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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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3717021 No.3717021 [Reply] [Original]

Long story short
Full time engineering student. Overwhelmed to do needing to hold a part time job 20 hours a week. Bought around ICO price , now have enough mone and quit my job to focus on school. Among all the crap in here some of you are alright!! Would have never known about this if it was not for you

I think i will continue playing with another 1k USD in ODN in crypto

>> No.3717032

Ewww my grammar *

>> No.3717034

This is the power of crypto, truly is the savior of our generation.

>> No.3717058

I may be delusional but I skipped a semester just to trade crypto and my plan is to make enough to drop out completely doing this full time.

>> No.3717073
File: 207 KB, 400x386, kek.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>average /biz/ poster

>> No.3717293
File: 107 KB, 991x672, BIZMAN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well I started off with 5k of my own money, I tripled it and then got my Dad interested so he put in 10k. I doubled that. Then he gave me another 50k of our family savings and I doubled that again. Now he's selling one of his properties and he's giving me around 200k.

So why not?

>> No.3717316

>selling real things for fake internet money

>> No.3717328
File: 215 KB, 650x718, 1503007573332.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this amount of larping and/or stupidity is staggering

>> No.3717472

I could have made far more then that, I could have 10x my money if I wasn't an idiot. I should have held BTC and ETH the whole time instead of constantly selling them out of fear.

There are people hear who started 18 months ago like me or even later who have made far more money here. You're just salty you didn't get a chance to buy BTC when it was $600.