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3647972 No.3647972 [Reply] [Original]

I feel worse over money i could have made compared to money i've lost why is this

>> No.3647989


>> No.3647993

Yeah having 20k LINK robbed must be bad, but it's done now and in the past. I know this is easy for me to say, but no amount of wallowing will bring it back.

>> No.3648004

Same boat. I felt physically sick the day I found out about crypto and the easy gains I've missed on ETH.

>> No.3648006

set realistic goals in your mind instead of just being entirely reactionary

like if your goal is "increase my portfolio by 35% this year" and you reach 42% that's insane, you exceeded your goal, don't be sad that you sold something too early and could have made 90% instead

just set goals/achievements, be driven by those, don't be flaky, you can learn to control or eliminate those negative feelings associated with "missing out"

>> No.3648031

Ive been in so many different coins at one time or another now every pump feels like a missed opportunity

>> No.3648036

>portfolio is worth about 10k, up from 8500
>go all in on one coin, set stop loss, decide now is the time
>instead of forgetting about it, F5 every 10 minutes for days on end
>panic and sell at like ~10% loss
>one week, literally 7 days later, the coin 3x's


>> No.3648043


It gets worse anon. The real killer is making a move, sticking it out and getting FOMO because 'you're waiting for moon mission', then moon mission goes challenger on you, so you get FOMO AND Lose money. Shit's not fun.

>> No.3648205


You’re stupid and live in the past instead of looking to the future. I know because I have so many friends who didn’t listen to me when ETH was $10 who are now about to lose a fortune on NEO.

>> No.3648256

Take some 9mm aspirin, youll feel better.

>> No.3648272

I feel fine, just broke

>> No.3648288

Theoretically you've missed out on millions and millions. You've only lost thousands probabaly. You exaggerate the possibilities in your mind vs the concrete reality of what you've actually lost.

>> No.3648413

Good point as well. If anyone here had bought BTC when it was $0.02 they'd be a billionaire. The whole 'remorse over gains that could have been' thing could go on forever, you could imagine any scenario where if you'd done something differently the outcome would have improved. It's a bad mental state to live with.

>> No.3648492

Fucking hell being human is hard work.

>> No.3648541

you get over it after a while.

>if you made every perfect decision since birth you would be a trillionaire

agonize over that one then realize what differentiates you from Bill Gates is the choices you made