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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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3658285 No.3658285 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.3658483

Thanks, just bought 100k.

>> No.3658514
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I have all mine in BAT waiting for the pump, then I'm swapping to XRP, should have just enough time to make it before swell. And I have $2k fucking fiat waiting for my slow as shit transfer to make it to my account, hopefully it will make it there in time.

>> No.3658591
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I can approve.
See what it will do to people after they dont buy

>> No.3658607

is anything actually happening with ripple
or are you guys just trying to provoke a pump n dump

>> No.3658617

When's the pump for BAT anyway?


>> No.3658643

Ripple will inevitably be worth ~10$ in the next 2 years. The problem lies with holding Ripple... It's just far better investing in other coins making gains rather than holding this boring shit.
If I had ~100BTC I would definitely invest it into Ripple though, it has 3rd highest trading volume, so it wouldn't be really hard to cash out your 1k BTC or more.

>> No.3658735

>Ripple will inevitably be worth ~10$ in the next 2 years.

what are you basing this on?

what will happen over the next 2 years to make people choose XRP over other competing alt coins?

>> No.3658756

Ripples main Contract being in South Korea - I don't see it performing after this week.

>> No.3658790

>what will happen over the next 2 years to make people choose XRP over other competing alt coins?
Ripple has no real competition in their field and their XRP will start being commercially used by banks soon.
>what are you basing this on?
Countless articles and my own analysis.
Those articles are even more optimistic promising ~20$ per XRP and final peak price being 100-200$.

>> No.3658801

People don't matter, it's the financial institutions that matter. Ripple have partnered up with over 90 financial institutions. We're waiting for XRP to go live and once that happens, I see Ripple dominating the crypto space.

>> No.3658825



This happens in Every ... Single ... Ripple - Thread

And again - for Ripple to be over a dollar would take an Additional >>>28 Billion Dollars<<

Seeing how 50 percent of Ripples buypower is derived from South Korean FIAT. It'll be back to 8 cents at the end of the month.

>> No.3658842

no actually for ripple to be worth $20 all it takes is someone paying $20 for a ripple

>> No.3658845
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>> No.3658863

So much this.
People on /biz/ still dont get that all that market cap bullshit is NOT relevant for XRP to succeed

>> No.3658879

>for Ripple to be over a dollar would take an Additional >>>28 Billion Dollars<<
You do realize how much money banks are transferring daily? 28b is nothing, at the peak Ripple had 16b marketcap.
>Seeing how 50 percent of Ripples buypower is derived from South Korean FIAT
Not true, it was just recent pumps.
>It'll be back to 8 cents at the end of the month
Now you are just being retarded, that would only happen if some HUGE FUD got spread around.

>> No.3658916

I think it is a matter of being patience with this one .... I suppose until they go live we see no real return of value which presents a great opportunity to buy even more of this currency....

>> No.3658921


While I enjoy Ripple, and have on multiple occasions said it is the best coin for banks to transfer internationally. It is best for the banking system for it to be stable.

If bank 1 sends 200 million to bank 2 - even in a 5 second transaction, by the time the Second bank processes the payment - it'll go up or down drastically.

It's best for it to remain manipulated.

>> No.3658931

I am buying and holding on!!!

It seems the way forward for now .....

I will wait a little longer and buy more I have only 337!

>> No.3658994

the price wouldn't change significantly in 4* seconds

especially when larger transactions become the norm

>> No.3659006

its still incredibly inflated. maybe back under 1k sats given the massive price rise of bitcoin. during that time ripple has done absolutely nothing to warrant the insane increase it's had.

>> No.3659016

>If bank 1 sends 200 million to bank 2 - even in a 5 second transaction, by the time the Second bank processes the payment - it'll go up or down drastically.
That's only true, if the banks use poloniex for exchange at current prices, lol.
Millions of EUR/USD/GBP and other currencies are being actively transferred and traded every day and yet you don't see them "drastically" going down or up. Once ripple becomes on par with FIAT currency it'll stabilize and for that to happen it requires a huge marketcap of at least 500b-1t$.

>> No.3659017

What the hell are you talking about... Korea banned Korean ICOs doesn't have shit to do with XRP, or 90% of the other cryptos either.

>> No.3659034

Id expect a few days before hand in anticipation for it

>> No.3659045

They just opened new offices in India and Singapore and they are holding the swell conference next month with some huge names attending, also rumors they may be getting a deal with AirBnb as they are speaking at the conference. Lots of big things coming down the pipeline.

>> No.3659082

Coinbase addition is in the air as well.
I'm suprised they have not added XRP yet.

>> No.3659332

This. Fucking retards I swear. Where do you suppose intrinsic value is derived from? Your imagination :^)

>> No.3659513
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>> No.3659527


>337 ripple

jesus, are you poor or something?

>> No.3659578

top kek

>> No.3659801
File: 34 KB, 636x778, 1407678272267.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ben Bernanke more like Ben Berbuttke haha. Ben Pooperke.

Pee pee poo poo ben

>> No.3659988


Get in here

>> No.3660105

That's what market makers are for, that take on the risk of these price fluctuations.

You should know this, if you've bothered to do any research.

>> No.3660561

1,5$ in 6 months. you're welcome.

>> No.3660570
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