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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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3644802 No.3644802 [Reply] [Original]

From the Waltonchain slack. AMA very soon (they hinted tomorrow). Also hinted that they will release 'more good news for everyone who loves WTC'. Monitor is a member of the crew called Chan. Thank you great monitor Chan.


>> No.3644819
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>> No.3644820


I regret ever selling my WTC, I deserve this pain.

>> No.3644823

I just sold to get my initial investment back. Lost about a third of my stack, but now i can just ignore it and come back in a year to collect my lambo.

Hopefully I dont hate myself too much when the time comes.

>> No.3644826

I sold 10,000 at $2, I know your pain well.

>> No.3644851
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>> No.3644895


Official tweet coming 'soon' they said. You know what to do guys.

>> No.3644914


>> No.3645006

Slack is embarrassing. People spamming memes, trying to get more answers out of Monitor and Abbyyyy

>> No.3645016

shill me this coin. non meme answer's and i just might buy

>> No.3645026


>> No.3645027

Too late to hop on this train nigga

>> No.3645049

as an honorary holder WTC holder for 28 days now I pity everyone who gave in to FUD and sold and humiliate the FUDders now. I never SHILLED this coin here, but I've always been giving reasonable explanation of why it's the best coin out there currently here on biz

>> No.3645050

Holyfucking shit they won? Now I absolutely regret this >>3644823

>> No.3645054

That feeling when you got in at 0,50 cents on September first. Never sold.

>> No.3645056

can you give me one, i missed the whole walton . thanks

>> No.3645062

you wish. it's an easy x10 from where it is now SHORT TERM. mid term is of course higher and better.

it's like NEO at $2. do the maths and DOYR. don't fomo and research (their whitepaper is 69 pages though so need to invest time and not be a retard)

>> No.3645112

red pill me boyo.

>> No.3645129

as of today there's just too many reasons to buy it because of today's news.

I'll try to keep it short:

> walton team is some serious members and the heaviest hitters in the entire crypto scene now. they hold multiple patents, professors, multi billion clothing industry owners etc
> it's a joint chinese-korean venture registered in HK
> it's the first blockchain company that's also going to MANUFACTURE.
> they are going to announce that the won the RFID chips manufacturing sponsorship
> MULTIPLE huge partnerships
> blockchain and wallet release in October (compare this to omisego that's still and erc20 token with no product in sight). not to shit on omise, just an example
> korean exchanges in october

there's a lot more

>> No.3645134


>> No.3645144

They have patents and the world's best team in a new tech that will change everything about the way physical goods are tracked.
No more shitty bar codes you have to scan individually, no more headache about knowing where your prodct is in the logistic chain between the producer, transportation, wharehouse or retailer.
Detailed tracks about everything that they can share or keep private on their own sub blockchain.

Also that makes it impossible to conterfeit goods, peop!e are already using this for diamond certificates.

If everything goes right (it won't every company has troubles and competition) it's a trillion dollars product.

>> No.3645167
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>we are winner

lmao...my only regret is that I only have 2500 walts

>> No.3645189

Where is that nigger who kept advertising his blog? lmao

>> No.3645218

Cryptobeak absolutely BTFO

>> No.3645240


You remember DIONS, bro? Ok well this is like DIONS squared.

>> No.3645274

that guy has absolutely no idea what the fuck he's talking about. it's like he read a completely different whitepaper...

>> No.3645314


I liked the style of his videos. But his recent record at least has been appalling

The walton video can be boiled down to "I don't understand"

>> No.3645321
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>> No.3645325
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We work hard on project, now we Winnner

>> No.3645334
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wtf how has this not been shilled more on here. HOW have i only heard of this now. shiieeeeet i had no idea this was actually a $100 million coin. it seems so legit to me, it just makes sense.

Im gonna have to do a lot more research but im thinking i'll throw $5k at this.

any of you shills got any more good arguments? keep em coming

>> No.3645341

whenever a person has a bias in a topic and someone else criticizes that topic the person always says OMG U JUST DON'T UNDERSTAND, like butthurt commies are a good example.

>> No.3645356

Are you retarded?

>> No.3645363

not opening that link nigger

>> No.3645364


Lol the only reason anyone owns this shit is hoping to sell it to someone for more

>> No.3645379

I made 2 threads a day the last 10 days.

>> No.3645391

If you havent made money off WTC then you ahve no one to blame but yourself.

It was shilled here for at least the last 2 months

>> No.3645394

Yeah dude this is going to hack into your etherdelta.
Just fucking google search "biz archive" and find OP posts with the search terms "Walton" or "WTC" and you'll see how much this has actually been discussed.
But I guess maybe there's a possibility I created the warosu website and programmed it to hack your binance somehow huh?

>> No.3645400
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>all i had to do was listen

>> No.3645407
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>> No.3645414

can you guys explain what the coin actually does?

>> No.3645431


>> No.3645441
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*breaths in*

>> No.3645446

replaces the barcode on items improving it in every single way
also solves the conterfeit problem in china, that's why their first partner is a 9 billion$ cloths company doing expensive shit and having rights for brands like lagerfeld in china

>> No.3645475


let's leave him a comment, already started

>> No.3645478

why does this need a cryptocurrency

>> No.3645501

Because it makes the system work.
People are rewarded for using it, and investor and the company get the gains.

That's how you pay for using the product, every scan is directly paid via your wallet or you can have a smart contract that will translate to fiat and pay every month the bill they send.
That smart contract will also use wtc coins.

>> No.3645525

that's just how blockchain tech works...people need to be rewarded some way to run nodes.

>> No.3645528

Damn he really got BTFO

>> No.3645529

That's what I fail to understand also. Why does the Walton Co need a crypto coin? What does the actual token do for the upcoming Walton blockchain?

>> No.3645540

Can anyone send me a slack invite link? I cant find it anywhere.

>> No.3645546

also because you can't hack it, the same way you can't predict how to mine a bitcoin and have to bruteforce it (what miners do) you can't make a chip with the same radio frequency than walton does
the rfid will use information from the blockchain, that's why they said "internet of things", the physical goods will be tracked on the internet individually

>> No.3645549

They won the jianjiang competition and are getting government funding.

>> No.3645556


>> No.3645562

That's the fee clients will pay. The token will be replaced by an actual coin in october.
You use the product, you pay the wtc and it makes the blockchain work which makes sure your product is working.

Big companies tried and failed to have their own rfid system but it all failed because it wasn't safe and working, with blockchain it'll be.

>> No.3645564


>> No.3645585
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>> No.3645640
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reminder of the epic gainz WTC thread 10 days ago

>> No.3645654
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I hope he comes back when it takes a "nosedive" to $4.50

>> No.3645655

That's the thread that inspired me to buy around $1.60. Eternal thanks to the anons that made logical clear arguments showing the value of the coin. Rest in shit, fudders scamming their shitcoins over based Mr. Walton.

>> No.3645665

Oh hey I was in that thread. I was #3535333
I didn't even notice I got trips and I thought it was a pretty big coincidence all these pro-WTC posts got digits

>> No.3645670

you good brah! happy for you!

>> No.3645673

I was there too

>> No.3645682

I screencapped that thread in the storm of FUD that was going on then to post it on the epic breakout day that is TODAY!

>> No.3645702
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*breaths in even harder*

>> No.3645748

congrats to the anons that had the clarity to see through the FUD and went in on this. ive only just discovered this coin(somehow)

will enter if a non fomo position becomes available again.

>> No.3645798

ahaha glad someone capped it.
eternally btfo'd

>> No.3645800

WTF i'm triggered. I remember when walton was first shilled here/on reddit and it felt like it was the biggest chink scam ever.

Now 2-3 weeks on and its got credibility and apparently, working product and it's basically 10x from where it was.


>> No.3645814

>felt like it was the biggest chink scam ever
Only if you judged purely on the poor English of their PR people. It had significant connections with Japanese and Koreans, including a VP of Samsung, and it offered a physical product and not jargon bullshit.

>> No.3645821

It's not too late. October is when the real fun is going to start. Although you're probably going to shit yourself when this dips for a bit

>> No.3645827

>Although you're probably going to shit yourself when this dips for a bit
no, ill be accumulating but i dont think it will dip that hard desu

>> No.3645832

that's what you get for not DYOR.

>> No.3645848

guys im trying so hard not to fomo buy an additonal 1k wtc what the fuck should i do?!?! wait for the dip??? but how low??

>> No.3645862

Wait a day. Honestly, Walton may be severely undervalued when compared to other coins (not rationally). I want to see them produce a working RFID chip and reader.

>> No.3645891

this is truly the future.

we've gone from basement two dev smoothie sipping startups forking bitcoin to a heavy hitting company manufacturing RFID chips for their own blockchain for a trillion dollar industry.

>> No.3645896

I blame BnB coin for my distrust in chink coins. Thought the Walton idea was very interesting but BnB made me stay away. So even now I'm getting screwed over by BnB.

>> No.3645909

JUST. i didnt listen. I SHOULD have listened.

ALWAYS listen to /biz/. biz is always fucking right.

>> No.3645916

bough at 14k before first pump ever
but now even i feel fomo for not buying more
wonder if its dumb to double my stakes now

>> No.3645974

That isn't the value of the coin though. And i do think the coin is valuable. I honestly can't price it right now.

>> No.3646148


>> No.3646897

You should've bought m8.

>> No.3646905
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We are ready

>> No.3646939

Come on, I just have 81..

>> No.3647066


>> No.3647084

Hahahaha join me in laughing at all of the walton cucks lmao

>> No.3647095

>up 250%
>then down 10%

>> No.3647120

a 2x for omg is adding another billion dollars in market cap. a 2x for wtc is adding 121m. Sorry man I'm just not that bullish on virtual Thai Mcdonalds payment methods. Chinese manufacturing is a much bigger industry.

>> No.3647156

And it's correcting. Should be good to re-buy on Sunday at a lower price. That's factoring in china FUD coming on the 30th with the exchange closures.

>> No.3647176
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>> No.3647208
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Maybe you are right, but also consider this:

the competition news have not been released yet to normies on twitter

The Walton Team will have an AMA on reddit tomorrow bringing bigger exposure to normies

>> No.3647519
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Fucking hlep

Do I buy some link or more Walton?

>> No.3647838
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>tfw dumped my Walton bags at $3.27 since bought months ago at $2.87
literally kms

Should I buy back in? This shit might pull a NEO from the looks of it

>> No.3648007

this is probably only the beginning...they just won a competition (HUGE amount of investment money), team is extremely solid, tech is solid, application is solid. possibly $50 in december.

>> No.3648051


Currently trying to play some cryptoball by selling my Walton @ 130k, buying link, riding that for a couple of weeks, and rebuying Walton. I think it will continue to improve but 80% gains in a day usually means one thing, and that's that it will be going down again in the short term.

>> No.3648079

overbuying something like this is inevitable, there'll probably be a correction shortly, possibly a slow bleed when the hype dies a bit. if you need the money it's probably smart to sell soon, but i'm sick of timing the market, so i'm going to hodl...

>> No.3648107
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Join Delta-V and pump with the same group that increased IOP 1000%. https://discord.gg/8VyWZFU

>> No.3648124


Read. The. Whitepaper. Just do it, Waltoncoin is some next level trash.

>> No.3648132

why is this group being so shilled recently?

>> No.3648176

>meme'd this coin in the past
>laughed when it dropped from $2 to $1 in a day
>I'm not laughing now


>> No.3648341


>> No.3648366

You didnt cap his shit tier reddit responses when i told him someone was going to satirically dox him and ironically kill him for shilling so much and stealing money