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3679131 No.3679131 [Reply] [Original]

I'm where I want to be. A comfy 450k thanks to crypto. My girlfriend is hot af suicide girl type chick and we travel, everywhere. I got an apartment overlooking SF, and I did all this shit on my own. No debt, no college degree (currently enrolled atm). I drive an suv Porsche. Couldn't be happier.

Invested in a few startups atm. Best of all, my old oneitis hits my line constantly and I am entirely over her.

>> No.3679147

Hows the porsche? Was thinking of getting the porsche suv or porsche panamera

>> No.3679161


>comfy living in SF

Why are you LARPing?

>> No.3679181

He didn't do his homework on real estate prices, apparently

>> No.3679342

The leather and suade is slick. As many looks as I get I wish it had 2 wheel drive capability so I could burnout.

>> No.3679351

lmao this

>> No.3679378

Doesn't know how to rent.
Doesn't know how to invest

>> No.3679443

Take a pic of where you're at to prove it

>> No.3679481

A nice apartment overlooking san francisco is 6 thousand dollars a month.

>> No.3679495

450k is nothing in America

>> No.3679497

You sound like a fucking douche. Get the fuck out of my city.

>> No.3679501

grats OP. let the jealous fags flame on

>> No.3679549

>invested in a few startups
and here is where you went full retard

>> No.3679575
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fuck your GF. I hate women. What did she do to deserve the benefits of those sweet gainz? All us ugly motherfuckers toil away hoping for a moon mission, while whores just ride the dick and get life handed to them. I will never share my gainz with these hoes.


>> No.3679590
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don't mind the haters op

Nice work!
>and I am entirely over her.
as you should be

>> No.3679606

when I get rich I'm just gonna fuck countless whores from backpage. never spending/sharing my gains with some thottie.

>> No.3679620

Thanks, been a lot of ups an downs. As with live just gotta keep moving forward and up.

>> No.3679701


What's your story? Mind sharing any strategies you've picked up along the way? I've just started out.

>> No.3679762
File: 12 KB, 142x142, dolan2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All of the listed pursuit swill not make you any happier this is a completely false illusion people still fall for. If you have a talent of making money, trading etc. that hobby will make you happy but the end result, the objects scientifically will not have an impact of human happiness

Happiness is much in genes if you ask neuroscientists. you will be as happy 20 years from now as you are now, no circumstane change cannot change that. We have people ranging from big ass lottery winners to paralyzed people, all showing these results when studying human happiness

>> No.3679866

if you let a shop do some work to it I bet you could upgrade it enough to get all 4 wheels to do a little burn out. Gj on your profits

>> No.3679885

well if you gonna take LSD you are more happy than usuall

>> No.3679910

450k? hahahaha, i hope you mean 450k bitcoin. Bitch 450k, you're girl is going leave in like 1.5 years bc youre ass will be on the way to broke. I made 350 post tax last year and its nothing

>> No.3679976

depends where you live. $450k its almost 2 mil in Polish zloty for example. With such money you can live like king in central/easter europe

>> No.3679994

How old are you out of curiosity?

>> No.3680000


How is it out there, btw? If America becomes even more unbearable, I'd like to move. I like quiet, nice nature, small towns, and white people.

>> No.3680030

how much do you have in fiat OP?

>> No.3680064

dude Poland is awesome. 98% white on streets, everyone speaks english, every bigger company have officess here. We are nor 3rd world country and actually a lot of people from germany or sweden move here to live in peace and chill.
We have great nature a lot of forests, see, mountains and stuff. Food is great, grirls are cute. avg sallary is like 2500pln so around $600-$700 per month and you can live for that in every city. Pretty cool here

>> No.3680075


Sounds amazing. We have a Polish friend who inherited a place there and we plan to visit sometime next summer.

Only thing I love about America that you all lack is GUNS. I love my guns. I don't know if I could move just because of that.

>> No.3680112

well guns could be a proplen with transport but here you can easly make a license and own everything you want. An russia is close so you can even rent a tank and shoot from it (for real)

>> No.3680154


Niceeeee. Well, thanks, anon. Some buddies and me are going to visit anyhow, and also check out some of the Baltic countries.

>> No.3680191

np mate, you will love it!