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3633977 No.3633977 [Reply] [Original]

>Secure network (this is what makes ZEN unique and promising).
>It's hard to adequately describe the importance of this. You've probably heard before that if all internet traffic was encrypted we wouldn't have cyber crime - it is something very obvious to every party but very and very hard to adopt. A good example would be electric cars which are also superior in almost every aspect but mass adaptation is not possible at this point due to the variety of different reasons. So, let's be realistic, short-term and very real goals of this: a fully secure network, every transaction is encrypted & transmitted using SSL/TLS certificates between everyone in the network. This network will be created thanks to secure nodes which will get 3.5% of mining reward for their service. The monetary reward means that we will see thousands of nodes sprung up around the globe which is a lot.

>> No.3633981

What does it mean today for you as a user and your privacy? It means that no ISP, government, or any other listening party will ever know that you're using ZEN. It goes in sharp contrast with coins like Monero, Verge, etc. They try to solve network security by adopting TOR or I2P. While those protocols are great, they have one terrible flaw - your ISP/government/whoever knows that you're using TOR/I2P. They will not know what exactly you're doing there but using metadata they can pretty much pinpoint your area of interest. ZEN on the other hand will be indistinguishable from an usual encrypted website (paypal, your online banking, google.com). On top of that it's totally possible to setup ZEN nodes behind TOR as well. By the way, TOR is heavily compromised, however that's not the point of this rant.
What does it mean for tomorrow? Possibilities are quite literally endless. If there are enough nodes online we could see a birth of 2.0 NET.
What does it mean for Snowden? He could've leaked any data in the world using ZEN, to however many parties he wished to, and he would not be compromised (at least not by ZEN, still quite possible to fuck up before reaching this point).
What does it mean for an average chinese? You can use ZEN at any point in time without risk of network blocking you. (currently china blocks all TOR traffic, nothing stops them from blocking I2P too, to block ZEN you'd have to block countless list of everchanging SSL protocols which on top could lead to wrongfully banned legit websites)

>> No.3633986

What exactly does ZEN offer on top of ZEC?
- A fully secure network (more on this later)
- Secure nodes reward (think masternodes)
- Community governance
Those 3 alone may seem small to you at first but in fact are very real sleeping giants.
- Secure messaging (think 1 to 1 chat or a telegram channel with 10's of thousands of listeners)
- Proposal system (go and earn ZEN. have an idea to help network? go and post it, if enough people like it you'll get funded)
- IPFS intergration

Where is the guy that said he would make this thread every week?

>> No.3633999


>> No.3634013


t. zencash bagholder

>> No.3634017
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>another fidget spinner coin