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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 105 KB, 1211x721, ss+(2017-09-30+at+11.41.55).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3673964 No.3673964 [Reply] [Original]

I'm holding and comfy.

>> No.3673974
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We are reaching /comfy/ levels that are almost criminal.

>> No.3673980
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stupid dumb normie scum

>> No.3673984
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>tfw etherdelta pending transactions

>> No.3673986

>still using Etherdelta
stop that

>> No.3673991

Only a fool would buy NEO instead of LINK.
One is close to its full potential while the other is just starting

>> No.3673999

I store my LINK on ether delta. How retarded am I on a scale from 1 to 10 with 10 being most retarded.

>> No.3674004

use MEW

>> No.3674005

Mine is still pending from overnight...

>> No.3674006

that 130k sell wall just got raped

>> No.3674008

nobody mentioned NEO here, you dolt

>> No.3674009

Anyone having issues with the generic market orders (buy sell at best price)?
No issues with price setting.

>> No.3674015

Quite sensible. You control the keys so no different to any other wallet. If you browse biz and click on random links in the same browser though thats another story. Etherdelta is fine.

>> No.3674129


That was crazy

>> No.3674176

>price on binance: $0.41
>price on blockfolio with binance selected as the exchange: $0.36

What did they mean by this?

>> No.3674189

Blockfolio is slow

>> No.3674197
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>> No.3674209

It seems like blockfolio is delayed by a minute or more osmetimes

>> No.3674217

Sergey and his team is going to deliver the future of blockchains. Accumulate and hodl!

>> No.3674219

Use what instead

>> No.3674220

should I be keeping link on binance? is it safe? I heard they got hacked before, I have a trezor but I just don't like transferring back and fourth all the time

>> No.3674223


>> No.3674226

I transfered mine to mew

>> No.3674232

Thanks alls FUDsters for letting me buy cheap this morning. See you at 0.02 :)

>> No.3674240

What's mew? A different exchange?

>> No.3674243

This. Binance 100x better.

>> No.3674245

My Ether Wallet.

>> No.3674249

until you brainlets realise neo will be the only legally compliant ICO platform in the world by 2017q3 and you'll be buying our bags for $100 a NEO to get into quality ICOs.

>> No.3674250

it's a wallet for ethereum and its tokens

>> No.3674263

Bitfinex got hacked not Binance. But if you plan to hold long term put them in mew

>> No.3674265

Anyone know how to get blockfolio to display the price in btc rather than eth?

>> No.3674274

touch the balance top left

>> No.3674279

I really want to kill myself right now. Im at work wage cucking and set and order for 16 ethereum wgen link was .10 but i have to wait for an 8 day bank transfer (oct 5th). I was crying last night at work because of this. I cant takr this much longer

>> No.3674288

Relax. this is long term

>> No.3674290

Isn't there a fee though For withdrawing from binance?

>> No.3674294
File: 108 KB, 1232x738, ss+(2017-10-01+at+12.12.25).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For the noob bros who can't see market because still on cavemen Etherdelta.

>> No.3674300

5 fucking chain link...

>> No.3674308

would you rather pay a few fractions of a penny or deal with ED?

>> No.3674316

it's going to break 14k today isn't it? fuck why did i only put 100eth into the presale and not 300! i could be a millionaire now.

>> No.3674320

huge dump incoming

>> No.3674325

I could make out with a comfy 2x now, should i sell now or hold?

>> No.3674326

I'm actually going to make decent money finally

>> No.3674330

don't have weak hands dude. This will x10 in a few months.

>> No.3674338

Kept trying to buy from 8600 SATs but my buy order wouldn't get filled. Finally bought at 9700. Am I too late to the party?

>> No.3674343

it's going to 10x by oct 16th m8

>> No.3674346


fucking market manipulating whales. Maybe I'll ride the waves this time tho :^)

>> No.3674355

Yeah hopefully i can buy in when its reached 1 dollar instead of .10 cents! So much to fucking relax over!!!! Im 28 and look like Im fucking 38 and am constantly fucking miserable. Im on the verge of breaking down again. This could have fucking saved me and ended my suffering

>> No.3674356




>> No.3674393

People who sell now for a measly 2x profit is gonna cry for the rest of their lives

>> No.3674449

>This could have fucking saved me and ended my suffering
You need to get your shit together. Gambling isn't going to save you, dumbass

>> No.3674471

>tfw taking 6 days for my eth to transfer to my coinbase wallet so I can't buy more link

I only got about 540 LINK, I want 1k dammit

>> No.3674480

this isn't all gambling, faggot newcoiner. buying LINK was a very, very smart investment.

>> No.3674495

>5 minute candles

>> No.3674510

You sound like you masturbate too much

>> No.3674511
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>> No.3674516

>speculation and investment

Fucking no, it's only gambling for retards. You think the people who became millionaires via investments and speculation were gambling? They know damn well what they are doing.

>> No.3674525



>> No.3674534

It still is technically gambling, despite the odds being heavily in your favour. Anything with any amount of risk involved is a gamble.

>> No.3674549

Then life is gambling, especially any kind of successful life. Only way to minimize gambling is to be a wageslave all your life.

>> No.3674553
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>> No.3674588

even wageslaving is a gamble

>> No.3674604

RIP Link :( dumping hard nao

>> No.3674608

the run is over boys. shows good support though for future. HODL strong!

>> No.3674620

Chainlink current price: $0.43
Chainlink target price : $2.20

>> No.3674641

>transfer BTC from Electrum wallet to Binance
>Double check address etc.
>Binance BTC Balance: 0.000

What do

>> No.3674651

BTC takes a while to process, don't freak out.

>> No.3674661

give it some time. BTC is slow as fuck, use ETH next time.

>> No.3674665

btc is terrible to transfer, use eth next time. btc takes too long its fucking gay

>> No.3674676


Ty bois feeling calm now

>> No.3674692

What's the best exchange to get them on?

Preferably one where I can transfer euros to. But eth is fine too.

>> No.3674697


Hang in there, mate. I'm around the same age and only got in at 2.5 LINK because of coinbase capping my account and no bank confirm in time. This won't be the last chance we have.

>> No.3674699 [DELETED] 

if you profited from thread feel free to tip me a coffee (send eth or even better LINK).


Yes I'm a shameless begging hobo

>> No.3674708

binance is the clear winner

>> No.3674748

Thanks. Created an account.

>> No.3674751

sent :^)

>> No.3674788

thank you, much appreciated.

>> No.3674872


fugg I sent USDT thinking it would be quick, turns out its slow as fuck like BTC

>> No.3674879

how to withdraw LINK from etherdelta to Binance?

>> No.3674993

sell walls obliterated, next leg up now

>> No.3675113


2high for this shit

>> No.3675203

literally send it in the transfer window to the binance address
come on people where am i

>> No.3675217

i'm done accumulating, stop selling now pls

>> No.3675264

got it, you must withdraw first, and then send

>> No.3676073

So i shouldnt invest in link anymore?
Fuck you you fucking cock sucking faggot

>> No.3676097

Go all in dude seriously. This is a top 5 coin in the making. The tech is already done and its now subject to mass adoption which will happen post SIBOS.
Watch this https://youtu.be/nMlpTgxKtAY

>> No.3676231

I have 25 grand saved. Im willing to go all in with it. I wouldnt cate if i lost it all because id still havethe same job that got me that money in the first place. Its just always going to be in the back of my head now that i could be 4-5times richer if it works out

>> No.3676275

I'd go for it. We have 3 weeks until the conference so you'll make a shitload in between then and now.

>> No.3676321

How do i dp so if there are fucking weekly caps on the amount that i cam rransfer and waiting periods? I could have made almost 20 gramd these last 4 days my bank has been processing the fuckong transfer

>> No.3676325


the default gas price is 4 gwei, increase it to 20 to get your tx mined within one minute

>> No.3676335

dont get goxed bro, always store your keys in your control

>> No.3676385

Gas price was set to 21, transaction still pending after 7 hours

>> No.3676387

How do you convert back to fiat in the US?

Is MyEtherWallet a good place to hold Link?

Sorry, I'm pretty new.

>> No.3676416
File: 236 KB, 604x604, 21.01.FF_.McAfee.DL_.59838.Wired_McAfee__039.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

am i too late to get in on this?

>> No.3676422

>am i too late to get into antshares
>am i too late to get into eth
>am i too late to get into btc

>> No.3676449

we're all gonna make it bros

>> No.3676457


>> No.3676458

coinbase or gdax(maybe?)

>> No.3676492

Please someone answer.. how do I buy Ether with the 8 day processing hold. I bought through Coinbase. I really need help

>> No.3676500

$5000 in a few years ;)