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3672629 No.3672629 [Reply] [Original]

The first ultimate crap coin I would bring to light in the crypto industry is .... VERGE.

Yes I know a lot of you shitheads are holding bags and have to shill and defend your pile of crap.

But Verge is really one of the shittiest "privacy" coins there is.

Verge is not anonymous at all. Is has a transparent ledger: https://prohashing.com/explorer/Verge/
There is a Verge rich list. Verge is a bitcoin clone. The only thing that Verge has that bitcion doesn't is TOR (and/or) I2P ) integration.
Wraith protocol is a joke and there is only ONE developer in the team. ( the rest just a bunch of marketing shills)

The wallet get's it's information from a centralized server hided in the TOR network. So it's not a real cryptocurrency, because it lacks decentralization. They don't even have a real whitepaper. Read the "blackpaper", it's a joke.

If you use use Bitcoin or Ether with TOR you'll archieve the same grade of anonymity as with VERGE

So then we can conclude VERGE to be. Number one of the worst of the crypto industry... Privacy coin edition!

>> No.3672659

While writing this post I caught a Verge marketing shill praise the anonymity of verge cause the wraith protocol is so great.

This was the vid the poor guy linked concerning "wraith" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yj8AskTpra0

shit coin shit video shit shit shit the ultimate shit.

>> No.3672728
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Mfw I bet you've never even talked to the director of marketing. They're very nice people really.

>> No.3672738

they can be nice people for all anyone cares, but they do more marketing than actual development, and their videos are fucking cringeworthy

>> No.3672760

It's a meme.

>> No.3672762

I can confirm, the devs are retards they just say "our coin is better" on bitcoin talks.

And hhis wrath thing is pure vaporwave.

>> No.3672773

>criticizes marketing team
by saying they do more marketing than actual development

autistic fucker tier post seems assblasted by something.

>> No.3672891

Fuck off nigger

>> No.3672968
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Now onto number two! Worst of the crypto industry : privacy edition.


While this coin has gained a lot of backup and is one of the most popular coins out there. It's far from what you except an privacy coin to offer.

Some technically smart people would even argue that it has worse privacy than bitcoin itself! Why? Dash relies on Coinmixers to provide anonymity. The network consists out of "Masternodes" which take part in doing this for you.

As far as decentralization. Any type of masternode setup can hardly be called ... decentralized.

Also, what good privacy coin has a rich list?
The obvious answers for the shitheads amongst us: NONE

but yeah dash does have a rich list and a public available blockchain


not to mention the super premine that took place and the SPORK option that gives one developer on the dash team to roll back the entire blockchain transactions for the last 24 hours...

Puts this shitcoin on number two for worst of the crypto industry : privacy coin edition!

>> No.3673147

Then next onto the list is VERGE!! The coin that made me money, who cares about the coins functionality! I'm here to make money babbbyyyy

>> No.3673209

I know where you are going OP and I agree with you. Everything but monero are scams and shitcoins.

>> No.3674230

Balance Addresses % Addresses (Total) Coins $USD % Coins (Total)

1,000 - 10,000 5034 1.42% (1.42%) 5,499,416 DASH 1,827,060,582 USD 72.47% (83.64%)
10,000 - 100,000 25 0.01% (0.01%) 692,857 DASH 230,186,586 USD 9.13% (11.17%)
100,000 - 1,000,000 1 0% (0%) 155,000 DASH 51,495,441 USD 2.04% (2.04%)

1.43% of addresses hold 83.64% of the wealth. WE ARE THE 99% WE ARE THE DIGIMARINES

>> No.3674600
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God you monero shills are getting boring. Literally the same shit every day. You know shit about Verge's tech OP. Pic related.

>> No.3674777


>The only thing that Verge has that bitcion doesn't is TOR (and/or) I2P ) integration.

It has tor/i2p protection build into the blockchain and uses the future wraith protocol to totally obfuscate all IP adresses. You shills keep forgetting about that little detail.

There is more then just one approach to privacy, shill, and verge is doing it right. They have chosen the ideal middle road by offering a public ledger, so that people are able to see how the coin is distributed, while mainting a much better level of security and privacy then BTC for example.

You are flatout lying (or completely ignorant) about that "centralized" server. Verge is completely decentralzed. See:


It literally combines the best of several cryptos.

>> No.3674785
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>> No.3674830
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Kek be blessed for giving me strenght in my struggle against the eternal moneroshill. Thank ye for trips of truth.

>> No.3674922


Monero + Substratum

Everything else = Shit