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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 150 KB, 558x558, XVG.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3688967 No.3688967 [Reply] [Original]

Check out last 4 to be added to binance (growth within 24 hours)
SALT- 3.75>7.09 (89%)
CTR- 1.18> 1.49 (26%)
IOTA- .528>.614 (16%)
LINK- .19>.45 (136%)

XVG live on Binance at midnight EST (10/2 4AM UTC)

Prevent the FOMO, buy on Bittrex now before the pump.

>> No.3688982

Good post OP, thanks for actually posting some evidence on why its gonna moon instead of just gloating "100X BY TOMMOROW" like everyone else on this board.

>> No.3688993

Forgot your (You)

>> No.3689016

Do yourself a favor and buy Monero. How much worthless Verge do you shills get paid in?

>> No.3689026

isn't strat also getting listed?

>> No.3689083

Monero just keeps going down, wheres the floor

>> No.3689098

strat has been listed for a few weeks now

>> No.3689107


damn, and i just bought that shitcoin yesterday thinking it was the bottom and it just went below 100k sats today.

>> No.3689220


>> No.3689358


>> No.3689425

whens this happening? in 9 and a half hours?

>> No.3689531


I have over 10,000. Is that enough?

>> No.3689541

Yeah, midnight EST

>> No.3689570

>muh muhnero
4 minutes later. you cunts are getting sloppy

>> No.3689897

Mcafee recently mentioned aquiring a large portion of Verge.

>> No.3690060

Been watching this for a few days now, getting transfers in order to make a buy today.

>> No.3690205

Do as much as you have- sell within 3 hours at 20% ROI if you cant afford to hold longer

>> No.3690243


I'd prefer to just say fuck it and hold, I can afford to wait indefinitely. I've tried the speed trading shit before and it's too risky.

>> No.3690586


I made more then 1000% with this coin. Binance will be a nice boost, but it will go much much higher as time progresses. Wraith protocol hasnt even been released yet.

Im holding untill its atleast .25 or .50 cents.

>> No.3690702

why is salt going so high?

i spend hours on here every night and still can't keep up with all the seemingly new coins

>> No.3690827

I put XVG on autosell long ago, it's probably gone by now fug

>> No.3690865

Nope. My order is still there lol

>> No.3691344

Thanks op dropped rdd to hop on.

>> No.3691414

Because it's a really good project.

Same with Verge and Kyber.

>> No.3691632

56.6k buy just went through, gonna be a late night tonight.

>> No.3691781

ive been holding bags of verge since it was 40 sats. very happy with hodling

>> No.3691988

just got 50 dollars worth just to see what happens
i'm recently new but did pretty good with Walton, Neo and komodo

>> No.3692279

>just got 50 dollars worth
perhaps you should keep that lunch money. $50 is a joke

>> No.3692307

>Shilling a coin that doesn't solve the oracle problem

>> No.3692394


Golden spoon faggot spotted.

I started with $50 just a little over a year ago and now sitting at $72,000.

The global market cap ain't even 1 trillion yet, and by the look of things it could break that mark by end of the next year. But who knows...

>> No.3692563

>golden spoon faggot spotted
no just an employed individual who can drop 10k on crypto

>> No.3692609

Chill fags we are all on the same team

>> No.3692841


>> No.3692864

Jesus christ i'm retarded, i just sold everything for the fake link moon posts and now gotta pay the transaction fees AND buy higher to get back in

Why can't i hodl

>> No.3692890


Buy back in /Biz/bro - Load up with LINK/ Bancor/ Verge/ DGB.

Retire, then meet me on mars for some Lambo Races and Martinis.

>> No.3692997

Sorry man, this is just on a crypto i randomly hear about, I put a few hundred in Neo Vertcoin and komodo
I don't have crazy expendable income it's what I can afford to lose

>> No.3693018


buying the verge right now and got some link

no lamboland for me, only got $200 in

but hopefully someday!

>> No.3693027

Lost all credibility with bancor and dgb

>> No.3693050

T-Minus 5 hours until lift off

>> No.3693057

counting down the minutes, gonna get me some Whataburger shortly.

>> No.3693140

Put 150 into link and 100 into this. Enough to make some solid gains but not enough to post pink wojaks over.

>> No.3693169

at 387 link and 12.000 xvg

good luck brother

>> No.3693189

we actually /moonin/?

>> No.3693205

Damn son I just ate my Whataburger as I bought some verge. Feels good southern Bro

>> No.3693213

Awww yeah, HTX here wbu?

>> No.3693222

Just locked in 176k verge. Happy mooning!

>> No.3693223

Same to you

>> No.3693286

Nice to see another brother from Htown, i'm in SETX for work but originally from there
Go Texans!

>> No.3693350

JJ Watt is my squishie.

>> No.3693713

I threw in a small amount of BTC for shits and giggles. What are we selling at here?

>> No.3693921

How long now?

>> No.3694227

It's happening

>> No.3694320
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it's actually habbening

>> No.3694357

can somebody provide a direct link to xvg on binance....im retarded.

>> No.3694361

verge going UP

>> No.3694392

XVG is on bittrex

on binance at midnight, but you will wanna get it before it hits there

>> No.3694419

this is going to get dumped so hard.

>> No.3694432

probably, what are your sell values at?

>> No.3694434

Just bought 6000, I know it's barely anything but I'm cautiously optimistic.

Does anyone know when this Wraith Protocol bullshit is going to come into effect?

>> No.3694457

Here we go

>> No.3694824

Should i just wait around on binance to buy into or move some of my eth to another exchange to get in early?

>> No.3694889

180-200 for me

>> No.3694928

After 170 sats it is moon. Get in before anons.

>> No.3694947

hold on binance or bittrex?

>> No.3694976

18 BTC at 170, here we go.

>> No.3695017

Well, that was fucking quick.

>> No.3695029

Yep, nothing stopping it now

>> No.3695109

few big sell walls

>> No.3695118

was just wondering if we should be spooped about that.

>> No.3695119

holy shit

>> No.3695148

Lmao verge just got dumped on.

>> No.3695153

Not too sure, once it gets around the 185's is when those big sells hit
if the volume is there it can get past it but they're very high may see it tank and then pick up

>> No.3695187

Do I sell now?

>> No.3695191

Holding on strong so far

>> No.3695195

Well, guess ill be watching the shit like a hawk then to make sure I don't lose my ass like the ADA idiots.

>> No.3695218

XVG going to 300 when it hits Binance

>> No.3695229

price projection? 200?

>> No.3695230

I sent my XVG from bittrex to Binance. Am I not going to be able to access it until midnight? It had a wallet address.

>> No.3695231

when did u buy in? I would late 2 hours at least desu/until it hits the 180's to start considering it

>> No.3695234

I'm pretty new at this so I may have no idea what i'm talking about to be honest
but just looking at those buy and sell walls the volume looks good with buys and it hasn't dumped dramatically
I'm going to hold strong and watch like a hawk too

>> No.3695252

Holding until .25$

>> No.3695253
File: 1.57 MB, 1728x1152, moon mission.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Huston, we have a problem

I can't take these bots and whales anymore, I'm packing up from Bittrex for good.

>> No.3695264

It'll hit $2

>> No.3695268

I missed out on fat gains with ELIX this morning by weakhanding, so you can bet Ima hodl this time around... Alllll the way till it turns to shit and I sell at the ATL.

>> No.3695270

dump before binance or hold?

>> No.3695301

I missed out on Walton and Link, but got a good return with Neo and Komodo so that helps. one of my problems is I'm only on bittrex still learning the ins and outs
I did but Nav and Vert at ATH, but I believe in both those coins for long term

>> No.3695302

when it hits binance is when its gonna moon the hardest

>> No.3695315

wait for binance... thats when it will really run.

>> No.3695332

theres no reason this can't hit at least $1 when complete nonsense in development "tokens" for useless purposes have already hit $2 or even $5

>> No.3695336

It's addicting, chasing the next big hit. I started out doing Forex but this is just a whole nother level.

>> No.3695354

please stop using that old ass logo. theres a bad ass new one k

>> No.3695360
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13 billion tokens in circulation bud

>> No.3695365
File: 34 KB, 600x800, 21740179_170971316805703_1595395383786595605_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You havent missed out on LINK at all yet.

Some of you guys are alright. Don't listen to the LINK FUD it's just people trying to shake loose hands so they can buy your cheap coins.






Research the fundamentals

This isn't some P&D shit scam coin like FUDders will have you believe.

This is revolutionary

>> No.3695375
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Where are you /biz/ ? Get the fuck in here!

>> No.3695376

retarded, 13.5bn circulating supply it would have to reach double XRP to hit $1 lol

>> No.3695499

Verge cannot be compared to the shitcoin ADA

>> No.3695506

Where my Vergens at

>> No.3695510

proud vergen checking in

>> No.3695517

vegan checking in

>> No.3695538

at min its going 30%

>> No.3695546

were on the verge of success here

>> No.3695550

I did the same thing now i got these damn strat bags. Just hold tho. Strat will eventually rebound

>> No.3695555

my bitcoin has been pending from coinbase for half an hour.....grrrrrrr

>> No.3695559

1.5 hours til we land on the moon

if you're not in head, da fuck are you waiting for?

>> No.3695565

You need to go back to plebbit faggot

>> No.3695584

Here we go!!!

>> No.3695646

We've been saving ourselves

>> No.3695951

50 minutes and this is going too moon or what?

>> No.3695963

Those sell walls look intimidating

>> No.3695967

I think it got added to Binance 10 minutes ago or something?

>> No.3695971

until they get rekt

>> No.3695981

I hope it's just a whale trying to accumulate, but the price is not going down.

>> No.3696000
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>> No.3696008

I'm new to crypto when should I sell?

>> No.3696015



>> No.3696023
File: 31 KB, 937x461, verge.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take a nice look, it's a rare sight before you get to the moon and lambos

>> No.3696027

Hope you're right, three big ones that have to be hit then i believe the moon's the destination

>> No.3696031

My withdraw request out of Bittrex into Binance has been stuck for a while. Can we not even deposit XVG until trading starts?

>> No.3696044

Why are you concerned with transferring to binance?

>> No.3696050


I don't get it, why don't the whales on Bittrex pump this up as much as possible and then dump on when Binance goes live?

The sell walls are all still up.

>> No.3696057

Took mine about 30 minutes or so to clear from bittrex to binance earlier today

>> No.3696070

I imagine Bittrex's price will only react to whatever chaos comes out of Binance when trading starts. I don't wanna be stuck in a delayed market

>> No.3696082

good question, i thought they'd try to continue pumping until it goes live pump it more then sell everything these sell walls aren't promising for when it goes live there

>> No.3696100

Shit wtf lmao. I'm doing the opposite and transferring from Binance to Bittrex. I figured it'll be cheaper on BIttrex and the second it hits Binance I'll have to pay more.

>> No.3696157

how much longer until the lamboparty?

I need to order an escort to jack me off while I get my gainz

>> No.3696167

Is the low price people trying too hedge their bets against how it does on Binance?

>> No.3696174

Until the whale(s) pull the sell walls, there will be no moon mission.

>> No.3696190

30 minutes till heaven or hell boys.

>> No.3696285

Might dip back and forth a bit immediately after listing but it'll likely continue to grow and pick up steam on binance within the hour.
You'll probs be fine either way.

>> No.3696291

P&D ?

>> No.3696343


>> No.3696357

When will wraith be released, do we have a date?

>> No.3696360

My body is tense right now fellows, are you all prepared?

>> No.3696371

Been an hour now kek. I'm actually going to fucking miss it. Fucking hell

>> No.3696407

i had to confirm my withdrawal by email. check your email

>> No.3696409


I transfered from Bittrex to Binance an hour ago and it hasn't transferred yet..

>> No.3696415


2 weeks iirc

>> No.3696428

We're kind of struggling, guys.

>> No.3696446

12 minutes.. Get your XVG ready on Binance and BTC ready on Bittrex.

Check todays volume.. This is a moon mission

>> No.3696450

Thanks, maybe I will hold till then and not just sell for a quick 30%.
Good Idea or bad?

>> No.3696482

Why not just flip it on bittrex?

Binance is just going to help pump

>> No.3696494

Less sell walls because not so many people have them already, would be my guess.
So a quicker rise.

>> No.3696547

2 minutes. Easy money. LETS GO /BIZ/

>> No.3696555

I hope you are right anon, just transfered 80k

>> No.3696577

Where is the bittrex moon?

>> No.3696585

binance just went live.
went straight up to 200.. sitting solid at 197

Buy on bittrex before the price catches up

>> No.3696590

Yup still processing. I'm fucking seething right now. Fuck binance so much

>> No.3696592


>> No.3696602

holy shit, pls keep us posted if there is a dump

>> No.3696605

10btc sell wall at 179, 18 btc at 180... will we be ok

>> No.3696612


same here fuck binace

>> No.3696616

Damn, I use bittrex and looking at this gives hope!
got both tabs open

>> No.3696620


>> No.3696621

so 300 sats on binance?

>> No.3696623

it makes no fucking sense. why would someone buy this at 200+ when it's at 180 on bittrex.

>> No.3696626

202 and rising on Binance.

>> No.3696637

I hope so too, I was just guessing. but it started 10% over bittrex already.

>> No.3696638

We're rising on bittrex, slowly but surely, satoshi by satoshi.

Crazy volume.

>> No.3696640

Some rich chink who really likes binance and doesn't like bittrex? Who cares.

>> No.3696643

>they dont have bittrex
>wraith in 2 weeks

>> No.3696644

holy fuck guys its actually happening! thank u all for being here with me so we can enjoy this moon together

>> No.3696645

We hungry for those tasty walls

>> No.3696651

Here we go boyos

>> No.3696656


>> No.3696657

Just looking at that 185 sell as soon as that one is torn down to the moon

>> No.3696659

Think my shit will transfer fast enough to dump on Binance or just wait til the fucking idiots on Bittrex stop selling at stupdily low prices?

>> No.3696662

i really wonder what will happen here

trading at 198sats on binance

>> No.3696664

my 3rd mission this week thanks to you /biz/ros

now XVG

>> No.3696671

Those sell walls on bittrex shouldn't last much longer

but that's just my opinion, do as you wish

>> No.3696672

Yeah I hope those walls get pulled.

How long does transferring take?

>> No.3696680

I dunno, I'm trying to see if I should take that chance. 204 on Binance, 181 on Bittrex

>> No.3696683

Shit, is it dumping?

Order book screencap pls.

>> No.3696703

Got both tabs open 212 (from 209) and steadily rising on binance and 179 bittrex

>> No.3696706

its actually mooning like crazy its at 212 idk why we arent catching up on bittrex

>> No.3696709

The order book is full of the stupidest motherfuckers in crypto.

180 Bittrex
270 Binance

>> No.3696710

how long did your transfers take?

>> No.3696711

225/180 come on

>> No.3696713
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>> No.3696715

Binance is mooning... Bittrex is a bit stuck. tards aren't moving their walls

>> No.3696716

Should bittrex notmooooon!!!!

>> No.3696718

270 on binance, while still 180 on pos bittrex reeeeeeeeeeeee

>> No.3696719

yea wtf is this

>> No.3696721

Wtf do we do, do we send to binance?

>> No.3696723

I sent 20 XVG over from Bittrex to test 45 minutes ago. Still no sign of them coming into Binance.

>> No.3696729

goddamn jst hit 270sat on binance, still around 180 on bittrex with huge 20-50 btc sell walls all the way up through 190

whoever transferred shitloads to binance is makin bank right now

>> No.3696733

Theres a bunch of faggots selling it down on bittrex... Binance is mooning. BUY ON BITTREX.

>> No.3696745


>> No.3696751

Who tf keeps selling at 181?

>> No.3696753

Whoever selling so chep on bittrex is a fcking beta pussy xD

>> No.3696755

bots? whales? who the fuck knows, bittrex is manipulated to hell and back

>> No.3696758


>> No.3696759

Binance transfer is taking soooooo long

>> No.3696761

WUT DO WE DO? I'm fuckin stressed senpai

>> No.3696762

Those sell walls are killing the price it should be balancing out with binance
fucking stupid whales

>> No.3696764

Keep us posted binancers.

>> No.3696765

them 50 btc walls at 190, 194, 197 and 200

>> No.3696768


I'll let you guys know when my Binance deposit goes through. Been about 50 mins now, nothing.

>> No.3696771

If you're on Trex just hold

>> No.3696781

Fug, I have 4.5k LINK on Binance and all BTC is tied up or would take too long to transfer. Worth selling some LINK to get in on this? Would need to sell LINK, then buy LTC, then transfer LTC to Bittrex to buy XVG there. What do?

>> No.3696782

So when's a good time to sell?

Short it out early for a 20-30% gain or keep holding?

>> No.3696787

same here, could have made 40%, fuck.

>> No.3696792

you holding to sell or to buy

>> No.3696799
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how long does it take to transfer to Binance?

>> No.3696800

>Fug, I have 4.5k LINK on Binance and all BTC is tied up or would take too long to transfer. Worth selling some LINK to get in on this? Would need to sell LINK, then buy LTC, then transfer LTC to Bittrex to buy XVG there. What do?
Dude, just buy on Binance and sell at 10%.There seems to be more action that Bittrex.

>> No.3696806


We need a couple of whales to join in... take out the walls and we run 20% instantly

>> No.3696812

fuck bittrex

>> No.3696813

been holding since like 70 sats, i dont see the point in rushing around between exchanges when obviously things will balance out in the next day or two

>> No.3696817

Same order for me too, cheers

>> No.3696820

A few shill threads might also help.

'Arbitrage opportunity'

>> No.3696825
File: 567 KB, 600x595, heh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you do realize you get a confirmation email for shittrex withdrawls, right?

>> No.3696826
File: 2 KB, 517x86, wtf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

still sending to bittrex

>> No.3696828

gawddammit my bittrex to binance xvg transfer is still pending.... muh gainz!!!!

>> No.3696836

Seems like an hour +
Still authorized in bittrex, no signs of my xvg on binance

>> No.3696837

Fuck, bros. Bittrex faggots fucked us on our moon. Binance coming down. 215 now

>> No.3696843

those exchange kikes will just let it stay pending until there's no more arbitrage

>> No.3696844

Aaand we broke 182

>> No.3696846

I really haven't seen much shilling going on with this one thought most would see it as a legit coin

>> No.3696850




>> No.3696851

I auth'd with google authenticator. no email needed. 1hr+ wait now.

>> No.3696855

Word homie. I swore I wouldn't miss another biz shill mission since I missed the little ant trek in July...to lamboland we go mate

>> No.3696858

Do we sell?

Pic of binance, keep us posted

>> No.3696861

Howre we looking fellas???

>> No.3696862

sell at 300 sats friend, thats the goal

>> No.3696863

it's 185 and 190 that look like it will hurt the trip

>> No.3696866

sell over 200 ... why anything less? itll rollercoaster its way up there. Each dip you see are hundreds of anons fomo selling while bigger investers buy that shit casue they know its going over 200

>> No.3696870

nice support at the low 2's

>> No.3696883

Will it get to 300 sats with that enormous sell wall on Bittrex? There can't be that many negligent Chinese.

>> No.3696885

Guys, keep us posted about binance!

>> No.3696888


i need my fucking vavergies on binigger now

>> No.3696889
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>> No.3696892

the faggots at Bittrex holding my withdrawal

>> No.3696897

How did it go DOWN on Bittrex?

>> No.3696899

Didn't have enough funds so I sold 100 link to get 4.5k XVG once it hit binance. Feeling pretty fucking comfy rn boys

>> No.3696900

i bet it settles down at 185ish on binance and then a decline

grats to those who already dumped their vergins at 200+

>> No.3696909
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fuck bittrex holding me sheckels back.

>> No.3696919

all you shits waiting for withdrawals to go through
Check your eMails.... it wont go through if you dont confirm your withdrawal.

>> No.3696935

im thinking not, it's still stalled in low 180s on bittrex, and obviously people are going to be transferring huge stacks over to binance for the arbitrage and its going to drive prices down there... if you were lucky enough to sell at 240-270 a few minutes ago i think that might be as good as it gets for awhile, already down around 200 on binance, probably equalize between the two exchanges soon

>> No.3696936


>> No.3696939

I have google authentificator and got 0 emails

>> No.3696943

Already did like 15 minutes ago and its just sitting on bittrex as "Authorized"

Time to cue up the pink wojacks

>> No.3696950

We'll see where it levels off

>> No.3696953

How. How the fuck did it go to sub 180. How. There's no way people are this stupid...right? R-right guys??

>> No.3696955

Who the hell is selling right now? Hodl that shit, it's free money, just gotta be patient.

>> No.3696957

This is a long term hold anyway, these prices won't matter when it hits $1 next year.

>> No.3696961

almost nobody is selling on bittnigger

>> No.3696962

binance looks pretty solid at 200.. plenty of time.

>> No.3696972

208 now looks like its over lol

>> No.3696974

This. I'm thinking it'll settle around 190

>> No.3696978

I hope it doesnt have anything to do with me not authorizing my identity on Binance

>> No.3696979

got in at aroun 199 am I going to make it?

>> No.3696980

is bittrex full of normies? why can't they just let it fucking run.. fucking brainlet cunts.

>> No.3696983

why would anyone sell on bittrex when the price is cheaper than binance

>> No.3696993

We are literally getting fucked in the ass right now. Literally what the fuck

>> No.3697005


>> No.3697006
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>> No.3697007

it should have hit and passed 190 by now, these damn sell walls

>> No.3697008

They are fucking themselves in the ass aswell. Are they not aware?

>> No.3697012

Are we getting trolled?

>> No.3697016


They don't know it's on Binance. Pretty simple, anon. Lots of people still have brand loyalty.

>> No.3697017
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>> No.3697021

Bring out the pink Wojaks boys

>> No.3697023

could just be sell orders placed before? maybe these guys bought the the shit at like 140sat and just threw it right back up for 180-185sat and left it alone

>> No.3697026

im starting to get a little worried and think itll settle around 184-185

>> No.3697028

it's actually going down on bittrex....im so sick of this pos exchange.

>> No.3697037

Sent them a few angry mails.
I know I did.

>> No.3697041

by the looks of the orders changing constantly.
some dickhead is running a bot.

>> No.3697045

22 sat difference. Why aren't buttrex fags withdrawing en masse???

>> No.3697046

So you fuckers made me sell half my mooning 1ST for this? Never listening to /biz/ again.

>> No.3697048

yeah 185 sounds like what it might sit on, those 190 sell walls are so much pissed me off

>> No.3697050


>> No.3697068
File: 13 KB, 243x256, heh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITT: newfags

>> No.3697070
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>> No.3697078
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>> No.3697079

That's it boys. Bittrex has fucked up too much. 'Authorized' my ass. Yeah they're losing business with people taking coins off their exchange, but to STRAIGHT UP REFUSE TO TRANSFER!? Fuck Bittrex, be a fucking man about it.

>> No.3697083

sold at 180

see ya

>> No.3697091

welp, lost money on this. I'm out.

>> No.3697094
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I stopped my withdrawal. it´s pointless
bought at 165 so still ok

>> No.3697096

i sold at 180... ass mongerers. i made $24. should of made $150.

>> No.3697098

I just sent them an email saying exactly that

>> No.3697101
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>> No.3697105

FOMO'd at 183. That was a bit of an abortion,
Stayed up extra hours for this. Bleh.

>> No.3697106

Unfuckingreal. What a fucking waste.

>> No.3697109

if you did it properly and timely it was free money. Buy on bittrex for ~180sat, immediately transfer to binance (before they 9PM EST) and sell it immediately for 230-270sat within 10 minutes.

>> No.3697115
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>> No.3697117

Does XVG transfer pretty fast?

>> No.3697127

Aren't we overreacting? The coin just went live in Binance. Not everyone is a NEET who can check things 400 times a day.

>> No.3697128

i want to fucking destroy the kneecaps of all the faggots working at Bittrex with a baseball bat right now

>> No.3697129

What's this about?

>> No.3697131

not from fucking bittrex jew exchange

>> No.3697132

Sell walls stopped the moon mission on Bittrex. Binance corrects to Bittrex price. Sell off begins on bittrex in response. Sell

>> No.3697135

eh whatever made a few quid. This was always a shitcoin.

>> No.3697137

just put mine up for sale at 180 if it even gets up there again
this fucking sucks sell walls were too high too soon

>> No.3697142

I bought before the pump and transferred to binance. Ended up selling for a 30% profit. Not bad but I was only trading with $100. FML

>> No.3697144
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mfw this is a long term coin and getting cheap shit from weak hands

>> No.3697150

Transfer times fucked everybody in the ass. AUTHORISED.

>> No.3697153

FUck it, I'm out

>> No.3697154

Meh. I'm holding. I only put $4.18 into it.

>> No.3697160

I'm thinking a few folks will pick it up in the morning (on binance) unaware of what just happened, and it'll have a little spike. (LINK and other stuff seems to do that)

>> No.3697162


Experience, anon.

>> No.3697164
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I really fucked up trying to help out on breaking sell walls when binance opened up and lost :( See picture for proof...if any whales or anyone has mercy please help :( Will we ever see 270 again? I'm fucked...

Bitcoin address: 1GSLjNe2NBToqg78kPyxNyaXVseY8nLm6o

>> No.3697165
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Lost 10 bucks. I'm indifferent.

>> No.3697172

I hope so my nkgga
I believe in verge

The tor intergration is too convinient

>> No.3697179
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Hodl you weaklings, our time will come

>> No.3697190

I'll leave it up if not i lost on it, stayed up late for this lol

>> No.3697198
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yeah nah

>> No.3697205

volume has nearly tripled in a day

>> No.3697209

any good in telling their support that they are greedy jews that fuck their members over with shit like this?
And that I am off to another exchange?

>> No.3697214
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>tfw you fell for /biz/ memes

I also fell for LINK and BAT. You guys will fuck us all.

>> No.3697218


You're alright bud, say I'll leave it off, I've enough shitty bags to be holding.

>> No.3697223
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shit on their twitter.

>> No.3697230


Hold BAT for a few days you shitwit.

>> No.3697235


What did they do? I only got home about an hour ago and am kind of out of the loop.

>> No.3697237

BAT is happening on Friday. I was all in on BAT too but the urge to make gains elsewhere overwhelmed me. Going to spend the week profiting on other coins and going back into BAT for Mercury.

>> No.3697244

>look at link's graph
>look at every fkn new coin at binance
>not even candle mode

weak trigger

>> No.3697253


xvg is a piece of shit meme dark webbo coin in comparison.

>> No.3697256

I sent my XVG to binance 2 hours ago, it still did not arrive.
Same with a lot of guys here.
Could have made a quick 40% gain. Now we will be happy to break even. or make 10%.

>> No.3697257

Took me almost 2 hours to transfer but it will email u when it happens. I sent 100 to test and 99.8 arrived

>> No.3697269

1 hour 20 checking in, missed the moon and still no xvg on binance.

>> No.3697276
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>Transaction was frozen for 30 mins
>Couldn't find the transaction or addresses on blockchain info

Good god. Verge is a literal shit coin..

I'm taking my 20$ profit and leaving

>> No.3697301


Thanks, anon. Sorry to hear it. That's an unacceptable amount of time.


What's the news with BAT?

>> No.3697307

you spaghetti-handed faggots will never make it

>> No.3697310


>> No.3697312

verge is going up again faggots. On shittrex as well as on Binance.
Just hoping Shittrex will stop being a bitch soon, and get my VGX arrived on binance

>> No.3697315
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Huge release. October 6 they are building an extension for buying BAT into the Brave browser as well as advertisers/websites will start to be being able to capitalize on Brave ads through BAT.

>> No.3697333


First time I've heard about - sorry, total newfag here, but love you guys. Any projection of where it should go? Still decently cheap.

>> No.3697342

I will hold my BAT. Don't worry.

>> No.3697358

upswing, get in now

>> No.3697372
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>> No.3697382
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>tfw correctly guessed the top but didn't get to sell because whales

>> No.3697416
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Verge XVG isn't even in it's final form yet either. It has been mooning nice, but the Wraith Protocol is to be released yet and it is going to be huge. Like (pic related) XVG IS GOING TO EXPLODE!

>> No.3697423

Depends on how successful the release is but i'm guessing it will at least go over 7k sats

>> No.3697546

When is Wraith Protocol? They've been teasing it

>> No.3697555


Thanks, mate.

>> No.3697593


It was meant to be September. Rumor has it hurricanes have set them back.

>> No.3697638

2.8 billion market cap? i dont reckon

>> No.3697639

Anyone know what it's at on Binance right now?

>> No.3697658


>> No.3697683

By the time my transfer goes through, it'll be 160 on Binance.

>> No.3697750


>> No.3697860

I'm still unsatisfied with my gaina

>> No.3697873
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Back in the 200s on Binance in case anyone wants to get pissed all over again. And my transfer is still "authorized" by Bittrex.

>> No.3697881

Same. It's been fucking hours.

>> No.3697937


mine as well. it's been an hour for me TT

>> No.3697962


>> No.3697991

what about arbitrage from another exchange to binance?

>> No.3698032
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Tfw comfy holding since 50 sats and watching all these newfags loosing their mind in this thread. Just keep daytrading guys, cut your losses and let your winners run high lmao. When will you learn, this will be way over 1000 sats in a year and you will be broke from trying to compete with the bots while i quit my wage slave and move to thailand. Peace out!