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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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3651408 No.3651408 [Reply] [Original]

>TFW want to move out of my parents house so I have better employment opportunities
>Dont want to be a rentcuck though

>> No.3651692

Get good at trading, then stuff such as rent will seem a minor inconvenience as you make 1000% gains.

>> No.3651764

try using less dumbass 4chan buzzwords and the rest of your life will most likely seem all a little more clear

>> No.3651803

being a rentcuck is the fucking worst
giving away half (or whatever it is) of your slave wage to some smartass who thinks he's gonna live comfy off of passive income hurts more like a motherfucker
be that smartass yourself one day, don't support those fuckers tho

>> No.3652007

FUCK off normie