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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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37281 No.37281[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

ITT we talk about degrees, how useless they all are and how fucked we are in the futue for having them.

/biz/, give it to me straight.
I'm half way through my combined Business/IT degree at a decent university.
Chose to major in programming on the IT side, and Economics on the business side. How fucked am I? What moves should I make now to make me as least fucked as possible?

>> No.37340


>> No.37343

You're posting this on a message board constructed by a guy when he was a teenager and is now an international icon for it. IT is a fucking booming industry. Silly degrees are vague shit like journalism or creative arts

>> No.37354

Whoops, typo

Fair enough. I guess the real money is in striking out on your own as opposed to going straight to a company.

>> No.37359

You are a fucking moron. I am a finance major, who did finance because I wanted to study a subject more specialized yet still easier than economics. I can tell you right now you do not belong on this board because you have no grasp of any knowledge in any part of life because your IQ, if it was not impossible, would be in the negative. Please kill yourself ASAP for being that fucking stupid.

>> No.37361

you'd be more fucked without a degree or even worse with a degree in art history or some shit

>> No.37382


You will fit in well with the Wall Street people who have drinking problems. Hopefully you'll jump off the building.

>> No.37396

Stupid thread. Fucktons of people don't work in a job directly related to their major. You can have a psych degree and work in the tech industry. It really doesn't matter in most cases.

>> No.37407

Journalism majors often go into PR and can make damn nice money.

>> No.37426


Journalism is competitive, and pretty cut-throat.

You'll have the top 10% making good cash, the bottom 90% earning 30k-40k.

>> No.37474

I dont care if it is useless, im 21, im here, and other than all this going to class and studying bullshit im having a grand time. Fuck it, ill stay in college. When im done ill go do shit. If no one wants me to do shit for them, ill do it for myself.

Fuck it.

>> No.37495

I'm going for an Accounting Degree as soon as I finish these "general education" courses they force on you.

>> No.37539

Gotta take those AP courses. College Board also offers a ton of tests you can take for gen-ed credits.

Thanks to those, I entered college as a sophomore and had barely any gen-ed courses. Well on my way through my Government degree.

>> No.37551

Damn, no spoilers. Thanks for revealing that fact to me, pal.

I'm doing community right now to get those courses out of the way. Don't pay for a thing thanks to tha gubbermint. Hopefully the degree lands me a nice job so any kids I have (unlikely) don't have to take out any loans.

>> No.37595

Yes - IT degrees are there to help teach you things and also to act as a bit of paper insurance for prospective employers. In reality, if you have IT skills then you can SHOW people that you are worth their money by demonstrating your ability.

>> No.37603

Yeah, no loans is my hope.I got a pretty good scholarship so I'm trying to play my cards right, get out of college in 4 years debt free. I could get out in 3 easily, but I'm thinking about a dual major in Computer Science.

I also want to work my way through college, and I finally got a good one but I fucked myself over 2 weeks in and got terminated since they over-hired and wanted to let go of the first poor slob who made a mistake. Back on the hunt now, and all of the jobs I can find that would get me good experience need more basic education than what I currently have.

>> No.37623


I took Dual Credit courses at my local CC throughout HS and came in as a Jr my first year of college...AP tests are expensive, difficult and there's large risk that your uni won't accept your AP credit

>> No.37651

AP Tests cost 80 bucks apiece. That's quite a bit, but it's excessively expensive. Difficult I'll grant you, but I don't believe that you can fail unless you do not study at all.

And don't give me that 'large risk' bullshit. Any credible university will state which AP credits it accepts and what scores it takes online or through the admissions office.

>> No.37647

I was a lazy shit throughout HS, just trying to do the bare minimum and just get to work immediately. I smartened up after I realized I was going to get anything better than minimum wage. Screwed myself over, but I'm working to fix the mistakes. Oddly, all the Unis I see only offer scholarship money for a high SAT score. Was "good grades = scholarship" thing I was told a lie? Because damn, that would make all the work I'm doing in community feel a little wasted.

I'm hoping to get an internship once I'm out of community. I have to get 150 course hours in if I want to get a CPA, which is nice to have, or so I hear. Figure the 150 hours, the CPA, and internship time should make post-degree life a breeze.

>> No.37660

"Good grades = scholarship" is an utter load of bullshit. I had mediocre grades but phenomenal AP/ACT/SAT scores and that's getting me through college for free.

>> No.37668

Well, that's what I get for believing bullshit talk from my counselors from high school and what I hear on TV. Hope the community provides some sorta study help with SAT. Usually got average there, but I want a high score before I make a transfer.

>> No.37664

Maybe if you want to be an actual journalist. There is far more you can do with the degree than that.

>> No.37670

How good is "phenomenal"? What college are you going to and how are you getting your money?

>> No.37678

Don't get me wrong, going to community college is a great way to get a head start on your degrees. Don't regret your decisions, just make the best of them.

>Thinking I'd give out that information on 4chan.

>> No.37695

I don't regret it for a second, but I was hoping to find a way to get to a uni without having to take out a loan besides SATs, since I always got average scores in those.

>> No.37697

>Thinking I'd give out that information on 4chan.
This isn't some insider stock tip, you don't lose anything by telling us.

Is "phenomenal" above or below 2250/1500 on the SAT?

>> No.37723

I get my scholarship from the university and my SAT score was just over 1400, my ACT was a 34.

I won't tell you what university I go to though.

>> No.37751

I jerked off in HS and got C's in most of the CC classes and got a 3.8 in HS..all of them transferred but my shitty CC GPA didn't, so I didn't have to bother with studying or worrying about what scores I needed...I came in classified as a Freshman and qualified for 100% frosh tuition scholarship as a Jr

I'd say the SAT thing is a lie too.. I got my scholarship based on my PSAT score from Jr year of HS..I got a lot of junk mail from random Ivy's and big state schools and all kinds of different scholarship plans..ended up going to mediocre state school with everything paid for

>> No.37745

Depends on your social situation. Love it or hate it, nepotism is still alive and well and if you know the right people you can get a good job without most of the typical prerequisites.
My first job ever was a well paying city government gig thanks to knowing the right people.

>> No.37769

Nah, SAT isn't a lie. I was looking at one of the schools that was "connected" to my community in some way, and under scholarships, it had SAT scores and how much you can get depending on the scores, with the best possible score being able to pay for your classes and your stay in a dorm.

>> No.37772

>Journalism majors often go into PR and can make damn nice money.

Did your advisor tell you this?

>> No.37803

I guess I should add that I dropped out of college. But if you think you're already making some good headway on your degree then I'd stick with it.

>> No.37810

Currently getting a PhD in comparitive literature from a 10 ten program.

Savvy career choice or waste of time, /biz/?

>> No.37817

Many schools offered full tuition for National Merit Finalist or Scholar a couple years ago, a designation you can only achieve from the PSAT test during your Jr year of HS..The College Board puts your name on a list and colleges contact you about scholarships..Between your Juniior and Senior years, you should've already applied and been accepted to your college of choice along with your scholarship package...The SAT is just a formality if you get a high enough score on the PSAT

>> No.37819

hahha, what you think?

>> No.37827

No, the DoL did. I didn't major in journalism.

>> No.37831

I might have to take out a loan if I cannot find another option, then. That sucks.

>> No.37837

I'd say savvy career choice, I mean, it's impossible to become an academic without a PhD.

>> No.37857

No it's not. You can be a college professor without a Ph.D. depending on the field.

>> No.37878

That's not to say that's the only way to get scholarship money...A high score on the SAT looks good, too and will land you money, it's just that you have to be a lot more proactive and apply for those scholarships through the school's scholarship database..Don't get discouraged, if you're too poor try getting a work study or a part time job and remember not to take out more loans than you need

>> No.37882

>You can be a college professor without a Ph.D. depending on the field.

The only sort of job you'll get without a PhD is indentured-servant, tenureless teaching bitch.

>> No.37930

Wrong. I went to a school with the one of the best architecture programs in the country, and one of the most senior (and tenured) professors only had a masters.

>> No.37926

Engineering master race reporting in

>> No.37947

What job in Engineering has the highest starting yearly?

>> No.37951

Chemical Engineering/oil

>> No.37953

Probably petroleum engineering.

>> No.37969

k, thanks.

>> No.37975

Where are you from /biz/nessman?


>> No.38107

Alright, let me say this now, because I'm majoring in journalism at the moment. What do I expect when I'm finished with the degree? Are the big Jew mediafags gonna talk to me or do you have to do some shit for a few years first?

>> No.38212

>going into a dying market
Nuclear is the future once everyone grow some balls.

>> No.38236
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>Still bundling Glorious Canada with pleb tier US and Mexico

>> No.38284


1) it isn't the future, mining uranium and disposing of it is pretty expensive. fission stations aren't some crazy super upgrade over fossil fuels with the slight drawback of fallout risk (assuming you mean fission here, since fusion doesn't require balls, just a fair chunk more time)

2) even if that were the case/it becomes the case for something else like fusion or renewables, petroleum is still needed for plastics and also currently for almost all transportation. any real shift to electric cars is a fair way off

he's going to be out of the industry in 40-50 years maximum. if humans worked for 100+ years then maybe you'd have a point

>> No.38313


not a fantastic example as 4chan has been around for ~10 years and moot hasn't made any money off it, or if he has then it must've been very very recently

>> No.38315

I'm going doing nanotechnology/maths. How fucked am I?

>> No.38381 [DELETED] 
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I have about two years of programming experience and I now the following languages well enough to build something worthwhile with them:
– C#

I have made websites, Android apps and programs for Windows in the past. I also own a Mac but I haven’t learned about development on OS X or iOS yet.

Right now I’m 18 years old and this year I’ll have to decide wether I should attend a college or university or just continue to learn things on my own in the hopes of finding a job some day.

What would be the smartest choice? If it makes any difference I’m located in Norway.

>> No.38405


This isn't Deus Ex.

>> No.38485

Finishing Management/Capital markets degree and preparing for stockbroker's certification. Just wanna sell financial instruments to other goyim like me.

>> No.38499

You have to do low level shit first. Honestly (and I base this on the journalism majors I know, about 1 dozen or so of them) you'll probably not make much up front. Maybe $40k or so. But you learn the ropes and move up and PR managers can make six figures.

>> No.38512

He doesn't make much money off of this site. I think it is something like maybe 1000 a month at most.

>> No.38507

Petroleum is going to be hugely important for the duration of our lives. Get over it.

>> No.38524


in that case that's a recent development, from the last year or two, and before that it lost him a phenomenal amount of money. even if it's making him $1000 a month at the moment he won't have broken even and will not for a long time. would like to see a source on the $1000 figure though

>> No.38544

I'm making a reasonable guess based on experience which means no figures as of yet. We have his banner ad pricing to go off of, but that probably doesn't account for all of the money that the site brings in nor do we have much clue on how much he makes off his J-List and Porn banners from /b/ (Which were the only banners for a LOOOONG time) and what Captcha kicks back to him.

>> No.38632

I'm almost in my final year of an economics (international trade and finance) and commerce (finance) dual degree. I only have a credit average and I haven't had any internships yet. I'll hopefully get an internship at the end of the year. How are my prospects? I'm Australian btw...

>> No.38750

Jesus fuck i feel retarded. My ACT was a 28.

>> No.38850

Currently going to local community college, making $5k a semester off of scholarships. Going to UCF in Fall to get my BA in Finance.
Feels good making $ while going to school. I work at a taxes/investment firm and make $49/h lol.
18 years old.

>> No.38917

I'm finishing combined Econometrics and Computer Science this and it's completely useless, at least in my country. I know nothing about Econometrics, because it doesn't interest me and I just cram it before the exam, it's all the same useless shit anyway, I only know some programming, because of the self learning. All programming I had on the university was some entry level, like in the first 100 pages of some programming book. Future NEET reporting in.

>> No.38920

how about dem best linear unbiased estimators doe?

>> No.38922

*this year

>> No.38934

I originally enrolled in uni to be a secondary school teacher teaching English and Social Sciences. That's since changed.

I'm currently doing a Bachelor of Arts, majoring in Politics & Policy (a bizarre amalgamation of political science and public policy). I'm also doing two minors, one being Legal Studies (to complement the public policy) and the other being History (simply because I enjoy it).

I plan on getting into at least a Graduate Diploma of Public Policy, but hopefully a Masters of Public Policy.

I feel a little stupid when my friends are doing things like accounting, computing, business/law, economics/law, pharmarcy or mechatronic engineering, but public policy careers are quite abundant here in Australia in comparison to places like the US.

>> No.38983

statistics courses weren't that bad, but it's still not the level to be useful for employement

>> No.39404

Why in the fuck would you cram for a major you may show interest in? That's the kind of shit you pull for a humanities class or some shit that you have to take or else lolnodegree

>> No.39491

But you need a Degree for any job OP. I mean it does feel useless since everything you do in your job was learned during training for said job, but you still need school to prove you're worthy of the job

>> No.39516

tell me bros, is accounting easier than finance, or the otherway round?

>> No.39542


>tfw Electrical Engineering with a minor in Japanese

>> No.39691

Depends on your school, if your school isn't known for its finance program, accounting will likely be way harder. At my school, Big4 recruit at Beta Alpha Psi all the time while with the sole exception of the student investment fund(real $ pulled out of the foundation for us to manage) our finance program is a joke.
I'm both in the investment fund(7 students total in the full-year program atm) and Beta Alpha Psi. Personally, if I had to choose one or the other, I'd take accounting, though both is bretty gud.

>> No.39730

>minor in Japanese


>> No.39739

>tfw paying 50k€ for good contacts

>> No.39751

Japanese isn't a bad minor if you have the stomach for it and realize you will always be a gaijin in nipponland. It opens up a lot of niche job openings.

>> No.39765

Accountancy student here, how fucked am I? I got interested because there is a huge demand fot them, but now I hear I'll get a shit pay and there aren't really that many job opportunities

>> No.39774


But you willl be stuck in nippon


that is what you want?!

>> No.39781

Nearly 3/4 through my chemical engineering degree, but I may have to stop for a while. Any chance of getting a decent job in the interlude that isn't Walmart?

>> No.39911

Going to finish my Architecture Degree next year, then hopefully i can land a job for a year or two before i continue my professional training by doing a masters. By then the construction economy should be better. I've doing a little bit of freelance work at the moment, archviz and filling out planning forms for peoples extensions

>> No.39913

Generally speaking accounting as a degree is harder than finance (with the exception being quantitative finance); however, it is not as if you need a particularly high iq to understand accounting. It just requires a lot of memorization and practice

>> No.39919

tutor, do research in lab for a professor or something. internship

>> No.39936
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>going to school for a degree
You go to school to learn, so you can be good at your craft, so you can make money. Is it really that hard to understand for some people?

Of course degrees are useless. They just say "wow you did a thing congrats." They don't disqualify you from being an idiot.

If you went to college for years and all you have to show about it is a piece of paper then you did something horribly wrong somewhere along the line.

>> No.39955

After being in the workforce for years all of you are way too optimistic and finding a job is so fucking difficult and when you do find one it won't be for more than 35-40k a year

>> No.39962

I'm doing Electronic, Computer and Communications Engineering, how fucked am I?

>> No.39986

Fashion is amazing because of how much money there is in this textile industry

>> No.39988

You are fucked in that you probably have no life because you are probably studying or doing work all the time. Outside of that you are fine

>> No.40003

You are right about us being too optimistic and the difficulty of finding a job if you don't make the right connections, but you are very wrong about the compensation for individuals with certain degrees

>> No.40017

Does "have a life" mean "partying"? I've been to a few parties now and I don't understand why people think it's entertaining.

I have hobbies, but people told me to "get a life" when I mentioned them before.

>> No.40019

What will a good comsci degree at a top school get me?

>> No.40034

You'll be alright, but don't expect the money to be this good forever.

>> No.40036

Less far than an equivalent maths or physics degree.

Should have gone for engineering m80.
>100k starting
>any job I want

>> No.40049

True, but don't forget >>39739

>> No.40058

You have to be actually studying while doing internship though, right? How about being hired in the field even without having finished yet/not currently studying? Don't care if it's some bottom-tier position.

>> No.40067


I don't mean partying I just mean having free time to actually enjoy life or do what you want with relatively low stress

what are your hobbies

and the party all the time lifestyle is overrated a lot. but there is nothing wrong with going to a party or any other social gathering every now and then

>> No.40097

Unless you are petroleum or have a masters in engineering you are extremely deluded into thinking that you'll have on average 100k starting.

Should engineers be paid at least 100k starting on average (with the exception of industrial) ....Yes are they No

>> No.40121


You don't necessarily have to be enrolled to have an internship, as long as you prove that you will return to school in order to acquire the necessary degree or certification. And you can find opportunities it's just that you'll have to do quite a bit of networking in order to find existing ones or create them for yourself

>> No.40127

I'm almost finished my astrophysics degree. How fucked am I?

>> No.40152

The usual sperglord hobbies. I'm getting involved in the local hackerspace which is a good way to network, I've also taken up Kempo Karate to stay fit.

Dungeons and Dragons is under rated.
As somebody who has tried MDMA, Mephedrone, BZP, Cocaine, Tramadol, Ritalin, Amphetamine, Heroin, Zolpidem, Xanex and Valium, a good Dungeons and Dragons session can be quite exciting and euphoric.

>> No.40258

That feeling when Law School.

>> No.40266

I am doing Philosophy. Come at me.

>> No.40280


>> No.40290

Cool. Although some might share this sentiment at least you have them. It's also good that you involved in some physical activity. But at least you have some hobbies

>> No.40298

I'm getting ready to go to start a course in Philosophy, Politics, and Economics this October. In second/third year you usually specialise, so I'll be doing Econ as the major (75%) and Phil as the minor (25%). I may get a masters at econ.

This'll be at a fairly prestigious university (ie, one with international recognition). Think this is a viable path? I'm gonna try to get into IB, and I know there are a lot of internships going at the university I'll be going to.

Once I build up a sufficient amount of capital from IB and retire on it, I'm thinking of doing a 2nd undergrad degree in Physics.

>> No.40301

Shut up you politically correct asshole.
no one is talking about a piece of paper, specifically. By degree we simply mean what we studied.

Go back to reddit if all you want to do is one-up others.

>> No.40462

Is a degree in mathematics as good as people make it seem? I'm going to a decent (top 200) university next year for applied mathematics and computational statistics, and was wondering if i'd be making decent money with a bachelors in this? Or do I have to get a masters or phd to get muh 300k a year?

>> No.40476

>American colleges and universities cost as as the best private universities of my country
top kek
Enjoy your scam.

>> No.40487

What degree do you have?

>> No.40493

Good maths degree will get you into any grad training you want. If you want an actual job at the end, network while at uni.

Masters will obviously look nice, phd, even better, if you can hack it. muh 300k starting is a myth, though

>> No.40491

I'm just starting my astrophysics degree. How fucked am I?

>> No.40528

Hi /biz/. The degree i'm currently doing is in 'International Studies' which is mostly about economics, international relations and history with a few bullshit 'cultural studies' classes thrown in. The reason that I chose it is because I have no idea what I want to do with my future, but am interested in the disciplines mentioned earlier (Except for shit like linguistics and cultural studies). Is the 4chan hate for degrees like mine unfair and if not, what's the best way to salvage something from it? Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

>> No.40536

> Masters in physics
> easily landed a job a month after graduation
> above country average income
> it's actually lots of fun
get on my level /biz/

>> No.40537


Depends on how much you like Fourier Transforms.

>> No.40555

International relations, ecenomics and history are perfectly fine degree subjects. You're not doing gender studies, m8.

If you want to 'salvage' something from your degree, do extra things. Volunteer, take positions of responsibility, get experience, network.

>> No.40558

Literally, this is your only viable option
>Get master's degree after
>Find work at laboratory
>Earn industry cred by publishing tons of papers
>Go for PhD
>Make bank continuing research, as professor, or as scholar

The likelihood of this happening is slim to none

>> No.40569

Not that guy but you make me feel better about my degree now

>> No.40576

By 'scholar,' I mean author/popscientist

>> No.40578

More power to you
we need more people (intelligent) going into
the sciences and developing things that are beneficial to society

>> No.40589

Not even remotely true. Like maths, good physics (even astro) will get you into pretty much any graduate training program. Saying you have to go into research is retarded

>> No.40590

Going for Actuarial Sciences. Seems like it'll make me some cash.

>> No.40593

That guy. Thanks for the advice, I'll start looking for volunteer work/ a job I guess.

>> No.40605

>master's degree

what? I'm guessing you'r'e not American?

>> No.40611

which is?

>> No.40628

No, i'm not. And it's not actually a master, but a Diplom, which I was told is comparable to a masters degree.

>> No.40629


How do you know this?

>> No.40630
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>golf course management BSc
>any golf course job i want
>10k starting

>> No.40648
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> starting a career based on how much you expect to make instead of what you like to do

>> No.40666

>not taking both into consideration
I tend to enjoy stuff that gets me money.
Not even sure why.

>> No.40661

what kind of degree should i get in community college before i transfer?

>> No.40675

Meybe parts of your ancestors are jewish?

>> No.40681

>why am I still working at Starbucks with my masters in medieval poetry
>surely society is to blame

>> No.40694

Because most people are motivated by money and the opportunities that it can afford them.

And some of things that people are interested in aren't as lucrative, stable, and can provide them with the illusionary lifestyles that they are chasing after

>> No.40688

oh, cause in America you pretty much are expected to go straight to PhD after undergrad. Shame because I might have done a master's myself if it was an option...but PhD...I don't want to be in school another 6+ years.

>> No.40697

Is there any worth in doing courses like Agriculture?

Lately I've been yearning for simpler times, open fields and the inserting of my arm into the anuses of cows.

>> No.40718

That's got to be a crock of shit. Give some kind of source on this American phd culture.

>> No.40705

Become a veterinarian? Agricultural engineering?

>> No.40727

Why aren't you busy writing the next LoTR?

>> No.40733


I'm not sure about inserting yourself or objects into bovine anus but doing biotechnology or agricultural studies could be worthwhile, especially as the global population continues to grow exponentially

>> No.40784

My friend's dad is an astronomer at JPL who majored in astrophysics up to his PhD; research is the only field where you have a fighting chance; working in high-tech industry instead of research is shit tough since all the engi and compsci majors are better-suited for practical jobs then you are, but I won't say it's impossible

>> No.40795

I am proficient in Arabic and I am considering pursuing a bachelor's in petroleum engineering. I'll start school in 2016, be done in 2020. Granted, predicting industry-specific unemployment and median wages 6 years from now can be tough... that uncertainty set aside, this is a pretty good idea for making big bucks, no?

>> No.40805

My dad works at Nintendo and he told me (you and) you're dad is full of shit.

>> No.40806

Except there won't be any more petroleum left in 10 years

>> No.40820


>> No.40834

just for physics. other degrees have masters programs.

>> No.40874

I'm actually fine with this since I was afraid I was going to be pushed into some industry making shit products I wouldn't use myself.

>> No.40952


I know more about c++, c and computer simulation than the com-sci majors. I also know a fuckload of electronics as well as optics.

They employable skills?

>> No.41060

>I know more about c++, c and computer simulation than the com-sci majors

[citation intensifies], but if you know your way around simulators, you could at least play a part in making space training simulators; still, unless you've got the experience on your resume that proves you've got better programming creds than compsci majors, you'll get put on the back burner because it's not your area of focus

Electronics and optics could land you in commercial lasers, but the EEs still have a beat on you

>> No.41069

Of course they are. Don't listen to this fagboi saying you can only do phd now, he is talking complete shite.

>> No.41078


Oh well. The astro degree has a 100% employment rate in the uni I go to. They must get jobs somewhere.

>> No.41082

If you know how to make optics you can form your own company and make telescopes/binoculars. That pretty big here in Arizona.

>> No.41124

You could work in a ERP company or make it yourself, m8

>> No.41125

Not strictly true, if you want that good IT job, or hell even that shitty help desk job, you best have a technology degree and not a liberal arts one. The guy with the IT degree will always get the job over you.

So yes if you get psych degree or something similar you will probably end up not working in psychology. It's far more likely you will end up working at starbucks.

>> No.41139

Getting a PHD does not guarantee you a cushy job in academia, it really, really doesn't.

Good luck, you'll need it.

>> No.41263

True words, there's a ton of competition from the thousands of foreigners who come to America every year to get their PhDs (mainly Indians, Africans, and Southeast Asians) and are willing to work twice the hours for half the salary that American grads would want

>> No.41269

Working for companies that make ERP is a good way to holla holla make dolla.

Source: It's what I do.

P.S, Before the snarky comments roll in, ERP is Enterprise Resource Planning.

>> No.41316

Are you really this retarded?
You seriously think that the main obstacle to permanent posts in academia is 'gooks took muh jerbs'?