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File: 292 KB, 1037x1072, img1-2-b332aa1af04bfd4da742e475c70e77e593f43ba24349b871939dbd8c3201c41b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3725843 No.3725843 [Reply] [Original]

I bought 80k LINK pre-sale and sold at 44 cents the other day. Bought back in at 40 cents, but only 30k LINK. I've been watching these dips hesitantly. My portfolio is just about 50k (up from 3k) right now and I finally feel /comfy/. I can't bear to watch it sink beneath that.

But honestly I think the lack of news has allowed unwarranted negative speculation to thrive. The memes are entertaining but literally none of the FUD has any substance.

tempted to pull the trigger and go all in because I really think we are gonna get blown away by something soon. The more you piece it together the more it makes sense. Everything just feels right.

>> No.3725882

have 90k, feelsgoodman

>> No.3725902

100 market cap for a coin that is going to be used for bank payments? Everyone who's didn't sell his house to go all in is fucked in the head.

>> No.3725910

wait genuine question, who's doing the coding for this project

>> No.3725913

Meant 100 million, sorry

>> No.3725915

aka Satoshi

>> No.3725920


>> No.3725925

should have bought blacked like very high IQ /biz/raeli and enjoy real moon mission soon.

>> No.3725928

my only worry is that if they don't directly state any even potential partnerships at this conference, then the price is going to sink for quite a while

if SWIFT chooses to hedge LINK against ripple then we go to moon

>> No.3725940
File: 146 KB, 708x664, feelsamazing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

guys i'm not sure I'm strapped in hard enough in my seat for this pluto mission
I already feel like a shaky virgin that is touched by a beautiful woman after 26 years of abstinence, but I feel like this throughout the day.

>> No.3725944

yeah your all gonna regret not going all in on BIS

>> No.3725949
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I'm balls deep, anon. /Biz is going to get rich in the near future. possible to be in billion dollar MC by end of year.

>> No.3725954

i sold everything and came out with $150k. i'll be keeping an eye on sibos and buy in again if it goes well and there's a clear indication of an upward trend.

>> No.3725955

you should be in man. Im also at 30k right now, I think I should get in deeper actually. not many opportunities to really make it come up and I believe in the product the more I ready. GO to SIBOS and look at the little abstract for their talk. Its just exciting desu.

>> No.3725968

dont be an idiot. 10x before end of year would be nuts, cant see that happening

>> No.3725970

Buy in now if you can. It looks like the price could break out soon.

>> No.3725973

kys niglet

>> No.3725992

I guess you weren't here when OMG reached 1 billion from 100 millions...

>> No.3725993


real talk ive been fudding this coin cuz i cant afford to buy any crypto and the memes are funny but i have this sinking feeling that im going to miss out so hard

>> No.3725994

>only 6500 link
Dear God why

>> No.3725998

Shill be 100 pls.

I only have 300


>> No.3726003
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>this dude is actually Satoshi
holy fuck its like a prophecy or some shit
>SN Satoshi Nakamoto
>SN Sergey Nazarov

brings the big gamechanger for crypto that gets all the money in
>we're literally sitting on a money printing machine here

>> No.3726007

how fast was it?

>> No.3726009
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>> No.3726021

Just got my Avalon refund, keep dipping so I can correct my mistakes.

>> No.3726022


I've got ~ 1million.

We're up ~4x right now. A literal fortune for a middle class person like myself.

I'm sure it will go up far more. The price is staying steady at around 35 cents. Coiling itself up as weak hands keep selling.

Strong hands keep growing in the top 100. They are playing the long game for major, major profits while others let their Link go because they're happy going from 10 cents to 35 cents.

I'm sure they'll be regretting it the same way some regretted it when they sold at .0006 eth/link versus .0016. Can't help everyone, and everyone is trying to do what they think is best for themselves.

>> No.3726024

About 2 months

>> No.3726026

holy shit. could be. theres an interview where he is asked about what it was like as BTC was going up and he gets this glint in his eye. Does kinda feel in that moment like he might be satoshi actually

>> No.3726032

found his github:

if you don't trust the link just google steve ellis nyu github

>> No.3726050

fuck me. really. what price points did it hit on its way. why does OMG suck so much right now

>> No.3726055

i actually felt a little sad for you anon somebody get this guy some link

>> No.3726092

i have 10k link hm to make 50k?

>> No.3726099


>> No.3726133

People aren't falling for the "we're posing in front of buildings" meme

>> No.3726141

Lmao anyone buying this is getting scammed. Look at the GitHub for LINK. Only 1 developer and barely any commits. "1 billion market cap" haha yeah lol yourselves

>> No.3726144
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Poor fag here; First time on Binance. Got 1000 link. Will I make it bros ?

>> No.3726163
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you will have a nice Honda Civic

>> No.3726169

yes but gotta hold for some years

>> No.3726179

you will make enough money to invest into the next big coin take OP for example
>My portfolio is just about 50k (up from 3k)
gain as much as you can now then take some out and invest the rest to eventually be in the 10k+ range i only have 1.8k LINK but we all have to start some place

>> No.3726194

lol@that artificial dump

>> No.3726209

please share the whole thing friend

>> No.3726212

Very clearly underbought now.

>> No.3726226

what our blindside risks here? that they just don't do shit; like was gonna happen after sibos. what will make this thing actually rise?

>> No.3726237

with omg were there alot of people here that bought into the whole thing or did they just shit on it

>> No.3726243
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>> No.3726249


what does ripple's github look like

you're such a fucking idiot. Github is only a useful metric when a team is working towards product completion. They're already finished. THREE YEARS

>> No.3726253

can we get a smart anon to fill this guy in on everything revolving around LINK because frankly im just in it for the money

>> No.3726261

50/50 I guess. It's the same with every coin, even ETH got fudded hard on it's way to becoming a big player

>> No.3726274

if they get at least one confirmed partnership with ANY major financial investor

>> No.3726280

It will give LINK exposure and people will buy. Simple as that. Look around. Hardly anyone is talking about this outside of /biz/.

>> No.3726285


Russian name meaning truth.

As in "Nazar" which means truth.

knowledge, wisdom, enlightenment

from Naka meaning ubiquitous, and moto as in foundation

>> No.3726296


Can someone please tell me where I can buy this garbage? I have no passport and can't use the chink sight. I'm in on ripple but want this as well.

>> No.3726298

I am retarded

Sergey as in "Shepard"

>> No.3726310
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>> No.3726311

binance is your best bet anon

>> No.3726333


I won't be able to get a passport in time for the moon ride. bittrex it is I guess...

>> No.3726351


binance is the new bittrex

>> No.3726363

You don't need a passport for binance. Without verification you can get a 2btc daily limit.

Hop in.

>> No.3726370

come on for the ride anon we're all waiting

>> No.3726376


Alright, you fucks got me. See you on the moon, save a rover ride for me.

>> No.3726393

Should I sell the rest of my stack (around 10k USD) for link?

I already own 11.5k. Could bring it up to ~35k, but I'd only be in LINK.

>> No.3726408



>> No.3726411

its ranging from 7.8k-8k sats and i havent seen it go before 7.7k i think now is a good time to get in

>> No.3726415

Same here, at 11.5k.
Thinking about putting another $5000 in it

>> No.3726420


i'm gonna do it. worst case scenario I have to restart my portfolio somehow.

"If you can make one heap of all your winnings
And risk it on one turn of pitch-and-toss,
And lose, and start again at your beginnings"

>> No.3726435


>> No.3726477

Honestly, It's not like LINK is going down in the long term.

>> No.3726491

ya it just feels like this is one of those that will moon hard and fast when it does otherwise it'll just fall like so many other and die fast. I'm going w moon

>> No.3726493

U guys r worse than omg fags

>> No.3726530

the two things I don't like are Sergey keeps talking about tamper proof. like how often does that fucking even happen, tampering w the contract. He makes it sound like that is such an important fucking thing. Also, I don't like the contract has to be super objective measure only. that'll limit what contracts quite a bit. thought from people that are actually smart and not idiots?

>> No.3726596


Why the fuck would you be "bothered" that Sergei is concerned with "tamper proof" measures as though that is not important? At least you know you're an idiot.

>> No.3726615


>> No.3726651

Have mercy on my poor soul... I see all these people with thousands of links...im over here thinking I have so much lol... I put what little I can afford into LINK at 32 cents a few days ago


>> No.3726765

It will dip once more, right?

>> No.3726770

It's about to head back up.

>> No.3726939

Got my brother, dad, and girl to buy LINK. This shit is about to run the fuck up.

>> No.3726943

Can you hear the engines starting up, anon?

>> No.3727074
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>> No.3727085

This might be your last chance to get in before $.40

>> No.3727129

What is that?

>> No.3727196

Literally said that when I pushed my WTC gains into Link.

>> No.3727256

Doesn't WTC still have a chance to go to the moon though? I have positions in both LINK and WTC?

>> No.3727400

WTC is a solid investment too, I'm just holding onto mine for the time being

>> No.3727450

I went all in at 8k

>> No.3727510

Help a broke kid out. we gonna go to the moon boys


>> No.3727593

it is the september edition of the palm beach research group report. basically saying to buy GAS up to $30 and hold.


>> No.3727613

0.56 to $7 in a month. lol get ready for a steep correction unless they have big news coming up

>> No.3727641

Yeah checked it out, it $3000 wtf...is it worth buying a subsctiption to?

>> No.3727674

Half of /biz is all in on LINK. If this doesnt moon it will be the biggest mass suicide since Jonestown.

>> No.3727720
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>> No.3727929

Prove to me that this is a good investment. I hear a lot of talk. Is it REALLY that revolutionary?

>> No.3727947

The IDEA is somewhat revolutionary. No doubt.

The notion that this "good" IDEA needs a TOKEN is utter bullshit

>> No.3727971

Lots of revolutionary ideas get fucked. On the other hand, I have such a little position, that I may as well.

Worth 1.5 ETH?

>> No.3727987


>> No.3728004

Only have 2870 LINK here. Want at least 3k before the final lift off. Is this it, or do you guys think I could sell off at the next peak and it would dip again?

>> No.3728007


The Token is pretty important in this case to hold node operators accountable for valid data and create a system where they are intrinsically punished for running malicious nodes.

>> No.3728016

Probably. I don't even think this will go that high tonight.

>> No.3728022

Do you think it will dip back down to 35 cents once it hits 45?

>> No.3728024

Kek, this

>tfw all in

>> No.3728028

They were right about a lot of things, including Antshares. They expect OMG to be worth 700 eventually too.

If you're lucky you can find it posted around here sometimes, so I wouldn't buy in unless you make fucking bank and want in on the moon missions before the rocket is even built.

>> No.3728056

Problem is that it's old. Sent out at $8, now it's about $24.

>> No.3728110

Do you understand game theory?

>> No.3728123

Didn't have free cash for this last dip.
>ride QTUM moonshot in a bit
>cash half out to put in LINK
>Two tickets to lamboland

>> No.3728192

You guys are risking gains when youre wondering if you can buy in at 10% cheaper if you're lucky enough it dips that low again? Then miss out on 100% in the next two weeks minimum? You fucking idiots, anyone not buying link now will be cry babies end of the week lmao. I've gotten another nice stack today. Bitches this is my one way ticket to quitting my shitty job for good.

>> No.3728229

I mean, there could be a PnD ride like ELIX that could go 3x and let me have 8k LINK instead of 2.8k. I wish I had more money to buy LINK with

>> No.3728244

>this is my one way ticket to quitting my shitty job for good.
You and me both brother

>> No.3728257

sorry man, I'm uhh, not looking for any more bags thanks

>> No.3728258

Someone spare a few link so i can pass it on in the future. I have only been able get 500


>> No.3728289


Linkies, we're gonna be rich.

>> No.3728291

Is chainlink just the clearing house of crypto/fiat as the image seems to imply? Am i missing something?

>> No.3728294

Preach it. I'm willing to bet most of these "le buy the dip" anons are at most like 1 month into crypto. Anyone who's been in longer already got burned by day trading and missed out on moon missions

>tfw bought ANS at 120k sats and sold it at 336k thinking I was a genius day trader

>> No.3728372

what is ANS? nothing comes up on coinmarketcap

>> No.3728381

It's what NEO used to be called

>> No.3728393

Whats with all the retards asking "should I do this"? "Should I sell x to buy x" you are embarassing yourselves, you can do nothing on your own but must follow others. Destined to fail.

With that said buy link and get the fuck out

>> No.3728396

Speaking of NEO.

Buy NEO or GAS? Apparently you need GAS to process NEO transactions, and there's about 8x less GAS.

>> No.3728412

What's with the retards coming here and telling people to buy certain coins? Wtf? Why don't they just look for themselves? In a matter of fact, why doesn't /biz/ just petition to be deleted?

It's the whole fucking point, to get advice.

>> No.3728427

Lots of newfags that don't know much about crypto.
Tons of people that knew nothing about crypto got into LINK when it was being shilled hard a week ago.

>> No.3728441

>lack of news has allowed unwarranted negative speculation to thrive
>as we sit at 3.7x ICO price....not even a month after ICO........

>> No.3728464

And you're saying it isn't worth?

>> No.3728500

It is worth it.
The only problem is other people haven't caught on yet.
Reddit still thinks its a scam.
SIBOS should help but we will have to wait and see how much of an impact it can really have.

>> No.3728506

this is me, literally the first thing i bought in crypto was 2k link at .2 after hearing a few people shilling it a week

>> No.3728520

I ignored the siren's call in 2013 for BTC. I'm not doing it again. If I lose some money, fuck it. I might as well try.

>> No.3728563


>> No.3728599

Whale here letting you in on why we use 4chan as a decision driver in some of our trades:

4chan is a great litmus test for the prevailing emotional state of the market as a whole because you all have the minds of adults but the emotional maturity and attention span of children.

Thank you. As you were.

>> No.3728650

I pulled out at around .44 also.

I feel like its safer moving onto another ICO so I took my profits and dumped it in Wanchain.

Time will tell if I regret dropping link

>> No.3728687

Well there is supposed to be a lot of news over October

>> No.3728799

why is an ICO safer than LINK?

>> No.3728921

You need incentives to sustain an external network.
You can't use crypto like Bitcoin or ETH because Chainlink works on multiple blockchains.
You can't use fiat because you need something native to the crypto system (same reason you use an airplane ticket that holds key information at the gate instead of paying in fiat as you board).

The answer is: you use a token.

Pretty much the perfect use case for a token.
Not rocket science.

>> No.3729409

Realistically, what can we expect the price to be at per link in dollars

Inb4 100 $
No really

>> No.3729431


Trillions of dollars move, LINK EOY 100 dollars.

LINK has already be specified to work for HyperLedger (Swift), native to EEA (Ethereum), and has been stated by the Gartner report to be working with Axoni.

3 of the six has been listed to be working with SmartContract, I assume the other three might be or can easily work with the middleware considering that is the purpose.

>> No.3729435


Estimates put it at around $400 in the future

>> No.3729440


hahhahah same. Got into crypto a week ago and the shills were everywhere.

>> No.3729475



>> No.3729558

Enjoy having your funds locked up till November while LINK reaches 1 dollar

>> No.3729680

are you telling me Im gonna make it with 2k link?

>> No.3729693
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Huge sell wall literally a minute after LINK broke 9000 sats... ;_;

>> No.3729699

No, for several reason, but the major one being that people who buy in extremely small quantities are weak handed faggots will and should sell at double their gains, and 2k LINK isn't even like 10 dollars.

>> No.3729743

whales are accumulating ;)

>> No.3729782

Yea now they sucking on a new Sergei is Satoshi memeru

>> No.3729793

short term movements wont mean shit 1 month from now when link is $3 a piece

>> No.3729809

I'm pretty sure we'll have 0.002 eth soonish, if there is big news this will blow to the top 10 over night. However, for the moment you are pretty safe buying anywhere between 0.001 and 0.0017 eth

>> No.3729839
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Chance for exposure to 58,000 Subscribers


>> No.3729855


>> No.3729874

are you retarded?
Im a poorfag
2k link right now is 700 $

>> No.3729876

Does that invalidate anything else I said? You are gonna sell your stack as soon as it hits close to 1000.

>> No.3729880


In your opinion, what share of the total marketcap can LINK occupy? Does it have similar potential as ripple(5% of market cap)?

In that case will $80 per LINK be too far fetched when crypto marketcap goes up to 1 trillion by 2019?

>> No.3729881

He's just going to run this until Walton takes over, isn't he?

>> No.3729902

What makes you say that you don't even know me

>> No.3729909

why would he do that? not like he has any of either coin.

>> No.3729921

$20* per link soz

>> No.3729933

Is there any way to buy LINK with USD instead of BTC?

>> No.3729946

By the time there will be a way to do that, it will have a 1 billion dollar valutation minimum.

>> No.3729964

Bahhh....I have $20 in BTC and $20 in ETH waht do?

>> No.3729973

That's chump change, surely you can find a way to buy more crypto?

>> No.3729978

Are people really this dumb in /biz/ ? they don't even know how to look up where coins are traded?


>> No.3730003

Why are there not more exchanges?
Liqui, Polo, Kraken, Bitfinex?

>> No.3730018

Yeah, with ETH -.-

>> No.3730029

Cash strapped at the moment....I can probably spare another $50...should I put it into ETH or BTC to buy LINK? Is LINK on Bittrex?

>> No.3730039

No one knows. They'll only pretend to have known after the fact.

>> No.3730062

You better all be right about this. ALL IN.

>> No.3730078

Yes, thats why I put 90% in. 105k LINK here. I'm going to make, upside is I sleep comfy because I know its not a shit project

>> No.3730085
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Guys, we're seconds away from a crossover on the MA's. lol GG Bull city here we come

>> No.3730091

Only 1.8k in LINK. I can't afford more. Is that still good?

>> No.3730122

Better than me I have none. Fuck Coinbase and their jew tactics of requiring verification that always fails so they can take the couple of dollars you have in your account

>> No.3730139

I have 100. You're good nigga.

>> No.3730145

Are you me?

>> No.3730144

>send my verification payment
>bank doesn't have the info in the way they state it
>work it out
>coinbase doesn't like it
>charges me a £40 fee to not take my money and never send anything back

>> No.3730149

That's unironically the reason why Kraken is my homebase.

>> No.3730159

Problem for me is that if I want to buy in pounds sterling, I have to go through basically either coinbase or somewhere else. Even then they fuck you over >>3730144

>> No.3730167

Someone halp. I have money in BTC and ETH in coinbase but it won't clear until the 12th. I want LINK what do??!!

>> No.3730172

reddit can stay poor like they deserve too. They're still shilling for eth because Vitalik wore a funny shirt at techcrunch, fucking normies

>> No.3730178

can't you read charts.

I swear, half the comments here are so fucking retarded. Anyway sitting comfy on 180k Link,

Iron hands bitches

>> No.3730201

So you've locked in a price to buy on that date, or you actually have the ETH and BTC? Cause if it's the latter you should be able to just transfer it out right now, right?

>> No.3730228


It's on Binance.

>> No.3730229

I have 50 link.

Lamboland here I come.

>> No.3730230
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>can't stop looking at Blockfolio and seeing how much I've gained/lost, even though it's a long position

>> No.3730232

You're basically stuck in terms of using those specific funds.
If you can use Gemini, I recommend it, because it's faster and better than Coinbase in basically every respect.
Gemini will accept $500 per day in ACH transfer and clear it for purchase immediately (though there is a hold on withdrawing the BTC/ETH, so it won't get you LINK, etc. immediately).
If you have more funds you want to use, the absolute fastest method is to do a bank wire to Gemini. They have received my bank wires within 30 minutes and immediately cleared them for trading and withdrawal.

>> No.3730242

Any recommendations for GBP? Because I seem to be stuck with Jewbase.

>> No.3730248

Make a new thread for this to get more votes

>> No.3730255


same here

The dip of the month 2 days ago costes me 20% of my assets but most of the coins i have will go up.
Link is my biggest asset next to Verge, Salt and Neo

>> No.3730278

Unfortunately I'm only familiar with USD options. If you're truly stuck with Coinbase, I have to suggestions for the future: 1) investigate using the GDAX side of the house to do your transfers (it's the same machinery but without the high fee / normie tax), and 2) see if you can do a wire transfer to GDAX in order to speed the process along.

>> No.3730289

I purchased the cryptos this week but it says pending.

>> No.3730298

I have tried to do the wire transfer to Coinbase (because Gdax uses Coinbase as an initial wallet I think), but they refused my payment. Really fucked being in the UK and wanting to get into crypto. Everywhere we go we have to pay fees.

Maybe it's your bank that's the bottleneck?

>> No.3730317
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>> No.3730339

someone explain to me what this is about? First time visiting /biz/, only have $650 in btc.

I wanna learn what you guys are talking about

>> No.3730344
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pls send LINK I have like 25

>> No.3730352

why don't you goddamn newfags just lurk more instead of asking stupid question. this isn't reddit, we're not here to hold your hands

>> No.3730372

The man asked nicely.

It's essentially an ICO which offers to be a middle-man between crypto and conventional markets and fiat. Or so I think.

>> No.3730377


lurk moar

>> No.3730401

I transferred to Kraken, bought ETH and then transferred it to binance and bought link. Using a SEPA transfer made it much faster, took less than a day for it to show up in my kraken account.

>> No.3730415

Are you using GBP to buy?

>> No.3730460

I'd rather learn actively instead of trying to decipher the amount of shit that gets thrown around

>> No.3730497


that is learning actively.

learning to decipher the shit from actual wisdom is probably the biggest skill you can have buying altcoins.

>> No.3730549

175k LINK here. Will be quitting my job somewhere around $2 per LINK. Ty crypto, ty /biz/

>> No.3730702

I bought the ETH with EUR. But I would assume you can use GBP too, haven't checked since that isn't my local currency. Worst case scenario I think you can just convert it on transfer.

>> No.3730715

I'll check it out. Always gonna have to pay fees.

>> No.3730722

Like literally if Swift announces a partnership it will hit 10B within a week.

>> No.3730736

My nuts'll be quakin'.

>> No.3730738

Oh god, you see it?
LINK has formed a perfect corridor. It's only rising after today

>> No.3730770

I just want 400k for a nice Home and a Mustang ecoboost.

If i get the chance i'll pick a sweet V6 Jaguar F-type.

>> No.3730800

I'm going to bed, comfy as fuck that I bought in at $0.39.

>> No.3730807

SWIFT and SmartContract already have a partnership....They've completed their Phase 1 of implementation and they're discussing plans for Phase 2.

>> No.3730809

That would be x8

>> No.3730825

Dude, after plasma there were multiple threads about omg everyday up until october. It was kinda a poor man's now for a while. It was also my first moon mission.

>> No.3730835
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Straight from Chainlink's website. There is no partnership to announce with SWIFT because they already have an existing relationship. The whole purpose of them being invited to SIBOS is to showcase their finished product with SWIFT.

>> No.3730836
File: 39 KB, 900x900, angry_pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He gets the fucking glint in his eye because he mined btc when noone even heard about it god damn it motherfuck why didn't I go with my instincts and jumped into btc back then and instead listened to my fucking peers and forgetting about it till 3 months ago.

>> No.3730837

>tfw sinking feeling im still not gonna make it with 30k link

>> No.3730864

They already are partnered... Chainlink won their innotribe contest which is focused on collaboration.


>> No.3730865

I can feel that. I get that.

>> No.3730893

The market cap should be $750m based on peer comparison right now. The market is still asleep on this one. When it hits $750m I will sell my first chunk because it is fairly valued among peers. In the meantime I will be topping up every day because it is a no brainer at this price.

>> No.3730918
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>want to buy more LINK
>my bank is still fucking around and some of my money is in Limbo


>> No.3730924


We got you dawg. Buy at least 1K.

>> No.3730956
File: 27 KB, 482x681, 1318543556351.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

have just 11k LINK at the moment, but another 5k dollars is already on he way that I want to invest into it.

>> No.3731025

104k link
will be free from wage cucking for the rest of my life at $10 L I N K
24 btw

>> No.3731067

Is 25K enough? All I could afford :/

I live very humbly 35K a year - no debts. Will this coin hit at lwast $35.

>> No.3731078

>People complaiming aboz I HAVE INLY 10K link

1 9 3
Links you negroids what should i say

>> No.3731084
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Less than 500k and you might not make it.

>> No.3731093
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i hope this shit bounces to 1$ this week

>> No.3731095
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>> No.3731100

Same, only have 500. Still very sceptical anyway

>> No.3731105
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>> No.3731125

Off-topic but does a govt ID replace a passport in KYC for exchanges and ICOs?

>> No.3731146

Shit ... I'm a student that is trying to get rid off my student loans ...



>> No.3731168

Suck dicks for 1$ each

>> No.3731221

But that's not even 3 links per blowjob.
I suggest you offer up your anal virginity as well.
Might make you 10 LINK per old age regret.

>> No.3731421


>> No.3731482

It's more of a partnership in the sense that they declare that Chainlink is going to be used and integrated into their systems.

That show of confidence would get literally thousands of banks on board. What do you think a bidding war between banks would do to the price?

>> No.3731543

Someone donate some LINK to me i have none. Waiting for funds to clear to by my own. Until then I am stuck.

Please and thank you.


>> No.3731594

you don't get to be skeptical with piddly stacks like that

>> No.3731611

This is weird, there is almost no buying power. Look at depth on Binance,

Feels pretty sketchy, its just people waiting to unload and no real buying interest

>> No.3731630

please give the youtube link senpai

>> No.3731911

alright i just found out it will probably take 2-3 days. how fucked am i? how much more wil link be in 2-3 days?

or will it over around 35-37 cent

>> No.3731928

you're fine... it'll still be around 40cents then. There is no reason for it to pump before Sibos week.

>> No.3732067

I'll invest when there are more than 2 devs working on this. One of the most complicated computer science problems of our time isn't going to be solved by 2 people, anyone who thinks that doesn't know anything about coding.

>> No.3732073

oh nvm i got it now. should i buy ETH or BTC to buy LINK with ?

>> No.3732142
File: 454 KB, 1280x1200, 913824D7-66C3-40BF-BC4B-ACB5CC3AD210.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bitcoin was made by one dude in his basement.
(Protip: same guy who works on LINK)

>> No.3732498
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>> No.3732501

wasnt ethereum made by 1 guy?

>> No.3732539

And bitcoin.

>> No.3732561
File: 41 KB, 400x711, IMG_20171004_221300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Our guy. Our coin.

We are going to be fucking rich.

>> No.3732579

I'm majoring in Comp Sci. I have a huge interest in blockchain tech. I'll let you know when my crypto is coming out. It will be /OUR/ coin. You may want to start investing now. Here's my btc address: 1Et5HhGZGw5pQV3YcLK3Xk4bkbgKFtqrCF

>> No.3732614

Just sent 1000000k

>> No.3732764

Thanks anon. I will not let you down. BizCoin will be great. I'm beyond autistic. Have you seen the ads for "The Good Doctor". That is me but with blockchains.

>> No.3733097

2,000 x $100 = dying poor

>> No.3733116

Lol if anything it's the big bag holders who will jump ship early.

The people holding 1-3k link will hold out for the big win

>> No.3733535

what wallet is the best for this shit?

>> No.3733554

Any ethereum wallet you brainlet.

>> No.3733560
File: 35 KB, 718x570, 1452742475427.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I try not to dwell on it too much. I actually even thought the idea was interesting when nobody else had heard about it. The opportunity was staring me right in the face and I let my doubt get the best of me. "Ehh it's probably some weird ponzi scheme though". Could've been beyond a millionaire. But that's the way she goes, I probably would've sold at like 20 dollars or some shit anyway. There are many more opportunities waiting for us

>> No.3733594

I use MyEtherWallet

>> No.3733603

That's right, no looking back

>> No.3733624

It's true. It just goes to show that we regret more when we don't try than when we try and fail.

>> No.3733745

Same story with me, bro -- and the conclusion you've reached is the only healthy one to move forward.

>> No.3734848

how do I buy LINK?

>> No.3735642
File: 20 KB, 600x600, 1502652769346.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

make sure you watch, like and subscribe to this, we're going to take chainlink to the moon UNTIL BITTREX BEGS FOR US TO BE LISTED!!!!


>> No.3735670

How much LINK do I need to never work again?

>> No.3735678


>> No.3735694
File: 196 KB, 1280x1017, ye.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>only 3.5k link

I can't buy more, fuck me

>> No.3735729
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think I'll sell now and buy the next little dip LINK takes.
this isn't the surge we've been waiting for but it's coming soon.

>> No.3735814

there wont' be one until news from sergey

>> No.3735837
File: 234 KB, 545x530, 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

actually depends how long you want to wait.
10000 LINK might be enough if you wait for like 3 years or so.

>> No.3735880

Anyone want to throw some LINK for a poorfag?

Was only able to buy 50


>> No.3735923
File: 42 KB, 318x300, nigga pls.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he only has 50 LINK
thats like 12 bucks dude.

>> No.3735932

the concept is the hard part u faggot

then u hire code monkeys later

"computer science problem"

you literally just described a software development problem

you're actually stupid