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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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3699931 No.3699931 [Reply] [Original]

This shit isn't moving. When do we pull out?

>> No.3699952
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I'm about to sell

>> No.3699967

everyone that bought into the crowdsale and ico have cashed out already, atleast their initial investment

when vitalik calls it overvalued even at 32M marketcap, then you know its time to pull out, literal vaporware product

SIBOS might give it a pump, but dont expect more than maybe a 30-40% increase

>> No.3699969

Isn’t the smart move to wait for that conference?

>> No.3699977

>smart money


>> No.3699979


>> No.3699987

I'll be selling half my stack for BTC when it's $3 and holding the rest.

>> No.3699995

people are still FUDing to try and buy it cheaper. yes some people have sold out and got there initial investment back but most people are holding until after the conference or even longer.

>> No.3699997
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>> No.3700022

You can tell this is a good coin when a 7% dip during 12hr charts prompts this much fudding from poorfags looking trying to buy in.

Shit is up 2% on 24hr charts. If anyone falls for the fud they deserve to be poor forever

>> No.3700028

still above 9k sats. not sure what everyone is whining about.

>> No.3700061

>everyone that bought into the crowdsale and ico have cashed out already, atleast their initial investment
Not correct. I was in the crowdsale and ICO and still holding strong.

>when vitalik calls it overvalued even at 32M marketcap, then you know its time to pull out, literal vaporware product
It appears you don't understand what the product actually is. DYOR instead of listening to retards here or moneyskeleton.

>SIBOS might give it a pump, but dont expect more than maybe a 30-40% increase
It will be worth the wait.

>> No.3700064

Bancor and Status have dump trucks of money, but LINK is overvalued at 32k? Eth is fucking useless without a proper oracle network, Vitalik better pray LINK is successful

>> No.3700086

its the only non-retarded move. I'm not even mad at people selling now, they deserve missing out

>> No.3700095

sell now so you can afford a helium tank when LINK goes to $30

>> No.3700102

$20 EOY

>> No.3700106

Normally I'd refute the FUD with genuine info; but honestly if you haven't done your research on LINK by now you deserve to sit on the sidelines while this thing gets adopted throughout mainstream finance.

>> No.3700108

it's a 140 million market cap ERC20 token. The only smart money here is the creators that swindled you.

>> No.3700110

The smart move is to hold for 3 years. Also, quints are out

>> No.3700114

"whale" discord group is pushing price down just now.

>> No.3700121

Honestly selling before Swift runs it live is stupid

>> No.3700122

>OMG $1b
>zero working product
OURGUY is demoing a working PoC at SIBOS that has been in development for 3 years. We are about to kick the fucking door in

>> No.3700135

they are aiming to buy more between 8.5 and 9 sats. don't give them the satisfaction of selling.

>> No.3700212

i hope it starts moving up soon : (

>> No.3701088
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>bought at 0.00009770
>go sleep
>wake up

>> No.3701101


>> No.3701124

I bought at ATH. Eats me up inside

>> No.3701130

>people are still FUDing to try and buy it cheaper
FUD died down a lot, it's the overshilling with too much time between now and SIBOS which is when more in depth questions get asked and FOMO fades.

>> No.3701144


>> No.3701160

Surprisingly nice posts for nice gets

>> No.3701176

Just let them sell. If somebody asks if they should sell I say yes.
If they're so weak that this shittiest FUD I've seen is making them sell, then those people don't deserve to make it.

>> No.3701193

I just feel bad mate, I was at the same point before I wisened up. People will never learn if they aren't taught the fundamentals early on, and aloooooot of newfags bought LINK

>> No.3701203

>selling before sibos

>> No.3701225

ENJOY THE BAAAGS! crashing with no survivors

>> No.3701241

i'm not selling because i have nothing to lose.

>> No.3701245

>I was at the same point before I wisened up
So was I but they need to learn from their mistakes. They have zero patience and want a moon mission every single day.
That's not how any of this works.

>> No.3701252

I bought in the presale, don't see any reason to sell anytime soon. I sold my WTC cheap and couldn't buy back in, don't want to make the same mistake here.

>> No.3701271

yeah, and it's only been about 12 days since the ico

>> No.3701338

yep. we all know how it goes. couple more days and you guys will be calling yourselves the Linkmarines.

>> No.3701363

as i've said, i have nothing to lose because i'm a literal millionaire with or without link

>> No.3701375
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If you honestly think this coin can't be around even 200m marketcap STOP trading cryptos. Look at the coins at that level.

This is a diamond in the rough. Stop telling people to sell. Let's all get rich together.

>t.475k linkies

>> No.3701377


>> No.3701390

>moons hard
>reaches ath exponential growth in a few weeks

bro I don't know, sounds nothing like metal, omisego, ark, qtum. you should definitely hold


>> No.3701448

Fucking massacre right now

>> No.3701474

It's still hovering around the same price as the past three days.
Which is close to the ATH.

Or were you talking about Vegas?

>> No.3701486
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OAX My friend. Buy OAX then re buy link

>> No.3701502

Just sold all my OAX bags yesterday lol rip

>> No.3701510

2 things you need to own now that is link and walton. Dont fuck with those two, you sell you will lose the fuck out. Stay in the game and you'll be laughing

>> No.3701521

>Buying ATH
The golden rule that shouldn't not be broken

>> No.3701545

youre a brutal cunt, I like it

>> No.3701628


>> No.3701792


It's going to go to 500m easily and I will only begin taking profits there.

>> No.3701820

In all seriousness, should I sell my loss in KNC in buy LINK?

>> No.3701841


Yeah. Take a little profits in a week then long term hold.

>> No.3702072

I feel you. I thought I was good selling at 10250 and buying at 9990.

>> No.3702491

I'll give you a hint for free anon. Have a look at what happened to ANS/NEO when the conference hit. It dumped massively the moment the presentation started.

>> No.3702511

It also went to 50$ last time it had conferences

>> No.3702642

which conference? Neo had a conference on July 15, and the chart showed that it went up.

>> No.3702678

i agree

>> No.3702830
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Kek, got into crowdsale with 3 accounts. The only thing im doing is buying the dips.

If you fall for the fud you deserve to stay poor

>> No.3703093

>when vitalik calls it overvalued even at 32M marketcap

He said "oracles are awesome, not sure if it's worth 32 mil", which just shows he has severe autism and doesn't understand a single fucking thing about supply and demand, and how a product works. It would be like saying "iphones are great, not sure if a phone is worth 800 billion though".

>> No.3703106

Smart man.

>> No.3703112
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>> No.3703159

wish i had your balls, i should've dumped $15k in the presale pool, but i decided to play it safe at $4k...first ico and i wasn't fully convinced it wasn't a scam.

>> No.3703216
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What always gets me about these threads is the "We."
We are not doing anything together. We're all trying to make money and if we fuck each other over in the process that's completely fine. Hey, if everyone on this board can make money, that's great, but it sure as hell isn't the goal.

>> No.3703298

that's the whole point, you begin as a team, you cooperate as a team, but when you breach the city walls it's every man for himself.