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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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3645311 No.3645311 [Reply] [Original]

>it'll correct anytime
>my memelines say it's overbought

200% gains for a legit reason and you're still doubting Fucking idiots, go watch your memelord cryptobeak and stay poor.

Congratulations to holders.

Btw Walton is now sponsored by China, stop pretending they are illegal, doomed or any stupid fud.
It was to expensive for you at 35k, at 50k at 80k, now we're at 108k breaking ATH every minute.

>> No.3645323

You're right, I've already missed this moon mission.

>> No.3645333

waiting for bitcoin to transfer to binance


>> No.3645345

been holding for a month through all the FUD.

cryptobreak is the dumbest shit and BTFO kek

>> No.3645455

Its official, they won the competition, buy now or stay poor for ever.

>> No.3645477

I flipped 2ETH worth into 3ETH worth day trading it around 40k sats. Sold just before former ATH, but bought back in again when it blew past. Sittin comfy with about 500 Walts here boys

>> No.3645481
File: 50 KB, 642x642, 1495337488644.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we're over 5 dollars now. FUCK

>> No.3645503

i'm losing hair over this shit. fuck you wells fargo for blocking my card, was gonna buy in from the very start you fucks.

>> No.3645511

the today's news that they won a competition - well the news was actually announced almost a month ago http://m.kinews.net/news/articleView.html?idxno=110897
use google translate

>> No.3645566

I brought you guys verge at 7 sats and WTC at .70¢ and you chose to ignore me. Still time for Lambo with WTC.

>> No.3645583

I love this man's face. I might have his portrait hung in my office.

>> No.3646438

I sold 25k of this during the dip... only holding 10k
I'm not going to make it...

>> No.3647125

aaaand it's correcting. well done biz

>> No.3647158

A market cap of 121m is pretty small for a coin like WTC. Still plenty of room for a 5x. I think it will get to OMG levels, or at least close.

>> No.3647234

who is cryptobeak, what does he have to do with my precious Walts?

>> No.3647358

400WTC here, am I going to make it?

>> No.3647457

new ath right now

>> No.3647640
File: 118 KB, 552x656, Screen Shot 2017-09-28 at 8.38.49 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What did they mean by this? Someone is trying to crowd out the buy orders by submitting a bunch of 1 WTC orders, but why? I can't tell if this is bullish or bearish.

>> No.3647665

thank you diddy

>> No.3647773

Still room?

>> No.3647775

Its Retardish

>> No.3647781

Well someone put in the effort to get a bot just to do that so I feel like it has to serve some sort of purpose. Memes aside it actually feels like whales accumulating.

>> No.3647816
File: 169 KB, 317x432, 1504796740655.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Last time it mooned that hard it crashed. But prob. because of the China FUD. If you want to buy something on Binance buy BNB lots of Coins getting added = more Volume = ore Trading Fees. Bnb give the holder 50% Discount on Trading fees. Also there is going to be a 20% Token Burn so....

>> No.3647839



leave summerfaggot