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3650592 No.3650592 [Reply] [Original]

Hi anon. Stop being a cuck and buying shit like WTC that has already mooned. Wow, you might make ×2 by the end of the year!! Might as well play with stocks if you're satisfied with such faggy little gains.

Quick rundown on CSNO

>Token of bitdice, a well established site which has a proven, working product and multi million dollar annual profit
>70% of fulture profits will be paid out to CSNO holders as dividends. Yes you read that right SEVENTY PERCENT.
>Pajeet is still dumping his bounties to avoid starving to death, so its barely above ICO price right now. Thanks Pajeet!
>Insane room to grow. Look at the performance of similar (inferior) gambling coins over the past few months

So yeah. Buy some. Or you could buy some WTC and hold a whales bags for the next 6 months lmao.

>> No.3650742


holy FUCK.

>> No.3650748


>> No.3650755


Shh... let them focus on their shitcoins.

>> No.3650763
File: 71 KB, 1080x1080, VRnYaJ4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only good gambling coins are FUN and CSNO. Great holds, thanks OP.

>> No.3650771

To add to OP it Is also the most profitable crypto gambling site.
The ICO proceeds are planned to be used to expand their games and to venture into the online fiat casino business.

>> No.3650777
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best part is that they pay the dividends in ETH, not CSNO tokens, so even americans can buy them and safely get the dividends unless they ban ETH trading

but it all depends on bitdice's succes, if they dont get any costumers, they dont get a decent profit, which means shitty dividends and a low csno token price

atleast its doing better than ethbet which is a piece of fuckign shit, what kind of coin drops 70% from its ico value in under a week

>> No.3650893

>but it all depends on bitdice's succes, if they dont get any costumers, they dont get a decent profit, which means shitty dividends and a low csno token price

Everything is a risk in crypto, but this is a pretty safe one as they go. Literally all we need to make nice gains is for their profits to stay as they are now. We don't even need them to rise significantly, nor do we need the token to moon.

Most investments don't have that buffer zone. And on the off chance their profits do rise significantly, we're gonna be very rich men.

>> No.3651190

am i doing these calcs right?

using current profit - 5 mil roughly

5000000*.7/4= 8750007/100000000= .00875c per csno per quarter so 17c per csno= 5% return?

i couldnt see average yearly profit anywhere

>> No.3651198

that supposed to be 875k/100mil

>> No.3651282

There are 10^8 tokens with 30% belonging to bitdice. 70% of profits go to tokenholders.
1 CSNO = 0.7/10^8 % of profit.
With 5*10^6 profit, that's $0.035 per token annually.
But $5MM yearly profit is a lowball. Right now there are about 50% more users online than before the ICO. There'll also be more games, marketing, etc.

>> No.3651653

At the end of 2018 they are going to implement poker. With proper marketing, this could exponentially elevate the profit. CSNO is pure gold.

>> No.3652395
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10cent / token annualy minimum

>> No.3652421

How much was ICO price?

So you just need to buy these tokens and hold them to receive more?

>> No.3652501

3.8k sats/ .13-.14 cents or something like that. Someone correct me if im wrong

And yes. Just hold in an eth wallet

>> No.3652537

Its better - you hold the tokens and you get ETH worth 10 cent /token annualy minimum, 50 cent optimistic. ETH or CSNO tokens can go down to 1$ you wouldn't have to care.

At the current price its the same price like when you got in without any % bonus - speaking in btc. In dollars it is as much up as BTC + the % bonus one got in the ICO.

Imagine FUN but with an already working Produkt + expanding to the fiat market wich is 95% of the gambling market.

Fun has a market cap of $98,335,949 and bitdice right now is at $12,901,490

>> No.3652547

That's not guaranteed, just very likely.

>> No.3652587

Yes. If you look at the caclulations it's based on the idea that they expect to double their annual earning when going on the USD market which I think is a safe bet. Maybe not in the first payout but they will get there.

>> No.3652600

Is there any other exchange than HitBTC right now?

>> No.3652601

Don't tell them anon... They'll still find a way to stay poor

>> No.3652628

33c/token/year would be fucking nuts

>> No.3652639

Maybe 2019.

>> No.3652652

How are they going on the USD market again?

>> No.3652654
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>> No.3652681

What's the house edge?

>> No.3652686

Where do the coins have to be to receive the dividends? Are they just going to have us use the bitdice website and get them that way? Is that later down the line?

>> No.3652708

Fiat gambling, sports betting, mobile app, setting up in new countries.

Big things gonna happen

>> No.3652714

They might send an email and tell you to put an ETH address into the site, or they may just send ETH to any address that has CSNO tokens.

>> No.3652734

The Eth dividend is sent directly to the addresses holding the tokens. This means that you have to hold your tokens on an address that you own (MEW, MetaMask, etc), not on an exchange.

>> No.3652735

make a wallet on myetherwallet.com and send them there.

To see the tokens I had to add the tokens manually by clicking on "add custom token" and then I needed to insert this:

Contract Address: 0x29d75277ac7f0335b2165d0895e8725cbf658d73 Ticker: CSNO Decimals: 8

I got this info from their twitter: https://twitter.com/bitdice?lang=en

>> No.3652765
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From the faq.

Where did you hear that? If you buy your coins from an exchange, how would you know that you had to sign up with your email?

>> No.3652790
File: 17 KB, 240x156, IMG_0831.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah never mind. I'm and idiot.

>> No.3652802


Wait so I can get gains from both token value increasing AND these "dividend" payout things? And it sends it in ETH? Tommy BitDice wallet?

>> No.3652818


Is metamask ok with this? Isn't that a version of myerherwaller?

>> No.3652865

I have no fucking Idea and if you also don't have a fucking idea just do what they say in the faq

>> No.3652991

Any ERC20 compatible wallet that's not an exchange address so yeah.

>> No.3653002

Fuck off with your pump and dump shitcoin pajeet.

>> No.3653016

>dumping a coin that pays dividends
Anon i....

>> No.3653032

Yes, that works.

>> No.3653072

This seems way too good to be true, there has to be some catch..

>> No.3653091

The catch is that a bunch of pajeets buy it up, then shill it, then sell their bags to you.

>> No.3653155

May well be tha case but the point is it hasn't pumped yet. It's the first time I see it on biz. ez gains IMO

>> No.3653193

What's the forumula for the dividends?

I'm holding 1.5k CSNO, how much am I going to get goys.

>> No.3653321

someone already posted the chart with dividend payouts >>3652395

it's like $0.11 to $0.51 PER CSNO token, so if you have 1500 tokens you get $165 - $765 per year paid out as ETH.

Now think about it, if you invested $10k USD in right now at current CSNO price $0.18 you'd have ~55,555 CSNO, that would be earning you $6100 - $28,300 /year as a goddamn DIVIDEND

>> No.3653367


>> No.3653388

stay poor heh

>> No.3653564

EBET is where the real possibilites are bro

>> No.3653902

>It's the first time I see it on biz

>> No.3653972

>tfw I want ebet to moon first so I can reinvest into csno but csno will moon first and I can’t get a strong position in it before the moon mission

>> No.3654000

sorry just come here once in awhile

>> No.3654062

most div paying/pos tokens or margin lending btc ends up at about 7% return.

I expect the price to rise to meet this when people actually catch on to what a fucking goldmine bitdice is.

>> No.3654157

Good goy.

>> No.3654191

I put .7 btc on the ico, comfy hodling this for a year.

>> No.3654199

>tfw SIFT and CSNO

Dividends are the future

>> No.3654213

How legal is investing in this coin and then it paying me dividends? Would I not get fucked by IRS or something for investing in a casino?

>> No.3654296

Where you can buy it? is the ICO over?

On what exchanges it is available?

>> No.3654316


>> No.3654338

Any plans on future exchange listings?

>> No.3654347

Currently at HitBTC, i got mine at ED though, its not listed there yet but I used their "Other" function.

>> No.3654371

ARK stake as well..

but how tf do I buy this shit?

>> No.3654375

another fucking exchange i have to sign up for?

>> No.3654408

ikr god damn it, had to sign up for ED to get LINK. Thank god i didnt click that tumblr link or i would have lost everything. Now i have to use another shitty exchange. At least i setup MEW after i heard about the ED exploit so nothing bad will happen.

>> No.3654837

>tfw only $1000 in csno