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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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3635791 No.3635791 [Reply] [Original]

daily reminder that it doesn't matter how much you'll make out of cryptocurrencies, you'll never get a girl as beautiful as her to love you and look at you the way she's looking at the chad in the photo

>> No.3635818

yeah but at least I have a girlfriend that loves me and I'm not insecure enough to make threads about being alone on an anonymous chinese cartoon forum

>> No.3635819

Eyes to wide apart 5/10 would not bang

>> No.3635831

>the way she's looking at the chad in the photo
shes looking at the camera you utter bellend

>> No.3635895

she has a mustache and she poops and farts. She's nothing special, you can get her.

>> No.3635904

not really, Prefer 6/10 girls aspiring to be more, but still insecure enough to lick my asshole for affection.

>> No.3635909

keep coping

>> No.3635929

What are the benefits of having a 'beautiful girl as her love you'?

>> No.3635939
File: 200 KB, 764x512, 1502685895870.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>out with coworkers
>don't make a move on qt cuz she's married and plus I'm autistic
>she gets with alpha black coworker anyways
>dip out drunk and alone, telling myself none of them have any crypto so they are all fucked anyways and one day I will have the last laugh even though I know it's not true
>wake up, portfolio down 20%, neither one showed up to the meeting


>> No.3635959

the only reason to make money is to buy the most beautiful girlfriend in the market, but the fact of the matter is that a chad like the one in the OP's pic will always beat you no matter your income. life is truly unfair

>> No.3635963

I've come to terms with my height and not ever being a chad. A woman will never show enthusiasm being with me or doing anything with me. I need the money more than the chads of the world. At least I can be comfy and exert control over my life and the life of others.

>> No.3635966

>fucks Niggers
You avoided a bag of crazy
Also thou shall not covet thy neighbors wife

>> No.3635984

No it's not. The reason to make money is so you don't have to be a pathetic subsurvient wagecuck for the rest of your life.

It doesn't matter how goodlooking your girlfriend is, you're going to be bored with fucking her in a couple of months regardless.

>> No.3636014

Why would I pollute her genes with my foul seed? She deserves that chad. I deserve some hag on disability. Their kids will be beautiful.

>> No.3636025
File: 26 KB, 500x461, 9D60D0F7-77D7-4D70-AB21-7A49570FDDA6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3636034


How is this not the top post ??

>> No.3636050
File: 16 KB, 329x397, 17457693_498795450244447_2525769694063769941_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he thinks all /bizraelis/ are r9k tier freaks
Lmao'ing at your life brah, I got an pure aryan qt gf

>> No.3636066

> tfw you don't have to wageslave anymore
> tfw now you have even more time to look at porn and lust after qt waifu but you know you'll never be worthy of their beauty
> tfw why even live

>> No.3636104

this. stay away.

>> No.3636116

>being around coal burners
>being around niggers

Lol damn your life does suck

>> No.3636125

she's ugly.
only asian girls are pretty.

>> No.3636166
File: 42 KB, 600x387, qt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's a trap

>> No.3636311

Lol there's really nothing more useless than a white girl with a black guy. I see couples like this when I have to get shit at WalMart and let's just say natural selection is doing its job.

>> No.3637050

>the way she's looking at the chad in the photo

but she's looking at me i don't get it

>> No.3637152

0/10, not asian.

>> No.3637166
File: 81 KB, 480x360, well-spotted-captain-memeforcer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3637186

Just withdrew 100K. Thanks anon.

>> No.3637193

Not with that attitude you won't

>> No.3637220

>putting pussies on a pedestal

your problem

>> No.3637250

i wonder how big his dick is

i have a decent size cock but i wonder if his girth is immensely big

if it is then he's such a fucking chad

fills up them girls nicely

>> No.3637311

>tfw I make $200k/year as an associate at a big law firm
>tfw my wife is hot
>tfw I didn't start investing in cryptos until two months ago

can't win 'em all

>> No.3637318


who is this chad?

>> No.3637332

>tfw I make $300k/year as an associate at a big tech firm
>tfw my wife is hot
>tfw I didn't start investing in cryptos until four months ago

can't win 'em all

>> No.3637351


Do you have student loans like me?

>> No.3637458

Do you know this girl? I swear to fuck I know her, but creeped her IG and can't find this photo. First name starts with an M?

>> No.3637470


But she doesnt look at him aswell - So I would be on the same level

>> No.3637471

>not being recruited directly out of grade school


>> No.3637497

they all do that