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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 215 KB, 1000x935, bitcoin1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3699350 No.3699350 [Reply] [Original]

>Student loans, car payment, rent
>Have some $$ for a house but not enough yet

I see dudes who have made MILLIONS on BTC since they got in 6 years ago. I know I am late to the game but they tell me put $20 a paycheck towards BTC. Is this a psyop or for realz worth it?

Also wtf...I know fiat and "muh fed reserve" are bullshit but how is BTC the future? Is it cause we goin full space colony and it weighs less than gold?

>Inb4 kys

>> No.3699393

>student loans
>car payments

Mate - I'm sorry to say this, but you will always be a wageslave. Nothing you can do now unless you got some real money to invest in crypto

>> No.3699416
File: 507 KB, 639x701, Divorce-Stats-Dailyinfographic.com_.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are you married you fuckhead? Are you a retard?

>> No.3699428
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>> No.3699431



We neet losers deserve the money because we've had nothing good in life. Sorry but normies need not apply.

>> No.3699438 [DELETED] 
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>> No.3699459

Don't care about divorce. I know I'll always be a wageslave. But will putting money towards BTC each paycheck at least help a little bit in the long run? Is $50k a coin in 2020 a meme?

>Tfw was a NEET and best friend told me to mine for bitcoin in 2011

>> No.3699461
File: 205 KB, 1280x960, 1477785752301.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Google:"How to fire your wife", retard. Download the file and dump that bitch, you faggot.

>> No.3699474


In 2020 BTC will be worth $100.000

>> No.3699481

I don't speak Euro. Is that a comma or decimal?

>> No.3699482

$20 a month into btc is better than getting 1-2% interest in your bank. Just do it and your life will be easier.

>> No.3699494
File: 92 KB, 300x300, 1501532623480.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes friend, all in on btc

>> No.3699512
File: 142 KB, 600x842, 1505984212406.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck off normie scum

>car payments

being the low IQ retard you are, I would just neck myself

>> No.3699517

non british europeans tend to use decimals as commas, so i'm assuming he means 100,000

>> No.3699534

I know....finances has always been my weak point. Being a lurker of 4chan since I was 16 I am well aware of (((them))) but I never applied it to my real life. Too much focus on the lulz.

>> No.3699548

It may hit 50k or even higher, but $20 a paycheck will get you nowhere. Sure it's better than a savings account... but if btc hits $50k that's only 11x where it is now... so 20 bucks every two weeks is only $480 a year, even assuming btc doesn't go up over that year and then 11x you still get less than $6k. Even if you did it for 12 years you will still barely get $100k, and that's if BTC never went up in price, which it will.

So what can you do? Research alt coins. Don't invest in every shitcoin shilled here... you go broke. But find something like bytecoin... at $0.001 right now. Twenty bucks gets you 20,000 coins. If they go up even 0.0005 you make $10. Goes up to 0.01 you make $200. If you get lucky and it moons to $1 someday years from now, that's $20k. If you invest $40 a month for a year... that's 480,000 coins. Of course there's no guarantee it'll get that high, but the price of crypto will continue to rise for a long time and there is a chance at least.

>> No.3699559

money is useless when you dont have a wife and kids and in many countries you cant escape marriage because just living together with a girl for 2 years will make the realtionship be legally considered as quasi marriage with the same legal obligations and responsibilities of a real marriage.

>> No.3699564

its exactly the opposite.

>> No.3699565
File: 37 KB, 833x661, 1490870499118.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>money is useless when you dont have a wife and kids
you don't believe this do you

>> No.3699571

is everything a shilling attempt nowadays

>> No.3699578

Thanks....is crypto really the best way to fight the (((merchants)))? I keep hearing this whole decentralized idea but then you hear of high fees and bans on crypto. I always had shitty luck with money.

>> No.3699579

>money is useless when you dont have a wife and kids

What the absolute fuck.

>> No.3699597

you will literally die out without children, you will also have nobody to take care of you when you are old without wife and kids. you will also not have any friends and be miserably alone because the only people that care for the elderly are family, nobody else gives a shit about you.

>> No.3699602

>you will literally die out without children, you will also have nobody to take care of you when you are old without wife and kid

"""die out""""

>what are private nursing homes

>> No.3699620
File: 262 KB, 640x480, 1502969947908.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

enjoy your divorce(just a few years of court, 100k on lawyer and losing your wealth, but thats no biggie for a MAN like yourself, you can handle it remember, you are A BIG BOY now) in a few years after your lovely wife cheats on you with jamal because he made her feel special ;)

>> No.3699621

>what are private nursing homes
ever been to a nursing home? its like prison

>> No.3699627


Having children does not safe you from the nursing home

>> No.3699656

I'm not shilling, just giving an example, if you don't do your own research and just invest in whatever is shilled you deserve to lose your money

>> No.3699661

So...is $40 a month on BTC a waste?

>> No.3699662

>student loans

Sorry man, financial responsibility may not be for you. You get married after already making money.

>> No.3699665

there's no point in putting it in the bank inflation is higher than interest.
Precious metals and crypto one has to moon

>> No.3699684

>>what are private nursing homes
1 nurse for 20 people, care that costs a fortune (3000 euro per month where i live). they will wash you, they will feed you, they will keep you warm and they call adoctor when you are really sick or in pain. but thats pretty much it, dont expect to even have someone to talk to because the nurses there dont have the time for it, assuming they even speak the same language as you.

>> No.3699803

And if you have children they will visit you twice a month....

Amazing ROI on having kids :^)

>> No.3699806

this, you fucked yourself already

>> No.3699808

in my country it does because nursing home costs are so high they will force you to sell all your property to pay for the care and leave your kids wihtout any inheritance so the kids have an active interest to keep you away from the home and rather pay for home care, which is less expensive.

>> No.3699993
File: 220 KB, 1179x1179, 1465537347787.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cared for my mother every day when she got cancer at 50. Helped her in and out the bath, brought frozen strawberries and fed them to her while reading her stories when she couldn't get out of bed. She died in her own home and managed to pass in her life gainz to people she loved.

Having kids is a great roi if you make sure not to fuck them up.

>> No.3700089
File: 50 KB, 533x388, 1462945069468.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its almost as if he wants to die poor

>> No.3700410

are you retarded?