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3700622 No.3700622 [Reply] [Original]

How much did you start with and where are you now?

1k now 5k

>> No.3700648

Start: 0.7 k
Now: 0.7k

I fell for the day trade meme and lost all my profits

>> No.3700659

5k -> 25k

>> No.3700660

I have turned 2k into 40k now in crypto. Not even kidding.

>> No.3700667

22k->25k (3weeks)

>> No.3700671

0.3k to 1.6k

Missed out on a lot more from not holding.

>> No.3700672

20k into 180k, started in june

>> No.3700674

80 bucks to 300

>> No.3700676

900 to 1700.
Maybe drop another 1k next year

>> No.3700677


Nice. How long did it take you guys?

>> No.3700679

couldve turned 40k into 800k

>> No.3700693

60>1300 in 3 months

>> No.3700694


3 months ago: ~$220
Now: $654

Took a break from trading

>> No.3700696

Could've turned 1 billion into 20 billion

>> No.3700705

started early this year with 5k
now 3k

>> No.3700706

started with 600 managed to turn it into 1200
added another 600 but its 400 right now due to being burned by mco and adx

>> No.3700710


How? I went from 350 dollars to 250 dollars

>> No.3700749

went in at the end of august right before the china shit for 5k, now sitting at 4.2k going back up

>> No.3700755

Started in June, slowly built up my principal to 5k.
Sitting at close to 11k right now. I would have more but I fell for the hodl meme with my excuse being I don't have time to daytrade and that I'm not smart enough to.

>> No.3700858

same desu

>> No.3700876

$300 now $1.2

>> No.3700883
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End of July

>> No.3700897

5k to 1k

>> No.3700916

7.5k investment incrementaly, sitting at 27k now

>> No.3700970

From 1k to 51k, since January.

No daytrading shit, just holding the right coins.

>> No.3700972

4k to 9k. Took me literally a week.

>> No.3700979

500$ into 7300$ so far. Plus an iPad and took out my initial investment.

>> No.3700992

0.01 bitcoin to 4 bitcoin in 3 months (seriously)

>> No.3701015

was playing around with 50 bucks for some months, with no significant gains.
then i left bittrex and spent some real money.
900 to 2300 in 4 weeks, with OMG and LINK.
50/50 LINK/ODN now, for a comfy ride.

fuck bittrex.

>> No.3701025

2k to 40k started in august

>> No.3701033

Turned 500€ into >700€. Started like two weeks ago. It's not higher because one of the coins will only be valuable later. Also left some for gas.

Pretty good for a college kid so far, we'll see how it goes.

>> No.3701085

8k to 240k
started way back in march 2016

>> No.3701087

Started with $1,200 in beginning of August, went down to $400, turned $400 into $10,000 as of yesterday. Poorfag here so this is a big deal to me, but now I won't be happy until it's 100k and then a million.

>> No.3701092

I get in and out of shitcoining
20$ into MCO accumulated and made 475$
15$ into OJAx accumulated and sent all tokens to wrong address 147$
soon 150$ into ADA will send 10-25% of profits to 4channers

>> No.3701106

Start: April 0.00138BTC
Now: 0.52BTC

Next step is to try some ICOs. Link was going to be my first but I didn't get through and had to buy from ED.

>> No.3701110

start 1k
now 2.5k

ATH 8k

>> No.3701303

Do you guys who have successes use TA and daytrading, or do you go off things you hear in like 4chan/bitcointalk threads?

>> No.3701319
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5k -> 60k

All in bitcoin

>> No.3701329

Been trading since March of this year.

Fuck I know. I'm sad.

>> No.3701348

4$ to 120$ in a year. I was holding waves and sold at the peak. Holding 11 different coins atm, waiting for them to peak.

>> No.3701431
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start in June with sub $50, put 800 in near August, now come September-Oct and have 3500~.
God bless Biz I'm joining the 1 BTC club soon

>> No.3701432

Now 12.5k

Started July, I'm bad at this.

>> No.3701442

10k, 80k

>> No.3701456

~9k into crypto, holdings are around ~50k now.

Parents want me to manage 100k for them now.


>> No.3701460

Living in a shithole country and reading these gives me hope. I can only invest ~60 but if I'm 120-200 in a few months, is quite the deal desu.

Holding to LINK and BAT atm.

>> No.3701490

$100 on Friday

Now have $130

>> No.3701493

1k - 7.6k since start of september.

>> No.3701495

I hope I never have to do this. I have talked a bit about crypto and how I doubled my money in a few days. Now both my dad and grandmother want me to invest for them.

I feel the pressure even though its only 500 maple dollars. I don't know how I would do it with 100k.

>> No.3701526

My mom gave me about $300 of hers. I just put that shit into BTC and told her to forget about it and check back in a year. Low risk and maybe she gets her 1k without doing anything..

>> No.3701538

Don't worry, you are not alone

>> No.3701597


I'm honestly wondering if I should do it, and if I did, if I should even invest in crypto. Like, just put it in Vanguard or something. They'll be happy with just beating the interest rate at the local bank.

Other problem is I have no idea how to move that amount. All my shit has been small time, purchases of under 2k at a time on Coinbase, etc.

This is what I'm thinking of doing after the Segwit2X fork. Just put some in, keep an eye on it if it crashes, but mostly just sit on it. Someone has a chart out there that shows Bitcoin still being the best long term bet among crypto.

>> No.3701604

1k now 4k

>> No.3701627

>I'm honestly wondering if I should do it, and if I did, if I should even invest in crypto. Like, just put it in Vanguard or something. They'll be happy with just beating the interest rate at the local bank.
Honestly, 10% of that in crypto could go pretty far if you're competent. I'd probably do a 90-10 split. Even that 10% in a few good coins is going to skyrocket your total interest rate.

>> No.3701629

5.4 BTC (in August) to 3 BTC. What to do?

>> No.3701632

Well I dabbled with trading btc for a few years but that was only playing with a few hundred dollars. Last year starting looking at other projects. I was a very early investor for Monero, Iconomi, and Lisk. Made big gains off those and got in Antshares at $7 out at $40 NEO after it hit ath of 50 or so.

>> No.3701673

I had 7 k PLN (maybe 1,5 k pounds), now after one year of good living but remember still about earning i have 7k pounds

>> No.3701681

lost $400 in a month. i have 0.1 btc total net worth

>> No.3701694

Totally. I just want this hard fork shit to happen already so things can settle down. I feel comfy with Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Monero. Don't feel solid picking between shit like ARK, OMG or the like. Need to do a lot more research on those.

Monero is the best. I have no idea why it's still under $100.

>> No.3701700

$500 or so. Maybe $550 now :\ Just started this month. Didn't get in on LINK because Coinbase was still transferring. Fell for verge...

>> No.3701706

20k -> 400k and I've made plenty of mistakes

>> No.3701731


>> No.3701733

3 weeks
Then: $700
Now: $500
I keep telling myself I am now a smarter trader

>> No.3701744

Currently sitting on 0.2, aiming to make weekly purchases until I'm at 1 BTC, intend on hodling long-term but may look to play around with shitcoins once I reach 1btc

>> No.3701789

BTC sounds pretty good. Especially of you don't wish to put much effort into it.

I thought the same too when you said 100k, I can't even purchase more than 250$ on coinbase actually. I hear silver or AMD aren't too bad, I would definitely check out stocks rather than cryptos if they give you 100k. Maybe you could invest 10k in crypto and the rest in something more conventional?

>> No.3701796

>Totally. I just want this hard fork shit to happen already so things can settle down. I feel comfy with Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Monero. Don't feel solid picking between shit like ARK, OMG or the like. Need to do a lot more research on those.
Well, the big money comes from getting in early on good projects. I think XMR has a ton of leg room still, but we're talking about years vs. some good ERC20 tokens which bring in 2000% in a couple of weeks or months. All it takes is a bit of research in your spare time IMO.

I've made a lot of mistakes so I'm not exactly striking it rich, but I'm up about 80% over my principal and most of that came from riding early waves of good projects, taking some profit, and holding some smaller portion of it for the long term, reinvesting the profits elsewhere, and that seems to be the winning strategy.

I have no faith in ARK or OMG at this point. Of course I could be wrong, but I'd rather focus my energies doing some casual reading and research and investing based on my confidence in new, young projects, rather than hoping that something which has already gone through a few major growth spurts will continue to grow significantly

>> No.3701807

300 to 9k
got lucky with zrx being 4x on etherdelta while ico was running

>> No.3701816

1,8k to maybe 2,1k, started this summer. Have to start following biz more regularly..

>> No.3701821

>manage... for them
Teach them how to buy/sell on Coinbase and trade on Bittrex for themselves. Then send a text with what to buy/sell so you don't have to deal with all the work. Did that for my mom back in early May and now she's buying a new car next year. Feels good.

>> No.3701827

tell us your story anon!

>> No.3701830

And I need to stop diversifying into shit just because of what if

>> No.3701831

35k to 330k roughly
Probably would have been 400k now if I held WTC longer.

>> No.3701862

Started a few days ago


now I got $1300 with LINK and ODN. Trying to learn more about crypto and what are the good coins to get.

>> No.3701901

11k dollars to 22k dollars in 3 months


>> No.3701902

is there something I'm missing?

I've been testing my ability to predict short term growth,
by hypothetically investing thousands of dollars into coins,
then withdrawing it all, usually with growth of 5-12% within a few hours to a day?

because this is all on paper,
it doesn't take into account stuff like volume / trade delays

but the coins I've been doing it with have all got
>market caps in the hundreds of millions
>24 volumes of tens of millions

so I can't imagine that would have a significant effect?

am I just naturally good at day trading or is there some factor I'm ignoring

>> No.3701929

to clarify, when i said

>because this is all on paper,

it is literally just scrawled on a piece of paper

haven't gotten onto an exchange yet

>> No.3701953

$20,000 > $400,000

>> No.3701988

10k -> 50k

damn y'all some broke bois lmao

>> No.3702021

1250 --> 1000 since july

holding HVN bags T.T
hopefully this time next year I can say 1250 --> 12500

>> No.3702031

What's your story??

>> No.3702057

0 to 4000

and that's bitcoin.

>> No.3702083

Any tips?

>> No.3702106

Where does one find these new tokens listed?

Also what constitutes a "good" token? I'm thinking we're already at an oversupply of tokens out there, something like only 1/20 of these are going to be used in a real way.

>> No.3702145

You're yet to get scorched by your greed. Be very careful with those short term gains. They tend to vanish in moments.
So far I figured out, that

That is why I'm into crypto.
If I had 10k I'd probably use it to create a startup. If I had 50k it'd be a solid one, not as shady as at 10k.


>> No.3702153

>Where does one find these new tokens listed?
bitcointalk is good, follow some ICO alert sites, etc. My go-to is Telegram

also a social circle, even of just Internet friends, who exchange info and keep each other in the loop. Join a few small-medum groups and lurk regularly. that kind of thing

>Also what constitutes a "good" token? I'm thinking we're already at an oversupply of tokens out there, something like only 1/20 of these are going to be used in a real way.
Imagine that these are real companies and ICOs are IPOs. It's really that simple. I check out the LinkedIn profiles of the team, read the whitepaper, evaluate its use case—ask yourself if it COULD be used and weigh that against whether or not it really will (both matter)—etc. Right now I'm all in on FunFair and I expect good things over the next two months or so, mainly because they're planning on burning a huge % of the token supply and all of the other indices I mentioned above are in the green IMO. Look at TRIG to see what happened when they announced that they were burning 2/3 of the coin supply (and eventually did it)—it's just a random shitcoin but the value skyrocketed immediately to 3x and peaked at 8x within a week or so before slowly retracing back to 3x. Fun is a real company/project, they're sticking to their roadmap and delivering, etc., so I'm confident that it will repeat the success of the TRIG burn.

that's just one example though and I understand if you're skeptical—I would be. Just do your own research

>> No.3702177

$3k, now $198k. Started December of last year

>> No.3702191


>> No.3702196

2.2k -> 4.6k

idk how you guys lose money kek.

>> No.3702201

I'm guessing he started by buying ETH when it was low in December (around $7). Then reinvested the gains.

>> No.3702218
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My current (conservative) projection is on track to be at $300k by end of 2019

>> No.3702244

eth, blocknet, nexus, dash, monero, btc, ans (neo), and most importantly, bitbean

>> No.3702264

6k -> 40k
in 5 months but doubled my money these last weeks with link and odn

>> No.3702276

47K, now 117K. Nothing impressive multiples wise considering the risk inherent to crypto. Most of my gains are from going big on NEO since ANS days.

>> No.3702294

£9k, now £12k - started 3 weeks ago.

>> No.3702299

*eyes on the brink of tears*
y-you don't know whta it's like to be retarded!!!

>> No.3702304

$900 to $50k essentially in 5 months. Noobs.

>> No.3702316
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>he thinks 50k is a lot of money

>> No.3702322

I want to start. What wallet and market do you recommend?

>> No.3702412

50k -> 20k

I fell for the HODL meme

>> No.3702419

100K -> 0K

>> No.3702420

Poorfag. Started with 50$ beginning of September. Since then I've put in 90$ more. My total right now is ~110$. Rode Adx up for 15% with about 30$ worth. Hodling OMG QTUM and ARK killed those gains. So here I am.

>> No.3702425
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Started with 3k
40k now

I checked my old phone for blockfolio from 3 months ago

If I would have just held instead of trading I would have 70k now

This needs to go faster.
For the past weeks I have serious panic attacks because I feel I'm not gonna make it and become rich fast enough.
That the crypto bubble will burst before I'm financially independent

All I need is 2 million dollars. Just 2 million and I'm set for life.

I'll finish my engineering degree soon but if I have to be a 9-to-5 wageslave I'll kill myself or become a monk. Humans aren't made for this

>> No.3702432

1k ---> 250k

>> No.3702476


That's the basics of it, yes. You just need to be tuned in to and glued to the market.

>> No.3702492

$17 bucks to start, at $300 1 week.

>> No.3702525
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2.2k to 3k. started when btc was 5k

>> No.3702542

I blame it all on you fuckers. I was already a poorfag and now I literally have nothing

>> No.3702543
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0$ was mining doge, now mining zec and trading, about 3k profit so far.

>> No.3702565

What's your mining setup?

>> No.3702592
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this is link holding and bouncing off support - see line at the bottom. this is also a formation called downward triangle. this is a continuation pattern, meaning approximately 66% of the time the price will continue in the direction it was going previous to this formation. buying more link this week if this keeps up.

>> No.3702646

Started two months ago.

I'm breaking even.

>> No.3702677

Im in for 11 months.
started with 6k, I hit 290k by end aug. and currently at 90k .... leverage is whore

>> No.3702717
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Started with ETH in March that took me from 20k to about 80k

Then I got on ANS which took me too about 150k (First massive mistake... could of rode it to 500k)

Then got on OMG to about 240k and I'm still holding this

Got on WTC early and this has taken me to about 400k

Currently holding BTC OMG and WTC

Looking at ICX next

>> No.3702755

>implying mining cost you zero money

>> No.3702757

What's your strategy? How do you analyze the coins you're considering?

>> No.3702768

Is that in units of 1000? What's the point working with so little?

>> No.3702789


>> No.3702802

700 to 6,000 thanks to

>> No.3702803

700k to 250k
kill me

>> No.3702826

Start $155
Now $145k

>> No.3702827
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Started with €700
Neo got me to €1800.
Then I lost €1000 because the Neon devs are dumbass morons.
Trading started to feel like shit and I made some bad decisions after that, leaving me with practically nothing.
Now ODN brought me back to 1800 again, and I have some in Ethbet.

>> No.3702836


Put it all into buttcoin and tell them not to ask you about it for 3 years.

>> No.3702840

20 now 110

>> No.3702865

LMAO , good shit
Seriously though, your attitude might end up getting you in a bad place

>> No.3702880


1. Lowish market cap < 100m
2. Team
3. Product (Superior tech?)
4. Actual customers?

If something ticks 2 or more I generally hop on and HODL and see where it goes

>> No.3702895

> your attitude might end up getting you in a bad place

>> No.3702899

simple and effective, pretty much what I'm doing, guess I just need to see it through

>> No.3702917


Let me expand

So for OMG I saw Vitalik was involved and that they had partnered with McDonald's. It was a no brained to me.

WTC had an all star team. Low market cap and customers so again I jumped on.

I'm sure there will be more opportunities

>> No.3702965

what's the best place to get news on crypto currencies?

>> No.3702977

Did you literally just start on the internet?

>> No.3703008

>Put it all into buttcoin and tell them not to ask you about it for 3 years.
Solid advice. I'm waiting till I hopefully hit 2x initial investment before I try and sell them on putting some of their own savings in.

>> No.3703069

... no?

>> No.3703103

started with 3k now 1k

>> No.3703108

$0 -> $396 from mining bitcoins

...that was 24.25BTC sold at ~$14ea
Kill me.

>> No.3703118

You know, I'm happy for the people who have gained a lot. The ones who lost, keep trying. Maybe we won't be all millionaires and the end, but surely we all can step out a lot better than when we went in.

>> No.3703125

>I'm happy for the people who have gained a lot
what are you fucking gay?

>> No.3703140

1k to 12k in 4 months

>> No.3703151


>> No.3703190

$2 now $18

>> No.3703195

You're going places

>> No.3703215

$300 Dec 2013
+$140 Aug 2015
Now $40,000
Fuck yes $1 ETH

>> No.3703220

£5000 ----> 32k ODN

>> No.3703267

$10k > $21k in about 6 weeks, got lucky on most of my picks following biz advice and doing a bit of research.

>> No.3703282

Bought bitcoin a month ago but started alts on Saturday. So far I'm $910 > $794. Gotta see what happens with link and verge

>> No.3703339

nothing happening with verge for another 2 weeks

>> No.3703363

£120 -> £35

I may not have made any money but I learned a valuable lesson, I'm gonna be poor for life.

>> No.3703396

160€ to 100€
you fuckers don't have shit on me.

>> No.3703447

You lie. There are goddamn fees involved at every single step. Your $2 would be -18 by the time you moved it all around

>> No.3703457
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200€ and i'm at 250€ now

>> No.3703534

3k to 5.6k from April. Made mad gains with ethereum but lost them with daytrading and from not getting out of stratis, gnt, ant and ark..

>> No.3703541

LINK, walton, even fucking elix

so many moon missions how do you still lose money

>> No.3703631

>Start in may 2016 with $400
>made big money on Trumpcoin
>gambled it all and lost is all but my initial investment
>brought 2 million dgb and forgot it
>march comes see im losing fiat wise
>sell dgb at its lowest point of the year at 21 sats
>start falling for biz shillings
>fall for milocoin, posw, other yoshit coins and crashed and burned and missed the bull market entirely
>put it on mooncoin, doubled my last 0.1btc
>put in ark, i was at $1500 at one point before selling at 25k sats, breaking even
>went all in on fucktoken at the ico because of one shill
>could of made 20 form 1 eth if i had leftover eth and had no gas to sell at etherdelta
>yet i turned $200 into $2000
>went 90% at blackmoon because of another shill
>stuck bagholding it.
>currently $1500 but my I lost btc value wise for over a year
>will keeping going all in until i get out 100k or 21btc, whichever is lower at the time.
Fuck you if you say otherwise, its the only way to make it in this market by chance. I already missed out.

>> No.3703647


Approx $100,000

>> No.3703715
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My blockfolio form the past 3 months

>> No.3703744

1k eurodollars now roughly 3k and a bit but I took out my initial investment so I'm still playing with about 2k in
I'm not very serious about it and don't plan to

>> No.3704000
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started with £3k at the start of september before the btc crash and went all the way down to £1600
I coulda tripled my wtc position but I'm just glad to be up
now at £7600-8200
80% link, 20% WTC

>> No.3704165

You are a spineless human being not prepared to work for his living

>> No.3704327

I get ya, while it's kinda playmoney you don't settel for les, it starts out as a hope for 10k then 100k, then a mill..

Starter with 7k at 13k now
heavy in on link and 0x
Hope i get to 50k before newyear

>> No.3704354

How big chunks of your portfolio are you guys ready to invest in say a promising ICO?

Especially fi you're a poorfag I'd imagine the pressure has to be

>> No.3704376

$300. now at $13.5k.

>> No.3704397

$900 now $4.2K

>> No.3704537
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My very first buy. If only I'd known about the magic of HODLing back then. I had 10 btc at one point, sold most in '14 or '15 with slight profit IIRC, also lost some at Seals with Clubs (one of the earliest btc poker sites).
Then around the turn of '16/'17 I got ~2 btc for 1k/btc on average, and now I'm at €24k mostly from dumping 20 eth into chainlink.

>> No.3704592

>My very first buy.
File deleted but it was 2 btc for like 150 euro, back in 2013.

>> No.3704662
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>3k to 40k
mostly only lurk right now havent joined the game yet but if Im even a quarter as succesful as you have been I think I would keel over and die from the joy of finally feeling self satisfaction.

>> No.3704755

6k now 850k

>> No.3704778

start 100- 1.2k- 600

>> No.3704779

300x. Impressive.

>> No.3704794


>> No.3704836

Gotta call bullshit on this one unless you provide the details.

>> No.3704908

Go to Coinbase. Buy ETH. Hold it for 3 years. This will be your main investment.

Then, if you want, buy some extra ETH and then send it to an exchange (Poloniex, Kraken, Bittrex, etc) and buy other coins.

>> No.3705102

x15 ROI

Did i make it /biz/ ?

>> No.3705221


>> No.3706158

couldve turned x into 20x
got it

>> No.3706177

In terms of crypto: started with less than $1k, now at around $13k. Most of these gains were made in less than two years, although I've been on and off involved in crypto for four years.

The thing is, if I didn't make so many bad trades, I could easily be over $100k by now.

>> No.3706297

£2k and now at £9k

>> No.3706493


Literally all thanks to Neo, everything else I went in on was a flop but Neo delivered.

>> No.3706913

mined about $200 worth of eth in the summer
turned it to $2000
could have been more if it weren't for my shitty trades, but at least i learn something with every mistake

>> No.3707004


I predict I got 5 months to stop being lazy and learn how to do cold storage on paper or isolated smartphone and start longing crypto when the new bearish phase starts developing for the next years

not worth shorting anymore, 2017 won't happen again any time soon

>> No.3707038

Starter with 15k loan. Now worth about 400k.

>> No.3707040

4k to 72k over 3 years.

>> No.3707080

do you have discord or anything

>> No.3707134

>25k down to 5k to 120k
I don't even know what the fuck happened. It feels like a blur. Why do I even have any money lmao

>> No.3707175

You take two of your favorite books, open them on page 100 and write down your private key. There's nothing to "learn"

>> No.3707227

Coins like Monero and Ethereum did 200x in the last tqo years and even bitcoin did about 20x.
Did you have your money in tether?

>> No.3707389

10k to 66k in 3 months


>> No.3707415

i lost a lot of money on link bought in 40s. feel retarted pricedumping

>> No.3707722

I use TA and I watch the news on Coindesk, but sometimes /biz/ is good for picking up stray pieces of news or seeing shitcoins shilled that you may not of thought about.

They are almost always wrong about where and when they think price will go on almost every coin, though.

>> No.3707760




>> No.3707860
File: 241 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20171002-181850.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

400 > currently 2500.
Started in mid July.

>> No.3707912

800, total i've made about 3500 in profit. I converted some of my profit to fiat while back.

>> No.3707919

minister YOU satoshi!!!

>> No.3707930

$10k august 1st
$64k now

>> No.3707942

0k - 0k

I just like shitposting on /biz/ you coinfags

>> No.3707955

Doesn't it feel bad to see so many people multiplying their money so easily?

>> No.3707968

1k august 10th
32k now

>> No.3708003
File: 46 KB, 604x604, IMG_0203.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah honestly it does, I think I might join in.

>> No.3708046


>> No.3708332

now 15K

>> No.3708349
File: 199 KB, 1113x1079, tvgjslZ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Going from 2k to 12k back to 6k over the course of a couple weeks. My weak hands are not made for this shit.

>> No.3708358

20K to 120K. was 130 at highest

>> No.3708420

8K between June and now. Just over 45K.

>> No.3708459

now 12k
thank you ohni shills for making me think about crypto again.