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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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364628 No.364628 [Reply] [Original]

How realistic is the idea of starting a teaching/learning/educational channel on Youtube, like as a living, teaching.

Is it a feasible move to make?
How many subscribers, and how much time would you have to spend gaining popularity and shit, before you could start earning a decent amount of money?

Any experiences?

>> No.364659

I'm very interested in this thread. I'll bookmark it for future reference. I'm actually in the process of doing one but I don't want to give away the particulars as I'm in the planning stages.

>> No.364661

Take a look at crash course. They do it very well but they have a whole team and still rely heavily on donations.

>> No.364691

>How realistic is the idea of starting a teaching/learning/educational channel on Youtube, like as a living, teaching.

Very realistic. See various cooking channels, healthy living, workout, etc. They can do well for themselves.

>Is it a feasible move to make?

If you're in it to help others, sure. Financially, fuck that shit.

>How many subscribers, and how much time would you have to spend gaining popularity and shit, before you could start earning a decent amount of money?

Due to how saturated any category on youtube is, you're going to have to spend a LOT of time doing so. Even some of the biggest channels (at least 200k subs) struggle making ends meet.

It really depends on your strategy quite frankly. Having multiple forms of monetization (donations, ads, merch purchases, etc), then it could be a good move. Again though, the videos themselves would always make you shit money unless you reach godtier youtube level, which takes YEARS unless you're lucky as fuck.

Youtube is such an awful moneymaker. It's a wonderful tool though, especially in marketing.

>> No.364693

Does the Kahn Academy guy make any money from his youtube stuff?

>> No.364719

If you're doing it with the goal to make money (which you are, don't try and lie to yourself), you aren't going to teach anything well enough for anyone to care to watch. If you're teaching because you genuinely want to pass on your knowledge, that's when it'll work.

>> No.365275

OP here, sorry I came off a little too jew in my post
This is exactly what I was looking for straight to the point.
And I know It sounded like I was only in it for the money, but I was just getting an idea if there was a real career behind it, I would never attempt this without being passionate about it

>> No.365280

What can you teach that hasn't already been covered by someone else?

>> No.365307

I suppose it wouldn't be what I could teach, more so the way I could teach.. it..?...
Or at least that's the thought, honestly the idea is very rough, I just wanted to get it out there to think about

In terms of what I could teach, well that's why I found the idea of teaching so interesting, think famous education channels, I'll use Vsauce as an example,
I mean in a nutshell all he really does is picks a topic, a topic that people will find interesting and just talk about it, diving deeper, and deeper into it as he goes, and I love the sound of that
always learning new and cool things

Going back a bit, I had a teacher in school, who people would actually ask "how HE of all people got into teaching", he didn't look like a teacher, and he sure as hell didn't act like one, but he loved the job, He liked learning new things, and explaining them in his own way

Err.. sorry I kind of rambled on there, but hopefully I made my point

>> No.365309

I think the only way to obtain financial succes in youtube is by becoming a celebrity.
Watch some mikeleh's videos on youtube celebrities. There are three and will certainly help you.

>> No.365312

To complement, try being generic it also might work. Imho philosophy vlogs are the only think I'd be confortable to do.

>> No.365317

Yeah this is feasible if you know your shit. You really need to get specialized though. Things like calculus have already been covered pretty well.

>> No.365339

I'd love to hear more about it, but I can understand where you're coming from
I know it sounds silly, but I was a little worried about making this thread, thinking that my ideas would be stolen or something

How long do threads last on /biz/?
because I'd like to hear more about this but I've got work soon

-Another alluring part about this idea is being (basically) self employed, in that you decide your own content.
And now that self employment can really be a real thing, I'm even more exited at the idea
personal experiences would be great if anyone has any

>> No.365346

IMO education is probably the least profitable thing you can do on youtube- it's mainly a bunch of 12 year olds with nothing else to do. If you really enjoy doing that then go ahead- it's really hard to get your name out there, but in time you'll get a good amount of subscribers if your quality is good and you collaborate with famous youtubers

>> No.365368


It all depends OP. On *average*, you can expect to make about $100 in ad revenue per every 1,000 Youtube views you get. This means you need 100,000 total view in order to cash out your $100. This is a lot of views.

It's also worth noting, this is the AVERAGE. It just all depends on how many people click on your ads. You can make excellent money one month, then the next month make next to nothing.

The idea is to use your Youtube channel as a marketing extension of yourself, and then find a way of making money on the side. For example, write a book. And at the end of every Youtube video, plug your book. Or, offer to give private one on one lessons via Skype on the topic you're teaching. Plug this Skype idea at the end of every video you do.

The point is, you need to find ulterior methods of making money and NOT just rely on Youtube ad revenue. BUT, you can generate traffic on Youtube, then direct that traffic to someplace else.

Good luck OP !

>> No.365372

At this point, a successful YouTube channel based on teaching wouldn't be about teaching something new, it would be about teaching something BETTER.

The problem with Youtube and teaching stuff is that the site is figuratively filled with shit that teaches the same stuff, but done by video creators of various skill. Lots of shit I see are things like simple screen captures or no audio or bad audio or rambling or bad accents or run on sentences.... You get the idea.

First things first, make sure your videos stand out. Then, make sure you know enough about tagging your videos so people stumble on to them, and make sure you link to your own stuff so it's easy to find or look up related topics.

Even then, you're not likely to make money at it for a good long time. It's not just about having a good video idea. You have to be able to create content relatively quickly, of a high quality, and in an area that isn't saturated like let's plays or other shit.

Bottom line, you better be real good at what you're teaching, at video editing, at performance and writing, and you better have the passion to stick with it until it becomes a success.

>> No.365526

If you haven't seen this channel already you really should, it's probably my favorite teaching channel:

>> No.365549
File: 41 KB, 636x371, icallbs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you antisemitic fuck... I hope you choke on a french fry driving on the freeway and crash into a swamp and drown.

Think of me motherfucker, everytime you cross a bridge... when your tire blows out.. its the rest of humanity thanking the darwin lottery for pulling your winning number. Fucking nazi.

>> No.365566

I saw think guy advertising himself on /r9k/. His channel started getting quite a few views, but he just dropped it after a few videos.

>> No.365568


>> No.365593

butthurt kike detected.