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3659449 No.3659449 [Reply] [Original]

Happening for DGB? Was Jared sandbagging?


>> No.3659934

He said in the ama that the oct 1 launch for the site had literally nothing to do with citi amd they hadn't even been invited. Bullshit. I read this as he knows they've won and he's fucking with the whales. Whatever i have 70k and aint fucking selling.

>> No.3659946

holy shit that digibyte fudder was right
the founder literally told you to your face shittybank is nothing but a vaporware competition and you still dont see the truth in front of your eyes

>> No.3659958
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im so fucking tired of this joke of a man. we're all being conned

im still holding 600k of these im the biggest cuck to ever browse biz

>> No.3660030


And yet its scheduled for mon as advertised which contradicts what he said. Maybe its such a shitshow they booked the venue ans forgot to invite all the contestants or the imf havent got the memo that it was cancelled. In ant case you can jusr fucking kys.

>> No.3660073

What the fuck are you even talking about?
The event was pushed back from July to Oct, he said they didn't even get an invite, how's that a contradiction? Those are two independent statements

>> No.3660156

Whatever mate. Comp happens mon, i think dgb will be there despite what jared said on reddit. They may still win and since i'm nor fucking my bag until i know it pleases me to think they will. Kindly get fucked, sir.

>> No.3660458
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Someone's going to get killed, the demon says.

>> No.3661043

This is all so complicated I don't know what to think is going on. All I know is I'm still bagholding till the end.