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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 193 KB, 1072x902, xrp1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3731843 No.3731843 [Reply] [Original]

>there are people on /biz/ who haven't bought Ripple yet
is it that you hate money or something? see you on Mars in 2 weeks

>> No.3731854

What's happening with ripple?

>> No.3731871
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we're not buying ripple because we're buying LINK, which is gonna kick ripple's ass.

>> No.3731914

regardless xrp will moon

>> No.3731957

why is it going to moon within the next two weeks?

>> No.3731992

it has been on a downfall since june, but sure, next two weeks are going to be crazy...

>> No.3732009
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Who knows

>> No.3732026
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Because Ben fucking Bernanke is going to speak at the Ripple conference, which was set up at the same time and even in the same city as SWIFT's SIBOS conference (where Chainlink will be showcased).

Ripple is desperate.

>> No.3732106
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You deluded Linkies are retarded af. Chainlink and ripple are not even close to being the same thing. XRP IS a bridge currency and can be used as a source of liquidity for banks. They settle transactions over sees in less then 5 seconds and the fee is non existent less then a penny and they are already in kahoots with 90+ banks using the tech already which lets them save atleast 30%, banks already tested using xrp plus product they will save additional 30%. Just a matter of time before xrp banks start wiping out competition and banks are forced to compete.

>> No.3732143

Ripple's competition is SWIFT, not chainlink.

Good luck Ripple!

>> No.3732212

Under all the puke posts you can also find common sense.
Ripples intention is to challenge swift thats why they chose the same place and the same time as sibos


Like the unwanted guest at a party who trashes the house and runs off with your girlfriend, Ripple is throwing its weight around at Swift's annual Sibos conference with a series of barbed tweets and acerbic commentary asking if the interbank co-operative's set-piece Global Payments Innovation initiative is all its cracked up to be.


The timing, location and "Swell: the future is here" name are no coincidence, representing an escalation of Ripple's recent assault on the venerable Swift network.

Ripple has positioned itself as the upstart rival to Swift, boasting that its distributed financial technology can help banks slash the time and cost of settlement while enabling new types of high-volume, low-value global transactions.

Im here for education purposes. I see al the brainfarts from toiletlink lmao

>> No.3732236
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SWIFT is getting fisted by a crypto! That is what matters!

They can adapt or they can die

http://www.investopedia.com/news/imf-chief-lagardes-comments-bitcoin-have-big-implications/#ixzz4uTYkwrIT even the feds and the imf


>> No.3732256

Ripple basically represents financial transactions on the blockchain.
In order to do that, banks have to adopt the Ripple network, meaning a very invasive overhaul or even replacement of legacy systems.

SWIFT can achieve the same blockchain integration by adopting Chainlink.
SWIFT's network is already in place as the largest communications network in the financial world, and Chainlink allows for blockchain integration in a very low-threshold manner for banks.
And since Chainlink is decentralized, the Chainlink network is a lot more "trustless" than Ripple's centralized system.

>> No.3732268

cripple isn't a crypto you dumb fucking nigger

>> No.3732309


In remarks, Graves – who said that she will be meeting with blockchain advocate Don Tapscott next month to discuss use cases the government might explore – stressed that she and Mulvaney view distributed ledger technology as a potentially powerful tool.
Btw who is tapscott? Ahh right the keynote guy at SWELL.


Whereas my address at Sibos in 2008 outlined problems in the financial world, my address to Swell attendees will discuss solutions – the radical transformations in the global economy – particularly how blockchain technology is revolutionizing the financial industry.

It’s difficult to overstate blockchain’s potential to fundamentally change the way we do business. By removing the need for non-value adding intermediaries to provide trust in transactions, blockchain has the ability to assure everyone benefits from economic growth – not just the very few.

Banks should not view this as a threat but rather a call to action.

Official endorsements by big names you fuckers

>> No.3732311
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Yeah. Your wasting your breath. These Pajeets wont jump on till 5 bucks

>> No.3732317

just because you say it without any news, proof, underlying claim?

>> No.3732331

you donn't seem to understand that banks don't like decentralization.


>> No.3732338

>Official endorsements by big names you fuckers
Sure, if you equate "blockchain" with "Ripple".
Which you shouldn't.

>> No.3732341

Hope you have an extension cord handy with which to hang yourself when you find out how badly you have been scamned.

>> No.3732362

Same thing I have been posting about for 3 weeks. But you are all to busy shilling the competing Link and Swift scams.

>> No.3732365

Then why are they tripping over themselves to adopt blockchain tech?
You do realize that decentralization of proof is what blockchains are all about, don't you?

Answer in your own words.

>> No.3732379

are you saying LINK will crash? at wost it will stay the same course and not go above 50 cent.

what will ripple do. do you think it will suddely double ?

is buying LINK and ripple like betting on black and red in roulette ?

>> No.3732387


Only enterprise ready solution for fis and banks and you fuckers. Stop scamming around with suicidelink. Prevention hotline can be found on google

>> No.3732419

>Only enterprise ready solution
Now you're just lying.

>> No.3732430
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So not only is Airbnb presenting at Ripples Swell conference, but it is Kapil Mokhat who is the Global Director of AirBnB's 'Payments Programs and Partnerships' - PARTNERSHIPS - why is Airbnb sending along their Global Director of Partnerships, unless something is in the works between Ripple and Airbnb. Why is no one connecting the dots, or at least starting the discussion and debate as to why else Ripple would have this guy giving a speech at Swell. These dots are pretty obvious and are almost connecting themselves. The digital currency market is supposedly based on speculation (so the media likes to remind everyone), so speculate.

Miguel Vias stated that Ripple would be announcing some major partnerships and payment providers this quarter, focusing particularly on XRP - i'm guessing Ripple decided to wait until Swell and drop bombshells all at once.

>> No.3732435

Sorry i forgot etherium cereal crunch breakfast wich uses a PRIVATEFORK of etherium

>> No.3732466

Airbnb right i forgot.
I get a boner.

And wait before i forget hyperledger and etherium boss money skeleton are there!!!
Did you know vitalik wanted to work for ripple but couldnt because of greencard problems or something?

https://twitter.com/xrptips/status/907448961346048000 gtfo out here guys.

Please dont kill yourself at the end of the year or in two weeks

>> No.3732468

The Chainlink project has been going on longer than Ethereum. It just provides a good base layer.
And Chainlink works with numerous blockchains, like Hyperledger.

>> No.3732480

Ben Bernanke is a retard. Anyone with half a brain would see Ripples conference and immediately assume that they will crash 50%.

>> No.3732482

are you saying dont kys to LINKfags or Ripplefags?

>> No.3732484

my man

>> No.3732485

No. Betting on Link is betting on a hide the bean in a cup game in the hood. Betting on ripple is not betting. It is buying in to a coin backed by Institutions which are FDIC insured. When all these scams get blown up by the SEC, what is going to be the only 10k coin standing? Thats right. XRP. ONE WORLD ONE CURRENCY. Are you all so dense that you did not figure out that the 800 some odd other coins were only allowed for a time to get you all on board, thinking this was all your idea? Sweet Summer Children. You may not like it, but you better sell everything and buy XRP.

>> No.3732487

>Ben Bernanke is a retard.
That was my point, yes.

>> No.3732495

And ripples interledger connects everything!
Dash etherium bitcoin fiat hyperledger corda axoni everything

>> No.3732503

sorry, it's been a long day

>> No.3732534
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Swift can't replace ripple or even come up with anything close to it they are years behind ripples experience and using swift there is still no instant overseas transactions and you still need nots to accounts and reserve currencies with xrp banks will not need that shit anymore because xrp is the bridge currency and the source of liquidity for banks. And they cut out so many middle men you save 60% using the tech and xrp together. Don't compare chainlink to ripple ever

>> No.3732655

so your saying that next year all the currencies will be gone (worth less tne 0.1 cent) except for 10-20 ?

>> No.3732684

>Swift can't replace ripple
Ok, I laughed.
Good one, anon.

Protip: Ripple is trying to replace SWIFT, not the other way around.

>Don't compare chainlink to ripple ever
You're right.
Chainlink is the realization of the very concept of "smart contracts", envisioned in the 90s as a complete transformation of transactions and agreements as we know them; eventually perhaps cutting out financial middlemen altogether.

Ripple is a centralized "make banks go fasterer" solution.

>> No.3732703

>developer does a quora AMA
>has the head of the fed giving a speech
>actually informed and legitimate directive outlined by the devs

and then theres

>a guy with toilet paper stuck to his shoe trying to talk over constant flushing

>> No.3732714
File: 337 KB, 934x1380, sorry Sergey.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a guy with toilet paper stuck to his shoe trying to talk over constant flushing
I love this meme so much.

>> No.3732724

Remindme 2 months lol.

Lets see who will be shilling another scam while ripple will sit at the white house at the federal reserve and the imf and the wef and the list goes on. And you retarded and delusional basement creeps will be sitting here and shill other scams lmao

>> No.3732727
File: 168 KB, 1434x2294, 20171004_065221.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ripple Rocket

>> No.3732795

Im so sorry for all the poor souls that fell for the scamlonk ico.
Ehm where are the devs since the ico? Lol

>> No.3732804
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>> No.3732814

>price keeps steadily rising
>retarded pajeets keep shorting
>price still climbs up
I want every Ripple hater calling it scam/useless to get rekt so hard. Can't wait for their tears.

>> No.3732860


>> No.3732878

buying ripple is like sending BEN BERNEKE you bitcorn personally. Lots of federal reserve shills are probably here promoting ripple don't be naive.

>> No.3732896

Nothing Personal, Kid.

>> No.3732904

They got us. Abort mission federal agents. I repeat abort mission. Sudo/apt get botarmy

>> No.3732911

Dont be naive. Buy Link. Got it.

>> No.3732922
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>> No.3732926

Federal reserve shills hahahah lmao on 4chan /biz hhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha where is your fucking alu hat?

>> No.3732931


>> No.3732955

Allowing a little dip for latecomers who want on.

>> No.3732971

Holy shit! My captcha was all in Hebrew! Lmfao! Dont care. Business is business. Hebrew Lambos are still Lambos.

>> No.3733038

so, do I buy XRP or LINK

>> No.3733053


>> No.3733059

Just bought another 100k xrp. I put My corn where my mouth is

>> No.3733062


I'm doing both.

>> No.3733065

Ummm. Compare the charts for the last 24 hours. Buy whichever one looks better.

>> No.3733068
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>> No.3733078

Xrp soars and link crashes. Its a wash for you. Whats the point?

>> No.3733091

Shoo Linkies. Back to your Containment Scam.

>> No.3733100


I only put half of what I put into XRP into LINK. I look at link as more of a gamble and XRP as long-term.

Also they aren't competitors, one won't fall as another rises or vice versa.

>> No.3733105
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>> No.3733123

Did you JUST?

>> No.3733129

well XRP is moving in a bullish manner to nearly 5k while LINK is holding its dick around 8k. I would say buy XRP

>> No.3733131

Holding LINK but will ride this XRP moon.

>> No.3733143
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>> No.3733146

Breaking news, sergey found dead after running away with ico money hahah

>> No.3733171

While xrp being traded at real exchanges and with fiat chainlink sucking coks at unprofessional sources. Be aware not that your emails being compromised

>> No.3733185
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>> No.3733191
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Ripple makes a lot of stink, but doesn't put out any gains.

The only people who made money on Ripple were bag holders back in early May.

>> No.3733213
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Sold all my voxel shitcoins for xrp, going all in. Prolly shouldn't chase green candles but I got faith that Soros and his cronies will pump xrp to $1.

>> No.3733226

There are peopke making monry on it right now, Mong. You are standing there pointing up at the sky and telling us it is purple with pink polka dots, and we can all clearly see it is blue.

>> No.3733245

That is why I started accumulating ripple a long time ago. I use my altcoin gains to buy Ripple.

>> No.3733341

If it crosses 1$ valuation a pump will escalate it far more up. I as an federal reserve agent would bet it goes to 3-5$

>> No.3733371

>I am the president

>> No.3733500

Mr President, make America great again.

>> No.3733530

When it is last man standing, it will need to be 10k, though.

>> No.3733578


>> No.3733645

If.doesn't. Have to replace SWiFt, riplle is all about Payment Settlements

>> No.3733651

I dont think this is going to slow down till it gets close to 20k. Hell of a lot of Momentum.

>> No.3733685
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Ho Lee Chit.

>> No.3733716

Congratulations to all those who heeded my warnings to buy ripple instead of Chainlink over the last couple of weeks.

>> No.3733722
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We Finna moon. Fuck I wish i bought more only have 5000

>> No.3733733

>cripple is so fucking dead a 7% pump in the last two months is enough to give its bagholders hope

lmao at anyone dumb enough to put money in this coin

>> No.3733751

Shoo Linkies. Back to your Containment Scam.

>> No.3733752


I'm sorry but what exactly is happening here?

>> No.3733770

Exactly what I have been forecasting on here for the last two weeks.

>> No.3733817

Check the Archives.

>> No.3733820

>Congratulations to all those who heeded my warnings to buy ripple instead of Chainlink over the last couple of weeks.

Lmao who is this retarded fucking namefaggot. You do realize Chain Link is up about 300% the past couple weeks? Thanks for the advice champ, now you know why everyone hates attention whoring namefags.

>> No.3733833

say, hypothetically, i buy the hype on xrp. what's a good entry point now? i'm inclined to wait until it settles down to 4500 or so, at least.

>> No.3733849
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>implying the cripple's speed is due to 'the tech' and not due to the fact it's centralised
>implying any other coin wouldn't run as fast or faster if decentralisation wasn't an issue
>implying the banks won't just take the source code of an actually innovative and decent coin and implement it centrally for efficiency
>implying that's not exactly what the hundreds of members of the EEA plan to do with Ethereum
>implying it's not precisely what JP Morgan is doing already
>implying ripple will go down in history as anything more than a centralised bitcoin rip-off used to con idiots during the crypto bubble

Haha, wow.

>> No.3733858


You have no credible data to support your religious belief that it should go up.

It has only gone down since the bullrun in May when every idiot who just held made money.

>> No.3733902

So, you bought the bags of those who pumped and dumped the Chainlink scam. I see. Shoo shoo Linkie. Back to your Containment Scam. My XRP Bags are not for sale.

>> No.3733941

Sir Timothy John Berners- Lee will be endorsing Ripple, Fool.

>> No.3733956

I doubt a single.bank can force other.banks to use their coin and ledger. It.has.to be a third party which is ripple

>> No.3733964

nah, i bought it during the presale and doubled down last week at around 5k satoshis

if only i listened to a namefag fresh off the boat from reddit telling me to buy a dead coin with a 40 billion circulating supply that has been on a sharp decline for half a year instead ;_;

>> No.3733973

And a tp trailing Pajeet just endorsed Chainlink.

>> No.3733982

I think we might go up to 10k sats this time.
Look at the poloniex wall around ~9k.

>> No.3734019

As Triggered as you are, we all know who is the Ledditor here, and who is the Oldfag Four of Clubs.

>> No.3734058

Nope. By the time we get anywhere near the conference, the old ATH will be a vague memory.

>> No.3734070

But yes, we will pass 10k on the way.

>> No.3734197
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>Sir Timothy John Berners

Is this faggot personally investing billions of dollars to make the price rise? No?

You can fuck right off mate. Take your religion somewhere else.

>> No.3734564

i was gonna buy your shit but i wont have more money for like 5 hours

>> No.3734720



>> No.3735616

only thing that's desperate is this poor attempt at a meme.

>> No.3735937

Which is more likely you think:

1) all banks independently adopt a centralized third-party blockchain solution that requires an invasive replacement of their legacy systems (which are notoriously tenacious)

2) the existing premier banking communications network convinces its banks to adopt a plug&play DEcentralized solution that does a fuckton more than just fast transfers


>> No.3736119


What saves them more money? Thats the one ;)

hint: its not link

>> No.3736238

>centralized blockchain technology

if you don't realize how retarded this is you deserve to lose money

>> No.3736254
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Because overhauling your entire systems, infrastructure, expertise, staff, ... is so cost-effective...

>> No.3736328

Don't be stupid. Banks and businesses love complete overhauls and being required to learn brand new proprietary software.

Why would they want a plug and play solution that allowed them to develop at their own speed using their own solutions.

>> No.3736340
File: 81 KB, 2414x1444, not the daylight savings.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


What? You dont do half of those things lol.

And saving banks money on EVERY transaction means something. Especially to them jew banks.

>> No.3736393


Specifically, Ripple can eliminate 6.8 bps or $18 billion annually in liquidity and payment
operations costs. Implementing Ripple with XRP, which further improves liquidity and treasury
operations costs, can lead to a total savings of 8.8 bps or $23 billion annually. As the volatility
of XRP approaches that of a global currency basket, cost savings can amount to 12.6 bps
or $33 billion annually. Furthermore, as banks globally adopt Ripple and as liquidity costs
are eliminated, there is a real possibility that the marginal cost of international transactions
approaches zero.

>> No.3736406

My sarcasm-o-meter almost malfunctioned lol.

>You dont do half of those things lol.
With Ripple you damn well do.
And for less functionality than Chainlink.

Now do the numbers with Chainlink.

>> No.3736505

Buy high, sell low.