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3722023 No.3722023 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw there is literally no point in life if you're not rich or good looking

how do you wagecucks and manlets do it? how do you wake up at 6 am in the morning everyday of your miserable lives and just wagecuck 8-12 hours a day knowing that chad NEET is fucking supermodels for breakfast and doing million $ business deals for lunch?

i mean, how do you just carry on normally with your insignificant life, knowing that there is this other plane of existence that rich people inhabit that you can NEVER experience?

>> No.3722068
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>tfw in university
>ugly as shit that i literally got bullied all throughout middle school purely on my disfigured face

idk how im going to wagecuck honestly, university is horrible already and i know the working world is 100x worse.

>> No.3722090

Easy, it doesnt affect me in any way whatsoever. Like has 0 impact on my life. Working in a pretty awesome industry so overall life feels good

>> No.3722092

>working world is 100x worse.
Not really

>> No.3722120
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I'm 30, good earning job I like, 5 digits in crypto and growing, not bad looking I suppose and - for what it's worth - fucked a whole array of 18 to 23 year olds on tinder in the last 2 years.

Money and pussy, like anything, don't magically make life "worth living". When I fuck a girl for 2 months, I'm tired of fucking or of her. I start to meet up with them to watch a movie and only fug them if I really feel a good solid errction creeping up. When I have money, I don't know what to buy. Best thing is to have time to do the things I like. Would I quit my job, I'd immediatenly feel like a man without function and hate it too.

Best thing is to sit with a book in a coffee shop or do math/script some Python.

Money and girls are memes, you only need to have enough to not miss it.

Just my opinion, of course. People like to disagree - especially 23 yo ones who still get excited for it.

>> No.3722131

Really? Getting up at 7 am every day to go to a job you dont like 40-50 hours a week with barely any vacation seems so much worse than uni. Maybe its different if you are not from the U.S

>> No.3722164


>> No.3722179

>Would I quit my job, I'd immediatenly feel like a man without function and hate it too.
observe the mental prison the wagecuck has built for himself

>> No.3722220

>When I fuck a girl for 2 months, I'm tired of fucking or of her. I start to meet up with them to watch a movie and only fug them if I really feel a good solid errction creeping up.

Damn I am the same way.

Went out with my girl for a solid few months of dicking her all the time, and suddenly I couldn't get it up for her anymore, despite still really enjoying her company. I'd take her out, go to the movies, but I'd already seen her naked so many times and had sex with her tons of times already that I kinda wanted to just watch porn instead since the same body every time was getting boring. How the fuck do married guys put up with the same woman for literal years.

She didn't take it so well though so we broke up. Dunno what to feel about that, I mean I could have just cheated on her instead. Maybe I shouldn't have tried to have a long term relationship anyways. Sorry for blogpost but you hit a feel there buddy.

>> No.3722232

My anxieties are less about not being a millionaire Chad, and more about not being a person who does anything interesting creatively or produces some kind of worthwhile content. Or who can either give a really interesting perspective on topics, or who can at least shill tryhard hot takes on them.

I wish I weren't just a little consumerlet.

>> No.3722283
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As someone who had it and lost it, then got it back again, it comes down to the fact that they don't know what they're missing. They can watch hours of Entourage reruns and shitty reality shows about rich and famous people, but unless you've actually grown up with money and privilege, you never really get it. And that my friend, is what keeps all the poor people from slaying all of the rich people. Give the plebs enough to eat and party on the weekends.

>> No.3722333
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If you aren't rich and good looking the point in life is to get rich and as good looking as you can

Just keep moving or die.

>> No.3722378 [DELETED] 
File: 80 KB, 1024x683, Jackson_Palmer_DogeCoin-1024x683.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, nah. I just got my PhD and it's a cool silocon valley'esk job in an emerging field.

I know, even form school, that I feel worse on the holidays, when I eat bad and stand up at 11:00. I feel surrounding myself with people who know more than me is the way to go.

I don't even break up with them because I never lead them on to think I'm the bf thefirstplace.

As may be evident, I'm somewhat of an autistic nerd, but was never good looking. I didn't get much when I was younger but now with online meetups and internet telling me what not to do, it's rather easy. Before I thought like it would be so great if I had X, despite everybody saying it's isn't so.
Now I can brag on r9k that I facefucked 10 year younger chicks with their neat instagram accounts, but the more memes I live out, the more I feel fapping to those fantasies is more exciting than trying it 3 times and then being disappointed.

desu I've also brainfucked me with r9k like "redpill" ideas, so that if I now fuck a 27 yo, I feel bad because I feel like wasting her time as she'll quickly be 1/2 as attractive as she was with 24.
If I like her, she should stay away with me and get pregnant with a steady dude - and better quick than slow.

I'm not into traveling, so money is wasted on me too. They call Jackson (pic related) a socialist cuck, because he made Doge and didn't really keep any of it. But then again, why having money and nothing to work for...

>> No.3722385

Find a fucking job you like then brainlet. Be smart with money, save money at every point, invest smart.

>> No.3722428
File: 80 KB, 1024x683, Jackson_Palmer_DogeCoin-1024x683.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, nah. I just got my PhD and it's a cool silicon valley'esk job in an emerging field.

I know, even form school, that I feel worse on the holidays, when I eat bad stuff and stand up at 11:00. I feel surrounding myself with people who know more than me is the way to go.

I don't even break up with them because I never lead them on to think I'm the bf the first place.

As may be evident, I'm somewhat of an nerd, but was never bad looking. I didn't get much when I was younger but now with online meetups and internet telling me what not to do, it's rather easy. Before I thought like it would be so great if I had X, despite everybody saying it's isn't so.
Now I can brag on r9k that I facefucked 10 year younger chicks with their neat instagram accounts, but the more memes I live out, the more I feel fapping to those fantasies is more exciting than trying it 3 times and then being disappointed.

desu I've also brainfucked me with r9k like "redpill" ideas, so that if I now fuck a 27 yo, I feel bad because I feel like wasting her time as she'll quickly be 1/2 as attractive as she was with 24.
If I like her, she should stay away with me and get pregnant with a steady dude - and better quick than slow.

I'm not into traveling, so money is wasted on me too. They call Jackson (pic related) a socialist cuck, because he made Doge and didn't really keep any of it. But then again, why having money and nothing to work for...

>> No.3722496

Seriously dude, how are you this sad?

>Getting up at 7 am every day
Is fucking great. I get up at 6 while i have to leave for work at 8.30. Its the only calm moment i have in the day and i enjoy every minute of it.

>to go to a job you dont like 40-50 hours a week
Find a job you like. I work in the M&A buyside, work 40 to 50 hours every week and i enjoy most of it. Ofcourse you are not gonna like every part and every minute of you career, but that is true for everything. People that are hyped 24/7 are the people who kill themselves before 40.

>with barely any vacation seems so much worse than uni
Well it is. But I like traveling and going out and that costs money. Money I make with my job.

My advice to you and everyone really is find a job you like and work hard to get it/grow in it. Its easier (and more awesome) than you think.

>> No.3722517

Are you a boomer? You sound like a boomer.

>> No.3722561

Not even sure if that's an ad hominem but by now it would be time that someone here makes an argument why being a jobless dweller who makes 6k a month with crypto trading and learns nothing is desirable.

Do you think looking back with 35 and concluding one is the same person as with 25 (except the world will even be more fucked out by then) is desirable?

>> No.3722584

I spend nearly all of my free time trying to escape it through crypto. If or when that window closes I'm offing myself.

>> No.3722599

Its only wagecucking if you hate your job. If i worked at Mcdonalds id probably blow my brains out. But making close to 30 an hour trading magic beans online while a CNC does all of the work for me feels pretty damn good.

I spent a whole month this summer playing gameboy games at work and still managed to get a raise. Work smarter not harder.

>> No.3722654

have you considered killing yourself? Or just investing in Bitcoin so you don't have to worry about it? Either way.

>> No.3722663

I get full benefits/retirement/bonus and 70k a year and work 20 hours a week. Fucking kek. I am basically NEET for half the year

>> No.3722664
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t. shabbos goy boomer cuck

>> No.3722681

This, if I don't make it I will hang myself when my parents die.

>> No.3722724

>Its the only calm moment i have in the day
You don't seem to see the problem

>> No.3722727

Will eff too

>> No.3722733


Ah well we were in a relationship, so when I stopped making attempts to fuck her she freaked out.

>but the more memes I live out, the more I feel fapping to those fantasies is more exciting than trying it 3 times and then being disappointed.

Fucking this. I lived out almost all my sexual fantasties and honestly, the best thing was just fapping with porn as a visual aid but using my imagination to think about the fantasties. Real life has too many imperfections where in your head you can imagine a hyper reality. The only thing that really exceeds or lives up to my expectations is strip club visits. I think a large percentage of my crypto gains is gonna go into strip club visits. I really do love naked women, I think I just get sick of one girl after a while.

>not into travelling

I love it. Where did you go? Maybe just a bad experience? I went to Thailand and am gonna go back with my gains again next year.

>> No.3722808
File: 67 KB, 640x799, asian_stacey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wrote my thesis in general relativity and liked to say "I don't need space, everything that's interesting about spacetime already holds true on the toilet as well". But that's toung in cheek.

I'm from Munich and essnetially all cities I know are worse than that. I've not been to Asia, except Moscow if that counts. Liked it very much, but I can also do without.
Anyway, good night.

>> No.3722897

Show face bb

>> No.3723026

I'm a 35 year old wagecuck. It sucks shit. A lot of the people in my workplace are straight up dumbasses or fuckups, including management, so working with them is good in one way that you can usually out-maneuver them and get what you want, on the other side it sucks because they're embarrassing to work with.

The pay is absolute shit. There's no incentives or bonus schemes. People get fucking loud about the most trivial corporate shit so you have to tiptoe around them. Our last manager completely fucked up our entire department and got fired, so we've got a new one who has forced us to wear short-sleeved company uniforms, and continues to fuck up.

One guy I knew from school turned into a successful economist and is a legit millionaire. He came from a similar background to me and we were close friends, then fell out, so looking back, definitely the loser. Deserved it too.

You know what though, it's made me learn, the rich/good looking chads aren't any cleverer. They are just as stupid and with their own herd mentality. People think I'm crazy when I talk to managers and superiors like equals, I have just stopped giving a fuck, because being PUT as better doesn't mean that you are better.

>> No.3723785


>> No.3723921
File: 145 KB, 646x700, 1506784129017.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw there is literally no point in life if you're not rich or good looking
you try to get there, thats the point of life.
if you die on the way, who cares?
you only got a few chances in life and you have to see them and take them.

don't be scared to try.

>> No.3723977


This brainwashed normalfag fucking retard.

The system really worked on you to turn you into a good little wagecuck.

>> No.3723984

Palmer is a cuck. He should have made $10 million + from creating dogecoin instead he barely made anything, got kicked out the sekrit dogecoin community, and now talks about how crypto is a ponzi bubble at the moment.

>> No.3724131

...Is she wearing...?
