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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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3678059 No.3678059 [Reply] [Original]

>TME added to NovaExchange
>TME becomes #1 traded coin on Nova, website implodes shortly after because it got so popular due to TME getting tons support and trading
>ELIX (TME 2.0) added to CoinExchange
>ELIX becomes #1 traded coin on CoinExchange, website implodes shortly after because it got so popular due to ELIX getting tons of support and trading

ELIX is the real deal, /biz/. The project is headed by transparent non-pajeet devs who speak perfect English and have delivered every promise they've made so far, complete with ambitious but realistic roadmap and insanely low market cap (no more than $600k atm). You'd be stupid not to buy as soon as CoinExchange comes back online.

>> No.3678076

didn't TME fuck alot of holders though

and what the fuck is EXOR? nobody ever answers me when i ask, is it convertible to more than 1 ELIX? because people are paying 10x more for EXOR than for ELIX

>> No.3678082

Been waiting on fuckin Coinexchange to come back all day. Already have some but need more before it explodes.

>> No.3678091

EXOR isn't even tradable on exchanges, so I don't know how (or why) people are even paying BTC/ETH for EXOR when it's converted to ELIX by sending said EXOR to the ELIX address

>> No.3678096

my problem is that its fucking hard to buy this shit

>> No.3678104

on CoinExchange? It's been trading sideways in the low 1000s for days.

>> No.3678105

Will be LINK 2.0 in a few weeks

>> No.3678109

they said within 24 hours, concerning wording there but im not too worried yet

>> No.3678111

No, I mean I'm a nocoiner with no idea how to buy this shit.

>> No.3678134

Can get it on etherdelta

>> No.3678150

I'm not really worried either, if anything it might mean a good bump once it comes back since people have been waiting on it.

>> No.3678157

No, only people who didn't take it off the exchange even though they were given 1 month warning by nova. But the dev credit everyone who got screwed for being to stupid. Basicly what happened was, Because of the way the mining pairs worked, it was makeing issues with nova's automated wallet system. So the only way to fix it was to have the pairs mine a diffrent coin called Exor and the exor is traded 1:1 for elix, which is the one that's used on an exchange. Basically it all happened because nova's wallet system couldn't handle random checks to an ever changing amount of circulating coins every times someone mined their tme. The new system fixes that by using a middle man coin. Exor in and of itself is worthless or at the very least, exchangeable to 1:1 ratio with elix. It's all a little confusing

>> No.3678158

Only the markets are down; your coins are safe.

>> No.3678187


Potentially a $50 coin here. 2M circulating supply. This might be the last chance you get to make it.

>> No.3678202

how am I supposed to get 50x gains without coinexchange?

>> No.3678207

I hope so too. I'd become a millionaire if I sell all of my coins at that price.

>> No.3678257

Anything to base this conclusion off?

>> No.3678273

fomo so we can dump on latecomers. get on the train!

>> No.3678323

would be sick, it does have a really low supply. I picked up about 20k ELIX near all time low (post-ICO), around 950 sat iirc, gonna just sit on it and see what happens

>> No.3678329

oh i know, i read that. I dont have anything on coinex anyways just wanted to watch the market but now theres no market to watch

>> No.3678363

Every other non-scam 2M supply coin has done very well. You can't go wrong at $0.05 each. Coin is backed by a solid team and project with an app launching early next year. This thing just needs a little more fuel to be huge.

>> No.3678397

How certain are you guys that this coin will moon?

>> No.3678425

If IOP can moon, this can too.

>> No.3678436


non-ico startup, similar to salt yet less ambitious, low volume accumulation and slowly rising for the past week.

>> No.3678447

Pretty damn sure.

If this thing isn't $1, yes 50x from now, a year from now, I will be shocked.

>> No.3678904


>> No.3678938
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>Who speak perfect English

We really have a low bar for successful coins don't we?

>> No.3678994

its the bare minimum. they have everything else. trust us whales, we are watching this it is 100% LINK material in a few weeks. now is a good time to start.

>> No.3679877
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>> No.3679937

Minimum ELIX to make it? Currently sitting on 5.4k and wondering how much more ill need to accum.

>> No.3679958

100k, almost guaranteed to make it to a dollar so thats the target

>> No.3679965

It'll easily surpass $1 once mass FOMO happens, $10 by EOY

>> No.3679970

Jeebus, I'm too poor for that.

>> No.3679978

You just need 5k more

>> No.3679993

That's more doable, just worried about time remaining.

>> No.3679999

>t. 1 btc "whale"

>> No.3680005

Buy as soon as trading comes back online, it's bound to explode soon.

>> No.3680031

I think we're probably all waiting for that moment right now hah.

>> No.3680060


What's it actually do?

>> No.3680080
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>> No.3680134

This doesnt appear to achieve anything significant?

>> No.3680160


>> No.3680220

Started and buying and selling this coin right after it's first pump and dump. It has been a reliable money maker for me thus far. The buy points are starting to creep up, it's not going to moon anytime soon but the volatility and slow uptrend combined with low market cap tells me this is a good one to buy and sit on for a little while if you're lazy or a good one to buy and sell and buy back again every other day to easily increase your holdings of it.

>> No.3680279


I don't even see a dev team on here. I'm real sketchy if there's no faces and names.

>> No.3680999
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Seems Elixir is using this opportunity to dump some more coins into circulation....

>> No.3681017

Ok. This is the sketchiest shit I have ever seen.
I'm dumping

>> No.3681034

That's only slightly backdoor sketchy...

>> No.3681081

that is sketchy...why they dump some coins into circulation?

>> No.3681093

Also their true coin total is well into the billions, forgot where I read it, but once they are fully rolled out this coin is going to be between NEM and Ripple in total supply.

>> No.3681102


>> No.3681116

Yeah but how long is that gonna take?

>> No.3681125

the "circulating supply" should be the same as "total supply", devs made a request to fix the CMC page

>> No.3681150

>Also their true coin total is well into the billions

nice fud, pajeet

the max possible supply can't even exceed 50 million because more than half the genesis address pajeets mined all 10 of their batches

>> No.3681167

I'm not FUD'ing here, I have been buying and selling Elix since after the pump and dump and I plan on continuing that trend. I have no reason to try and take the legs out from under Elix, but I'm telling you the 100% truth here, their total supply is well into the billions. I'll see if I can find the link and show you.

>> No.3681397

Oh and I don't know where you got the idea that circulating supply and total supply should be the same. The coin is going to be minded through lending transactions, so there has to be unminded coins available or their whole "getting rewards from lending and borrowing" scheme is not going to work out that well. Which is also why they have to have a MASSIVE amount of coins. If this thing does go hot and people are using it on the regular, there is going to be a lot of transactions and without coins to mine they're going to lose one of it's major perks of use.

>> No.3681609

Still waiting on that link, pajeet

>> No.3681672

coinex back up

>> No.3681689

Why you lie?

>> No.3681702

Can't find it, but I know what I read. It's fine if you want to think 50 million is the limit, but I'm afraid that you are going to be very disappointed when the total sails FAR past 50 million. Since you don't seem to really understand the basic concept of how this coin works and you fail to understand that circulating and total supplies do not have to be equal I suspect that you are simply shilling to get the value you up so you can either dump your bags from the PnD or you are doing what I am doing which is buying low and selling for a small profit only to repeat the process all over again once it falls. Either way, I'm going to keep doing what I do, this coin has already made me a nice amount of money and it will keep doing so for a long time. So in the end we're both winners with this coin. There is truly no need for a pissing contest here, we both agree the coin has value and that that value will increase over time. I'm just being pragmatic and warning people that if they're getting into this thing expecting a moon mission anytime soon they're going to be upset.

>> No.3681713

It is back up, can confirm.

>> No.3681719

Just came back for me too, JK he didn't lie.

>> No.3681984

It looks hard when you have no idea what's going on on those scary charts. Need help buddy?

>> No.3682055

hey whales its back online. hurry up and pump up price so I can make money.

>> No.3682064


>> No.3682128

Goal is 3k to 5k sats faggots. Come on!

>> No.3682165

lets go to lamboville

>> No.3682251

Coinexchange back down again.

>> No.3682361


pump has been postponed

>> No.3682384


>> No.3682397
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>> No.3682414

the lesson here is dont do dumb shit

>> No.3682438
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>placing an order and cancelling an order is dumb shit

Go fuck yourself im not playing around cocksucker

>> No.3682451

awww poor bby cant get his bitcoin back? thats so sad

>> No.3682456
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>> No.3682462

Same pajeet dev as minereum. If you fall for this shit you are a dumb ass new fag. Minereum was heavily manipulated downwards, and that ico bullshit where the dev said "OK now 10 mne = 1 eth" to pump the price and dump more of his bags was the most obvious scam.

Don't buy into this shit. You will be dumped on.

-anon from 2016

>> No.3682517

got any info on that dev? or a thread about mne?

>> No.3682528

Not the same dev anon.. doesn't even have the same writing style at all.

>> No.3682601


I don't even see a dev list on their webpage, but their whitepaper maybe took 10 minutes to write.

>> No.3682619


he's a champion among men

>> No.3682665

Accumulated 7.6k so far am I gonna make it bro?

>> No.3682723


we are all going to make it as soon as coinexchange goes back up.

>> No.3682750


Why is this coin any good whatsoever?

>> No.3682762

DYOR faggot

>> No.3682770


Yea, I did. The whitepaper was shit and there wasn't any names attached to the project on their cheap website.

>> No.3682783

This. Basically the stupid people deserves to be burned for their own stupidity but I forgot there are still people like the ELIX dev. I'm not saying a bad move, but if more stupid people joins in the game, the better it will be.

>> No.3682832


ELIX is a cutting edge high tech firm out of the Midwest, awaiting imminent patent approval on a next generation of financial services services that have both huge military and civilian applications.

>> No.3682845


i got in at 500 sats. im comfy as fuck. there are people that got in at 200-300 range.
should have listened when you had a chance. now we are only looking to spread the word on this awesome project. and give it time in the limelight.

>> No.3682860

got in at 899 when i could have been in at 500 but fucking deposits take forever

>> No.3682888

I've been buying and selling all week to accumulate more, I currently have around 40k, gonna keep pushing it until I get over 100k.

>> No.3682918


i had 100+ at one point and was a top 5 holder.
i took out my initial investment and now am back to 90k or so.

>> No.3682967

What do you buy it at vs what you sell it at?

>> No.3683002


CoinExchange is gone daddy gone. Pajeet has all your BTC and you'll never see it again

>> No.3683031


Their website - http://elixirtoken.io/ - says they're a loan-based app.

>> No.3683106

90-120 sats; 130k elix

>> No.3683110

What are your price predictions for End of Year and mid 2018?

>> No.3683121



>> No.3683142


they are former CIA and NSA operatives. cant reveal themselves willy nilly. the russians are out to get them.

>> No.3683166


Whatever, dude, that website was made in perhaps 2 hours.

>> No.3683206


they are focusing on developing the coin and app.

>> No.3683216
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1.25 USD pic related

also the app provides advanced race segregation features. so the races dont mix preventing white genocide.

>> No.3683221


KEK, newfags and idiots: this dev team does not know how to code

buy if you hate your money

>> No.3683242

>return false;
Before you spout your shit, know your shit first.

>> No.3683254
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markets seem to disagree with you

>> No.3683439

What is this??

>> No.3683451

Oh nvm i know what this is, its what their app would look like and what the coin would be used for. I read their blog post and it kept implying i have friends.

>> No.3683455
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Devs are working hard. This token is 3 weeks old, just give them some time.

>> No.3683571

Where is the info about this solid team?

>> No.3683591
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In devs country non-bank lending services can be illegal.
That's why.

>> No.3683652


they are top engineers from JP Morgan doing this on their free time. After Dimon spouted shit about bitcoin they are afraid for their jobs.

>> No.3683685

nice just bought 100k.

>> No.3683715 [DELETED] 

Jesus I could pay off my Digibyte bags...

>> No.3683757


you are wise beyond your years

>> No.3683791

Gawddammit it's pumping but coinexchange has all my 20k

>> No.3683895


coinexchange is back up

>> No.3683902

Any word on when they're going to get this coin listed on, at least, Liqui?

>> No.3684238
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it's a pumping time !

>> No.3684254

15k holder here. All I have... am I going to make it? ;_;

That's right, I went all in on this.

>> No.3684277

not yet, but you are gonna increase your btc portfolio