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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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3721400 No.3721400 [Reply] [Original]

Can we get back to pumping IOTA now that the fake /biz/ fucks from /pol/ (without a dollar to their name) are gone and no longer can hurt the project? IOTA is probably the most promising project

>> No.3721441

Agreed. I stocked up now its on Binance. This coin will make it

>> No.3721459

If anything I want it to moon hard just so the broke racists from pol feel that much more butthurt

>> No.3721461

Lol buy my centralized bags!

>> No.3721508

Haha yea guys, /pol is gone. We can moon now. Oh wait we still need to wait for incompetent devs to leave and various credible organizations who call this coin shit to leave too...haha buy my bags.

>> No.3721659

IOTA just claimed responsibility for the Vegas shootings SELL SELL SELL!

>> No.3721679

Iota? More like I-oughta invest in something else.

>> No.3721700

It's literally centralized and controlled by self-hating white leftists.

>> No.3721810

Seriously tho if you are thinking about investing in this coin go say literally anything to the devs on their slack and witness their smarmy cunt replies.

Iota could have been good but it has the worst devs in crypto history. This will fail miserably and be replaced by someone more professional.

>> No.3721837

>racists are the reason this shitcoin is failing
You're retarded, aren't you?

>> No.3722037

Iota was $1 then the whole 'refugeegate' happened, it dropped as low as 40 cents. Luckily they're all gone so we have a free path to a buck

>> No.3722133


>> No.3722186
File: 35 KB, 600x322, Titanic-sinking.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This coin is past it's prime. People have already moved on to the next big thing. Also, dev team is for white genocide and the only big exchange this coin is on is the one that totally excludes American investment.

>> No.3722458

it shows so much promise but i just cant, even if it makes me money i just hate so much about it. shit code, shit devs, supply totally controlled by devs and founders, no responsibility taken when they loads of wallets got hacked due to a problem the devs caused. fuck iota.

already there are other companies moving into dag and iot, and iota will be a testament to first movers fucking it up.

>> No.3722491

>Iota was $1 then the whole 'refugeegate' happened
Nope. It had just shit the bed after btc dropped to 3k and was hovering around 40c to 50c.
I clearly remember the /pol/ shitposting had reached a peak then iota literally pumped like 10c in like half an hour and kept going. Was hilarious.

>> No.3722639
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>> No.3722680

Yeah. I took /pol/s bullshit as a massive buy signal and loaded up. 20% gains and then ditched it. Thank you to all the racists for being retarded.

Shit coin though. It’s never going anywhere.

>> No.3722945

Are you retarded?

I bought at 13500, /pol/ fud started shirtly afterwards and this retarded shtcoin still hasn't recovered.

Not everything is /pol/ you fucking imbecile, this coin has massive problems and people will call it out. This isn't your safe space

>> No.3722955
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>> No.3723966

Iota is made by a non-profit organization

>> No.3724166

Cuked islamophiles kindly go back to watching cable.

>> No.3724301
File: 296 KB, 1259x953, DavidSombrero2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek....it smells like coping in here...

"It was teh racists poors from teh pol...it can't be just because the lead dev is a fucking moron who can't keep his opinions to himself, the bong out of his mouth, or the bottle out of his hands..."

>> No.3724613

the exact same argument applies to bitcoin.
its why we see 1100 shitcoins on CMC.

coins are fighting over the network effect right now. Facebook won because it was the first to solve the problem and get everyone on board. It wouldn't do the USG any good to create their own tangle if it couldn't connect to anyone.
hmm i just realized someone could make a secure dApp for facebook replacement.

>> No.3725299

If you think political opinions are the reason this coin got slammed you are wrong.
Let me give you a quick rundown:
First of all, the white paper is needlessly full of buzzwords and technobabble and is clearly intended to target technologically illiterate progressive reddit types and gullible 4chan idiots (giant red flag)
The coin doesn't function as it should, yet these fucks spend most of their time policing the internet for bad press and whining and threatening lawsuits.
And yeah, mainly, the tech doesn't work at all. It's functioning but without a monolithic node controlling the system it won't function reliably. Top researchers in the field are of the opinion this type of distributed consensus mechanism isn't viable for the time being. When money skelly suggested they enlist the help of these researchers the devs told him to eat shit
Keep in mind these guys are directing this cutting edge project AND arguing 12 hours a day on the internet. Very impressive time management! Or, more likely, they're not managing shit, because the tech is dead in the water.
It's decentralized, except it's not.
It's open source, except it's not.
They supposedly have experts in the field as advisors, except these same experts are warning people "DO NOT BUY"
Pointless design choices clearly intended to impress people who don't know any better. Trinary? A custom hash function? Really?
I could go on.
I consider it to be dash 2.0 because its supporters are cultists. In the end they'll get burned

>> No.3725358
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This copypasta was BTFO so hard that I think its being posted sarcastically now

Actually, maybe not, and you're the pathetic cunt that posted it. Sad!

>> No.3725439

I'll add that the only claims to fame this coin has are:
1. It's fast
2. It's free
It isn't open source or decentralized (but people think it is, or will be) so why not use literally any other centralized shitcoin? With actual developers?