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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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3639887 No.3639887 [Reply] [Original]


A hacker has stolen 6 BILLION worth of ERC20 tokens from EtherDelta users.

He is using a script injection security exploit that was claimed to be fixed by EtherDelta dev few days ago, but apparently it's not fixed yet because the number of victims is still increasing.

>> No.3639900


Well shit. Guess this whole decentralized exchanged thing wasn't the best idea after all.

>> No.3639918

Holy fuck. I reported the phishing post and I got a warning for it. Meanwhile this big brain nibba stole billions.

>> No.3639947

oh wow ED was actually hacked, I thought this was just the oompteenth FUD campaign..

>> No.3639970
File: 5 KB, 476x72, Selection_019.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> thousands of dollars
well it's not even a FUD
the actual number is, as you can see, 6 BILLION

>> No.3639986

Same. The absolute state of /biz/.

>> No.3639989

Will this crash the ETH market?

>> No.3639994

what happened? I don't understand.

>> No.3640001

Btc or monero might pump from this.

>> No.3640017

6 billion is about 20% of ethereum market cap

>> No.3640029

hory shet
link to addr?

>> No.3640046

It's in the OP dingus.

>> No.3640050


>> No.3640053

what is AMIS token?

>> No.3640076

Do I sell my ETH?

>> No.3640077

>AMIS token

>> No.3640079


>> No.3640086

so if there will be no hardfork we are going to $2200

>> No.3640087

fuck im scared, I got 500 link still stored on etherdelta. Should I leave it for now or transfer out to my wallet ASAP? If I transfer will it trigger the h4xx?

>> No.3640091
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that ann thread is dead.

>> No.3640093

>checking what tokens there are on that address
>no LINK

>> No.3640095

is ehterscan link safe to click?

>> No.3640101

no he didn't he stole like 45k$ for now
I mean he probably doesn't really have 6 billions $ worth of AMIS token that noone buys

>> No.3640127

You guys are brainlets.
Most of those '6 billion' come from a shit-token called AMIS, $44 volume.
The absolute state of /biz/.

>> No.3640139

OH WOW 100 dollars might as wel end it now

Kinda hard to believe that the owners of fucking 6 billion usd of magic internet money fell for a crafted link attack though.

I think there's a bug in etherscan actually, and it's supposed to be just 6 million. Just look at the "value" column here

>> No.3640165
File: 38 KB, 1119x522, BUY LOW SELL HIGH.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw 460000000% gains
beats the stock market i guess

>> No.3640177

>I think there's a bug in etherscan actually, and it's supposed to be just 6 million. Just look at the "value" column here
nvm I'm retarded, that column is number of tokens

The heck is this AMIS shit though, it has only 1 token transfer on etherscan

>> No.3640178
File: 240 KB, 434x590, Screen Shot 2017-09-27 at 22.58.32.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there are 6 bln in eth, he can dump his bags
>it's not suspicious at all that he has exactly 4,200,000 AMIS

>> No.3640203
File: 2 KB, 172x69, scan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You blind?

>> No.3640276

Perfect. This will not impact eth price. I was having anche heart attack when I read 6B, but you all are retarded. I sincerely suffer for who lost a lot of money though. Tomorrow I will buy a trezor.

>> No.3640450

Most likey an inside job. Good for the hacker wiz kid...

>> No.3640724
File: 8 KB, 483x169, 124qwrqrq.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wtf is an amis token and why are they worth so much

sounds more like a pump and dump token, otherwise it would be a top 5 token right now, right around bitcoin cash and ripple

>> No.3640845

FAKE! 99% of the coins is AMIS and the VOLUME for that coin is $44. Go figure

>> No.3640886


>> No.3640904

He was doing some really basic shit as well. Wish I'd thought of it.

>> No.3640909

let meme money skeleton to roll back the blockchain

>> No.3640931

Fuck. AMIS was the next big thing too

>> No.3641116

It's not actually 6 billion. It's a mistake with the price of AMIS

>> No.3641129


> old news
> fake link to fake ED was how he got some private keys
> he only stole a few k
> ETH is up 20% since the phising incident


>> No.3641149

This happened on this board not even a few hours ago.

>> No.3641153

Niggas getting scammed on /biz/ RIGHT NOW.
Don't trust links

>> No.3641178
File: 121 KB, 335x335, 1463395941583.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are people that store their tokens there?

>> No.3641203




>> No.3641228

>being this new and retarded

>> No.3641244

so how do i check if my coin is still there? is the number in my LINK acc safe to assume?

>> No.3641256

ZRX has been going up since the incident.
It's a direct competitor with EtherDelta so makes sense.

>> No.3641259

thats why i dont go into that shitty exchange.

>> No.3641297
File: 61 KB, 300x351, 1466895683596.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Semi-related but how the fuck do I transfer coins out of Etherdelta and onto a personal wallet? I don't see any transfer or send function anywhere

>> No.3641307

Transfer tab

>> No.3641315

it literally says transfer on the left. Input your MEW address there to withdraw from the exchange

>> No.3641327

Ah yes I see it. Thanks lads

>> No.3641340

How is zrx compete against etherdelta? Different ball game faggit.

>> No.3641341

you can actually go into the archive and search for the posts

>> No.3641389

Do any of you retards even read the white paper?

ZRX is the token of 0x protocol which is a whole new level.

The only thing ED do is to post a dummy order book

>> No.3641396

HOLY FUCK. Goodbye ETH, this coin is fucked now.

>> No.3641409

nice just sold 100k

>> No.3641426

Happening on reddit-

>> No.3641616

>4 th
>6 billon worth of some shitcoin no one has ever heard of
I don't give a shit about this lmfao. i thought he took real coins