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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 31 KB, 438x483, 1506491117222.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3652437 No.3652437 [Reply] [Original]

Hello /biz/
I just spent the last of my money on shitty insulin and syringes from Walmart. In a week, I will be late on rent payments for the second month in a row and face eviction.
I have no friends or family and would like to avoid committing sudoku...
Where would a loser like me go to beg for gibs? I am not the type who wants freebies, but I am getting pretty desperate and am looking for schemes, tips or whatever I can do to raise about $1200 so that I can continue to live indoors.
>why don't you have a job?
I left my position at Whole Foods when my transgendered coworkers suggested I use my recent testicular cancer diagnosis to transition. I outright quit. (I still have a cancerous ball, but rent and insulin come first)
>why don't you kill yourself to save money?
I have considered that, but what's the point of giving up when cock garblers are getting money for producing zero goods or services
>why didn't you invest in crypto, faggot?
I literally bought ETH at $300 10 minutes before Jamie Dimon and China decided I would make no gains. I still have not sold. I hold 1.2 ETH and another 0.0077 from faucet payouts
>why not sell your blood and aryan semen?
I lived in England during the mad cow scare when I was a kid, can't donate any flesh
>do some jobs online?
I can't find anything that isn't a scam.

Please offer me some tips on how to pull in some quick cash? I'd hate to short ETH and robbing a bank when one of your nuts is the size of a plum is very difficult.

>> No.3652489

>Your mudhole
>0.25 buttcoins donation

It's really that easy.

>> No.3652498

1. Does plasma count as flesh?
2. Have you sold your non essential belongings?
3. Why don't you look for a new job in a similar dead end industry?
4. You have absolutely 0 social network that you can tap? Really think about this one
5. Honestly man, have you considered robbing people, or breaking into houses? Not a meme.

>> No.3652502

Where do I post it? .25BTC would change my life, anon.
I have about 30 sharpies, so I can even do custom color combos.

>> No.3652506

sell your last ETH and buy kneepads, suck 12 dicks at $100 each

>> No.3652553

Don't anon if you value your dignity. These /biz/ faggots like to dine on pictures of sharpies in poopers and dash when the bill is due.

>> No.3652561

Or 1200 dicks for $1 each.
OP can choose his destiny.

>> No.3652569

post it right here. the sharpie needs to be clearly deep inside your asshole so bend over in front of a mirror, spread the cheeks and take a photo like that

>> No.3652577

Prove that You don't lie and give btc adress then I send You 1 bitcoin.

>> No.3652580

1. Yes, they won't let me donate
2. All I own are clothes, some books on C++ (been trying to learn) and a rice cooker. I sold all of my electronics except my phone to generate that ETH money.
3. I have been applying for jobs, but I am either unsuitable, or someone else (teen gril) fills the position.
4. Absolutely zero. My parents live in a different state and my younger siblings are just as bad off, but they have no health problems.
5. I HAVE thought about trying to get into jail for the free healthcare and food, but I would rather not take an angus pounding..I have a feminine face, despite being a cis white male. (Last job was basically dodging daily faggot hookup offers).

Just out of curiosity, if I DID try and rob somebody or bank, what's the statistical likelihood I wouldn't be shot by security? I am pretty good at rigging convincing props that look like bombs, but I don't want to get sniped for trying to pay my rent...

>> No.3652593

I'm not aware of a secure way to do this.

>> No.3652664
File: 2.98 MB, 2660x2767, 20170928_142628.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If I get anything, I'll drop whatever pic you want, anon.

Please God, I have spent my whole life trying to not get raped.
(You) haven't named a price.

>> No.3652693

Maybe you should quit spending so much time drawing those stupid ass pictures and begging to take sharpies up the ass on 4chan and go out and apply for a new job you poor fuck

>> No.3652698

Does steemit have enough freaks on it to tip me for sharpie poo pics?
Or would I just shame myself before ending up homeless?

>> No.3652726
File: 131 KB, 926x1000, 1506178679788.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>when my transgendered coworkers
Oh god, this USA is a big problem to real world

>> No.3652731

I've been applying for 3 weeks now. The market up here is one of two things:
1. Become a numale and work for a corporation
2. Be related to mom and pop and get sheistered every paycheck.

I have worked both of these fields and neither can pay within the timeframe I have to keep my studio

>> No.3652753

Maybe you should of thought of that before you let a bunch of trans-fags trigger you into quitting your job. The only way you're going to keep your stupid fucking studio is selling your Ether and investing in KneePad.

>> No.3652761

how fucks they know about this bse shit?
maybe try using your operable ball to produce some sperm and sell it to Sweden or Denmark, there is yuge shortage of donors here.

good luck!

>> No.3652772

I shit you not, anon. EVERYONE at Whole Foods was some form of deviant or another. My boss had 3 cucked coworkers who took turns taking care of her kids. 4 post-op trannies working in the kitchen with me. Only one straight woman in the whole store and she was married and spoke to nobody. Daily offers from gay coworkers for me to put my DSL to work, always offering me drinks (I don't drink) daily suggestions to try sodomy, endless dry looks of disgust from lesbian coworkers...
It was a living hell. I seriously wonder if I was hired because I look twinky...

>> No.3652794

Anyone got any advice on where to ask for gibs? Still waiting for a non-kneepads answer. :/

>> No.3652853

Make a steemit account, post with proof of your condition and theyll give you like $100 or so. You gotta include a face pic in your post though as well.

>> No.3652894

Thank you, anon. I'm signing up right now. Is posting pics of me pricking my fingers and shooting up insulin 'proof' of my condition, or do I need to post a video of my doctor saying I'm fucked?

>> No.3652932

send anon a coin, for the love of dubs

>> No.3653056
File: 1.45 MB, 1726x2402, 20170928_150333.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe he needs better proof I am not a liar?
Do any other folks at /biz/ have a chronic health condition?

>> No.3653183
File: 1.87 MB, 3120x4160, 15066368671111021800372.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Dear anon, if you post proof of applying to seven (7) places for employment I will send you 0.01 BTC. Make sure to blur out personal information!

>> No.3653214


If you're on insulin it means you're fat.

Which means you did this to yourself willingly and have serious character flaws.

I don't think anyone can help you.

>> No.3653312
File: 2.22 MB, 2660x2212, 20170928_152043.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have been keeping a log of all the confusing passwords and security questions of the bullshit places I've applied to... got about 15 pages of this stuff.
Thank you for the offer, anon <3
I've had this disease since I was 8 years old. You try making friends when you're always dodging going out to waste money at restaurants and shooting up out of sight as to not ruin people's lunches and call me back

>> No.3653334 [DELETED] 

Do I look fat to you? I'm on a diet of rice and beans right now... >>3653056

>> No.3653384

Please just stop begging in btc, im a poorfag but would like to give you a few € but the fees are too much for me. Send a damn Dash or LTC adress and I'll send you what i can afford (which is really not that much)... Im going to sleep now but I'll leave the thread open and if you have a ltc or Dash adress poster i will delibera in the morning (no need for sharpies)

>> No.3653402

Learn the difference between type 1 and type 2 diabetes.

>> No.3653518
File: 1.03 MB, 908x1900, 20170722_134844.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a jaxx wallet, just set up a LTC wallet by your suggestion. Thank you in advance, anon.

Can I do anything like drawing or dropping nudes of my exes or anything to return the favor?
>pic related - recent hookup with local college sloot

>> No.3653641
File: 255 KB, 753x1308, 20170722_135026.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also created a Dash wallet.
Wow, if anyone donates, I might actually have a portfolio... Enjoy another angle of college hookup chick whose name I never learned

>> No.3654020


is that hank hill?

>> No.3654034

please stop fucking posting my god i was in the middle of eating

>> No.3654044


>> No.3654059

Or 2400 dicks for .50

Be an hero OP open wide

>> No.3654061


>> No.3654068

Sell cocaine or other highly addictive hard drugs.

It's hard work but good money. Don't be a fucking retard and you can be in and out in 10 years.

>> No.3654071

Fuck you op give me bitcoin 19rx4NUyacC2WKkhCCd5zrB1DvgAkMfNE7

>> No.3654145
File: 143 KB, 766x1022, 20170724_112109.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know, I know...
But at least I had sex? She kept complimenting the size of my balls and I kept wondering if I was going to shoot cancer inside of her... rip college uterus

>> No.3654156

she looks like she's been on your insulin mate

>> No.3654178

I would rather fuck a cute trap than this behemoth. And that's coming a transphobe.

>> No.3654225
File: 150 KB, 850x1063, received_175787726327042.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's mexican, so she'll probably have type 2 diabetes by the time she gets out of uni
I'm loading my phone with some pics of my white ex who has a better ass and less wobble
Found some of her "modeling" pics just now and shes gotten fat too...
Pic related

Also....not that I expected anything from /biz/ but not a single satoshi has come my way.. I could have signed up for steemit without starting this thread, I suppose...

>> No.3654260


That chick is fat. In a few more years her arms are gonna be UUUUUGEEEE.

>> No.3654264

>that hair color
someone post that image

>> No.3654267

She has a cute face tho... Also, even if the choice was between a hambeast and a passable tranny- I'd still rather wallow in burger juices than touch a man.

>> No.3654279

Also, really stupid reason to quit a job. Also... inappropriate behavior at work... why didn't you get money from HR? Their job is to prevent lawsuits.

>> No.3654301
File: 319 KB, 822x1462, 20170722_134723.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry, anon it's OC
Also, last image. I'm done with this low-quality bread.

>> No.3654313
File: 371 KB, 1280x757, The+pre+apocalypse+world+is+filled+with+nasty+people+who+probably+_ef2d15e6d4fbf82e954b474face18e9b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Gotcha Famalam

>> No.3654327

HR was run by an effeminate man who was dating the 20 year old boy in the fish department. Also, thanks to corporate insurance taking its sweet fucking time, I went for six months at that job without any HCP... Went into ketosis a few times because I was taking Walmart insulin while working.

>> No.3654354

Quality kek, the local university is BRIMMING with these toxic frogs. I just happened to be desperate enough to dip my arrow in poison though...
Any woman in my town who isn't an SJW lives indoors and is married by age 17. I live in the pit of he'll, but the food bank is pretty liberal and public transport is nice thanks to high taxes.

>> No.3654361


>> No.3654376

Naw, she gave me some fake ass made up xer name, but her DUFF called her Alyssa by accident, so I'm pretty sure that's what I hit.

>> No.3654439


>> No.3654635

Smashed phone, purple hair, bathroom selfies. I'd fuck her and throw her out.

>> No.3654678

if you're free saturday this could get you some gains

>> No.3654809

Dude this chick is super ugly. Puke.

>> No.3654854

it's pic related simple OP
butter up dem sharpies already, ffs.

>> No.3654871
File: 75 KB, 558x880, the-sharpie-marines.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no pic of many sharpies in both holes, sorry.
not getting banned again for a chuckle.

>> No.3654887

Nani he's fast


>> No.3654923

This ass is just pitiful I'm sorry

>> No.3654930
File: 65 KB, 640x585, 1503093484120.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you want decent gibs anon
get on my level, sharpish.

>> No.3655192

I did.

I only have one hole, unless you want to drop some BTC me for sharpie in pee pee

>> No.3655257

I would send you Blackmoons but I don't think you want any.

>> No.3655349

>Daily offers from gay coworkers for me to put my DSL to work, always offering me drinks (I don't drink) daily suggestions to try sodomy
What's your problem, OP? You can find a gay-boyfriend and move to his apartment. I mean, that's the only way to not die homeless in the next two weeks. Sent you 0.7LTC btw.