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3655962 No.3655962 [Reply] [Original]

I am boss of thirty. My second hand man relayed that they had a lunch in Chilis and one of them suggested they call and invite me there. then one of the girls said eww no we dont want him here and all those bitches and white knights all lauhhed and agreed. What do I do next. How to proceed.

>> No.3655967

kill them all

>> No.3655973

You are their boss of course they don't want you there while they are relaxing and fucking Chili's. It completely changes the atmosphere.

>> No.3655994

Hire a new boss so it seems like you got a promotion or something.

>> No.3656010

Yep fucking employees always screwing us.
They always complain of everything but they screw you everytime they can.

>> No.3656032

Remember when you were a kid working for the man and your boss creeps up over you and your coworkers should and you both a creeped out while he talks about his weekend. Dont be that guy man just accept ur the boss noone is gonna like you unless you let them slack off and fuck that.

>> No.3656045

>You are their boss of course they don't want you there while they are relaxing and fucking Chili's. It completely changes the atmosphere.
This. What kind of autistic faggot are you, OP.

>> No.3656046

>you a couple years earlier: yeah fuck my boss jes lazy and doesnt do anything
>you now: OP's post
everybody hates their bosses

>> No.3656080

I'm not a manager and I'm not defending managers but this is sadly true even in places where the managers are don't screw the employees.

>> No.3656181

you're their boss, not their friend, they probably don't want to be your friend either other than pretending and sucking up to get a raise/promotion.

You seem autistic for caring. It's standard practice all over the world to make fun of your boss, especially if he's a hardass or has any negative or unlikable traits or has ever made your life more difficult in anyway whatsoever.

>> No.3656274

what about basic decency. bitch is two faced and show a diff side. ill make her unemployed. im gonna can her ass in particular. would that be so wrong

>> No.3656299
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Cause that would be unprofessional.

And you dont know how to act professional.

Which means you probably arent the boss of fucking anything.

Which means this a LARP.

Which means I took the bait.

>> No.3656303

>would that be so wrong
Yes. You're an entitled autist.

>> No.3656312

Welcome to women

Just ignore them

>> No.3656328

Fire your 2IC for being a little snitch bitch.

>> No.3656332

OP to be honest I hate you after reading two posts so i can totally see how 30 people hate you after working for you continuously

>> No.3656351

bich saying shes soo grateful to me face i changed her life im amazing. then laughs at me. fuck all women for real dawg.

>> No.3656366

you should fire your right hand man for being a little fucking weaselly snitch. Nothing worse than an ass kissing faggot who snitches about private lunch conversations. Bet those other employees thought they could trust your right hand man, little did they know he was runnin with his tail between his legs right back to his massah

>> No.3656401
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OP is an insecure little bitch

No wonder they don't like or respect you

Bet you're a manlet too

>> No.3656440

Right hand man did his job

>> No.3656462
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There's a major rule within and outside of work relationship,
Prove to them that you're nice and can get along with outside of workspace
Try to be friends/be nice to employees outside of work.
Even when they fucked up really bad that day at work.
And be strict and fully organize on working hours,
Tell them to not treat you inside of work like outside of work
Tell them excuses like its just professionalism and such.
These are the lessons I learned from a good professor of mine, within and outside of campus.
Be a BOSS on work, and be a FRIEND out of work.

>> No.3656482

>didn’t get invited to Chili’s
>crying about it

>> No.3656509

You're the boss
You will never be friends with them

>> No.3656520

Do you know that he isn't lying to further himself somehow? Who cares anyway, you're their boss not their friend. If you want to be petty just dead end her. But remember, its a vicious cycle and you'll either foster resentment or make it worse.

>> No.3656543

They made a movie about you OP


>> No.3656552
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you are not their god....just their boss you fucking shit...get out! youre fired!

>> No.3656563

Keep wagecucking you retard.

>> No.3656604

Who cares, everyone talks shit about their boss. Deal with it.

>> No.3656634

right hand mans there to make sure the work's getting done, to stand in for the boss when the boss can't be there, right hand mans job isn't to infiltrate social lunch conversations and report secrets back to boss, that's subhuman behavior and i'd literally beat the shit out of a right hand man if i found out he was doing that

actually i hope OP does fire the woman because then the other employees will realize the only way he'd know is from the right hand faggot snitch and they'll know not to have lunch with him or talk in front of him again

>> No.3656642
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It is lonely at the top & familiarity breeds contempt.

>> No.3657001


block facebook and twitter in the office

>> No.3657007

don't take it personal. there's no separating your position from friendly life.
just enjoy the bitches on your dick trying to get a leg up on the others

>> No.3657056

God, an autistic boss, whatanight.

>> No.3657343

Chili's is indeed shit.

>> No.3657397


They are having these outings explicitly to exclude you. You're the boss. You could fire them; ergo, you're not invited to any of "their" unofficial events.

Next time someone "invites" you out to an unofficial work event, just smile and say it's alright you're busy. That redraws the line and signifies your respect for their right to bitch about you together (if they think they can do it without word getting back to you).

>> No.3657516

You should let em build a solid team and start acting like a boss instead of a stupid child