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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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3731165 No.3731165[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Daily reminder that bitcoin is tulip mania 2.0

>> No.3731177

Why do you keep pushing this racemixing bullshit here? /biz/ is a pure board m8

>> No.3731188

Dont reply. That simple. Sage

>> No.3731201

replies ^^

>> No.3731225

fuck off, no tulips

>> No.3731301

Once again your rubbish hits the fan as usual wake u pand smell the coffee



>> No.3731810

Fuckin hope m8
I'm so butthurt to have miss the coin crase

>> No.3731844

Daily reminder that tulip mania is a 5 eyes fabricated PsyOp and allowing yourself to believe the lie will enable these people to partake in the largest money grab in history.

Some wounds never heal and allowing them to financially devastate normies by causing them to ignore the emergence of cryptocurrency by spreading misinformation will be the greatest tragedy of a generation.

>> No.3732349

tulip mania is literally unstoppable