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3707371 No.3707371 [Reply] [Original]

>started trading crypto last week
>stopped doing school work
>go to class
>stare at charts
>come home
>stare at charts and post on /biz/

someone please help i just sit here and refresh cmc all day or read/watch crypto related stuff. Also i really hope chainLink recovers i bought at 15 cents and its hard resisting the urge to dump for Elix.

>> No.3707436

Accumulate at the dip, only trade uptrends. Also set alarms. Be wary of shit shillen here, usually it will be too late when it's shillen here.

You are making every newb mistake in the book atm.

>> No.3707499

dont even bother helping him. he can only learn himself from his own mistakes

>> No.3707512

How do you research what coins are good?

>> No.3707552

Have some patience and don't chase pumps, it's not fucking rocket science. Don't be an emotional faggot and you won't lose money.

>> No.3707558

you need to download an app to prevent you looking at crypto related sites.

im not kidding this shit is too addicting for you to learn how to manage your time in this bull market. you'll seriously fail all your classes unless you get someone or something to force you to do work instead.

don't daytrade either for any academically intensive periods, or just research long terms holds or trade over weekly / monthly periods.

>> No.3707592


>> No.3707746

fucking retard

>> No.3708633

Pls halp

>> No.3708832


elix was shilled here at 134k market cap I did not listen and it was like a x8

so I disagree with the too late part

>> No.3708864

Will omisego drop below 5 dollars? I'm all in on margin and if it hits below 5 dollars I lose everything. HELP.

>> No.3708897

i bet you have less than 5k invested in this market too.

>> No.3708909

You're a victim of sunken cost fallacy. Just put your money where you think it will perform best. Start at 0. Which will perform better at this point, LINK or ELIX?

>> No.3708919



Why do you think autists are so good at this you faggot? They divorce themselves from emotion and are able to trade on logic and reason.

>> No.3708946
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The first half of this post made me realize how fucking glad I made it out of school before the real assimilation of internet activities took effect. Oddly, it gives me that feeling of selling my stock right before the dip.

>> No.3708958

I'm new too, how do I learn when to sell?

I had a few coins reach their highs and then start to sink below the price I bought it at. I don't want to make that mistake in the future.

>> No.3708974

>falling for the college meme in [current year]

>> No.3708985


No. 180k retrace probable but not down to $5.

Unless of course BTC crashes. But you'd be absolutely retarded to margin on USD pair.

Stick to sats

>> No.3708989

trust me, as soon as you dump to elix we go to 50c

>> No.3709015

Thanks for calling me retarded.

>> No.3709024


Why would you do OMG/USD instead of /BTC?

>> No.3709053

The value of Omisego is 0.0020730 right now. Multiplying this times times the current value of Bitcoin (4391.8) I have exactly 9.10 dollars worth of money. Omisego is being traded at exactly 9.10 dollars right now. This is why.
I'm afraid you don't know how margin works.

>> No.3709058

Here's a hint..none.

>> No.3709062
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I have studies. Now with crypto, I can't do shit. I spend like 3 hours straight looking at crypto. I keep thinking about them when I'm doing my work. I'm missing assignments, i don't even sleep, help. Ahhh

>> No.3709087

don't make the mistake I did, ignoring crypto for uni only to be back here 3 years later
t. bought 3 btc for 100 bucks and spent it on acid

>> No.3709113



>> No.3709116

This is me also OP... I didn't turn in two assignments because I was constantly looking at blockfolio dreaming that I would accumulate enough to drop out of college and pay my student loans.

>> No.3709287

I'm gonna throw everything on the safest shitcoin I can find like QTUM, OMG and TenX and then ignore it until term break.

>> No.3709305

If I were to choose any one of those, it would be OMG by a mile.