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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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370345 No.370345[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Hey /biz/,

What financial books would you recommend? I can't seem to find the /biz/ /lit/ required readings pic, and I'm about to go to the library (poorfag)

>> No.370354

Street Smarts - Jim Rogers

>> No.370357
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A lot are online with audio books too.

>> No.370363

Thanks anons

I remember there was a more extensive pic, but this will certainly hold me over for a while

Thanks again

>> No.370364

Liar's Poker - Michael Lewis

>> No.370382
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Can personally vouch for complete beginners:

Bogleheads guide to investing (reading)
How to win friends and influence people (read)

Two very good books, but remember reading the book is useless if you don't implement their information practically into your life.

Also here's the pic you might be looking for.

>> No.370439
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topkek for Dostoyevsky brah

OP, ignore Taleb. he's an idiot like that one dude who wrote outliers.

i read a lot of economic history books. they provide really good insights and lessons that complement investing advice from people like Bogle. can't invest without the big picture.

>> No.371119

ramit sethi is a shyster of the worst caliber

why is that book even on there

>> No.371133

More money than god is pretty cool, its all about hedge funds but a really good read

>> No.371494

I've heard almost every "how do I rich with books" thread mention The Intelligent Investor. Is it good starter reading for someone who's mostly been an investopedia analyst / simulator mogul and looking to break into the real market?