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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 3 KB, 64x64, elixir.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3704859 No.3704859 [Reply] [Original]

Just to put this coin into perspective and to let you know why you should buy it...

Currenty <$700k market cap. If this things 10x in value it still won't be in the top 250 crypto's. Its pretty much guaranteed to go beyond that..

Its being shilled by suppoman AND /biz/ - look what happened with Chaincoin:


it went from sum $1m market cap to $100m. Bad luck for the people who bought that at the top and anyone who bought it over $70mill is a retard. but if you're reading this now you're one of the lucky ones to find Elixir before it even hits $1m.

Get. the. fuck. in. now.


>> No.3704881
File: 19 KB, 757x130, damn son.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is going to get huge, like 400% up in a few days, doesn't seem to be slowing down at all, extremely low market cap like you said, it could easily go up 5-10x higher without much difficulty

>> No.3704917
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>> No.3704950

Just bought $100 worth at .000036BTC, should I buy $200 more?

I wanna be like those guys on /biz/ that started with $300 and now somehow have $148k

>> No.3704990
File: 867 KB, 736x576, ELIXHOOD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will you be the lender or the loser?

Robust lending service that rewards both the borrower and lender for time-based loans.



>> No.3705002

its still cheap enough and seems to be continuing to rise, I don't think $0.50-$1 by end of week is unrealistic at all. There also aren't many huge whales in this coin so it certainly doesn't look like a PnD

>> No.3705063

do you really think it could go to chanlink price level? like fucking $5 any time soon?!

If it hit I will have like $400k, if so I will giveout $5k here on biz

>> No.3705067

ill see if i can cop for under .0004

>> No.3705115
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>> No.3705135

Pls gib me bby

>> No.3705139

there is 4btc buy order at 3900 and no one want to sell shit. It will moon so hard with that suppoman video. People from regal gonna put their profits. What a time to be alive

>> No.3705145

I will. I already giveout like 500odn here like week ago

>> No.3705150

Probably not Chaincoin levels to be honest. That was too high for any pump..

20m is possible - would only 1/5 of what chaincoin hit but still 25x current price

>> No.3705155

literally free money right now selling to a whale trying to buy in at 5btc at 3900, he is dumping to all buy orders above that right now

>> No.3705163


This is exactly why ELIX has been growing and growing. I am watching the orders since days.

There are way more buyers than sellers. Sell orders are also super low.

This coin has a 99% chance to go past 10 million market cap, as it is actually a legit undervalued project.

>> No.3705173

I'm waiting for it to hit a decent exchange...

>> No.3705189
File: 36 KB, 362x346, confused.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Put a sell order for 1500 elix at 4100.
T-to the moon?!

>> No.3705193

yeah and sell orders are thin af. Only sell walls are like 5000sat with 3.7btc and then 12k

>> No.3705200

that face when you realize the product is shit and no one would ever use it.. ever

>> No.3705205

sorry meant buy order*

>> No.3705209

>trade volume higher than market cap

seems legit

>> No.3705213

except everyone will use it to generate passive income, that is if they arent a fucking mongoloid who didnt even think of that

>> No.3705218


heh solid strategy to stay poor

i got in at 500 because ED didnt work for me the day before for 200 sats, it went up by that much on one day when it got listed on coinmarketcap

>> No.3705220

Does coin exchange allow you to buy with ETH? I only have one and feel like getting rid of it for gains

>> No.3705226


yes, both pairs on coinexchange, btc and eth

>> No.3705260

Hey buddy, can I borrow some Eth from you, we'll buy some Elixir to use this shit app so that way we both get a couple penny worth of Elixir while you lend me your eth! buddy? buddy???

>> No.3705304

holy fuck 4500sat :OOOOOOOOOOO

>> No.3705317

Damn... forgot I had another day for my bank transfer to go through on coinexchange. Could purchase with CC but I've put enough into shit cryptos the last seven days...

>> No.3705324

What's actually causing this pump? Hype? News coming out? I'm out of the loop. Or are we all get shilled to shit and gonna buy at an ATH.

>> No.3705327


That's nothing compared to the 100,000sat in 2 weeks.

>> No.3705335


It's a legit project that is extremely undervalued. Look at their website and form an opinion yourself.

>> No.3705360

hype. Thing of chainlink shilling on here x50. That certainly doesn't mean to stay away from it though

>> No.3705362


a rare gem in the pile of shitcoins.

>> No.3705371

I've looked and actually thought it was decent but my knowledge on a legi product isn't the best. Just wondered if there was anything specific. So buying at an ATH isn't the stupidest idea with such a low market cap right?

>> No.3705386

low marketcap, release of app and suppoman in new video shill it as 2nd best coin right now. Check on youtube

>> No.3705398

based on what tho nigger

>> No.3705403

Thanks, it seems like it's undervalued so I appreciate the serious answers.

>> No.3705406

lots of hype for it, the devs released demo video of their app a couple days ago which started the hype train, after that its just been building steam, two days of straight mooning with no end in sight. Still has a low market cap this thing has the potential to 5-10x in a hurry.

>> No.3705412

whats the 1st best?

>> No.3705454

You can loan eth and it seems to autoconvert

>> No.3705499

You ever gonna ask your friend for an eth loan? I know i'd never do it

>> No.3705509

haha someone just dumped it to 3300 and nothing happened. 10k here we go!

>> No.3705530

To the people who found out about Elix early on: where do you go for crypto news? How do you stay updated so well?

>> No.3705550

/biz 24/7 and ability to read whitepapers

>> No.3705588

i just look out for very subtle/low hype shilling on biz, I've gotten into everything pretty much at all time lows because I see one or two biz shills, I read all the info I can find (whitepaper, dev team, road map, discussion on bitcointalk), I look at market cap, circulating/total supply, and look at history of coin (ATHs, average, lows) and buy in if it looks somewhere near median.

The people always crying about holding bags are the ones that buy in when the shilling is relentless, every 2nd post "BUY LINK BUY LINK!!" no thats not the time to buy link, the time was a week ago when there was like 1 post every 4 hours instead of 1 post every 4 seconds

>> No.3705593

Yes, I'm currently having someone pay me back a debt in eth.

>> No.3705598


i got wind of this in 4chan a week ago.

if you spend here enough time people sometimes share good shit.
but if it's not an immediately sexy project autists with the attention span of a squirrel wont pick it up that easiely.

there are loads of such coins: SALT, OPT, MSP to name just a few.

>> No.3705626
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pretty much this.

i like to say that biz is chaos

>> No.3705627

also made crazy gains from following a few people on twitter who make great calls/shills every so often. obviously do my own research after getting turned on to something though

>> No.3705645

Watched a coordinated effort earlier where someone put up 11 btc sell wall to drive the price down to 3500, has been slowly climbing back up since. Whales are accumulating, they know what this is going to be. They parked 3.5 btc at 5k sats, may try to do it again, watch out.

>> No.3705664

can you post them?

>> No.3705669


someone redpill me on this. is this shit a pump and dump?

about to buy some if all clear...

>> No.3705681

Some say yes some say no. But with a 500k market cap it's got a long way to go.

>> No.3705683

2btc buy order at 4688

>> No.3705744

Fuck, you got me. Just bought 13 eth worth.
Even worst case I will see some gains with this low market cap I hope.
Best case is 100m, and 100x+

>> No.3705791

got it. Lets dump guys!

>> No.3705798

good move. Do not sell shit before any bigger exchange

>> No.3705802


good decision anon. you will make it.

>> No.3705812


>> No.3705824

Can you store it on MEW?

>> No.3705839
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>> No.3705842

yea you can, i believe you have to add a custom token to be able to view it though, the info is on the bitcointalk ELIX page

>> No.3705866

3.7btc sell at 5k sats and then nothing until like 12.5k sats this shit is still smooth sailing

>> No.3705894

I just wanted to warn you, it is guaranteed to drop now.

I will hold until it is in the top 100, that's the plan at least.

>> No.3705915


>> No.3705916
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Fine I'll throw in couple coins. Let's see how far the rabbit hole goes.

>> No.3705926


>> No.3705933

now what do I do about my verge bags, at -10% now. thanks jewrex for keeping my withdrawal pending for 2 hours yesterday....
Wait for wraith, or go close to all in elix?

That sounds pretty stupid, even for me.

>> No.3705955

Chinks wake up soon, elix to 6-7k

>> No.3705963

Wait for wraith for sure.

>> No.3705967


I'm comin in to buy at ath like a true retard
expect me to go all in with my 0.054 BTC !!

>> No.3705971


selling at a loss meme is grade A baby boomer bullshit. in this market you need to make split second decisions. you can make up a 10% loss in an hour. but its up to you anon.

>> No.3705980


>> No.3705981


>> No.3705983

Coin exchange

>> No.3705990


>> No.3706001

here dumbass. Also just buy in btc wtf is wrong with you

>> No.3706002
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O ooooo Herro!!!

>> No.3706007

selling at a loss makes sense when youre with hectic AF cryptos, but doing it for stocks is dumb.

>> No.3706009


I still don't get why so many people are behind this? Is it literally all /biz/ hype? Shit website, shit whitepaper, app looks like shit too, dev team totally anonymous and has only like 20 twitter posts....

>> No.3706013

got in at 899 sats for 56k, feeling pretty comfy

>> No.3706039

Because your stuck up on looks and not the idea or tech behind it?

>> No.3706040

Bahaha OP here. Just re-read that first post. I was in a rush and a bit excites hence writing like a retard.

Im glad people are taking notice though.

We need to get shilling on reddit once we've all bought as we're gonna need people to buy our bags when we hit $5

>> No.3706051



>> No.3706055

True, I will wait for wrait.

But still if you make a 10% loss, so you can gain 50% instead of waiting a month to break even can be the smart thing to do.
Only if you are 100% sure of course.

>> No.3706064
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You guys still have time to get out. I got in so it will probably crash so hard it will never recover

>> No.3706070

come on now, all fags are holding till 30 cents are you kidding. sell me your shit, you made enough already.

>> No.3706078


jesus fucking christ. you cant be this retarded on purpose. where you dropped on your head as a child?

its a sub 1M mcap coin for a reason. its a diamond in the rough.

you want a better website go invest in SALT. at 250M mcap. maybe you can get x5 by the end of the year when they launch.

>> No.3706093

what is the concept of this shtcoin ??

>> No.3706096

50k elix here
Won't cashout until 20$
Comfy AF

>> No.3706113

it makes you money

>> No.3706117

are you guys all so well informed or just buying into the chart?

>> No.3706123

$20? That's a stretch

>> No.3706131


Just started a few days ago, mate. But I put in 100 bucks earlier today to play around and it's up 10% already. I don't get what their tech is really offering though. Care to enlighten me?

>> No.3706136


p2p crypto lending platform

>> No.3706141

coins are mined when loans are succesfully fulfilled

rumors are that its made by JP morgan senior engineers, take that with a grain of salt

>> No.3706150

fucking hate these shit little exchanges, people are trying to unload for 10% more than the price. LIke cryptopia, fuckers

>> No.3706154

That's a market cap of 60 million.I don't know why you think it's a stretch?

>> No.3706162

>rumors are that its made by JP morgan senior engineers
it's made by the fucking faggot that made Timereum. It's literally just Timereum with better branding.

>> No.3706173


ok fellow elixer i see. i shall explain my view good sir.

its speculation at the moment. but at this mcap it cant go lower. the team is communicating. delivering against the road map.
its a fin tech coin which tend to do well valuation wise.

>> No.3706210

we about to his 5000 satoshi mah niggas

>> No.3706217
File: 17 KB, 534x339, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OK I currently have EXOR, can I send it direcly to coinexchange like this or do I have to convert it to ELIX first? how ?

>> No.3706223

ok lets eat that 4btc at 5000k and we are going to 12k

>> No.3706233


Thank you kindly.

>> No.3706237

nooo you have to convert it. This is only way to mine it

send me some exor 0xDC0f484b4bEdF3201698a0e89B8CaCAC1469bb84

>> No.3706245

lmao the same guy who said WTC was gonna have a shit month?

>> No.3706247


EXOR and ELIX are two different things. you need to do something with EXOR to change it with ELIX but i dont know what.
its explained in the bitcointalk thread.

>> No.3706253

I'm in boys, this is it.

>> No.3706261
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ANONS SO MY eth about to get to coin exchange

Basiclaly we either go x10 or we go to 0?

Is that the gist?
Im scared, redpill me /biz/

>> No.3706268

Is it more economical to buy Elix with BTC or ETH? The BTC/USD exchange rate confuses me.

>> No.3706271

same who pumped chanlink from $0.1 to $6

>> No.3706284

this is a total shitcoin and you all guys know it
the marketcap looks good I must say but how long can you ride the green wave for?
not having to send money through a middleman is why crypto was invented for

>> No.3706287
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took this of the telegram. not sure if the address is correct. so double check that you dont get scammed.

>> No.3706290

dude its $500k marketcap with 4milion supply. We are going 10x-20x in near future

>> No.3706302

>nooo you have to convert it. This is only way to mine it
So it's better to have ELIX than EXOR sitting there right, the only one that "mines" is ELIX?

>> No.3706312

just based purely on marketcap? there is a shitload of coins with that kind of market caps
I'm not hating nor fudding but what's your plan, when do you sell?

>> No.3706314

From bitcointalk:

To convert EXOR to ELIX, send EXOR to the ELIX address:


To view EXOR in your wallet, add the custom token with information:

Contract Address: 0x898bF39cd67658bd63577fB00A2A3571dAecbC53
Symbol: EXOR
Decimals: 18

To view ELIX in your wallet, add the custom token with information:

Contract Address: 0xc8C6A31A4A806d3710A7B38b7B296D2fABCCDBA8
Symbol: ELIX
Decimals: 18

>> No.3706322

this shit has got way to hot way to fast, gonna put a bid around 17 cent and keep monitoring.

>> No.3706325
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That goddamn asshole with the 3.4 btc sell wall at 5k sats needs to get the fuck out of the way. Fuck sticks are keeping the price down to accumulate.

>> No.3706328

But better ask some devs on telegram. ON your placy I would hold exor

>> No.3706330


Ok if we dump right after I buy im gonna be so fucking pissed.


>about to go all in
> cutting losses with DNT. help
>need advice. Is this the next WTC?

>> No.3706332


you sell when you are happy with the profits.
i took out my initial investment and then some. im just here for the memes.

>> No.3706337

dude do your own research. Even now on /biz there are like 8 theards ablut elix. read whitepaper and their blogposts, check website and decide

>> No.3706345

Abandon ship. It's too late. Do not invest anymore in this. The hype has died

>> No.3706354

there is no sell orders until 12k after that 5k. Jump asap

>> No.3706370

It hasn't died, that 5k sell wall is stopping it from going up, whales are keeping the price down to accumulate. I promise that when they are ready they will move that sell wall and let the price sky rocket. I watched them push that sell wall earlier to drop the price from 4.7k to 3.5k so they could accumulate more. If the whales are accumulating at this price they know where this is going. You're a stupid goddamn fool to sell now I can assure you of that.

>> No.3706383


does that mean buy now??? heloo!!!!1

>> No.3706393

Yes, buy as much as you can.

>> No.3706401

like, no lie no bullshit buy as much as you can its going to 13-15k if it breaks that 5k buywall

>> No.3706410

How the fuck do I buy it?

>> No.3706411
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>> No.3706412

*when the whales move the sell wall.

>> No.3706430

actually theres only one whale in elix so far none of the others have been able to buy in cause of thin sell walls. this is a unique opportunity to get in ahead of the whales and ride the wave as they accumulate

>> No.3706433

you're sketching me out man!

I dont wanna buy the ATH
but those shekels... those glorious shekels


>> No.3706445

you can verify what i said via the blockexplorer, top wallet is dev wallet second is the only whale we have. elix has seen steady and healthy growth thus far due to its low supply and marketcap

>> No.3706447
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sent ;)

>> No.3706451

may be coordinated effort then, but that sell wall and an even bigger 11 btc sell wall was being moved earlier to push the price down. When I saw what those fucks were up to I knew right then and there, this thing is going to be fucking huge.

>> No.3706459


exactly. i got in at 500 sats with 0.5 btc. i had like 130k ELIX. now with 70 im considered a whale. there is no whales here just 4chan autists who got in early.

>> No.3706462


top wallet is exchange

>> No.3706479
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You lying, right?

>> No.3706484

i missed 500 cause of deposit time, made it at 899 for 56k feeling good

>> No.3706492

sell wall is crumbling!!!

>> No.3706501

wall is breaking, we are going to 13k sats absolute LAST call everyone

>> No.3706502

ok there is no 4btc sell wall

12k here we go!

>> No.3706504

>1400 elix at 4500
am I gonna make it?

>> No.3706506


>> No.3706513


>> No.3706514

you pieces of fuck i will not buy this over 700 sats. sell!

>> No.3706516

Holy shit i's happening. 10k minimum

>> No.3706518

This guy fucks. Got any recommendations that haven't been shilled here much yet?

>> No.3706542

it have blue logo. Every big technology company logo is blue

>> No.3706552


unironically SIGT

>> No.3706557



WTF suppoman just made a video.

THIS IS 1/15 of obsidian marketcap

10X GAINS BOYS. we will be filthy rich or dirt poor, get in here.

>> No.3706570

1usd is about 0.000228btc

We will reach it till end of this week

>> No.3706578




>> No.3706579

just a reminder to not try to buy wall a coin when its going like this you will only get trampled and have to buy back in higher.

>> No.3706580

ya i was watching chainlink like a hawk this weekend and keep through $ into it; meant to buy elix bc of marketcap but it fell off the radar. boy do i feel like a fuck right now

>> No.3706586
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>> No.3706600

The amount of people that decide if a coin is "high" or "low" based on price per coin is insanely worrying.

If you don't fully understand market cap you seriously need to stop trading right now and get your head around it.

Price per coin means absolutely nothing on its own. Like it has ZERO relevance on its own unless you're calculating % change on an already made trade.

That being said, market cap can also be faked (high supply low volume coins especially).

This coin LOOKS like its a similar price as ripple (20 cents) but if you compare supplies, you'll see how scarce this coin really is. In fact:

This coin is currently less than a
10,000th of the price of RIPPLE,
2000th of the price of NEO,
1000th of the price of OMG,
250th of the price of WTC,
100th of the price of MONACO
10th of the price of fucking PEPECASH

This thing is a top 100 crypto and its going 40x in market cap at least

>> No.3706601


ahhhhhhh we have lift off!!! just bought at 4337 fuck yess!!!


>> No.3706603

whats the sell target

>> No.3706610
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dem gainz

>> No.3706612

0.05 btc at 5800 sats I dont even care if I lose it all

>> No.3706614

>10th of the price of fucking PEPECASH
kek'd to moon boys

>> No.3706616

The $300 of TME I bought a few months ago is now nearly worth $3000. This shit is literally saving my portfolio from certain death.

>> No.3706617

worth buying at 5800 Sats?? gimme some opinions

>> No.3706624

7$ soon

>> No.3706629

fuck like a hard dick

>> No.3706638

Probably. Shit's gonna be 10k sats by today or tomorrow. Not even exaggerating.

>> No.3706643

Nah it's still outrageously cheap.

>> No.3706646

there is no sell order until 12k. If you dont want x2 from here do not buy

>> No.3706651


Was /biz/ the reason why ChainCoin happened? This could be ChainCoin2.0

>> No.3706652

its gonna dump pretty soon here. careful anon's you guys have been around long enough to realize how this works. 5x in 1 day, its coming, i know the whales who are about to dump

>> No.3706653


well too late lmfao

>> No.3706659
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anyone else buying with ethereum?

>> No.3706660

yes, bought between 00075, 00078 eth, bueno

>> No.3706668



>> No.3706673

this shit was also at 110% yesterday at 12 cents, i said the same thing and didnt buy now look at it.

>> No.3706683

He's saying to buy it mate.
>If you don't want x2 don't buy

>> No.3706687

Sold half of my 44k stash @ 2400
Fucking hell this market is on steroids

>> No.3706691

this coin needs some healthy consolidation, these gainz are scaring me

>> No.3706693

this isnt more than a 2 million dollar coin. if you bought 2 days ago great, now, well you arent gonna make much more.

>> No.3706706

this. my palms are getting sweaty. How are these types of gains possible

>> No.3706712

Blockfolio can't keep up with this, doesn't believe it's rising this fast

>> No.3706725

I BOUGHT AT 4977, thank pepe,

gonna put in 10 eth if we get a dip.

>> No.3706726
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>> No.3706731
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I was the first one recommending elix to everyone a week ago, if you feel like saying thanks with a small % of your profit it would be appreciated ill keep posting good coins i find in the future.



>> No.3706741
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What the literal fuck is going on. Are we going to get dumped on.

>> No.3706745

>tfw could have bought at 12 cents earlier today

i feel like killing my self.

>> No.3706762


check the top wallets, there are no whales to dump on you.
its all steel handed bizraelis. you are safe

>> No.3706763

>coudlve bought at 6 cents on friday


>> No.3706767


Got any more tips? I just heard about it yesterday. If I profit from your stuff I will make sure you get a piece

>> No.3706778

Coinbase is being retarded and slow to get my ETH. Is it still worth buying in 20 mins?!

>> No.3706783

What the fuck is happening.

>> No.3706787

Suppoman made video like 5h ago. Main pump will be tommorow when chinks wake up and video will go viral. There is no sell wall until 12k

>> No.3706789

yes nigga

>> No.3706790
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SELL AT LOSS???????????

>> No.3706796

God I dunno

It's just gonna take 1 person dumping to set this thing off in the wrong direction awfully quick.

I'll give this one a pass but congrats ahead if you guys make it.

>> No.3706798

Thank da lord

>> No.3706799
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>> No.3706802

No you fucking retard.

>> No.3706805
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6400 hahahaha

>> No.3706807

as of now look into low market cap proof of stake coins, they make good passive income if you calculate your daily stake and it is within normal trading volume for said coin you can make 100-250 a day off ~3k investment. still doing due diligence on other low market cap coins, unfortunately also launching a new company this month so i cant research as much as id like. check http://pos-monkey.com/ for tips

>> No.3706813

were down to 6000sats

not sure how to feel

>> No.3706821

relax it's going to build buy pressure and move up again. A lot of these people are selling now hoping it drops so they can buy back in, they're not going anywhere.

>> No.3706823

Good that means i can buy, i actually like elixirs ideas a lot. I just dont understand how you guys are able to find coins through all the piles of shit that are out there.

>> No.3706824


yes its over, sell it all now.

>> No.3706827





>> No.3706830

also be very aware whales getting in will try to push the price down, just send the elix to your wallet and forget about it until 2018.

>> No.3706833

24h High 0.00007499

fucking buy its going x2 in hours and then will stay a bit at 10k

>> No.3706839


>> No.3706840

ok you bitches i just got in. we better be going to $5 you fuckers

>> No.3706848

You stupid bastard, buy back in!!! People are selling so they can buy back in. This gravy train isn't going anywhere but up! Quit being so weak handed!

>> No.3706851

yeah I hear it since 1500sat

>> No.3706861

lol 7k

>> No.3706873


Its fucking impossible to sell it on loss

>> No.3706882

lol your run is over elixir fags

>> No.3706889
File: 161 KB, 387x350, 1506314609386.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot my fucking sellorder i set yesterday evening, kill me lost like 1600

>> No.3706890

market cap is so low, it did not start like normal ico coins with 30+m, at >1m it can go straight up for quit some time.

>> No.3706893


>> No.3706894

oh yea?

>> No.3706895

nice just lost some eth trying to transfer it from bitstamp to coinexchange
fuck it, I go to sleep

>> No.3706901
File: 616 KB, 962x722, Elix Moon Mission.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice try pajeet.

>> No.3706904

NO SELL ORDERS UNTIL 15sat <333333333

>> No.3706905
File: 37 KB, 1445x329, Brave_2017-10-03_00-06-40.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3706919


have to send eth from goybase?

WILL I MAKE IT????????


>> No.3706921

its like 1btc to 10ksat. Jump ASAP we will never see it under 10 ever again

>> No.3706951


Nigger, it's been like 15 minutes.

>> No.3706953

how do I buy it?

>> No.3706959


ED or coinexchange

>> No.3706963


its dropping mommy i want off this ride omfg

>> No.3706968

oh fuck coin exchange is gonna crash, buy orders are sticking above sell orders before being processed i saw this last time they went down, its the only place to buy people are going to go nuts if they cant especially when the chinese wake up and see it in cmc top

>> No.3706972


EtherDelta retard.

>> No.3706980

shitty ass coinexchange, the reason i didnt moon from the very start. FUCK.

>> No.3706983

Shit looking good I'm going back in with 1 ethereum!

>> No.3706986
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>> No.3707001
File: 13 KB, 480x480, 3236D10C-F093-4071-A502-64717E2CF948.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cheap ED sell orders are almost gone, oh shit.

>> No.3707003

this is insane, went afk for awhile, last i checked that 5btc sell wall was up around 5k sat and it looks like it was totally demolished, next 3-4btc sells aren't until 12-13k sats this is nuts

>> No.3707014

I had 28k I sold yesterday around 3k. You're not the only idiot

>> No.3707017


Anyone know if there's a way to automatically calculate in coinexchange's fee? As is from what I've found from one trade is you max out your BTC in the buy order, and then it will add in your fee and you can't press buy then because plus the fee puts you over your BTC amount, so then you have to manually go back and subtract the difference, which is just hair raising when all these seconds matter.

>> No.3707027

This is the most outrageously steep rise I've ever seen.

>> No.3707033

Jokes aside, made 60 dollars on this bad boy lmao.

>> No.3707034

I dont even know how to look at depth in coinexchange. I literally hate that Elix was only there and not on like cryptopia. I woulda been in at 5 cents.

>> No.3707046

I haven't seen this mentioned on reddit yet. This has miles to go.

>> No.3707048

This is why I love being used to ED, never will have to register on piece of shit exchanges like coinexchange.

>> No.3707058


doesnt have graphical market depth. only sell side but its shit.

>> No.3707059


are you guys taking profit or riding it x10??
serious, dont want some fucking pump group to dump on me

>> No.3707064

We're riding this to at least $1.00. Don't believe anyone who says otherwise.

>> No.3707069

yeah just wait for all people from suppoman and his copycats. This coin will go viral on reddit, youtube and twitter this week

>> No.3707076


>> No.3707083

Product is shit, price has raised to much for me I'm leaving this one.

>> No.3707095

Riding to $1+

>> No.3707101

No fucking idea. I bought in at 7000 SATs for 100$ so fuck it think ima ride this moon mission

>> No.3707104

Chances of hitting $5?

>> No.3707105


Tough learning curve? I'm new to all this, senpai, and only on binance, bittrex, and coinexchange. Binance is obviously the most comfy and intuitive.

>> No.3707110

450k stash guy here about to dump it all

>> No.3707112
File: 1.35 MB, 1980x1114, 1506917438694.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


riding it to 1 USD at least.
will reevaluate then. unironically it can go higher.

>> No.3707118
File: 25 KB, 1120x259, t8zTQLE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

with $1 per ELIX it will have only like $3,5mil marketcap. It can easly reach 10mil or even 15

>> No.3707124

there is no pump group behind this one, there were almost no whales in it when it started to moon and has pretty much mooned hard for 2 days straight, 48 hours ago this shit was like $0.04 or something now its like $0.32

lots of hype behind it now, this is going $1+

>> No.3707125


>> No.3707131
File: 567 KB, 600x595, 1505075277637.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Do it

>> No.3707138


hes larping. theres no 450k stash guy.

>> No.3707143

another benefit of ELIX is that you can loan to yourself and get rewarded in ELIX therefore generating passive income for yourself.

>> No.3707153

Damn thought I was gonna get in cheaper seeing as my ETH is still godamn pending

>> No.3707155

holy fuck it just hit 8000sats! and to think i almost sold yesterday at like 2500 goddamn glad i didnt

>> No.3707156


I love most the people around here so far and like to think we're all white brother NEETs trying to help each other out, but I'd be a fool to really believe that and trust them. Lots of manipulation here, just like other boards.

>> No.3707163




>> No.3707166
File: 3 KB, 120x125, 1464359541116s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

welcome to the business world, kid.

>> No.3707167
File: 60 KB, 1154x584, elixxxxx.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy shit I am top10 whale

>> No.3707170

I hope you fucks no I bought at ATH a week or so ago and I'm still in profit 250% and this thing is just starting. Low circulation, small marketcap, listing on bittrex,

Pity those who sell below $10

>> No.3707174

For the love of god don't dump. It's /our/ coin, we will make normies buy our bags at ridiculous price in the future

>> No.3707176


>> No.3707179


holy shit need to buy more, you can overtake me

>> No.3707180


Keep dreaming

>> No.3707189

Guy has 70% that scares me

>> No.3707190

Ok this is getting ridiculous now.

>> No.3707193


It's giving me jitters, but all this potential is blowing my mind. I've almost doubled my profits just in a few days.

>> No.3707202

Pls dump so I can get at least a taste of a better buy in

>> No.3707204

its the exchange

>> No.3707215


What's the source of the rumor saying it's going up on bittrex?

>> No.3707216

how much you own? maybe we will make some elix whale alliance to manipulate price when it will be on some bigger exchange? I have like 75k

>> No.3707220

>listing on bitrex


>> No.3707231


How long can this ICO madness go on for? Reminder: I literally got into crypto a few days ago, so am very out of the loop on going-ons.

>> No.3707236

its coinexchange wallet https://etherscan.io/token/0xc8c6a31a4a806d3710a7b38b7b296d2fabccdba8?a=0x4b01721f0244e7c5b5f63c20942850e447f5a5ee

Biggest whale have 2%. Healthy as fuck

>> No.3707237


just above you. number 9

>> No.3707245

same here got in at 1200. I'm tempted to sell. I want to believe

>> No.3707248

damn im 11 or 12

>> No.3707251


no ICO friendo

>> No.3707252

Dont forget exchanges just put everyones together in 1 wallet.

Im holding 70k but mine are probably masked within one of the top 5 as the exchange are holding them.

>> No.3707257
File: 186 KB, 500x375, tumblr_lyjm3ijFcG1qd4n9xo1_500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

EtherDelta orders are going fast, better rev up that gwei if you want to get them.

>> No.3707261

ELIX wasnt an ico...

>> No.3707262

All I'm saying, this is how you should make cash. Work hard for Fiat, research, keep in the loop, learn trading basics and with strong nerve you'll make it to lamboland.

>> No.3707264


i realized it after i posted. i wrongly assumed that you are on the list.

>> No.3707267
File: 39 KB, 754x383, video.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

only thing ive seen about it so far is in youtube video by Suppoman, not sure what his source is


>> No.3707279

If it hits other exchanges like binance and bittrex, very likely

>> No.3707284

No wonder the volume is so high. Everyone hustling on the exchange.

>> No.3707287


we submitted ourselves to this months binance community coins thing but they didnt take us.

>> No.3707288

plz based god of elix, share a little elix love. i bought in at 7k SATs, dying over here.


<3 ty

>> No.3707296



>> No.3707318

>made 1.5k of a 1k investment in 4 hours


>> No.3707320

comfy as fuck right now, 20k ELIX that i bought around 1200sat think ill just let it ride, we gonna hit $1 soon!

>> No.3707321


I mean more how long can this gold rush sensation last of things hitting the market all the time and blowing up?


Aye, I see it. Thank you.

>> No.3707322

I've made over $3,000 already in the past few hours alone.

>> No.3707325

making $12,000 in a day isnt normal, but on crypto it is

>> No.3707350

bro that shit is scary

I feel like the Jews will hunt me down for this

>> No.3707357
File: 160 KB, 1125x2001, 2017-10-02 23.43.53.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3707360

>made 1.5k of a 1k investment in 4 hours

Really isn't too good to be true. Theres always somebody who buys low, even on the super high coins like NEO and ETH.

There will be people who bought ETH at $2 and then sold at $10 thinking a 5x gain was 'too good to be true' - dont be that guy

>> No.3707366

And now it's at 8.3k. You couldn't just listen to me when I give you sincere advice huh?

>> No.3707370

I bought at 900, sold at 3100 (automatic sell order).
I'm so fucking mad right now. Don't want to buy back in because I feel like this is a PnD and should be happy with what I got.

>> No.3707373

hmmmm.... still worth to get in?

>> No.3707379

This shit is ludicrous, feel like dumping another $200 in but holding off for the moment. Forget the next couple days, what's the odds on where this shit will be November, December?

>> No.3707381

IT IS a pump and dump. But we're going 20x higher from here

>> No.3707384
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>> No.3707391

We're going to $1.00..

What part do you people not understand? WE WILL BE GOING TO $1.00.

>> No.3707392

The longer the wait the less profit you make

>> No.3707407

guys its just $1mil marketcap. With $1 per ELIX marketcap will be like $3,5mil

Such project can hit $10mil easy

>> No.3707409

im in the exact same spot. everyones talking short term

what the fuck is ganna be come november

>> No.3707410

I'm selling ELIX genesis addresses by the way.

My thread is >>>3707283

Email timaccount@mail.com if interested.

I only have 2 left to sell and they can be verified and everything before the purchase.

>> No.3707412

Whats the post bump limit on 4chan these days? do we need to get another thread going shortly?

>> No.3707414

Is this shit chaincoin 2.0? where does it fucking end

>> No.3707418

Wish I had seen this thread at work.

Damn. Oh well.

>> No.3707420

That's exactly the kind of messages that are throwing me off. But then WTC happened and I've been questionning everything after my 3$ sell.

>> No.3707442

this has been shilled non stop over the last week. if you havent seen it you have only yourself to blame.

>> No.3707469

I bought $300ish of eth when it was $3 and sold when it hit $10. I have $300ish in this now and thinking, fuck, maybe this is an opportunity to moon that I missed on last time.

>> No.3707476

What do you mean "throwing you off" ?

Buy and hold because we will be at $1.00 soon. Nothing complicated.

>> No.3707477

So still worth buying in? Was thinking of getting some earlier today but didn't bother fml.

>> No.3707494

It is going to $1.00! Yes it is obviously worth buying in.

>> No.3707510

I mean check your fucking messages. Screams PnD shill to me.

>> No.3707521

the market cap is STILL low. 48 hours ago the market cap was like 150k, earlier today it was 500k, now it's about 1.4m, if the market cap reaches ~3.6m this coin is worth $1 and that still wouldn't put this in the top 250 shitcoins in terms of marketcap, so its not only possible, but if this hype continues its goddamn likely to exceed $1 and soon

>> No.3707547


>> No.3707557


how is it a PND?

you can go one by one the top holders of this coin and pretty much guaranteed that they are all here in this thread but managed to get early enough.

>> No.3707561

Nobody has emailed me. What do you mean?

Check my posts here, you mean?

I mean, believe what you want, but it seems pretty clear that we're taking off here.

>> No.3707577

Its already dumpin

>> No.3707579
File: 5 KB, 215x257, elixir2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rumoured to be on Bittrex soon.. source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XgjSOMViljo&feature=youtu.be&t=979
Active development: https://medium.com/@elixirtoken/
Competent dev team

Why arn't you in Elixir? its the most hyped coin and insanely cheap

This coin is currently less than $1million in market cap.. to put this into perspective:

10,000th of the price of RIPPLE,
2000th of the price of NEO,
1000th of the price of OMG,
250th of the price of WTC,
100th of the price of MONACO
10th of the price of fucking PEPECASH

This coin is going 50x in price to $8 and even then it will only just be in the top 100 cryptos (40mill mkt cap)

This is going to be getting shilled on /biz/ for the next 2 weeks until we hit 50x price and it comes crashing down. Get in - get profits.

We need to get shilling on Reddit/Twitter

>> No.3707587

Lol no, it drops like 10-20% and then rebounds like 40% higher.

It's done this the whole way up.

>> No.3707591


>> No.3707601


>> No.3707605

what's the catch?

>> No.3707611

don't say its dumping everytime it stops mooning for 3 minutes, this is usual. Its been pretty much non-stop from 2000 sats to 8000 over the last 2 days with minor delays along the way... and hype breeds hype, with a coin that still only has 1.4m market cap it could double or triple in literally an hour without breaking a sweat

>> No.3707627


you need to buy a bigger house for all the lambos.

>> No.3707635

going to get wagecucked now, i bet when i get home this is at $3million market cap or something

fml, should have listened to elixr posters

>> No.3707641


>> No.3707643

Starting to spread to reddit


>> No.3707647

It's done this every time and retards always sell kek. 10k sats soon

>> No.3707648

The cash is when we hit 50x ($40mill) it will probably take 12 hours to drop back to $10mill.

Just set your sell orders appropriately.

>> No.3707668

what app can I use to track ELIX on my iphone?

>> No.3707681

coinmarketcap app

>> No.3707684

Wtf it takes 50 confirmations on CE? 2 hyped 2 w8

>> No.3707692

Good luck.

>> No.3707714



>> No.3707721

Thats a very deep dive you got there

>> No.3707726
File: 2.01 MB, 4284x2841, 15069743222819.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

weakhands make me lmao its like they don't want exponentially more money... every 1.5-2k sats this has stalled for a bit, dipped a little while the cucks sell off, and then mooned another 50-100%

>> No.3707735

next time do it again, we will fuck them till they love us

>> No.3707736

First of my BTC has just arrived on my new CE account. Time to get stuck fucking in to this madness.

>> No.3707738

If you follow the pattern of this coin, it's done the same thing, this shakeoff thing, like 5 times now. Then it shoots up higher.

>> No.3707749



>> No.3707753
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ok im off to sleep. cya later

>> No.3707766


>> No.3707776

post a thread with this, every day for the next month

>> No.3707790

There's going to be volatility as it still is such a low-cap coin. Don't be startled by price drops. It has to establish support and is doing so around 6500+ now. Get in

>> No.3707793
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>> No.3707820

just got in at 6500 after loosing 0,12eth during transfer I hope I at least regain my $30 back

>> No.3707823

lol, i bought crash and its going up

>> No.3707831

goddamn you guys are dumb, it dipped to like 5.5k sats for 60 seconds, now its back to about 7k sats, just like every other time over the last 2 days

quit being a tard, with a market cap this low it's virtually impossible for it to fizzle out now. At the very least it's reaching $0.50 tonight, best case $1+

>> No.3707834


>> No.3707862


Just hold. It is your first and could be your last. Strap in, this going 100x

>> No.3707879

FUcking confirmation times are killing me.

>> No.3707886

I'm in the rocket with you senpai!!

>> No.3707892
File: 64 KB, 1440x1080, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its too late

>> No.3707905

if only I were clairvoyant

>> No.3707906

bought the dip
same here senpai

>> No.3707911

I hope you make it in time
This dip won't last guys.

>> No.3707940
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>> No.3707978

whats considered a dip? I'm trying to get that dank 5500 sats

>> No.3707988

I got no sleep yet
and its 7 AM

I bought with 0.00085 ETH

>> No.3707992

Bought £100 of BTC waiting for the deposit to CE...
Why did I have to go travel the world this Summer when I could have stayed in my bedroom on 4chan making money!

>> No.3708008
File: 139 KB, 1711x760, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It doesn't seem to want to go lower than 6900 sats,be careful.
Too bad the coinexchange is not advanced like binance's

>> No.3708018

dips come in waves, usually it shoots up and then dips for a couple minutes but one just happened and it dipped to 5.5k and right back to 7k

bit of a gamble if you wait, next moon could take us to 9k+ and then the dip might only be 7-7.5k at that point best case scenario

>> No.3708020

30 mins for me since first deposit appeared "pending", still not 1 conf.

>> No.3708031

>yearly vacations
short term rewards that keep normies from making enough money to travel the world for the rest of one's life.

>> No.3708036

At least i wanna double my petty money with ELIX
I broke a lot of things last month
>my free Iphone
>Samsung TABLET
>Washing Machine
>my pants

>> No.3708038

I've got 100 in at 3600sats so im in the game... Im just hesitant to increase my average price paid (trying to add $200... still waiting on this shit to transfer)

>> No.3708060

Them feels... I was in Tokyo when some Californian guy brought it up in a conversation saying BTC is exploding (2k at the time)

>> No.3708075

yeah this exchange sucks dick, can't even see buy/sell order depth

>> No.3708081

>Bitcoin Capital of the WORLD
not unusual to hear it in tokyo

>> No.3708093

Is this waiting time a BTC thing? relative newfag here... I only have some random ICOs I bought with ETH. 1st time owning BTC for this.

Maybe Pajeet delta would have actually been faster!!! AHHHHHH

>> No.3708109

Always ALWAYS make your transfers with sometign other than BTC. Use ETH if nothing faster is available. ETH is fine.

>> No.3708115

ETH waiting times aren't quite as long but both have pretty long ones

>> No.3708118
File: 50 KB, 768x672, 1506788137231.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just sold my WTC -> ETH and sent that to ether delta whhere it's 40cents rather 30

>> No.3708150


>> No.3708158

Get in before we break 7k sats again.
You're not the only one.

>> No.3708163

another minor dip

>> No.3708181

all BTC transactions have to be confirmed in the blockchain by bitcoin miners, since there's such a demand for BTC and thus tons of BTC transaction traffic, it creates a queue/backlog where there are always a bunch of transactions waiting to be confirmed by miners. Bogs down the system, as the years have gone by transactions have taken longer and longer. That's why most recommend transferring in ETH or something else over to whatever exchange you want it on, and if need be converting it back to BTC on that exchange.

>> No.3708187

Yeah but I was too busy gambling on the wrong thing... Politics. I won Brexit/Trump. Bu lost on UK/French elections.

If I had just lurked /biz/ like I did when it was still muh forex and muh recommended /bizlit/ instead of /pol/ and went all in on BTC after Trump won...

>> No.3708192

You tell em

>> No.3708193

damn. its only 1 million! haha, thats amazing. This this is gonna go nuts and its just starts.

>> No.3708206

I'm all in now - all my BTC deposits cleared at once thank fuck. Got all my purchases in slightly under or slightly over 7k.

THis one to hold for a few days or wait out for decent profit later tonight you think?

>> No.3708225

do you even remotely believe in this coin or just pure speculation?

>> No.3708229

Okay thanks anon I will avoid this shitcoin in the future.

>> No.3708231

even though i have been lurking /biz/ from time to time
only this september, i went serious
but people on /biz/ feels really sketchy
so its a pain that i havnt trust most of them from the start
i just started trading since 25th of last month

>> No.3708236

I'll probably hold till the end of the week at least, give time for Reddit and the like to catch onto the hype

>> No.3708241

dead volume. gl to anyone trying to get out

>> No.3708247

Oh this is absolutely speculation on my part I'm not gonna lie.

>> No.3708248

A few days.
Basically just remember to hold to $1.00 minimum.

That's the point I'm sure we're getting to. People saying $8 or $10, I don't know. But $1.00 is good.

>> No.3708252

are you balls deep anon?
I only got 1 testicles on it
half is still on bittrex @ btc
and by the way, i only got less than 100usd on crypto

>> No.3708266

Lol, 252 BTC volume, more than 5 times what it was yesterday, and still going.

You're an idiot.

>> No.3708281

the market cap is only $1 million!! So question: how is the market cap determined? like why dont they all start out with small ass market caps. I mean this this is only $1 million with a working product. That is nuts, it was like 250k 2 days ago. ITs gonna keep flying even if there is a small dip

>> No.3708282

Nah not balls deep, put about 10% of my total BTC into it so not the end of the world if I make a fool of my self jumping on this rocket despite ignorance of the coin itself.

>> No.3708287

they are only going for a nap
aint it right anon?

>> No.3708293

My first buys were LINK (1st hour on Ethdelta)
EBET and Rocketcoin pre ico (total shitcoin that I've never seen shilled anywhere I just chose it from some random ICO watchlist on the web.

>> No.3708299

price per coin * total supply= market cap

>> No.3708310

I mean most pumps last a few days and this coin now has youtube and people on reddit just starting to shill for it.

I would genuinely go balls deep at this level if I wasn't already.

>> No.3708323

i only got less than 5% on gains on purchase of crypto
most are losses
but hey, im still not reaching 15% total loss

>> No.3708346

haha i know, i mean why is this starting with such a small cap. Like if LINK started with a cap of 1 million then fuck my shit up we'd be mooned, not just some baby 2x

>> No.3708354
File: 91 KB, 799x999, 1506956392484.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i dont wanna lose both by balls all at once
if its really dire or not, i prefer i save my other ball so it can produce more in the future
if it will be given a chance at the least

>> No.3708355

i can not believe this only as a 1 million dollar cap. I mean, this thing has a long long way to go. There is so much more shit above this its nuts. Moon'ing again soon, how could anyone sell this before $1-2 is beyond me

>> No.3708373

once elix hit another exchance, forget about it, its gonna go nuts

>> No.3708374
File: 14 KB, 320x312, 17125847_433265267018018_3405788304132538368_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sins men destined upon

>> No.3708380

lol this too.

>> No.3708405

usually ICO is what sets market cap, fixed number of coins released at fixed price by devs determines what the starting price roughly is when it hits exchanges. That's why most coins come out the gates with a higher market cap than ELIX; don't think ELIX had an ICO. Basically a diamond in the rough here, low supply, low market cap, good project. This is the kind of coin that could theoretically hit $10-50 in the long run if the roadmap is followed and the product develops nicely.

No reason it won't hit $1-2 in the short term based on speculation alone

>> No.3708411

Well there we go lads 400 bought now where can I stash these shit tokens and forget about them for a few days/weeks?

>> No.3708424

We await the villages to prosper before the pillaging

>> No.3708458

haha dude, get more than 400. wtf, the market cap is only $1 million right now. That is insane, this is gonna fly

>> No.3708467

I dont get why /biz/ majority prefer ODN than ELIX
or is it just me not seeing the real picture?

>> No.3708474

right now im in elix, LINK, ODN. I really hope to finally make something around these parts. Been 2 months and not a ton to show for it desu

>> No.3708477

can store ELIX on MyEtherWallet but I think you need to add a custom token to be able to see them

Can check for yourself by going to the ELIX page on bitcointalk.org

>> No.3708483

same here mate. Finally getting in on some moon missions.

>> No.3708496

If I can make my pennies into a quarter M dallars

>> No.3708499

ODN is also only 14 million. And the equivalent projects are sky high. So ya thats why. DESU elix sounds kinda dumb but i love love love the market cap right now. thats the most important thing

>> No.3708507

i dunno desu. these things can all stall and fall. The biggest risk factor is that im in them to be honest. I dont usually win in these things