581 [DELETED] 

woooohow, did you see that... DUMP???

>> No.3735589

where are you getting 5 dollars from, your butt, i assume.

>> No.3735612

Because crypto is open 24/7 and it's global

>> No.3735634

you can if you take the two data points and do it yourself, there's no open and close in crypto markets and it's traded globally, when would they give you opening and closing numbers?

>> No.3735647

>stuck in a downward trend
>will reach 5x value in a week if it follows your graph

>> No.3735654

It's currently Wednesday in New York and Thursday in Tokyo.

>> No.3735794

yeah but it makes the percentage kinda useless