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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 29 KB, 750x750, requestnet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3715314 No.3715314 [Reply] [Original]

This project has many different applications, and payment processing just one of them. Would recommend anyone interested check out their medium page (just google 'blog request network') for more information.

Personally I think their biggest advantages are in the applications to auditing, accounting and invoicing, where they most definitely have first mover advantage. If they can succeed in just those niches they will provide a significant advantage over traditional, paper and labor-intensive ways of managing those processes and I could see it being great for the token price over the long term.

They're also the first Y-combinator blockchain-oriented startup which is a huge deal. That combined with the face that they're backed by ING bank (bigges Dutch bank) means that they will hopefully have an easier time making connections and hopefully getting trials with big corporations.

So ultimately I think this token is gurranteed to be great short-term (pick it up on ED if you're not in on the ICO, before it hits the big exchanges), and has decent long-term potential due to their first-mover advantage in some of the niches that they're targeting, and their backing.

>> No.3715325

shilling ICO = must be shit

>> No.3715337

Kyber was a shit ico too
and Chainlink too
and Walton too

Ah whatever

>> No.3715366

How to buy ?

>> No.3715382

dont worry bout him hes gonna be fudding in a few weeks time as hard as he can trying to buy some late REQ

>> No.3715395

this is the next 5xer. stay poor, kiddo.

>> No.3715413


I'm selling whitelisted accounts for .2ETH

>> No.3715531

What is this shitcoin even called? Post what are your opinions on the development team?

>> No.3715636

Delete this fucking thread you stupid faggot


>> No.3715642

>can't be bothered to do a few minutes of googling

this is why you are poor

>> No.3715650

this so much. fuck all the salty niggers that missed the whitelisting

>> No.3715655

this. delete this thread, op. i'm in the whitelist but it's not enough. let this one fly under the radar so i can at least scoop some up on ED for cheap. we can shill this later.

>> No.3715687

fucking hell now every /biz/fag and his mother will try to buy presale accounts.


>> No.3715877



>> No.3715925

ok, looks like this is old enough that it cant be deleted kek


>> No.3716126

>tfw its being built with 0x and CVC and i own both.

>> No.3716151

lmfao at the bizlets trying to sage this thread.

Request is the best ICO in october. Fucking deal with it. I hope this sells out because I'm already in the presale + multiple accounts ready for the open sale.

Get in here biz, don't fucking miss out and don't let >>3715687 >>3715655 keep you from making gains.

>> No.3716193
File: 64 KB, 640x640, 11335162_1465474020431073_1295509685_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When is the KYC thing going to start?

t. the faggot who made two posts reminding you to join the whitelist.

>> No.3716240

It already started. Check out their blog for instructions

>> No.3716245

Oh fuck. Thanks.

>> No.3716370

Don't miss the moon mission.
For the people that still need to be shilled about request here's some of the points that make me super bullish on this.

The team is French and based in Berlin. Not some sketch Slavic or Russian fucks, but normal Europeans. The entire team pivoted from Moneytis to Request during Y-Combinator and let Moneytis run on its own without the team.

Moneytis was a company that focused on cross border payments. If I were in Germany and I needed to send money to my brother in Thailand, Moneytis was an effective means to send these payments internationally. The basic framework for what Request aims to be was already there.

Request isn't just a new startup, but an evolution of what the team has already been working on for years.

It will be built on ZRX, CIVIC and Aragon. The paypal-like functionality of it is only one aspect of Request. The invoicing and auditing functionality will be quite valuable to merchants. I operate an ecommerce business and I intend to utilize Request not only for customer payments, but also to streamline my own supply chain processes with transparent invoicing and easily audited purchase orders.

The hype right now is ripe for immediate gains. With zero marketing and no shilling from cryptonigger or other youtube faggots, their slack grew organically to ~20k members in around 3 weeks based solely on word of mouth and the strength of their project. This is the first Y-Combinator backed blockchain project and that name alone carries huge weight. Not to mention it's also backed by ING.

If you're lucky enough to be in the whitelist, KYC registration has officially started. Do not get left behind.

>> No.3716397

>Your profile approval status: approved
/comfy/ af

>> No.3716436

>tfw american

>> No.3716464
File: 167 KB, 600x500, 1449090657362.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>joined the waiting line


>> No.3716477

No friends or family from outside burgerland? Pick these up on ED immediately, anything 2x and under will be a great buy in. This will easily go 5x from ICO price within the first two days

>> No.3716507

Well /biz/ has proven totally on point the last 3 times I've bought into the shilling so may as well check this out.

>> No.3716634

Selling whitelisted emails, 0.5 ETH each

email me: whitelister@protonmail.com

>> No.3716980

Just completed the KYC procedure.

How long did you have to wait for the confirmation?

>> No.3717015

Less than 24h

>> No.3717020

Took me about 24 hrs

>> No.3717023

I got mine in about 6h

>> No.3717056


>> No.3717178


Could you buy a whitelisted address from someone and do the KYC?

>> No.3717223


I'm interested. Email me


>> No.3717237

LMFAO I guess the rocket is launching fags, we are all going to the moon!

>> No.3717264

Anyone selling any whitelisted addresses?

>> No.3717892

Yes. The KYC procedure is exactly like Kyber's. Passport/driver's license + selfie is all you need. If someone sells you a whitelisted email, they'll need to also give you the login code that comes with the email (you get it when you being the registration process)

>> No.3718012

I suggest we pull a LINK on this, i.e. fud the fuck out the first days to get the price below ico, then buy for the pump. Who's with me?

>> No.3718066

are you in the ICO / do you have a whitelisted email ?

>> No.3718100

I have 3, but i also have 100 eth to drop on this, so let's make it proper.

>> No.3718103

Unlike LINK, Request isn't known only in biz

>> No.3718115

The FUD on LINK only worked because it didn't have much hype behind it. REQ is like Kyber and has like 22k people on its slack, plus REQ has a hard cap of $30m, $2m less than LINK. REQ will instantly moon with EtherDelta alone. Easy 5x or 10x.

>> No.3718126

That's why request is a easy x5 missions. Low Market Cap, Real institutions are backing it and a billion market cap potential idea.

>> No.3718130

>Easy 5x or 10x.
I doubt that.

>> No.3718140

>22k users

>what are supply and demand

Go take an Econ 101 class, you pleb

>> No.3718151

stop fucking bumping this thread, you idiots. there's an individual cap and uncapped after 24 hours. you're just increasing the competition by letting more bizlets know.

>> No.3718156

don't forget the 11k on the waiting list and all the rest who missed Request.

>> No.3718181

You're retarded. How many signed up +100 emails for themselves or to sell?

>> No.3718185

im selling whitelisted emails, now for the low low price of 0.3eth

>> No.3718188

>don't forget the 11k on the waiting list and all the rest who missed Request.

LINK didn't even have half the hype that REQ currently has, and LINK already went 5x. Kyber and REQ have very similar hype so REQ will easily go 5x once on EtherDelta.

>> No.3718191

You will see how many will be KYC approved. Max is 15k contributors anyway. You missed your ticket. So wait for the premium ED price <3

sage btw

>> No.3718194

We put those 10x buy orders on ed for knc and sold it at the top. That's the only thing kyber was good for, same woth this. Let's fud it to the ground and flip it.

>> No.3718198


REQ has way more hype behind it, the slack moon rocketed with almost zero marketing. 22k members is impressive if you account for the fact that they stopped anyone else from joining it, whereas Kyber had their slack open for months without capping and managed 40k

>> No.3718201

>many signed up +100 emails

>what is KYC

Just stop it you are embarrassing yourself

>> No.3718212

I'm on the whitelist. You're delusional if you think that this is going to have a $150MM marketcap anytime soon.

>> No.3718226

He was talking about slack users, genius.

>> No.3718228

Oh and Kyber with 240MM market cap right now isn't delusional, when they got nothing for months or even years? Ok. Stay poor fag. Trying to argue about logic in crypto.

>> No.3718233

Too many partnerships to ignore on this one.

It will 5x within the first week. Screencap it fags.

>> No.3718276

>It will 5x within the first week.


Now OP delete the fucking thread before every /biz/fags and his mother try to get into the ICO.

>> No.3718282

I honestly feel bad for the /biz/bros who missed out on this one.
I already put over 100 eth in to the presale and I'm gonna max out my 5 accounts anyway because free money.

>> No.3718284


>> No.3718306

It's gonna moon pretty hard regardless of exactly how much, I think we can both agree.

>> No.3718336

only reason this is 5x on Biz is cause these fags want to sell accounts.

>> No.3718338
File: 14 KB, 225x224, IMG_1707.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3718354

Lol, try again. Anyone stupid enough to sell their account deserves to be poor. Just like kyber and link icos were free money, this is literally guaranteed free money.

>> No.3718360

Sure, but 5x-10x 'easy' is unlikely.
It's hilarious seeing how defensive you guys get. And your only argument is: those 22k slack users, and I pointed out the flaw in that argument.


>> No.3718361

Last chance to buy whitelisted emails/slack accounts, 0.3 ETH each, only 6 left


>> No.3718367

Nobody is retarded enough to buy a whitelist account from Pajeet on a fucking mongolian cake baking forum. This shit is easily 5x from hype alone.

>> No.3718396

I'm comfy as fuck with my presale investment into Req. If you're really whitelisted like you say you are, you'll be enjoying easy gains too. 5x-10x is a meme at this point, but it is going to be easy, guaranteed money.

>> No.3718887

Has there been an ICO with as many big partnerships?

>> No.3718926

Need whitelist: dvwxsuxw@coreclip.com

>> No.3718936

Yeah OMG had partnerships with every company in the world. But not finished yet.

>> No.3718947

Yes there have been, but this is the first yc backed ICO. The hype behind this is unbelievable with the crazy fast slack growth despite zero marketing and PR.
>Inb4 this is nothing but hype
The hype will fuel it's initial post ico mooning, but the fundamentals and team will keep the rocket chugging. This is like OMG for the west.

>> No.3719134

Sent you an email.

>> No.3719369

Down to my last 3 whitelists, 0.3 ETH each


>> No.3719655

Not too late, u moron
ICO is on 18/10. It's perfect timing
You can sell your LINK profits and ride the next ED moon mission

>> No.3719756
File: 16 KB, 400x400, fancy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

omg i didn't even thought about this
imma steal this tactic

>> No.3719987

If you give me money, I can do all the thinking and investing
%%hope I haven't just provokd a massive LINK dip%%

>> No.3720002

Nah anime chan said airswaps so im all inning on that

U can have ur future bags op